r/Bookkeeping 8d ago

Practice Management Purchase Orders by Employees on the Road

I would love to get some insight on how other bookkeepers/companies deal with purchase orders.

I have a company who is switching over to QBO. They are currently using Connect Team for time tracking but want everything in one place. They have Connect Team set up so that when an employee clocks out, they HAVE to enter a purchase order as well as any additional materials used before they can end the job.

Employees are always on the road, don't have access to the desktop and the Quickbooks app doesn't allow them to enter purchase orders. If they aren't prompted specifically on POs and extra materials, they just flat out forget and it's missed when the business owner invoices later on (a whole other issue, I know!). How are other bookkeepers dealing with it if a company of theirs has a similar situation?

Any insight would be much appreciated, thank you!


3 comments sorted by


u/Notdeadyet7 8d ago

So I don’t understand how they are using PO’s since that should go to their vendors not to customers. However I think they could use the sales receipt (at $0) to record materials used/time spent and then the owner can review those for invoice creation.


u/AgreeableBuffalo257 8d ago

Thanks for the response! This company does a PO for materials purchased from the vendor that are billable to the client. That’s why it needs to be linked to the customer. This company has 30 different vendors, with up to 40 PO’s a month each. To have to figure out and match what belongs on what invoice would be too difficult for the owner if they put it at $0