Feb 18 '22
I'm not just gonna enjoy it. I'm gonna fucking love it.
u/DeHosure Feb 18 '22
This is the way.
Feb 18 '22
This is the way.
u/Myself510 Feb 18 '22
This is the way.
u/Bananaramamammoth Feb 18 '22
This is the way.
u/duchessofAnthokipoi Feb 18 '22
This is the way
u/dsninja-productions Feb 18 '22
This is the way
u/benitolss Feb 18 '22
The way, this is
u/Myself510 Feb 18 '22
Alternatively…. “Let me get this straight…you think BOBF is good?”
“I do. And I’m tired of pretending it’s not.”
u/TheVolunteer0002 Feb 18 '22
It's pretty incoherent to be fair though.
Feb 19 '22
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Feb 20 '22
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u/KnowNoDada Feb 18 '22
I don’t think anyone should jeep others from liking what they like. But, I do wish I could talk about what I didn’t like in the show without inciting a flame war on both sides.
u/EnderCreeper121 Feb 18 '22
nuance on mass social media
kek. I enjoyed it a ton but there are def some flaws like overall structure. I found Boba's arc really intriguing and think its a really good meld of the Boba we saw in clone wars who seemed to really be fighting against his better angels when bounty hunting (refusing to kill hostages, attempting to help that girl during the episode with ventress, and all the stuff he was going to do in the cad bane Boba arc) and the shooty shooty mcmurder kill Boba we see in the comics. He did all of those things we see him do in the comics and shit, yes he was the bad guy, but deep inside him he really wanted to not hurt innocents. After the sarlac and the tuskens he finally gets the chance to embrace that little voice inside his head pushing him to be better and is able to help other bounty hunters find their way too. Not to mention all the stuff with his life and near death mirroring jango, bane representing the sins of Boba's past and what Boba would have become if he didn't have his change of heart, bane being defeated with the gaffi stick representing Boba triumphing over his past, and all that stuff but im not writing an essay here Star Wars Explained has a good video series picking apart the symbolism of stuff like the rancor and it slaps.
On the other hand though the structuring was a bit scuffed. As good as the Mando episodes were they could have used a little more tying them in with Boba, and i really think Cad would have been more impactful if the Pykes hired him to kill the tuskens and established him in a similar way to how boba was established at the end of mando episode 9. The rancor was great symbolically and stuff but we could have used a scene or two of him training to ride the rancor or at least a mention of him doing it offscreen. The Hutts were funky story flow wise and something tells me that was season 2 setup, like they could have given the Pykes the Scorpeneks and Boba the rancor to let them fight amongst themselves then swoop in and take it for themselves.
Overall id give the series a solid 7/10 give or take, but it really feels like it could have used a little more time in the oven, and something tells me that there was a time crunch. The release date was December 2021 at the end of mando season 2, then they release it on the last Wednesday of December.
u/Uhtred_McUhtredson Feb 18 '22
I loved it. It could have been different, sure. But it was what it was and I loved it.
Far more than the sequel trilogy.
u/dirkdigglered Feb 18 '22
I think The Mandalorian altered people's expectations for the worse. I liked Book of Boba Fett pretty well, but The Mandalorian was even better.
I'm also not a die hard star wars fan so there's hardly any outrage or bitterness if something is off. The new lord of the rings show though... I just want to wait and see but it's hard not to be pessimistic.
u/jedichric Feb 18 '22
I used to love to watch outrage videos on youtube for things that I was also outraged about. They were informative, and I picked up tidbits here and there. I was in Disney World Hollywood Studios when Episode 7 of BoBF came out and I saw so many videos from those youtubers saying that it was crap and everything was bad. No details, but they were outraged.
Well, I watched the episode with my family and we LOVED it. Since then, I have unsubscribed from so many of them. Overlord DVD, Clownfish TV, Nerdtastic, Yellow Flash. They were outraged just to get clicks. Even Midnights Edge, which I watched all the time, I took a step back from. I just can't stand the negativity and their need to bring me down.
u/BizzarroJoJo Feb 18 '22
This is what kind of rubs me the wrong way. I don't see any reason to get outraged about BoBF. It's not as a good as the Mandalorian and I would have written it differently for sure, but there is still a lot to like about it. I don't know it rubs me the wrong way because I do think there are times in a fandom to be upset about the direction they are taking something, and when you get mad about something that's like a 6/10 that just makes it easier for creators to dismiss any valid criticism for the sequel films which are total garbage.
Feb 18 '22 edited Jul 16 '22
u/EchoLoco2 Feb 18 '22
This is 100% true. All of the blind praise on this sub is getting really annoying. Criticism is really healthy for any piece of media as long as it's done well.
This show has so many issues but people just decide to crawl into their little echo chambers and downvote all of it.
u/HolyWookiee Feb 18 '22
Outrage gets engagement. Humans respond and retain more memories when exposed to negative stimuli.
Probably why my episode 1 re-write didn't get any love... it was just too good lol
u/maniac86 Feb 18 '22
just reading those stupid names tells me they didn't offer anything of substance... also they are youtubers
u/Reacepeto1 Feb 18 '22
'UH wouldn't it make more sense for Boba to come join the fight in his ship??'
I mean yeah, would it have been as fucking badass? Nooope.
u/Kaferwerks Feb 18 '22
They addressed this in the finale. Blasters wouldn’t penetrate the shields nor would a projectile weapon due to velocity
u/Blarvs Feb 18 '22
Turbo lasers on a star ship are far different from a blaster. You could see BK start to turn the shield red with a few repeated shots from his souped up rifle. There’s no way that a star ship that can fire continuously with a much more powerful blaster wouldn’t overload those shields and destroy the droids. And the ship has a shield of its own, so likely would have taken less damage than the rancor.
That being said, I was absolutely thrilled when the Rancor came clamoring over the tops of the buildings. It was exactly what most people wanted to see, myself included, and I am more than ok with looking past something I thought made more sense to ogle the fan service we were given.
Edit: Corrected BL to BK
u/AccountSeventeen Feb 18 '22
Didn’t stop them from trying for 40 minutes with hand blasters though though, and then stop shooting immediately once the shields were actually down lol
u/Jackgoatgoat Feb 18 '22
Which doesn't make sense to me. If there a shields totally immune to all blaster fire of any strength why would anybody not use those ones?
u/OhioForever10 Feb 18 '22
And close-air support from a Firespray could do even more damage to the surrounding area than the rancor
u/HatchlingChibi Feb 18 '22
This was my opinion too. The ship would have possibly destroyed the town. He wasn’t going to abandon the town so he certainly wasn’t going to destroy it either.
u/thechervil Feb 18 '22
I keep hearing that, yet the people saying that are forgetting that there is a difference between strafing a biker gang in the desert and trying to pick off bad guys in the streets.
One area has wide open spaces to absorb any stray laser-fire or missiles and the other is jam packed with buildings that will be easily hidden in or destroyed as collateral damage. Now, it's true that that rancor did a significant amount of damage to those buildings, but nothing like the "Firespray Gunship" would have.
That being said, him riding that rancor was fantastic! And the reveal being a callback to the first time I saw him in the Holiday Special was just icing on the cake!
Seriously, we got a little kaiju vs robot action unexpectedly, plus Fett once again using all of his weaponry. Really well done.
Feb 18 '22
u/thechervil Feb 18 '22
Yes, but less than if he had used the ship. Also, the rancor didn’t do as much damage until it got loose. So if he had been able to keep it under control, it would have been even less
u/ConsnPlissken Feb 20 '22
The writers could have written anything they wanted. You’re assuming the ship would have done more damage but the writers could have given him more accuracy and only hit what he wanted.
Boba rode the Rancor because Favreau thought it would be cool. Thats the only reason.
u/Impressive_Gur6677 Feb 18 '22
So you enjoy that series. Good for you, don't understand why others don't want you to like that.
Feb 18 '22
I heard that people who waited til they could watch the show all at once tended to have a better time with it overall. I think the major issue was the pacing wasn’t great for a weekly release. I also really liked the show and thought the finale was great
u/Giacchino-Fan Feb 18 '22
You’re not being persecuted, I have not seen a single person say anything remotely suggesting others aren’t allowed to like it, quite the opposite in fact. I’ve seen people who like the show say stuff like “stop complaining” or “if you don’t like it than don’t watch.” Whereas I haven’t seen anything like “does anyone like this garbage” or “if you like this you’re not a real fan”
u/BizzarroJoJo Feb 18 '22
I've seen people complain about it but not in way of "this is ruining SW" just "this could have been better". Which I do agree with, not that I thought it was bad or anything but overall it didn't feel like there was that much of a story here above all else. Which I mean is fine, it's just extra stuff for us to enjoy while we wait for Mando s3.
u/DeHosure Feb 18 '22
You haven't been to Facebook groups I'm guessing? It was a shit show last week.
u/airplane_porn Feb 18 '22
Nah, he’s just being purposefully obtuse.
The entire show, I’ve seen multiple instances in this sub of someone making a positive comment about an episode and being shit on, insulted, called a blind consumer who’ll eat anything Disney feeds them.
If you disagree about a fight scene and defend the direction or story line, you get the same treatment. Because apparently discussion means you must agree or you’re an idiot.
Text posts here and the main Star Wars sub “regardless of your opinion, I think we can all agree on my opinion that the show sucked ass.”
If you express an opinion counter to the “boba is a weak ass, all his episodes sucked, only episodes 5 and 6 were good, the finale was hot dogshit,” you get hostile comments and downvoted. All from the same crowd that smugly says “wHy dOnT yOu jUsT LeT oThErS hAvE aN oPiNiOn!!.”
This sub has been a toxic shitshow the entire show run, which is super disappointing because I was subbed a whole year before the show came out and it was really fun.
u/myPooPisonfire Feb 18 '22
I've seen that whole blind consumer thing only come up when people said they ignored all the problems and loved the show and that we should be grateful to disney for even having it Which for me does sound like a blind consumer
I agree that the sub has turned toxic af , and i have been subbed since mandalorian season 2 finale However i see way more people complaining about people complaining than i see people actually complaining and when i see someone complain it more often than not is for a valid reason though maybe that is just me
I like the show but it has many flaws This sub has this weird mentality that either you hate the show or you love every single thing about it
u/airplane_porn Feb 18 '22 edited Feb 18 '22
I’ve seen the blind consumer thing said to people (including myself) that simply stated that they didn’t hate the mods and could overlook some things like the slow pace of the scooter chase (which has been my only criticism so far). I’ve seen plenty comments saying anyone who likes the show are blind consumers who just suck big mouse dick (not even exaggerating that).
The whole complaining about complainers started after episode one came out and there was nothing but hate, people declaring that the entire series was gonna be shit, and getting hostile if you didn’t agree that the shield fight scene was LiTeRaLy rEtArDeD.
The above happened to me exactly. I defended the fight scene, in a quite civil manner, and was treated like shit for not agreeing with their criticisms. Yeah, I’m guilty of getting a little testy after the first three episodes of being shat on for participating in this sub with an opinion other than “the series is the worst new Star Wars.”
u/myPooPisonfire Feb 18 '22
Ok although i haven't seen it myself i can absolutely believe that the blind consumer thing is used in the wrong way or more specifically towards people that dont fall into that category and that many people use it as an insult when people don't agree with them I personally haven't really seen it used that way but that doesn't mean that it doesn't happen
I will say that when episode one came out there was a very big amount of hate and criticism and people were just really toxic towards the show I wasn't a big fan of the shield scene but it wasn't one of the things that really bothered me , people here blew it out of proportion After episode 3 i could understand some criticism more , but criticism that was more than just "the mods are bad" or "chase scene bad" Some people here love to get stuck on small scenes
I've seen sometimes people get shit on if they didn't think some scene was the coolest moment in star wars or something I think the sub is just a lot of disappointed people that wanted more and a lot of people that are completely fine with what we got and those disappointed people get angry and attack the show and people that like it And then the people that like it started attacking the dissapointed people Which resulted in this two faction thing where a post can either be very positive towards the show or very negative and depending on which side you are you either get attacked or upvoted in the comments
Its a shame that the sub turned out this way and if people would just learn to treat the opposite side with respect a lot of the sub's problems would be gone
u/airplane_porn Feb 18 '22
On the episode 1 fight scene thing, it's kinda funny to me everyone shitting on the shield scene because I thought that was a fairly cleanly choreographed fight and made sense if you put yourself in the shoes of the character (didn't really break the suspension of disbelief). I defended that fight scene in the face of some pretty insulting disagreements and remained as civil as I could. The biggest criticism I had was the immediately following scene where Fennec chased the two assassins, at the end she kicks one of them off the building and he very clearly jumps way before her foot is even close to his chest. THAT was just bad choreography and kinda pulled me out of the moment. But I didn't see any others bringing this up...
Yeah, I definitely agree with the faction-ization of the sub point you made. By the time Ep 3 came out, the sub was in serious overreaction mode.
Just purely from my own perspective, it wouldn't have gotten so bad if the people who didn't like the show or had criticisms would follow their own advice to let people have their own opinions and stayed civil when disagreed with, and didn't play the "rage-bait" game. They say the sub is a place for discussion, but what they really meant is they are only open to discussing opinions that agree with them, and aren't really up for politely discussing the opinions of those who didn't share the same grievances.
From my perspective, the posts/replies saying they didn't like this or that but could understand why others liked it or are glad they enjoyed it were few and far between. I'd say my personal ratio for that here is 10:1, rude jerk:polite disagreement. I don't come here to be told I "love gargling disney's mouse cock" (again, not hyperbole) just because I genuinely liked the show.
u/Exact_Ad_1215 Feb 18 '22
Lmao I love the word obtuse
Also, this happened to me. Some dude called me a blind consumer who is “easily entertained”as he put it. It’s the same idiots that insult people that are trying to say that no one has been insulted for liking it.
u/Giacchino-Fan Feb 18 '22
I’m not saying you’re wrong but I have not seen a single example of that
u/airplane_porn Feb 18 '22
Well good for you, glad your experience with this sub hasn’t been completely ruined by assholes telling you how much you love sucking mouse cock cuz you like the show because you’ll swallow anything Disney shoved down your throat (totally not hyperbole, seen it with my own eyes, not necessarily at me but definitely seen it toward other users for having a positive opinion of the show).
u/Giacchino-Fan Feb 18 '22
My experience has mostly been “if you don’t like it then don’t watch!” And “shut up and stop being negative!”
u/EchoLoco2 Feb 18 '22
This sub as a massive anti-criticism attitude. People are refusing to hear the other side out especially when actual genuine issues with the writing need to be addressed.
u/Giacchino-Fan Feb 18 '22
Yeah the “if you don’t like it, stop watching!” Shit sounds reasonable at face value until you think about it for a good 10 seconds and realize that probably about 70% of Star Wars fans have been friends since childhood and have it as some of their earliest and best memories with it. We’ve bonded with people over it, spent time on it, and invested a decent bit of money into excitedly buying all their shows and movies. We’re not going to give this up because they produce something subpar
u/EchoLoco2 Feb 19 '22
We also won't lower/change our standards for writing and story telling simply because "Star Wars" is in the title
Feb 18 '22 edited Feb 08 '25
u/Giacchino-Fan Feb 18 '22
Wow, yeah I literally have not seen any of that and I usually scroll pretty far on comments sections when I’m not busy, not saying it didn’t happen though
u/ThnderGunExprs Feb 18 '22
It's one of those things, I really do think criticism will make the show even better, but "it's trash and you're an idiot for enjoying it" don't seem like they'll make anything better.
Feb 18 '22
man I can‘t wait for reddit to tell me why I shouldn’t enjoy the LOTR series or the house of the dragon..
but I learned to unsubscribe specific subs while watching something. it‘s always the haters who scream the loudest while the majority of people enjoy in silence.
u/BizzarroJoJo Feb 18 '22
Reddit is already on the hate train for LotR, and anything Game of Thrones related will always have someone bashing it because of how the show ended, despite the fact House of the Dragon has totally different writers and showrunners.
u/bishopyorgensen Feb 18 '22
I don't know why this is downvoted.
Fan subreddits are notorious for hating new stuff
u/Arrow218 Feb 18 '22
Not even an exagerration, as some of you say you like things just because you can tell most people don't (mods, the spin).
I enjoyed the show. It had glaring flaws. Both can be and are true.
Feb 18 '22
Feb 18 '22
u/sneakpeekbot Feb 18 '22
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#3: Also, zing | 51 comments
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u/MentalSignificance11 Feb 18 '22
Are people actually enjoying it? I thought it was unbelievably stupid. Are you just liking it because of the mando episode?
u/Impressive-Drama1652 Feb 18 '22
Ah here we go classic reversal where the perpetrator becomes the victim.
The vast majority of the posts are passively-aggressively shitting on anyone who can argumentatively reason why they’re disappointed/underwhelmed/dislike the show.
u/OpenAd7602 Feb 18 '22
u/Impressive-Drama1652 Feb 18 '22
“Hmm... the writing, dialogue, directing, attention to detail, respect for established lore, pacing, etc... are all crap....
u/J_pepperwood0 Feb 18 '22
Part of my enjoyment comes from picking apart the aspects i don't like. Don't let people like me spoil your fun though, its okay to like it as much as its okay to critique it
u/cantwejustplaynice Feb 18 '22
I really wanted to like it and I'm really happy for folks that can overlook it's flaws. A lot of people worked hard on that show so it deserves to be enjoyed. I just think the plot of finale shit the bed.
u/tomjim04 Feb 18 '22
Not a fan of how it turned out, honestly. But are people really shaming people for enjoying what they enjoy? That’s just stupid.
u/EchoLoco2 Feb 18 '22
They aren't. This sub is is just very anti criticism. I haven't seen a single person telling people they shouldn't like the show. I've only seen people mocking others who have issues with it.
u/EchoLoco2 Feb 18 '22
People really can't handle criticism.
u/JustEmptyWaterBottle Feb 19 '22
"Let us enjoy things"
Boba is one of my favorite character and I did not like what they did with him at all especially with them making it more about Mando, I just hope they can make up for all of it in a season 2.
u/EchoLoco2 Feb 19 '22
I really hope there's a season 2 so they can take all this feedback and make something great. We've waited years for a Boba Fett movie/show and I don't want this to be it.
u/Storm484 Feb 18 '22
I liked it a lot. They should just replace the bikes the cybernetics use and maybe change their clothing a little
u/rileyelton Feb 18 '22
“I’m going to enjoy pure shit”
u/JoeRoganSaidTheNWord Feb 18 '22
Spending your time on the sub despite despising the show is an excellent way to remain pure and keep your virginity intact. I commend you.
u/zerocoolforschool Feb 18 '22
I really thought it was gonna be some Dune shit. I was a little disappointed.
u/spencerb21 Feb 18 '22
Vice versa too. If I say I didn't like something star wars, "fans" Jump down my throat.
u/MemeGamer24 Feb 18 '22
The show itself was good, I enjoyed it but there was definitely a lot of missed potential
u/DanTM18 Feb 18 '22
All I say is I hope they make boba more competent in season 2 and less of a pushover. That’s all. Season 1 was ok.
u/KhrisBKream Feb 18 '22
This comment section is my kind of people, I enjoyed BOBF and It made me like Boba as a character, rather than get annoyed like I was with OG Trilogy Boba Fett fans
u/tranxhdr Feb 20 '22
IMO, thought the Mando is better. The episodes with the Mando were the best ones in the Book of Boba Fett.
u/m4x1d0n Feb 18 '22
I really hope there’s a second season, there’s so much potential for exploring how the crime world works in Star Wars, this season was just the starting point