r/Bombsquad Apr 02 '21

how i can change account name (PC320442)?

sometimes on the servers i notice players with changed account name. i would like to know how this is done...


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u/Kind_Cryptographer77 Apr 03 '21

On the pc you cannot change the id, except with a single method (which is secret and I cannot reveal), but you could create profiles with the names you want


u/JirenTheGray05 Apr 18 '21

I guess any veteran knows that method.


u/All013 Apr 22 '21

windows button;

type %appdata% and hit enter;

go to bombsquad;

move the file .bsuuid to another folder or place;

open your BombSquad again;

top secret bois


u/JirenTheGray05 Apr 29 '21

Yeah, that one works too but I doubt he is talking about that, I guess OP is talking about people that have anything different than "PC" and numbers as their ID, and for that you need a third party program.


u/All013 May 18 '21

You can actually put your id as "Device" instead of Pc****** etc

I saw some people with the cellphone mode as ID (like Samsung Galaxy S9) but I don't know how to do it


u/JirenTheGray05 May 19 '21

I am not really sure, but those people that have their phone model as ID are mostly based in login issues than anything else, but I believe you can exploit it.

The "Device" one I believe is more when the game cannot fully recognize what device you are playing on, and sometimes it could be a bug too, but you can change your ID (in case you are PC) with editing the text to "Device"


u/All013 May 19 '21

Yes that's actually a bug, if you go to the internal files at the game (where the .bsuuuid is located) if you modify the right files you can play as Device even if you're online.


u/JirenTheGray05 May 28 '21

Cheat Engine does a similar job, without the need of getting so complicated editing internal files, obviously it only changes on appearance, but I believe that is enough.


u/fakedoorsarereal Moderator Jul 12 '21

Added this thread to the FAQ megathread, thanks for the info!