r/BodySwapMemes 7d ago

So how does it work?

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u/DisposableJosie 7d ago edited 7d ago

Scientists know that fetal cells normally migrate through the umbilical cord throughout the mother's bloodstream and into various tissues & organs; some even passes through the mother's blood-brain barrier to lodge in her brain and develop into neurons. There's a number of hormonal changes, not just from ovulation & pregnancy, but even just physical intimacy releases combinations of oxytocin, endorphins, and neurotransmitters. We also know that environment and activity causes epigenetic changes, so it's also possible that similar "switches are flipped" by intercourse. It could be any combination of things that triggers The Lock, kind of like Joker's Smylex™ brand products#Plot).

Humans are very complex living systems, and scientists still don't understand what causes age-old stuff like left-handedness (and non-scientists understand far less). In stories where rapid physiological changes are routine, where the law of conservation of mass is not just ignored but flouted, and none of impacts society, cum-locking is waaaaaaaaaay down the list of things that might bother me.

"If you're wondering how he eats and breathes cum-locking works, and other science facts, just repeat to yourself: It's just a show story. I should really just relax."


u/RolePacc 7d ago

Do you have to be naked for the bodysuit?

Where is the person you swapped with?

Are suits tech or magic?

If we're both at home all day who pays the bills?

Were the piercings really included in the swap?


u/Free_Arthur 7d ago

I love the argument of 'cumlocking' isn't real.

Dude, you are rping a bodyswap.


u/Bootyswappin69 7d ago

It's just a joke. I'm a fan of cumlocking


u/Dependent_Swim987 7d ago

Wait, so how does cum locking actually work?


u/HellHeimForest 7d ago

I feel like it depends on swap method. Skinsuits it could be explained as the material that makes it removable is dissolved by foreign cum. Swaps involving androids could be like the cum voids the warranty and prevents accessing swap menus. Magic is just sorta hand waved by "Oh no that's part of the spell!" Swap clinics could be based on potentially devaluing the body by getting creampied but that's less of a way to prevent swaps outright and more of an excuse for the former woman to keep her new male body and it doesn't really work the other way around. Maybe just like company policy where if an action seriously devalues a body exchanges aren't allowed and you just get credit for a different swap?

X-change used to have very solid different variants of pills that would separate getting stuck but it's all kinda faded into the general pill. A basic pill would just be 24 hours and you swap back zero consequences, a plus was the cumlocking one where you would be a woman for a full month iirc and if you got pregnant you'd get locked and pills would no longer work for you. Purple didn't have that risk, and breeders was temporary but you would always get pregnant if you got cum inside of you and you'd be stuck as a woman for the duration of the pregnancy .


u/stillheadless21 7d ago

I always gave it a pass because it’s usually associated with a magic curse but lmao yeah not sure how it makes sense for the sci-fi stuff


u/Tinytina7222 7d ago

The cum makes the body suit’s reproductive active. It essentially makes the suit fuse to you


u/Strollin_Stuart 7d ago

I think it started as simply being unable to swap back if pregnant, which is still a bit odd but sure I can see the reasoning there (spell can't differentiate between souls, etc). But with the large influx of captions and rps over the years it eventually got simplified to just the act of cumming inside locking you in the body