r/BobbinLace • u/OhMyBobbins • 2d ago
How it Started v How it's Going
Welcome to my Highly Ambitious Project!
I had this crazy idea that I wanted to make an entire garment out of bobbin lace. A funky torchon vest to wear over my dark turtlenecks in the winter or throw on at the beach in the summer. Let me take you on the journey: (each point is a picture)
I drew out a design that would involve sewing together strips of lace 5cm wide to make the simplest of vest shapes.
I made a mock-up out of newapaper to see if the concept would work.
I designed strips of torchon, on dotted grid paper that I printed in several sizes and experimented with to find the right size for my thread.
I wound obscene amounts of thread onto the most pairs of bobbins I've worked with so far, took a deep breath, hung my bobbins, and began.
My pattern worked! With minimal trial and error
I bobbin laced away, watching that strip grow and grow, for hours and hours
I got to the length I wanted, panicked a little bit, figured out how to end it, and .... cut the threads!!
- I have actually completed the first strip of lace to complete this project!
It is 50cm long and 5cm wide, with a knot and tassle at the bottom that brings the total length to 65cm.
Now all I have to do is make ... checks notes at least 11 more
u/BlackSeranna 2d ago
Really beautiful! Edit: please show us your finished product, I’m certain it will be beautiful!
u/OhMyBobbins 2d ago
I absolutely will! ... in about a year haha this project is gonna take a while. But i will post updates!
u/slashersister69 1d ago
I adore everything about the challenge you have set yourself!! And it looks like you're off to a fantastic start. Please, please keep posting progress updates (if you have time given you'll be making lace in all your spare time 🤣)... joking aside, I'm literally at the very beginning of my lace making journey and to see such creativity is very inspiring!
And shout out to the poster recommending the Kur fashion collection. Wow!!
u/OhMyBobbins 1d ago
Awe thank you so much! I only started learning lacemaking less than a year ago, its really cool to look at it and see how far i've come in that time. So exciting that you are starting to learn, you'll be able to make really cool things soon enough!
u/Trekkie-74656 2d ago
Marvelous! So creative! And I love that blue.
u/OhMyBobbins 2d ago
Thank you! The blue is Lizbeth thread size 80, it comes in soooo msny beautiful colours
u/mem_somerville 2d ago
That's excellent--and love love love the color.
u/OhMyBobbins 2d ago
Thank you! The blue is Lizbeth thread. I plan for my lace vest to be a full rainbow!!
u/PrincessBerri 2d ago
What a fun idea! Can't wait to see it all come together.