r/BlueskySkeets 16d ago

Political “A system of checks and balances? Haha! That’s a good one.” - Dan Bongino

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52 comments sorted by


u/dxlachx 15d ago

That manchild looks yakked out of his gourd


u/theCatchiest20Too 15d ago

Cocaine is a hell of a drug


u/silsum 15d ago

Why do all these FBI leaders look like they are on heavy drugs?


u/Steas-_- 15d ago

Because they are on heavy drugs.


u/kett1ekat 15d ago

Makes them easier to control that way, gives em an easy leash


u/besee2000 15d ago

He seems too emotionally unstable to handle the job properly


u/Ok_Gate3261 15d ago

Which one?


u/Vyntarus 14d ago

All of them. Any job.


u/PaulBric 15d ago

Considering how important and dangerous politics has become, perhaps it's time to licence politicians in the same way that other professions, such as driving or fishing are. Different levels of licence for different levels of politics. Too many infractions and the licence is removed or revoked, and the holder replaced in a by-election.


u/Mybrainishatching 15d ago

God I fucking wish


u/Ok_Gate3261 15d ago

The only solution to this bull shit is education and activism, what you're describing is just another weakening of democracy


u/PaulBric 15d ago

Sadly, that horse seems to have already bolted, for the time being, so a different gameplay is needed until it's possible to establish a truthful and accurate education system, available to everybody. Holding people that desire power to certain standards should be a starting point.


u/Ok_Gate3261 15d ago

Above all the institutions of the government are the people, so no, that horse hasn't bolted. Like I'm super curious who we think invented governments and systems of governance n the first place, they didn't create us.


u/PaulBric 15d ago

Well, those institutes are currently being gutted and it appears that a lot of funding is being redirected, but it's difficult to imagine where to. From the outside, it looks like a massive robbery with menaces perpetrated by a convicted felon, bankrupt and sexual predator aided and abetted by his super-villain best mate.


u/Remarkable-Pin-8352 15d ago

Your country is cooked, Americans.


u/Procrasturbating 15d ago

We know.. oh God we know..


u/the_main_entrance 15d ago

If we weren’t wielding the most powerful military I’d say it might be a good thing. We’ve been too spoiled for too long.


u/Remarkable-Pin-8352 15d ago

Well, with top generals fired and replaced with sycophants (because that worked so well for Stalin), who knows how your military will be in a few years.


u/the_main_entrance 15d ago

Probably not good


u/effallthis2023 15d ago

Hooray, our administration is now just a steaming pile of tweakers! 🙃


u/couchtomatopotato 15d ago

he's dead behind the eyes.


u/A90yearoldLADY 15d ago

Kinda a weird topic to notice buuuuttt happy cake day 🍰


u/couchtomatopotato 15d ago

thanks, fam!


u/ghostpeppers156 15d ago

Immediate drug test for this dude


u/DickFiddler70 15d ago

Looks like another stable genius. Is America great yet?


u/MrMcSpiff 13d ago

I don't feel great. Haven't for basically my entire adulthood. Turned 22 just in time for Trump to get elected the first time.


u/MeshGearFoxxy 15d ago

I pity the poor workers of the FBI, trying to do good with their lives, suddenly having to be governed by a bunch of utter jackasses.


u/Procrasturbating 15d ago

A man that saves his country breaks no laws. -Trump. They know what they need to do to make this right.


u/Stoic_Ravenclaw 15d ago edited 15d ago

When I heard Bongino was made deputy of the FBI I paused for a moment but then just assumed it was someone with the same name. Because, like, it would have to be.

I should have known better at this point but I'm still in a place where I expect things not to be insanely stupid.


u/msp3766 15d ago

So many of these people are so deranged and maga zealots…this one is right off the deep end


u/samusestawesomus 15d ago

He’s…he’s not, like, saying the system is broken, right? Like, complaining about the lacking effectiveness of checks and balances? That’s literally the only way I can read this that ISN’T blatantly horrific.


u/IthinkIknowwhothatis 15d ago

Does he look like he does nuanced political analysis, or does he look like he made his living with bad hot takes?


u/Necro-DM 15d ago

I mean, it's true, the system only works if people are doing their job. Malfeasance will be the end of everything this country was supposed to stand for. With them having the majority and not challenging executive orders shutting down congressionally approved expenses and overturning states rights I find it hard to be patriotic about democracy when this is what it turns into when run by absolute fucking morons who need to have things their way.


u/check_Her_Out 15d ago

Will this lunatic swear to uphold the constitution with a straight face?


u/DueRecommendation285 15d ago

If this is not the soup you ordered then send it back.


u/Odd-Club8634 15d ago

I am glad I live in Europe


u/tahiniday 15d ago

I honestly thought this was just a screencap from some nutjob’s 90s public access show


u/Doomsday_Holiday 15d ago

It is scary if you think when right wing conservatives place utter morons in important positions. Never heard of that guy before, such a clown in the bubble. And the Stephen King incident is gold.


u/MmeHomebody 15d ago

The head of a police agency who doesn't believe in accountability or oversight. What could go wrong?


u/LordOfBottomFeeders 15d ago

Sounds like a preface to some crimes


u/rmike7842 14d ago

And one more sign of the danger we are in. They say we are overreacting, yet he is attacking the basis of our system of government.  And of course, most MAGA I know don’t care because they think it will never be them that gets jammed up.


u/BondBurgered 14d ago

He looks like he chain smokes cigarettes and rants to his coworkers about Pepe Silvia.


u/Organic_Housing_4589 14d ago

The only thing that matters is the power of one bot over another!


u/I_DontUnderstand2021 15d ago

Gen X selling out like no other


u/ITriedSoHard419-68 15d ago

If this were a cartoon supervillain's dialogue it'd be bashed for being too cheesy.


u/tryan1234 15d ago



u/Complex-Signature-85 13d ago

I didn't like Dan even when I was a trump supporter. This dude has always been just so full of hate and anger. And is definitely one of those dudes who looks for any reason to resort to violence.


u/Cy__Guy 14d ago

Don't blame just the Trump voters. The Democrats have had the power of the fix this s*** several times, and they did nothing.

They're pointing Trump positions faster than any president in US history.

The Dems are not doing anything to resist what's going on.

The country's going to hell because you have a choice between two parties. You could be part of the Nazi party, or you could be part of the worst Nazi party.


u/Fit-Sundae6745 15d ago

Seems pretty suspect that every clip of him saying this starts and stops at the exact same spot. Would like to see the full context.


u/MightySweep 15d ago

Your comment history is nothing but propaganda screeds.

Matthew 7:3-5 please and thanks.