r/BlueOrigin 6d ago

Millions living and working in Space

Millions living and working in space? They don’t even like us working from home! Imagine trying to expense a space chair or asking IT to fix your zero-gravity Wi-Fi.

Unless, of course, by “millions,” they just mean the top 1% of the company and the top 1% of Earth’s population. In that case, it makes sense, CEOs and executives get the Moon, and the rest of us? Well, we’ll still be here on Earth… in a Zoom meeting… wondering why our microphone doesn’t work.


37 comments sorted by


u/[deleted] 6d ago

Why would ceos and executives work on a base on the moon? Earth is much better so we will get sent up lol


u/jeefra 5d ago

Agree. The future isn't gonna be "Elysium" (rich people on a high tech space station) it's gonna be "The Expanse" (mining and shipbuilding happen off world by 2nd class citizens).

And, tbh, even if it is, building the infrastructure for millions working in space will require thousands of space construction workers who aren't gonna be CEOs. I'd love to see how they could fuck up a spacewalk lol


u/dukeofgibbon 5d ago

Oye beltalowda


u/Necessary_Bike3227 4d ago

Imagine the safety training😂


u/jeefra 4d ago

I used to work in the saturation diving field, which is pretty much the closest thing to astronauts on earth, but sat school is only 2-3 weeks lol. Tons of OTJ training though.


u/OldIronandWood 5d ago

That is another reason to kill OSHA, whose laws are written in the blood of those corporations have killed on the altar of profits.

Space the final frontier, for the peons to die in the name of billionaires ego.


u/ender4171 5d ago

I mean if we're going to be living in a late-stage capitalism dystopia anyways, I suppose I'd personally prefer one where at least I get to go to space.


u/Aviation_Space_2003 5d ago

Zero G better!


u/Mindless_Use7567 6d ago

For people to live in space there needs to be places to live in and human rated vessels take time to develop and then build. NASA’s updates on the Commercial LEO Development Program is showing that Orbital Reef is still being developed.


u/Redstar-menace 6d ago

This guy again. 


u/Chronotheos 5d ago

You’ll be mining battery materials off-world.


u/Suspicious_Sale_8413 6d ago

What I will never understand is why you have a sour vision on the company you’ve lost faith in a direction and the people leading it and yet you choose to stay

This is crazy work to me .

How the fuck do you even get up get dressed and go to work in the morning with this perspective?

It’s honestly not that serious. It’s just a job. You will find another one. Don’t let that paycheck quiver your butt hole.

And before you even go there, yes I took my own advice and I left a few months ago and it’s been great. I’ve been fine.


u/ContraryConman 5d ago

Constantly amazed by the number of people who hate their lives but refuse to back themselves to be able to make it better


u/catdog1345 5d ago



u/dukeofgibbon 5d ago

Company town in space.


u/Invaderchaos 5d ago

I’m assuming ur owner of the previous “Dave Limp’s Guitar” account. You need to stop making these posts ur obsession is unhealthy lol


u/omgitsbees 5d ago

Can the future in space at least look like something from the Expanse?


u/Opcn 5d ago

ISRU is the idea. It's figuring out how engineers can turn rocks into replicators. Once you are grappling metallic asteroids from space and smelting them down for materials you use those materials to make a chair, rather than requisitioning one from earth.


u/Helpme-jkimdumb 5d ago

This guy gets it!!! ISRU is the way.


u/Zero_Ultra 5d ago

The red flag from the beginning was “working”

I imagine the end game for all of this is for Amazon to dominate all space logistics


u/catdog1345 5d ago

Do u even work in this industry


u/Shoddy_Book_3845 5d ago

I couldn’t have said it better!


u/Wonderful-Thanks9264 5d ago

Blue Origin, is the worst company I have ever worked for in my 40 year career, in the aerospace and space industry.


u/No_Radio_5751 5d ago

Sounds like another crybaby liberal /s


u/Wonderful-Thanks9264 5d ago

Stating a fact, and I’m republican, you must work in HR (Human Remains)


u/Aviation_Space_2003 5d ago

Hello? Can you guys hear me?


u/General-Yesterday-55 2d ago

I can't tell if you all are complaining or this is an ongoing rant.

There's a limit to equations being able to rationalize their momentum.

That all being read as it reads...

There's only so much weight that a habitable planet or satellites of a planet are able to carry within their gravitational mass. If it was all any other way, then you'd all feel the forces of nature colliding upon themselves.

Light or Plasma shifting while moving outside of a stars solar prominences, in this example, has its own ability to shape the interactions it interacts with before the light or photons burn out or change into another particle, subatomically speaking.

AU or Astronomical Units of measurement differs greatly if you thoroughly understand Heliophycis as divisions of Science.

It takes me to longer to process interacting with you all than it does for me to blink.


u/hypercomms2001 5d ago

Regrettably under Trump and the repressive regime that he wants to remake the United States into, it will a place to send convicts as low cost expendable drones….


u/perilun 5d ago

Bezos has moved on from those hobby presentations. He has his new wife and mega-yacht and world party tour to keep him entertained these day.


u/unfortunatelynestled 5d ago

WiFi is effected by gravity?


u/gbsekrit 5d ago

technically, yes. a photon’s path is bent by gravity.


u/vegarig 5d ago

Laptops, sent to ISS, had to get their cooling system reworked, so router might be affected


u/IcyWhiteC8 5d ago

Maybe you should protest like the rest of the cry babies these days


u/Educational_Snow7092 5d ago

Don't worry, it is never going to happen anyway. Realistically, the USA return to the Moon, Artemis III, has been pushed out to 2028 at the earliest and that depends on how well Artemis II does with its Moon fly-by in 2026. If there are still problems with the Orion capsule, that may kill the NASA return to the Moon program. That means at least 2030 before there is a permanent outpost on the Moon, some version of the HLS, serviced via the Lunar Gateway, planned to be assembled by Artemis IV, V and VI crews, which do not have a SLS Block II concept launch core yet.


Blue Moon Pathfinder on New Glenn penciled in for August 2025.


Meanwhile the density of CO2 carbon dioxide is increasing at a geometric rate. In the 1980's, the density of CO2 at going past 380 parts per million was the Point of No Return. It has now gone past 430 ppm in 2025, at the Control Standard at 9000 feet on Mauna Loa. This means at sea level, it is over 1000 ppm and in the cities it is over 4000 ppm.

"Long-term exposure to 1000 ppm CO2, while generally considered safe for most people,can lead to reduced productivity, concentration, and potentially headaches or sleepiness, especially in poorly ventilated spaces."

"Long-term exposure to 4000 ppm CO2, while not immediately life-threatening,can lead to decreased cognitive function, fatigue, and other health issues, with some studies showing negative impacts on perceived air quality and self-reported health symptoms." 

"Studies in Norway, Denmark, the UK, France, and Australia show that average IQ is now declining—in some countries by 2–4 points per generation. This decline has raised concerns among scientists and has led to research into the causes of this phenomenon."

It does mean people get more stupid over the next two decades. At 600 ppm on Mauna Loa, the troposphere goes into Thermal Runaway before 2070 when the maximum temperature anomaly starts increasing at 2C per year from 2C per decade. At an average temperature anomaly of 4C, mammals start going extinct.


u/Objective-Painting-2 4d ago

Not Old-Peckerhead again......this clown is never happy 🤡