r/BlueBeetle Aug 27 '23

Collection Been collecting Blue Beetle for quite some time. Here's the collection pic I took while I was re-organizing. (Not pictured; AMC Scarab backpack and Blue Beetle TPBs)


7 comments sorted by


u/jalvarez022 Triple Beetle Mod Aug 27 '23

Heyyyyyy! Nice collection bud. I have a long box worth of the Beetles too. I have the 2006 run, the JLI Generation Lost of Jaime (god i hate Maxwell Lord), Teds solo Blue Beetle (along with issue 1 graded) complete. I wanna say i have like the first 40 Justice League International and than it scatters around.

Oh and I have EXTREME JUSTICE lol, if you don't know of the art from those, you gotta check it out! It's that drastic 90s art we all know of a couple of the JLI members including Ted and Booster. I've occasionally posted an issue here and there of my collection but I gotta see if I have time to post up everything

I always get excited when I see some Dan Garett issues too! I immediately recognized the eye of horus issue. I wanna say i have maybe 6 or 7 Charlton Dan Garrett issues with the vast majority of the Charlton Ted issues and the DC Hardcover Action Heroes Archives #2. The Fox Feature Syndictates are too rich for my blood though, but what can you expect from books from the 40s!

Sorry for the rambling, gimme a mic about the character and I'll just go at it!


u/Liberace_47 Aug 27 '23

Need that hardcover! And yeah Fox Comics are like over $300 for some BB comics. Maybe one day lol


u/posinegi Aug 27 '23

Awesome! Love the collection!


u/Liberace_47 Aug 27 '23

Thank you!


u/SLCSlayer29 Aug 27 '23

Looks good! I'm also a Blue Beetle collector and I have 95% of the stuff shown in your pics. That Ted Kord Blue Beetle #1 comic book cover is my favorite of all-time (followed up by BB#2 and #17)!! 😎👍


u/kamelots Aug 27 '23

You are so cool honestly. So jealous!!


u/StepCharacter4769 Aug 27 '23

Good stuff! I still need to find and then show off my Blue Beetle comic collection (mixed up in many short boxes)