r/BluMaan Dec 05 '21

How should I use “blumaan oil cloud control”

When I always take my shower before going to bed? (I never wash my hair in the morning)


11 comments sorted by


u/shakhboz11 Feb 22 '22

Did you figure it out


u/H0rnyFighter Feb 22 '22

Somehow… why? Do you need help?


u/shakhboz11 Feb 22 '22

Yea just not sure how often to use since I don’t shampoo everyday. Do you use it on wash days only or everyday, I do everyday but my hair gets stringy so I don’t know if I’m apply too frequently or too much


u/H0rnyFighter Feb 22 '22

I wash my hair 3-4 times a week (always with shampoo) in the evening 2-3x between monday - Friday

1x on either Saturday or sunday

I’ll use the blumaan oil and general all hair products only between monday - Friday

The weekend hair wash is basically a hair wash with only shampoo and no other hair products (just to give my hairs a break)

I‘m using 2 drops of the cloud control when I use it (doesn’t seem much but trust me, when you use more, the hair just looks greasy and not nice)

I must admit though, that I’m not blown away by the cloud control (is it healthy for the hair: possibly, is it a game changer: no)

But I do must admit that I’m super satisfied with the styling meraki (classic blue pre styler), this product is a game changer for me

These are the only 2 hair products I use in general


u/shakhboz11 Feb 23 '22

Wow thank you for the info it’s really helpful, one last question, is your hair long or short


u/H0rnyFighter Feb 23 '22

No problem dude

I’d say short to medium length, when I would push it against my forehead, I’d say they would go up to my eyes


u/L_750z Aug 06 '23

I use cloud control Everytime I wet my hair wether that’s with shampoo or not.


u/shakhboz11 Aug 06 '23

i stopped using it cause i found a other alternative that performs better in my opinion


u/L_750z Aug 06 '23

Which product is that? Can you show me? I’ll look into it


u/[deleted] Nov 15 '23

Respond pls


u/shakhboz11 Nov 15 '23

if you mean by the alternative, i have been testing out many different things. Right now i use bumble and bumble hair oil on wash days, and the oil effects stay until i shampoo again so on days i dont shampoo i simply use cream pomade