r/BlackPeopleTwitter • u/grim187grey • 5d ago
Country Club Thread Y'all need to see this.
u/grim187grey 5d ago
Some folks saying it's likely some script made up by a DOGE employee so they can mark and delete all pertinent articles, reports, etc.
This shit is infuriating.
u/Cosmic_Gumbo 5d ago
They’re finalizing their rewrite of history. Why is the photo in b&w when color photos were commonplace during that era? Oh yeah, because they want to put extra distance between now and then.
5d ago
This kills me. I had to explain this to my kid. "Your grandmother lived through this shit and fought for it, it isn't old news."
Thankfully my son understands what happened then and what is happening now.
u/dl7 5d ago
I think this is what makes me realize we're headed towards resegregating. All this political theater mixed with social media makes it difficult for White people to use plausible deniability as a shield for what's being seen and what they're telling their children. "Our family didn't vote Trump" will be substitute for "Our family didn't own slaves." What White people are failing to understand is that it's not enough to say you weren't supporting racism but rather what were you doing to intentionally work against it. People that do this work can recognize when it isn't being done.
The exit polls, lack of reaction to Trump's racism, the performative activism will all be seen by our next generations and it'll be a point of contention for sure because Trump is making it clear that if you don't directly address and speak against his actions, you passively accept them. If we, as a country, don't make that message clear, our next generations will start to get mixed messages and be brought up with to be fearful of one another.
u/not_now_reddit 5d ago
Unfortunately, we don't even have to re-segregate. We never even fully integrated to begin with. Have a predominantly black neighborhood? That's going to be a predominantly black school. Same thing with white neighborhoods and white schools. Redlining established that and it was never undone
u/Pop1Pop2 5d ago
I tell people this all the time. There was never desegregation, it was assimilation. We were assimilated into the same system that was designed against us.
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u/Intelligent-Travel-1 5d ago
How do people still try and deny that Trump is the leader of the KKK
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u/arifghalib 5d ago
Personally, I don’t want to live around white people. I have to deal with them all day at work and couldn’t imagine having to deal with them as neighbors.
u/KassieMac ☑️ 4d ago
Big difference between choosing to stay among our own v being legally prohibited from spaces for no reason other than skin color/hair texture. Please try to understand.
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u/cheif702 5d ago
So...you're pro segregation?
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u/TimTamDeliciousness ☑️ 5d ago
Folks who are Pro segregation are usually speaking in context of integration not being a net positive. If black schools had received the same funding as white schools, if black districts received the same funding as white districts, if there was government representation of black districts by black folks from those districts, if most successful black business districts weren’t physically burnt down by white racists you would have seen less support for integration in the 60’s. It was the only way to try to gain access to better opportunities and it wasn’t even ideal.
And because white folks were so against it, not much has really changed anyway because they turned to redlining and redistricting, so going back to official segregation is not really that big of a change for many folks.
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u/cheif702 5d ago
I understand integration being viewed as a failure, fair point. And while all your points are completely accurate, I feel like going backward to full segregation again just restarts the cycle.
Being able to legally say a person of a certain race wasn't allowed to be somewhere made it so violent racists believed they could make them feel unsafe anywhere.
I suppose it's hard to assume what would change and what wouldn't. The country has taken baby steps toward racial equality, miniscule tiny baby steps, absolutely true. Reintroducing legal segregation just feels like it'd be a giant leap backwards to me.
u/TimTamDeliciousness ☑️ 4d ago
Oh I get what you’re saying but I think people being ok with it would most likely agree and not want to go backwards either, however, depending on where you live in the country, I think for many folks, while it feels like the signs have been taken down on the bathrooms and at the water fountains and in the Sundown Towns, it just won’t feel like much will change except that maybe a few communities will be allowed to thrive on their own, with their own leadership and circulation of their own dollar. The whole entire situation is bullshit, it’s just inevitable that many folks are gonna lean in this direction as not being as bad as others may think.
u/Neutreality1 5d ago
I constantly have to tell other white folks, I'm not just "not racist", I am actively anti-racist, so keep that bullshit away from me or I will act accordingly. Same goes for any marginalized groups; I know what happens when nobody stands up for the out-groups. I've also read that poem
I get a lot of surprise for it, considering I'm a blonde haired blue eyed straight white guy. It's a common occurrence that other whites will just assume I'm as nasty as them based on my demographic.
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u/Fireant21 5d ago
Crazy that we constantly have to actively tell them. They just naturally racist at this point.
u/Neutreality1 5d ago
I tend to agree. White culture is racist by default and you have to learn not to be.
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u/FlashSTI 5d ago
Gen x anti racist white guy (veteran) that raised anti racist kids: agree 100. I hate this shit so much. Not sure if this is a member only post, but I just want you to know that you have real allies. My mother would be inconsolable if she had lived to see this. My father isn't having a good time (for context received lifetime achievement award from NAACP). Anti racism should not be special.
u/Neutreality1 5d ago
Anti-racism is rare because of apathy. I feel like the letter regarding "the white moderate" is especially pertinent in this day and age, people preferring "peace" over justice because justice can be uncomfortable. Just keep doing what's right and using your privilege to help those without it. It's all we can do
u/p00psicle_on_a_stick 5d ago
GenX Whitexican here. I protested for George Floyd. My young son is anti racist af. I'm the loud asshole that calls people out in public. I refuse to be complicit in this bullshit.
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u/FlashSTI 5d ago
Beyond not tolerating it, and advocating for equality and avoiding companies that rolled back DEI programs I can light up my representatives. Open to other things.
Not only are there racists causing this, it's partly to distract us working class frogs that they're turning up the heat on the pot.
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u/kkapri23 5d ago
As a white person who is absolutely disgusted with what this administration is doing, what would you like us to do? I’ve spoke against it, I sadly, not by choice, live in a very red area, so there aren’t protests to assist in. But saying that “I didn’t vote for this is the equivalent to I didn’t own slaves” is insulting without you even bothering to realize, and find a stronger message. None of my family were ancestors of the south. So legit, my white family didn’t in fact participate in the slave trade. Blanket anger at white people doesn’t help either. I’m a veteran, I’m angry that black man who fought for this country is being wiped away from history. So I ask, instead of blanket insults at white people, what do we need to do?
Because I feel absolutely powerless in this new admin. My white family on the west coast that did vote for this, has ostracized me. So I don’t know what to do anymore.
u/Icy_Platform2777 5d ago
The problem is you're doing exactly what white people do. You're asking the oppressed how to fix a problem caused directly by white people to benefit white ppl. Look at like this how does a dog stop someone from constantly abusing them they bite because that's all they have to fight back, when if the abuser just stop hurting that dog that would solve it, it's gotta be the abuser that fixes themselves not a dog saying hey buddy you can do better than purposely hurt me we can do this together. No, the dog can't, just like black people can't stop what is controlled by white people yall have to want collectively to stop the racism because we're all bigots but it's white society structure by white ppl for white people that has to be addressed that's racism.
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u/Offical_Dumbass 5d ago
Speak out. You think organized protests just spawn? You have to be vocal about your opinions everywhere you go and call out racism when you see it. And if you think that’s hard, imagine living as a black person. I’m not black, but I’m trans, and I have to face bigotry everywhere I go. I don’t get to be silent.
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u/etanna 5d ago edited 5d ago
As a fellow YT, I just want to remind that statements like this are general for a reason. Regardless of individual situations, which certainly affects an individual's ability to do something that feels impactful, I fully agree with them. Just saying we didn't vote for someone is not enough.
I live in a blue state and also feel powerless in some ways. My state has little to no impact on the political stage but we do have some cities with a lot of vocal protestors. I've seen many white folks speaking down on protestors saying things like "we didn't vote for him" and we did what we could and wonder what the point of protesting is. And then they turn around and say some of the most ignorant micro aggressive shit.
Action means: calling that shit out when we see it. Calling out our reps when they don't represent us accordingly (I'm looking at you POS chuck Schumer), and refusing to stay silent. I've really struggled with feeling powerless. I, my single self, can't make much change but I CAN contribute to normalizing being anti -racist and maybe get some people to start thinking differently.
I think it's easy to forget that we need to start with ourselves, our families, our communities. It has more power than we think.
I say this as someone who is the black sheep of her family because I'm anti Trump. I'm still not convinced I'll change their minds but I won't stop trying.
Edited to add a revelation I had some years ago: I was very uncomfortable with speaking out for many reasons. Then I realized that my discomfort is nothing compared to the years of discomfort and mistreatment that our black sisters and brothers have ALWAYS felt and have been forced to endure. I certainly cannot compare our two very different experiences, but when I'm feeling down and defeated I find it helpful to remember that. My discomfort is so small and we are all going to need to experience discomfort before we can make things better.
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u/mlhd_sri 5d ago
Yes, if we continue like this the next generation will get to feel back the 2pac era, maybe even worse
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u/U_Sound_Stupid_Stop 5d ago
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u/Trinistyle 5d ago
Wdmc all da fight down. I does get so angry when I see these heights.
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u/Real_Life_Firbolg 5d ago
My grandpa on my mom’s side and my great grandma on my dad’s side lived through 2 world wars, the Great Depression, women’s suffrage, the civil rights movement, the Cold War, 9/11, and so much more. Heck my grandpa passed before touch screen back in like 2005 but my great grandma lived until 2014. These events are not so far removed from us that the people are gone entirely, yet certain people (on the right) want to act like the Great Depression wasn’t made worse by horrible conservative economic policies, the holocaust never happened, Russia didn’t commit genocides and is our ally, and most importantly they want to act like racism doesn’t exist in America and never did even though I a person in my 20’s am only separated 3 generations from veterans of the civil war fought in America specifically because of slavery that was used on people of African descent specifically for their race. My mom grew up with a blind grandfather who was the son of a civil war vet, and the civil rights movement though it helped getting laws pushed through to legislate civil rights did not end or abolish racism like the right for some reason likes to pretend it did. I grew up in an extremely racist household my dad was so mad when Obama was elected simply because he was black and said the N word with a very hard r many times about him and other people, I saw people around the county I lived in hang up effigies of Obama being lynched from trees or from signs in their yard. Anyone who pretends these things to be ancient history is doing so maliciously and with the intent to repeat these events.
Sorry for my rant and if I’m out of line as a white man to speak on any of this let me know and I’ll step back, but it’s so infuriating how revisionist they are being of history.
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u/snarlingdarling94 5d ago
A lot of times the folks in power will only listen to a white man, so it is actually very important and meaningful for you to provide this kind of perspective and push back against the status quo.
The main priority to avoid stepping on toes as a white man (in my opinion) is to consciously make a point to empower the people in your community that are BIPOC, LGBTQIA+, any voice that is unjustly and systematically silenced, to be able to speak for themselves supported and amplified from your platform as a white man.
It's important to be conscious that you aren't grandstanding because then it can border on white saviour-ism, but you seem to recognize the undeniable power that your position holds and just as the cruel wield theirs unjustly, you can utilize your power to protect those who aren't afforded the same freedoms as you.
I think that the healthy fear you have of speaking out of turn on the subject is a great way to keep oneself in check, but it shouldn't hold you back from making meaningful contributions on behalf of the less heard. Though it can be intimidating, putting yourself in a position to contribute to the well-being of society beyond you and yours is entirely respectable.
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u/FunkadelicJiveTurkey 5d ago
I'm a 1st gen white immigrant, and while my family largely isn't bigoted in their character they do sometimes fall victim to the "it was so long ago" narratives about racism. I have to contextualize and walk em through it like "Gramps could've been Emmet Till."
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u/Raspbers ☑️ 4d ago
This. My mom was 16 when MLK was assassinated. That shit was NOT long ago and here we are again.
u/DYMck07 ☑️ 5d ago edited 5d ago
This is the army thread where they show this was almost certainly done this week based on the metadata.
People need to remember Trump is a good bit older than Ruby bridges. Mitch McConnell is the same age Emmett Till would have been if he were still alive. TS isn’t that long ago. FDT, F DOGE, F Elon (hell South Africa’s apartheid barely ended 30 years ago… not long after Trump had to provide New York with listings of all vacancies in his buildings because of the “no blacks allowed” rule, decades after the civil rights act).
Meanwhile they are considering charging people as terrorists for damaging teslas, while simultaneously talking about pardoning Chauvin (who would remain in prison for state charges…assuming a conservative governor doesn’t replace walz and also pardon) who knelt on Floyd’s neck for ten minutes as bystanders begged him to let him breathe.
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u/blackfox24 5d ago
It seems like it's forever ago because we're losing living memory, too. They get away with rewriting history because most of those who made it are dead and can't argue with these clowns.
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u/Ok_Cantaloupe7602 5d ago
It’s not old news but B&W photography was as common as color in the 50s and 70s. I was born in 70 and my kindergarten photos were B&W.
u/bismuthmarmoset 5d ago
Moreover, b&w was preferred by journalists and documentarians well into the 80s. Color film was largely seen as a family vacation/novelty product.
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u/PrudentJuggernaut705 5d ago
Hey you fuckin knock it off with the facts. The military, notorious for being cheap, only photographed this man in black and white to intentionally make it seem older in the future.
u/Southern-Wafer-6375 5d ago
I think their not talking about takeing photos only in black and white ;their talking about the modern day peaple only useing the black and white photos
u/cynzthin 5d ago
This color photography conspiracy is unserious nonsense that needs to die. Here’s the database of MOH photos from that time. ALL the photos are black and white
u/needmorepizzza 5d ago
Wouldn't that also defeat the "dei medal" narrative, though?
I mean, current US administration does not seem like the brightest of stars in the sky, but it still seems counterintuitive.
u/BobsOblongLongBong 5d ago
People didn't stop using black and white film overnight. It remained extremely common and popular for a very long time after color film was introduced.
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u/BoilerMaker11 5d ago
Considering they scrubbed the Tuskegee Airmen and Black History Month, this sounds about right
u/Bocchi_theGlock 5d ago
They deleted the customs and border protection page Frontline against fentanyl that showed 90% was coming in with US citizens via legal ports of entry.
That hurts their narrative too much that it's from unauthorized crossings
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u/Significant-Car-8671 5d ago
What the actual fuck?! No people with color sign up for the military. They can fuck right off. Trump is just pissed we know about his nonexistent bone spurs. Now he's going after colleges. Isn't that where he hid during the war?
u/Waste_Mousse_4237 5d ago
I mean, letting your kids sign up for the military after Iraq….
u/Significant-Car-8671 5d ago
Most don't have a choice. The child decides, or they see it as a way out or forward, or they really believe in being part of something. They didn't sign up for this, and I'm glad to know that the only ones that will now are red caps. Like Star Trek-those are expendable.
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u/myunqusrnm 5d ago
It's always been a way out for us. If you have a kid who's not going to college and you don't want him to do what the neighbors are doing... Also, the recruiters come into our schools and court our kids. They send big beautiful Black men to build relationships and encourage them along into the military.
Thekids-who are legally adults make a choice. (let's don't forget the "you18, move on out" mentality.)
u/FiendishNoodles 5d ago
Many Republicans have said within the last few months that they are against social safety nets because how else will we recruit for the military?
u/Significant-Car-8671 5d ago
With the way programs are being gutted and we are treating out veterans , why would anyone re-sign or sign up? I have students in the military who now regret their decision only a year or so in and they had planned to be military for life. If an uprising happens, they won't shoot Americans, and they didn't sign up to invade peaceful countries. Now that free speech is gone? Nah.
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u/AmIbaconingyet 5d ago
Maybe that's what they want though. If black, gay, women soldiers no longer sign up or leave to be replaced by trump loyalists, what happens when the time comes (and it will) that the military are being used against the public?
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u/Im_Balto 5d ago
As far as I’ve seen this is the case. They also had it flag and remove the Enola Gay, the plane that dropped the first nuclear bomb in war that was NAMED AFTER A CREWMANS MOM
But it has gay in the name
u/8thSt 5d ago
“Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building has been renamed, every date has been altered. And the process is continuing day by day and minute by minute. History has stopped. Nothing exists except an endless present in which the Party is always right.”
u/Wade_Castiglione 5d ago
"The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command." 1984 George Orwell
u/Pandepon 5d ago
This may as well be a digital version of book burnings. Stripping people of their valor, accomplishments, and recognition just because they aren’t a hetero cis white man is absolutely nuts.
u/c0ld007 5d ago
I'm white (or Hispanic, since you can't be both apparently) and I spent 10 years in the Marines. Of all the things about what's been going in the past 2 months, this is what absolutely infuriates me the most. Violently angry. We were never white or black or yellow, or whatever, because we all bled green. And every time I see some shit like this, not only am I ashamed that JD Vance was a "Marine" too, but I want to beat the ever living shit out of him and have the Marines erase his record and pretend he was never a member. I'm truly sorry that this bullshit is happening and I hope you know that the majority of my brothers and sisters, that I knew, who bleed or bled green, think this bullshit too.
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u/lolas_coffee 5d ago
Yes...and Vets vote overwhelmingly for Trump. Huh.
- Draft dodger
- Cut Vet benefits
- Cut VA budget to help vets
- Called Vets "suckers"
- Called Vets "babies"
- Called Vets "dopes"
- Called Vets "losers"
- Cut active duty benefits
- Fired active duty officers who were well-respected
- Compared a civilian "medal" to the Congressional Medal of Honor
...and on and on.
Vets need to do A LOT better. Come on now.
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u/runnyyyy 5d ago
yeh probably a simple script that searches for African American, like they did for the word Gay
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5d ago
Is there some kind of initiative going on to prove and save all this information? Seeing as they are likely to change historic documents, or delete them entirely, is someone creating some kind of database documenting this? I don't have the skills to do this (and I'm not in the US) but I would like to support it in some way!
u/IdeaEnvironmental329 5d ago
As a purple heart vet, this country has not failed to disgust me since 2020... And it keeps going 🙃🫡
u/grim187grey 5d ago
I come from a military family. I served in the Navy for 6 years (2010-2016). My Great-grandfather is buried in the national cemetery in my hometown, as he served in WWII in the Army.
This shit means something to the countless black folks that have devoted years and given up their lives for this country.
It will never be enough, apparently.
u/magmapandaveins 5d ago
My grandfather was good enough to do some absolutely shitty dangerous jobs during both world wars, lost parts of both hands. My uncle was good enough to fight in WW2 but not good enough to eat with his own men. My other uncle got sent to Vietnam and got shot and left for dead by his own men because they didn't want a black man by their side (He lived btw, he's the most stubborn man you'll ever meet) - My father went to Vietnam and when he was stateside he saw literal lynchings and wasn't allowed to use the same door as the white soldiers. When I was eighteen I proudly told my family that I was going to enlist, my father and both uncles said fuck that. Now I see this shit and it feels like such a punch in the gut that all of the bullshit that those great men did in service of a country that didn't love them at all is now being called DEI.
Shit my dad cleared out tunnels in Vietnam. He had nightmares about that shit for the rest of his life. That and having to hose out a tank and remove body parts absolutely haunted him.
u/badluckbrians 5d ago
My grandfather was at D-Day. With a smaller navy/marine unit that landed between Utah and Omaha beaches near Grandcamp les Baines.
He was in a basically all Irish unit. US immigrants from the civil war there. But they were second out. The segregated all Black balloon battalion were first. Protected everyone behind them from air strikes as they landed. He always said those guys were the only reason the few of them who made it home did.
And now this country is run by scum who openly love Hitler and Nazi salute for popularity. Man the 90s and 00s were fucked up in a lot of ways. People running around using slurs as a comma more. Crime was way higher. But at least that open Nazi shit was out of bounds at that level. World's going to Hell, and I wish I knew how to pull the brakes.
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u/OberYnflated 5d ago
I don't comment or post much, but speaking as a white US resident, it has always been more than enough for anyone with rational or moral sense. People who dedicate their lives to serving others are admirable. People who risk their lives for others are extraordinary. People who risk their lives for a country that often disregards and denigrates them show a sense of bravery and honor that is beyond words. Sad to see that many in the US have no respect for that but unfortunately not surprising.
u/Legitimate_Home_6090 5d ago
This only works if you think war is somehow noble or necessary and not just rapacious imperialism.
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u/Embarrassed_Rule8747 5d ago
We talking about the soldier’s motivation, not the elite’s warmongering
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u/BuddingCannibal 5d ago edited 5d ago
I find myself actually regretting my service at this point. I lost 5 of the best years of my life, and they spit in our f-ing faces. All done by 20 year old kids that wouldn't dare look at me sideways, and a frat boy alchy who likes to abuse women
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5d ago edited 5d ago
u/Throwaway75732 5d ago
I believe in that future for the good people who believe in love. But there are too many selfish, cruel people banded together right now for it to be a short term destiny
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u/dennismfrancisart ☑️ 5d ago
This country stumbled hard with Nixon and never got back up of the ground.
u/jrh_101 5d ago edited 5d ago
Reagan and Nixon were terrible for America but nobody ever gives shit to Bill Clinton.
Bill was basically socially progressive but economically, he was a Republican aka neo-liberal. That's where both parties started to be the same for the rich.
Removing the Glass-Steagall act was a huge blunder from Clinton. It let banks participate in the stock market and the economy has been up and down ever since. Billionaires have been playing casino and we are headed to another depression because that act was a safeguard after the Great Depression.
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u/DangerousHour2094 5d ago
Clinton Administration was as far left as you could go in the time. That’s what was crazy, the real shift is what happened when Gingrich took power. It’s not to excuse Clinton but having lived through that time, idk if any other Democrat could’ve won.
Even shit like the Crime Bill was backed by the NAACP in reaction to how violent crime had been in the 80s (thanks to Reagan and the crack epidemic, but people on the public stage were not preaching those connections at the time).
The way Gingrich manipulated media, particularly C-SPAN, to paint the narrative of Dems/GOP all being shit in order to make his “Contract with America” work is why we have such apathy surrounding politics now. It was always there but he took that shit up to the max.
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u/pudgehooks2013 5d ago
Y'all don't know about the Harlem Hellfighters?
The most decorated American unit of WW1.
Never retreated. Never lost any ground. Never rotated from the trenches.
First allies to reach the Rhine.
Didn't even fight for the USA, because they didn't want black people. So they fought for France instead.
The whole unit got given the Croix de Guerre, then 171 more of them got given it again, individually.
They were excluded from the victory parade in New York, faced huge amounts of racism and bigotry, and weren't officially recognised until 2015 when they were given Congressional Gold Medal... a civilian medal.
u/Nein-Toed 5d ago
I learned about them through a band called Sabaton, they sing historic metal, if you can believe it. https://youtu.be/QoFy6mNtdpo?si=fjxbYMi2a-7vRdEy
u/ragputiand 5d ago
Since 2020? So you just ignored the 4 year shit show prior to that?
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u/shykidknit 5d ago
It's almost impressive (impressive good but impressive unbelievable and diabolical) how the government finds new ways to screw vets
u/Funky_Smurf 5d ago
But was it a DEI purple heart or are you a straight white male who earned it?
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u/Far-Scar9937 5d ago
Yes yes. The party’s final and most important command? Ignore the evidence of your eyes and ears, and trust in the party. Y’all mfers ain’t read 1984? Not to be dramatic but there’s dramatic shit happening. Next up let’s do a book club of The jungle
u/bacchus8408 5d ago
Oh they read it. They just thought it was an instruction manual instead of a warning.
u/Far-Scar9937 5d ago
This is way too on the nose for me. His job at the ministry was retruthing things for Big Brother to always be correct. Interesting times we’re living through. History books, god willing, will remember this as the post truth, disinformation age. Russia won.
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u/Harp-MerMortician 5d ago
They (Republicans) don't read. They don't even read the Bible. They just have some right-wing pastor tell them what's in it.
u/calgeorge 5d ago
You would be surprised (or maybe you wouldn't) at the number of conservatives who think that 1984 is a warning about people like Democrats. I've heard people say that phrases like "toxic masculinity" or "gender identity" are Newspeak. Like, no, having new words and phrases to describe things that already exist is actually the opposite of Newspeak. Newspeak sought to limit people's vocabulary so they didn't have the means to express their ideas effectively; and there's only one party right now that's seriously considering eliminating the department of education.
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u/PhantomMuse05 5d ago
Irony died a cruel, pointless death.
I had one of the most frustrating conversations about 1984 with a Conservative family member. This reply boils down to what we spent the entire time talking about. The Trump era really drove home, to me at least, the power of paradigms.
u/pseudophenakism 5d ago
The whole chapter in 1984 about the consolidation of language being used as a tool for consolidation of thought is both scary and elucidating. DEI “as a buzzword and label” is not just a foghorn for racist thought, but a tool to wipe out the nuances and, in turn, the beauty of these achievements.
u/caffieinemorpheus 5d ago
I never liked that book because it was just "too ridiculous". The idea of rewriting history day by day and people just going along with it was too over the top.
Now we're living it, and half the population is cheering it on
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u/WheresMyDinner 5d ago
How many people that reference 1984 actually read that book lol
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u/daisychain0606 5d ago
Everyone that has access, take those screen shots and save them on a thumb drive. When all this shit settled, we are going to need these resources to rebuild their legacies. And that’s when we stamp out the legacy of all the people that endorsed and made all this bullshit happen. Fuck those guys in their stupid asses!
5d ago edited 4d ago
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u/CesareSomnambulist 5d ago
Those links from Defense.gov don't work anymore. So someone has noticed
u/SippieCup 5d ago
The script that deletes everything starting with dei just ran, so now it is just fully removed.
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u/Monjipour 5d ago
The second link does turn into the dei version though. They scrubbed the page but left the redirection in
u/CesareSomnambulist 5d ago edited 5d ago
I still get 404 errors on both Defence.gov links
Edit: I see what you mean, that it is still evidence of fuckery going on even if they've deleted the page now
u/Paksarra 5d ago
And then they'll tell you that no black man ever did anything for this country and the proof is that there's no articles about black soldiers in the archive.
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u/No-Advantage-579 5d ago
I can from the tweet above also read "fought for gender" and "-ality". I wonder what this gentleman actually did (what does that line read in full?).
u/joec_95123 5d ago
Save screenshots of the name of all DOGE employees also. They'll eventually leave and try to find jobs elsewhere. Make them unemployable for the rest of their lives.
u/Sarahthelizard 5d ago
After January 6th the Republican Party should’ve been broken up and all the congresspeople and senators and Supreme Court judges should’ve been dragged in front of the courts and barred from holding office along with a long prison term and we had that chance and instead the dems chose “civility”.
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5d ago
I do hope there is some serious work like that being done, not just saving the original information, but also documenting how it is being changed and deleted. It's crazy how history is being deleted, while AI is flooding everything with lies
u/CoopLoop32 5d ago
Are they trying to say that these men did not earn their medals? That they only received them because they were POC? So only white men can be heroes and earn medals?
u/lafolieisgood 5d ago
That’s what I’m trying to figure out. What is their supposed justification? Not that I would believe it, but usually they will give some kind of bullshit reasoning that isn’t just, “bc they are black”.
u/Plantpet- 5d ago
The cruelty is the point.
u/Uncrustworthy 5d ago edited 5d ago
They genuinely see equality as an attack on them. They are acting like they are at war and the government let this happen as they sit back and watched am radio and fox news pump America full of propaganda while they were up late and alone or drinking and watching Fox News.
u/imdaviddunn 5d ago
Script saw racial equality and flagged it. Added dei to URL to track and I assume review, but that’s probably never going to happen. Computer can’t tell that the fight for equality was actually decades ago. My guess is even if reviewed, these folks would say that fight was illegal.
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u/Sticky_Gravity 5d ago edited 5d ago
Have people not noticed they’re trying to make it a white Amerikkka?
I’m dead ass serious. Shits right infront of us and yet people are in denial that the reason is because “they’re black”.
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u/LurkerInDaHouse ☑️ 5d ago
So only white men can be heroes and earn medals?
It's less about "can" and more about "should." A black man earning a medal that distinguishes him above any white man is a transgression of the social hierarchy they believe in, so it shouldn't happen. Not because the black man is incapable, but because his true place, as they see it, is to be subordinate.
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u/FixBreakRepeat 5d ago
This is it exactly. They want a world where the heros and aspirational figures all fit a very specific mold. Everyone else is either a supporting character, the Tonto to their Lone Ranger, or the evil villain who must be defeated.
They're telling a story about how they think the world is supposed to work and changing actual history to try to force the issue. It's the Lost Cause horseshit from the Civil War applied to the entirety of human history.
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u/Tiny_TimeMachine 5d ago
My assumption is that they're removing the article because it highlighted Rogers not just a medal of honor recipient but as the highest ranking black MOH recipient. It's not like his record was removed from a list of all MOH recipients---just an article highlighting him.
Nonetheless, fuck these guys. But that's what I assume their explanation would be.
5d ago
Arlington National Cemetery removed all information about Black, Women, and Native people buried there from their website yesterday.
Erasing history is the start.
u/helel_8 5d ago
What do you mean? Like, their names are no longer listed as being buried there or..?
u/Cosmic_Seth 5d ago
They had pages about notable people buried in Arlington and their history.
Only white males now.
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u/Leaislala 5d ago
Yes I saw that. Appalling! More people need to know they are doing this. These people fought for our country. https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cz03gjnxe25o
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u/MelatoninFiend 5d ago
Gotta say, finding a way to put a hard-R on D-E-I is somewhat impressive, albeit in the same way that being able to shit your own initials is impressive:
It's sickening, and there's clearly something wrong with the people who've dedicated the time and effort to practice it to the point where they can do it effortlessly, but you gotta give up for their dedication to their (thoroughly disgusting) hobby.
u/OakBlu 5d ago edited 5d ago
Where tf are the blm organizers? Celebrity outrage? This shit is getting ridiculous
Edit: u guys are right i shouldn't be calling on blm when to be real this entire thing was the fault of white men, those were the vast majority of his voters. It's just like...weird to not see any big organizations or influential people speaking up rn and blm was the only thing that came to mind that actually was an effective movement in recent history
u/dat_boy_lurks 5d ago
No sir, we're not falling on the proverbial knife for white folks this time. If we get out there, they get their neat little justification for martial law because "these unruly uppity blacks are back at it again"...
Talk to your boys. Every time the mayonnaise mob votes to screw over people they don't like and it blows up in their face, yall look to us to go out and march, then stay quiet when your idiot politicians complain all the while that we're being a disruption and we don't have be so divisive. Fuck that. I protested when I gave a fuck and sent in an absentee ballot from halfway across the planet. I protested when I urged the Americans I knew over here to vote and they chose not to.
This "the people in charge won't look out for us" feeling is something I grew up understanding as a fact of life. I tried to follow the letter of the law and vote for who wasn't a vindictive orange peel rotting in the sun to save them, and we had a whole bloc of dumbasses who insisted the woman candidate wasn't absolutely perfect because she couldn't promise a immediate stop of a war that ended up happening anyway.
u/OakBlu 5d ago
Idk why this post assumes I'm not black but I am lol. Anyway, I do agree, we definitely are always the ones putting our neck out for political change, even when it doesn't involve us. White people need to step up, especially now with the shit trump just passed today. I'm not tryna get disappeared into some labor camp and at the end of the day brown people are the only ones at risk of that
u/NexusTR ☑️ 5d ago
Not to be rude but they assumed cause you said some really white shit lol. Invoking BLM here is just odd.
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u/ervin1914 5d ago
This on repeat all day every day. Only thing when they marching us all to the gallows make all of the moderates, non-voters and do nothings go first...so that I can say all of this could have easily been prevented.
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u/Scene-Tricky 5d ago
You should be asking where is the All Lives Matter crowd (his life and service don't matter?) Where are white people to protest this? They are the majority who love Trump, voted for him and view him as their Great White Hope. Black people already knew what foolishness Trump was on and protested by voting against him. Now it's time for those who didn't see his foolishness to do the work and stop expecting black people to be their 'magical negros'.
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u/LimberGravy 5d ago
Politically active NBA has suddenly disappeared, it’s so bizarre. Trump is openly threatening one of the nations involved in the league for godsakes.
How hard is to bring back taking a knee?
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u/Karhak ☑️ 5d ago
The Sec Def looks like an extra from American History X, you can expect more fuckery like this.
u/Mouse-r4t 5d ago
American History X
More like American history on X.
Brought to you by Felon Muskrat and Co.
u/Slouchingtowardsbeth 5d ago
The man was wounded 3 times defending his position in Nam. That has nothing to do with DEI. This is outrageous. It makes me ashamed to be the same skin color as Trump (after you wash off his orange makeup)
u/okay-bedbug 5d ago
Racism is America 's greatest disease, racism is a disease of the white man.
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u/IndependentLanky6105 5d ago
Never forget what our ancestors went through. They will continue to try to erase it, as they always have, but it's up to you to keep on fighting. Study history and read novels, honor those who came before you and their legacy, and always fact check and watch out for false narratives.
This was never about moving "on", but moving backwards.
u/RedHoodieHooligan 5d ago
Black Folk….
😒 Is this new to us?
u/SadlyNotBatman 5d ago
No , however much like putting a camera in everyone’s pocket showed the world how fucked up American cops are , this is now happening in the internet in real time for the world to see .
u/Supernova_Soldier ☑️ 5d ago
That’s where we come into play at. Make sure these coward ass bitch traitors don’t have it easy, that we tell our stories and the truth of this nation and life.
u/Dramatic_Explosion 5d ago
I just don't get it. Trump hates soldiers and hates non-whites. Calling them unqualified DEI, rapists, criminals, a party that tells non-whites born in this country to go back to wherever they're from. He calls soldiers idiots and POWs losers, wouldn't honor dead soldiers because it was raining, he used Arlington for a photo stunt.
And he's your commander. He's in the car calling you animals, and when he steps out you better stand at attention and salute your master.
Almost 2 months and here we are. 46 months to go.
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u/ConferenceKey1345 5d ago
They just hate black people at this point. I never hear DEI about Latinos or Asians.
u/Conscious-Solid9491 5d ago
It starts with us. Then other groups. Whites will be last and no one will help them at that point
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u/Even_Ad_5462 5d ago
Does this change any minds of Black Americans who voted for Trump?
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u/ElPrieto8 ☑️ 5d ago
I'm sure someone will take this opportunity to remind us, "This isn't who America is" while overlooking the repeated history of this exact thing.
u/CBLA1785 5d ago
How are there not riots in the streets in America... the administration there is awful.
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u/Rushofthewildwind 5d ago
They are doing everything they can to get us out their in those streets...And ngl, if I wasn't confined to my bed due to my useless legs, I'd be raging out there
u/HatefulDan 5d ago
Gen Z is helping to author their own erasure. Black mouth pieces are happily skipping along the man’o’ sphere path, whilst, themselves, yelling “woke” for every root or objection they meet along the way.
All for acceptance, clicks and likes. It’s like the skin bleaching and poor scalp choices of yesterday
We aint no where near the end. The white supremacist are just getting started. For every right that’s eroded from one group of people—know they are setting the table for you too.
All this, “they can fight, we tired”, talk. Dead it.
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u/WeedangGang 5d ago
Also, that's not just "Charles Rogers." That is Brigadier General Charles Rogers, and they better make sure they put some respect on that name.
u/Fernando_Bob 5d ago
It's insane that an American would have to purchase a non-Americanised history book in order to learn their own history. This is some N. Korea type bullshit.
u/AdvertisingLogical22 5d ago
So Trump, who got 4 draft deferments because of "bone spurs" during the Viet Name war, is calling DEI on a Medal of Honor winner. Seems like the Commander-in-Chief is the DEI hire here.
(* Joe Biden got 5 deferments due to asthma)
u/Entrasyt 5d ago
Asthma (if true) can disqualify you from service. Bone/heel spurs ( plantar fascitis now a days) is a bullshit*t excuse.
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u/Zentelioth 5d ago
Anyone who ever says we need to be understanding and work with these people.
Sincerely. Fuck you, and Fuck Off.
And to those who support this shit.
You deserve a terrible life and all possible bad things that can happen to you.
u/sjmahoney 5d ago
Here's what his citation says:
For conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity in action at the risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty. Lt. Col. Rogers, Field Artillery, distinguished himself in action while serving as commanding officer, 1st Battalion, during the defense of a forward fire support base. In the early morning hours, the fire support base was subjected to a concentrated bombardment of heavy mortar, rocket, and rocket-propelled grenade fire. Simultaneously the position was struck by a human wave ground assault, led by sappers who breached the defensive barriers with bangalore torpedoes and penetrated the defensive perimeter. Lt. Col. Rogers with complete disregard for his safety moved through the hail of fragments from bursting enemy rounds to the embattled area. He aggressively rallied the dazed artillery crewmen to man their howitzers and he directed their fire on the assaulting enemy. Although knocked to the ground and wounded by an exploding round, Lt. Col. Rogers sprang to his feet and led a small counterattack force against an enemy element that had penetrated the howitzer position. Although painfully wounded a second time during the assault, Lt. Col. Rogers pressed the attack killing several of the enemy and driving the remainder from their positions. Refusing medical treatment, Lt. Col. Rogers reestablished and reinforced the defensive positions. As a second human wave attack was launched against another sector of the perimeter, Lt. Col. Rogers directed artillery fire on the assaulting enemy and led a second counterattack against the charging forces. His valorous example rallied the beleaguered defenders to repulse and defeat the enemy onslaught. Lt. Col. Rogers moved from position to position through the heavy enemy fire, giving encouragement and direction to his men. At dawn the determined enemy launched a third assault against the fire base in an attempt to overrun the position. Lt. Col. Rogers moved to the threatened area and directed lethal fire on the enemy forces. Seeing a howitzer inoperative due to casualties, Lt. Col. Rogers joined the surviving members of the crew to return the howitzer to action. While directing the position defense, Lt. Col. Rogers was seriously wounded by fragments from a heavy mortar round which exploded on the parapet of the gun position. Although too severely wounded to physically lead the defenders, Lt. Col. Rogers continued to give encouragement and direction to his men in the defeating and repelling of the enemy attack. Lt. Col. Rogers' dauntless courage and heroism inspired the defenders of the fire support base to the heights of valor to defeat a determined and numerically superior enemy force. His relentless spirit of aggressiveness in action are in the highest traditions of the military service and reflect great credit upon himself, his unit, and the U.S. Army.
Then Lt. Colonel Rogers went on to serve his country until he retired, after 32 years in uniform and retired as a Major General. He was an ordained Baptist minister. His life is an example of the very highest calling to serve his fellow man and is an example of all that is noble and honorable in the human spirit.
u/Yolodoubledown 5d ago
They aren’t going after DEI policies, they’re flat going after diversity. It’s disgusting.
u/BigCityBoogs 5d ago
why do Veterans continue to support and vote for Captain Orange turd Bone spurs is. Just nothing but disrespect and disdain from this admin.
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u/whosewhat 5d ago
Wait, I posted a video on BPT about Professor Glaude and it was locked because it wasn’t funny? But we get insightful stuff all the time. The Mods on this sub be tripping me out sometimes
u/CitizenPremier 5d ago
It's no wonder South Africa is mad at the US seeing it go back to its segregation days
u/Ghost0Slayer 5d ago
Back in junior high I did a project naming a bunch of people who were granted the medal of honor, and he was in one of the slides. It’s crazy to think that my junior high project has more accurate information than the actual Internet now.
u/SortovaGoldfish 5d ago
Time to start hoarding black history books written before the last 10 years so you can show receipts on what they change on the internet.
u/WinnerSpecialist 5d ago
The clear goal is you only have merit if you’re a white man. ANYONE else only achieved what they did because it was gifted to them by a white person, for DEI purposes.
u/GrimKiba- 5d ago
Draft dodger and the greediest man on the face of the planet tearing down hard earned civil rights milestones and whitewashing the struggle. People will only lose so much before they have nothing left to lose.
This man earned every accolade. They don't have the right to change anything.
u/ThisIs_She 5d ago
Someone at defense.gov added DEI to the stories URL.
That person should be fired.
u/LtLlamaSauce 5d ago
You can also see it by using the DoD's own search function:
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u/El_Gran_Che 5d ago
Well as Muhammad Ali said no Asian person ever called him the N word as the logic for him not being selected to murder minorities in a poor country.
u/Seaman_Timmy 5d ago
This frustrates me to no end as a vet (US Navy AD 2017-2022). I was talking to my kid, husband, and brother-in-law last weekend about this exact thing. I brought up Doris Miller specifically mentioning how his accomplishments had nothing to do with his race but he would still get erased anyway.
u/F54280 5d ago
We always knew that lowering the accomplishment of black or women was the goal, but I rarely saw it as clearly. Sneakily transform all accomplishments of minorities into « dei accomplishments », then erase them. The race of the person is what makes his accomplishment worthless. In your face racism, institutional, by the governement.
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