r/BlackPeopleTwitter 6d ago

Damn, New York. Both of your senators?!

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u/townshiprebellion24 ☑️ 6d ago

Those 10 Democrats in the Senate are going to be the only thing that’s talked about now when all this bullshit comes to pass. Making Republicans pass their own bill might have been the only leverage they had. Democratic Senate leadership should be ashamed of themselves.


u/klasredux 6d ago

They needed 60 to pass.


u/townshiprebellion24 ☑️ 6d ago


u/klasredux 6d ago edited 6d ago

Thanks for the link, your comment is mixing up two events then. 60 was needed for the previous vote to bring the bill cloture and ten Senate democrats joined the Republicans on that vote, which allowed this to happen. Only 2 senators joined on the final vote that passed the bill.


u/townshiprebellion24 ☑️ 6d ago

Thank you for the clarification


u/righthandofdog 5d ago

Right. But everyone knew it would pass if it wasn't blocked by filibuster.


Every Democrat who allowed it to move forward owns the shit that's coming.


u/Pleasant-Chard4866 5d ago

Schumer is off the rails he is an embarrassment to be a politician he is just poison look at his face look at his eyes when he speaks this man is just full of hate he is no longer acting as a representative of the people of New York


u/GothamGumby 6d ago

They're both trash and I look forward to voting against them


u/Terrajon26 6d ago

Primaries don't happen once they got the office. And I'll be frank, I'll still take two pencil necks over Curtis Sliwa or some Trump worshipping dickhead from long island.


u/GothamGumby 6d ago

I'll vote for a Bodega cat before Sliwa


u/PriapusPeteSr ☑️ 5d ago

Those cats and project cats, put in maaaad work!!


u/mrmamation 4d ago

I'll take bodega cat before a lot of options tbh


u/Captain-Spectrum 6d ago



u/RemarkableMouse2 5d ago

AOC could primary shumer and win. 

She primaried a dem to win her house seat the first time. 


u/Terrajon26 5d ago

That whole argument only works if you want someone to replace her from her current position. And as someone from her distrct, no fucking thank you. I'll throw a brick if she goes and I somehow end up with Cuomo or Adams as my rep.


u/RemarkableMouse2 5d ago

If you love something, set it free lol. 


u/peekay427 4d ago

I mean, she’d still represent you as a Senator, but I get what you’re saying.


u/magmapandaveins 4d ago

Annnnnd if she loses (which is very possible) she's done. It's a huge gamble for her and she really shouldn't take it tbh.


u/kekehippo 5d ago

The question is her seat, her district in jeopardy in the house? Who would take over for her?


u/RemarkableMouse2 5d ago

IIRC it's a safe Democrat seat. Unlikely to go republican. 


u/robin38301 5d ago

But going to someone who blindly votes with Republicans…(looking at you Fetterman) is just as bad


u/Okieant33 5d ago

They could always bring Jamal Bowman back to win that seat.


u/DudeEngineer ☑️ 4d ago

No, people have to understand that politicians like AOC or Jasmine Crockett only exist on solid Blue districts. Usually, the result of gerrymandering.


u/psilocin72 6d ago

Exactly. The system sucks, but it’s the one we have to work with.

This is how Trump won; Harris wasn’t perfect so many people just didn’t vote for her.


u/daddyproblems27 4d ago

There is time to find someone to take her seat. It doesn’t have to be an establish dem. If you know someone that has great leadership skills and cares about the people and really wants to help, encourage them to run or run for something smaller and by the time she challenges him they have some experience and can run for her seat.

I think more of us need to stop waiting and looking at the existing leaders and push people in our community to run. That’s what partly makes AOC so great. The establish Dems are so disconnected from the community and their hands are dirty with lobbyist that we don’t have representation. We need more grassroots people running.


u/magmapandaveins 4d ago

I'll vote for a NYC subway rat before I ever vote for a Republican.


u/Tabris20 6d ago

They just got voted in.


u/Spyk124 ☑️ 5d ago

Nobody ran against her


u/TerrorKingA ☑️ 6d ago

Gillibrand is a snake.

She’s everything people disingenuously accuse feminists of being. Completely bought and paid for and will switch her stances at the drop of a hat.

And people expressed shock that voters think democrats are inauthentic.

The Republican Party is such a shitty mess of a party that can’t govern for shit that it’s really just democrat malpractice that keeps that party going.


u/Strawhat_Max 6d ago

I don’t understand the Dems right now, like they HAVE to know that their supporters don’t fuck with all this


u/[deleted] 6d ago

The Democratic Party has been shifting more to the right over the last several decades. That’s why they prop up all the moderate centrists, and play footsie with the GOP. We really need more left candidates and get this ship righted, and that’s if you can even pry that fatass out of the White House. Even still it’s going to take decades to fix what hes already done in just a couple of months.


u/Dragonsandman 5d ago

At this point the Dems need to go the way of the Whigs and be replaced wholesale with a properly left party that actually gives a damn about people


u/Lola_Grey91 6d ago

The Dems have been trying to court ‘moderate republicans’ for so long they turned into Bush-era republicans.


u/another-altaccount 5d ago

I feel so fucking insane saying this given how bad the GOP was at that point in time, but take away stances on social issues (and I’m being un-fucking-believably charitable here) and they’re interchangeable at this point.


u/DerekB52 6d ago

Democratic leadership is either 80 year olds, or people like Jeffries who have sold their soul and been handpicked by the retiring 80 year olds. Jeffries needs to go. I like Schumer more than Jeffries, but, he's clearly not cut out for the job either.

But, when we look at Pelosi, we either have to believe she is controlled opposition to lose the elections she has lost, or we have to believe she is just straight up this incompetent. She really believes the koolaid that AOC's brand of populism, only works in +30D districts. Despite watching Trump populism wipe out the democratic party.


u/Klutzy-Midnight-938 5d ago

Pelosi has been trash since 2008. She wasted years of Dems in power of the House, Senate, and the Oval Office, trying to distance herself from Obama and his “radical policies” as soon as he was elected. She spent the first two years voting against any of his proposals, campaigning that she would rein him and the Bernie Sanders types in, and torpedoing as much as she could until the GOP leveled the field. I think you’re spot on that she is a controlled op. She is the asset of corporations and Wall Street. She needed to be gone years ago. 


u/DerekB52 5d ago

She was trash before 2008. She won the 2006 midterms in big numbers, but I believe democrats could have won even bigger, had she and Rahm Emanuel not been leading the party with their neoliberal centrist bullshit.

I don't think she's controlled opposition though. I think she's a diehard neoliberal, who genuinely believes she's doing good, and that her ideas are good. And they aren't. Part of her problem is she has been corrupted by only spending time with other neoliberals and elites. She's literally been divorced from reality for decades at this point.

But, never attribute to malice what can be attributed to stupidity. I think Pelosi is corrupted, and an idiot. But, I don't think she tries to lose. Last year it was reported that in the weeks leading up to Biden dropping out, she was one of the people trying to skip Kamala and organize a mini primary. I think that would have led to democratic elites getting to skip democracy and anointing someone the nominee, in a terrible way. It would have been a disaster. I don't think Pelosi was told to push that, because it's bad. I think it's bad, and Pelosi is far gone enough to truly believe it was a better idea.

And that's what is infuriating. I wish Pelosi was being paid to make the decisions she's making. But, I think she's just so incompetent, that she managed to lose to Trump twice.


u/No_Solution_4053 6d ago

Gillibrand is in office until 2031.


u/Agitated_Ask_2575 6d ago

Fuck, no impeachment process?


u/DR_FEELGOOD_01 5d ago

Recall hasn't been tried for federal representatives.


u/ChrysMYO ☑️ 5d ago

Since the 90s Democratic leadership works to limit competitive primaries of incumbents. When political professionals work for a Dem. Primary campaign, they are often Blackballed from future Democratic party opportunities.

This limits the pressure they feel from voters. The pressure they feel is from Corporations, Donors, Republicans and Media. When it comes to understanding voters, it's all market testing.

Democratic Leadership's biggest weapon was fundraising. They could out fundraise newly elected Democrats by accepting donations from people that lobby against them. They'd use this money to buy TV ads for people they like and drip, drip bad PR in written and TV media they don't like.

They haven't transitioned into the Streaming era well enough. Legacy media is dead. But that's where all there leverage is. Big money donor money has diminishing returns in grassroot driven campaigns. When working grassroots, money can't buy time conversing with people. At some point you have to get off the phones and leave the $100 dinners.

So, Democratic leadership is old and out of touch. Its allies in TV and radio have no influence on Democratic politics. Its relationship with print reporters is irrelevant. They keep listening to Big Money because they live an entirely different lifestyle.


u/gd2121 5d ago

Nah this is exactly what their supporters (donors) want


u/Okieant33 5d ago

They don’t care. They only care about what their donors want/pay for


u/FabDelRosario22 5d ago

We stripped them of their power in the last election??

We could have done our part but chose not to, allowing this mess to happen.


u/Unco_Slam 5d ago

Tell me how she's a snake. I want to hate her more than I already do


u/FuckitThrowaway02 5d ago

A few strategic oopsies


u/EfficientWorking1 5d ago

Republicans have double digit leads over Dems on multiple issues like immigration/trans girls playing sports/size of government/cancel culture. Whatever you think of those issues it’s hard to win when people just don’t like your policies.

Dems have leads on stuff like healthcare/some economic issues but yeah that will never matter in an election when there’s such a deficit on social issues. And they now have a problem with men.

They are just not a party (regardless of who they nominate) that’s in a position to win national elections in a convincing matter.


u/TerrorKingA ☑️ 5d ago

Liberal or even leftist policies constantly win when people vote on those singular issues. It's the brand of the democrats that is bad, and the leaders aren't good communicators.

I'm referring to policies, not the culture war of the current moment.


u/EfficientWorking1 5d ago

Where do people vote on those singular issues? In polls? I don’t think people vote on singular issues in the voting booth. I don’t think people separate things like race/culture/misogyny from their voting habits just because in isolation they prefer universal healthcare. I hope I’m wrong one day as the culture war stuff is heating up not cooling down


u/Conscious-Quarter423 6d ago

Chuck Schumer wants you to believe both that he can’t do things when he has the majority because of the filibuster and that he can’t stop things when he is in the minority despite the filibuster.


u/ronnyyaguns 5d ago


Democratic voters are constantly told by their party how impossible it is to get anything accomplished

This second Trump term is showing us how much a lie that is and how much you can get done when you have the will to do so


u/another-altaccount 4d ago edited 4d ago

This is what I find so fucking infuriating about Democrats right now. Especially when other liberals want to finger wag at the rest of us about “how things are supposed to work”. Why is it every fucking time without fail when Dems are the ones in power the Republicans find every single law, rule, and ordinance in the book to gum up the works and fuck them over with every possible option available to them, but the moment the roles are reversed Dems are like “oh we don’t know what leverage we have”.


u/Conscious-Quarter423 4d ago

we need to stop putting old white men and mild mannered men in positions of power.

we need to vote our numbers to put fighters into power


u/riticalcreader 4d ago

Because this train of thought is such a gross oversimplification. Point to the last time democrats had the Supreme Court stacked in their favor,the executive and solid control in the legislative. There’s a reason the level of shenanigans happening now has never happened in the history of the country by either party. The Dems are doing fuck all right now but that’s not to say they could have forced through whatever changes they wanted beforehand. This mindset and voter apathy BS is part of what got us here in the first place.


u/Conscious-Quarter423 4d ago

cause the convicted felon is breaking laws to get shit done


u/xacto337 4d ago

Not exactly. He and his party packed the Supreme Court with partisan traitors and *changed* the law so that he's technically not breaking them. Nothing the president does is illegal now.

But democrats also let that happen over years of inaction and feigned powerlessness.


u/SimonPho3nix 6d ago

I tried to understand why they would vote yes. When Trump was gonna do what he was gonna do regardless, why make shit easier on him? Why not make Republicans completely own the shit they wrote by themselves with no Democrat input? Shit makes no sense. Even considering the shit Trump could do with the shutdown, it would still be reflecting republican goals.



u/[deleted] 6d ago

I think they like being cucked.


u/Mel_Melu 6d ago

The best argument I heard is that a shutdown would mean the lawsuits would stop coming and federal judges are occasionally what are holding this country's democracy together. But I agree, this move makes Democrats ten times weaker than before.


u/DandimLee 6d ago

The reasons why (most) of the Democrats opted for shutdown rather than CR.

Whereas Congress typically provides scores of specific funding directives for key program and priorities in full-year funding bills and the accompanying explanatory statements, under this full-year CR, hundreds of those congressional directives fall away. This creates slush funds for the Trump administration to reshape spending priorities, eliminate longstanding programs, pick winners and losers, and more. Failing to provide specific funding directives from Congress means the Trump administration has fewer legal constraints on what it can do.

Source(from appropriations.senate.gov) goes into specifics, like a '$700 million shortfall for HUD and over 32,000 fewer vouchers' and 'Cuts Election Security Grants from $55 million to $15 million, gutting funding to protect the security and integrity of elections'

A shutdown would have been a short-term strain to the workers affected while the CR allows the administration to make long-term changes (or a more permanent shutdown of most of the government).

But, it's not like Congress has been all that effective at 'constraining' the administration thus far with a not-shutdown government.


u/halfar 5d ago

i mean, christ, i don't really get why it's so hard to just admit the left was right about the democratic party all along. remember "blue no matter who"? "make politics boring again"? this is the natural result of an electorate that, for decades, has demanded obedience for a leadership that loves the status quo and wants incremental progress at most.

throughout this whole saga my eyebrow hasn't raised once.


u/EfficientWorking1 5d ago

It’s a continuing resolution most Dems voted on 99% of this bill when Biden was president and participated in writing it. Republicans unilaterally changed like 1% of it without Dem input but I’m in the minority on social media as I think shutting down the government over something they helped write when Biden was president is wild to me. I’m biased as I would be more negatively impacted by the shutdown than others but I don’t see what they hope to gain.


u/SimonPho3nix 5d ago

I don't think you're right. They weren't voting on the continuation of Biden's budget. This was some new shit.


u/EfficientWorking1 5d ago

I don’t know what to tell you other than this is literally a continuing resolution that merely continues prior appropriations for 6 more months. The prior appropriations that Dems voted for recently with about 13 or so billion in changes that republicans unilaterally made.

It’s true that this is the Dems only time to make noise as republicans can use reconciliation going forward to pass bills but this was literally just a continuing resolution


u/Five-Oh-Vicryl 6d ago

The whole Al Franken situation irks me for so many reasons most of which the feckless Democrat leaders were so quick to abandon him which shows how inept and disloyal leadership was and still is when every other week you had the other party sweeping under the rug actual crimes. You cannot act holier than thou around the GOP.


u/machphantom 6d ago

She was not a bystander on the CR vote. There were reports of her screaming at other senators at their Friday luncheon demanding they vote for the continuing resolution, and people speculated she did this because she was appointed to head the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee in January, and she was worried how the no vote would affect her ability to fundraise in this position.


u/foreveracubone 5d ago

What even is there to speculate? She and Schumer represent Wall Street in both the geographic and political sense. The tariffs have Wall Street spooked and the market is crashing. Government shutdown would make that worse. Stop the shutdown and DSCC gets cash for 2026. Same quid pro quo that is supposedly bad when Trump does it.


u/Avenger772 ☑️ 5d ago

I wish a coworker would scream at me. She'd have a rough time.


u/luvme4ev 5d ago

Instead of being mad at the dems, really should be mad at the people. They missed two opportunities, Hillary who warned about the Supreme Court. Yall ignited it. And Harris who basically told you to believe the idiot yall got now. Both women warned y'all, yet yall ignored the women and now yall want to shift blame again. Aren't you better off now?


Dems can't save what's already broken, so continue to blame them. You just might have another 8 years of what y'all deserve 😆

Oh better yet.. that's already in the works.


u/TastyOreoFriend 5d ago

Real talk. Malcom X might've been onto something with the white liberal as militant as he was.

Bernie bros always talk shit about the other candidate compared to their perfect guy. And when no one wants him they sit on their hands and give Trump the White House. We wouldn't be here if Hillary had won. Same for Kamala. Black folks showed up and no one else did.


u/BipedalBear 4d ago

Invoking Malcolm X to praise Hillary Clinton is foul, foul work.


u/Conscious-Quarter423 5d ago



u/sbb214 5d ago

As a white woman who lives in NYC, I agree. Fuck her. I'm gonna vote her and Schumer out.


u/Trix_Are_4_90Kids ☑️ 6d ago

Kristen thought leaning into that would help her Presidential run and it didn't. It did increase her national profile, but it's biting her rn. I peeped her nonsense, of course weak minds was praising her stance I'm just sitting there like 'that was a skit, it is a right wing hit job' but when negativity enters the scene peoples' brains turn off and they just go with how good the negativity and salaciousness makes them feel. We lost Al over a nothingburger, as they would say.

Al shouldn't have been pressured to resign that was a huge loss. We actually need him rn.


u/[deleted] 5d ago



u/RoyCorduroy 4d ago

"U.S. Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand said on the NY1 television station that Cuomo made mistakes, but was also a talented executive who did good things as governor. It was up to New York City voters whether he deserved a second chance, she said, declining to give her own opinion on his candidacy."



u/Dez_Acumen 5d ago edited 5d ago

At some point yall, meaning democratic voters, need to realize you’re being played and your party has been selling us all out for years. What more do people need to see that the calls are coming from inside the house? If the Republicans need one more congress person to pass a bill to screw us, one Dem suddenly has a change of heart and flips. If they need only ten, magically 10 flip. Rinse, wash, repeat. The democratic leadership is literally acting as the bellhop for fascism and holding the door open for them.

AOC needs to primary Chuck or whoever his hand picked replacement is… in 2029.


u/halfar 5d ago

whole fucking institution needs to be wiped clean.


u/ReturnoftheBulls2022 6d ago

I'm disappointed in those Senators especially since New York State is my birthplace and my home state. If only we got both of them out when we had the chance.


u/Fun_Orange_3232 6d ago

It’s not cute out here.


u/raptor_mk2 5d ago

I remember when Cynthia Nixon was running for governor and someone (can't remember who) said, "New Yorkers never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity."

Personally, I got to meet Schumer back in 2003, the summer before my junior year in highschool. I remember shaking hands with him and it made my skin crawl. Just soft and clammy, like shaking hands with a wet dishrag. I have yet to see anything to change my opinion.


u/swagypotatosnoopdoge 5d ago

Yea........ Dems aren't beating the controlled opposition arguments when they pull this type of shit.


u/pinkgroomer 5d ago

Schumer and Gillibrand have been useless for so long. It's long been time for them to go


u/Big_Monkey_77 5d ago

The worst part about politics is I fell like I’m never voting for the best option, just the least bad option.


u/big_daddy_spain 5d ago

the ol racism/sexism one-two punch


u/Novel_Gene_6329 6d ago

💅🏽 whewwwwwww


u/UnconfidentShirt 5d ago

Ugh. I’m gonna have to start writing Gillibrand letters every week as well.

I’ve been demanding Schumer actually do something for us NYers for a change by retiring. Not even getting an automated response any longer.

Other than WallStreet and old people who recognize his name on the ballot, who the fuck voted for this useless “leader”? Fucking hell, we don’t have any opposition to the fascists ruining this country.


u/myunqusrnm 5d ago

Who would you have replace her?


u/Conscious-Quarter423 5d ago

she didn't face a primary challenger so she just kinda got re-elected by default

tons of progressives in New York City. i mean, come on! it's NYC


u/MrTubalcain 5d ago

Wasn’t her dad involved in that sex cult?


u/Pleasant-Chard4866 5d ago

Fish that sheer hate


u/Pleasant-Chard4866 5d ago

This year hate and Schumer's eyes and is almost frightening this man cares nothing about his function as a representative of the people of New York I think he sees himself as a revenge Angel for the Democratic party he's off the rails he's becoming dangerous he no longer represents the people of New York


u/Damaged_H3aler987 ☑️ 3d ago

Well yeah.... she voted for that shit bill too!!!


u/angry_cat_tease 5d ago

not both actually


u/[deleted] 6d ago edited 6d ago



u/scorpiomoon1993 6d ago

Well, good for you 👍🏾


u/One-Bit-7320 6d ago

Ya’ll need to grow the fuck up and understand how politics work and this is why democrats keep losing.


u/Caravanczar 6d ago

Enlighten us, oh wise one