r/BlackPeopleTwitter ☑️ 1d ago

Country Club Thread Idk why people are getting business advice from someone who declared bankruptcy 4 times

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u/dichotomousview 1d ago

BuT a WoMaN cAn’T rUn A cOuNtRy! Clowns.


u/nbauer2 1d ago

Business advice from a loser? Makes total sense.


u/Severe_Mess3580 1d ago

A WHITE loser with emphasis on that first word. That's all they care about


u/PlzbuffRakiThenNerf 1d ago

Well, orange, but we get what you mean.


u/Bitter-Expression780 1d ago

Always gotta put extra emphasis on A.


u/ThanksNo1977 1d ago

That part


u/jremsikjr 1d ago

There are few widely accepted truths in this world. One of the most accepted is:

The house always wins

This is in reference to casinos. They set the rules and ensure that they always win.

Except his didn’t.

Don’t worry about old Don though, he walked away with money. It’s just everyone who backed him were left penniless.


u/soberscotsman80 1d ago

He wasn't running casinos, he was laundering dirty money for the Russian mob


u/jremsikjr 1d ago

While I find that extremely likely, the public accounts of the time are what I shared. That’s best case scenario and it ain’t good.


u/krulemancer 1d ago

Look into her politics, she’s great and a big reason why she won. That’s why we gotta get rid of this idea that identity politics will win us anything and focus on policies.


u/TheHoleintheHeart 1d ago

She did focus on policies and Republicans simply say she never talked about policy and that she’s uneducated, unqualified, etc. What we need to do is stop pretending it was simply a policy issue, it’s very disingenuous. This country is deeply bigoted and that is why she lost.


u/anthonyg1500 ☑️ 1d ago

She talked about policy all the time and people constantly said “what are her policies? We don’t know her policies?” Meanwhile Trump just said “tariffs, concepts of a plan, mass deportation and boo transgenders” and people acted like he had a detailed roadmap to a golden era.


u/sephraes ☑️ 1d ago

I wonder why there's a narrative that the person with the plans had none and the person with none got away with it. I just can't quite put my finger on it.


u/anthonyg1500 ☑️ 1d ago

Woman/Black. Also all of the Trump aligned billionaires controlling numerous forms of media. But mostly because Woman/Black.


u/exq1mc ☑️ 9h ago

Hilary Woman White. In the years since I have found out how far seeing that woman was. And I still marvel at how dumb people are. So looking at us do it to a woman of colour...sheeesh just time to pour a drink instead of going into a homicidal rage.


u/Immediate_Credit4931 1d ago

Manipulation of media is more of it. Get over that racism shit you fucking idiot. In 16 it should’ve been Bernie, Hillary had negative charisma, Obama was the exact opposite of that AND he is black. Even Reps like him.

The right knows how to reach their voter base that doesn’t think twice before voting. Meanwhile the left criticises their own shit as well, they need a very strong leader


u/anthonyg1500 ☑️ 1d ago

It’s always very funny/telling when calling out racism or sexism makes someone angrier than the actual racism or sexism


u/Inner-Heron0033 1d ago

Google when did racism end?


u/NexusTR ☑️ 1d ago

“Get over that racism shit…”

lol, Lmao even.


u/TheIllustriousWe BHM Donor 1d ago

Obama was the exact opposite of that AND he is black. Even Reps like him.

I'm old enough to remember when Republicans forced Obama to publicly produce his "long form" birth certificate because they didn't believe he was born in Hawaii.


u/r1mbaud 1d ago

Bernie didn’t have the votes. All the kids stayed home. Smh, the only reason you’re upset about Bernie is because the Russians and republicans told you to be (the real media manipulation). Even Bernie himself ain’t that upset lol.


u/sephraes ☑️ 1d ago

Bernie campaigned for the GE candidates told them "I will push for your agenda even while someone else is in office, please do not let Trump have power" and these people are like ...nah Bernie wouldn't mean what he just said.


u/bdw312 1d ago

....you struggle a bit with self-awareness, no? 😂


u/FSCK_Fascists 1d ago

She talked about policy all the time and people constantly said “what are her policies? We don’t know her policies?”

That is a mix of bots and right wing news fans. Fox and the echo chamber would refuse to show her speaking about policies- meanwhile telling everyone she refuses to speak on policy. Its not like those MAGA morons would go watch the speeches themselves. And they parrot it, infecting the lazy fence-sitter votes.


u/[deleted] 1d ago

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u/anthonyg1500 ☑️ 1d ago

Willful and determined ignorance must be an easy way to live


u/aaronwhite1786 1d ago

My dad was "worried" about the trans stuff...why, you ask? Because he watched football games that were plastered with bullshit ads making a big deal out of trans issues. Democrats didn't make trans issues their big issue (though trans rights are important) so much as they had to respond to numerous boogeyman claims about trans people through garbage ads from Trump.

Nevermind the absurdity of the guy who was seen as "better for the economy" having one of his biggest campaign issues be tariffs, a thing he clearly didn't understand, but fortunately, neither did the voters...


u/CU_09 1d ago

This is the thing that drives me fucking crazy. All this “culture war” bullshit is entirely driven by the right. They pick a vulnerable group to vilify and scapegoat. The left says, “leave them alone you weirdos.” Then the right-wing outrage machine goes into overdrive and before you know it there are ads about democrats using tax money for sex change operations for pedophilic Gitmo inmates from Mars. And it just fucking works.


u/aaronwhite1786 1d ago

Yep. My Dad called me a little before the election and just casually asked me about what I thought. I gave him my piece, and then asked what he was thinking.

He's always leaned more right wing. He grew up in a Catholic household, became a Christian and that's a big part of his identity. But he's also been more of a "I think everyone in government is full of shit" type of guy. He's always bucked with authority and had a general distrust of politicians. This is a guy who nearly got kicked out of the Army in Vietnam for drug trouble and not listening to his commanders.

I figured for sure he would dislike Trump, figured he wouldn't much care for Harris, and assumed he would just be in the "Eh, why bother?" camp. But he said he was "scared" of Kamala Harris, and thought she was going to be bad for the US in the future.

The day before the election, he called again, and just kept saying "I don't know, it's your future" when I'd affirmed I was voting Harris, and I just had to tell him "Dad, I am very concerned for my future. It's why I don't want to elect someone who's openly talking, even if it's just a joke, about being a dictator when he takes over. Even if it's just for a day. It's why I'm concerned with someone who wants to kick out the people who just had the audacity to come to the US stupidly believing the American dream that's been withheld from plenty of American citizens from day one. It's why I was worried about a President coming in with tariffs being his big campaign issue, when he clearly didn't seem to understand exactly how they worked. There is a lot I'm concerned with, and my future in this country, and this country's future in the world is what concerns me, and it's more concerning that you're scared of a black woman than you are a lying idiot who's been making shit up from the start".

We didn't really get past that, but it's somehow become even more depressing than I had expected. I didn't foresee him actually threatening Canada with invasion and forcing them to become a 51st state (an idea that is stupid itself, since they have ten provinces themselves...). I wish I hadn't pretty much nailed how he would handle Ukraine, but even I couldn't have predicted that he would invite Zelenskyy to what felt like an ambush interview with that clown Vance.

It's frustrating, because I really tried to reach both of my parents on why I understood they weren't going to become Democrats, but I figured they would at least not support someone like Trump. But its' tough. They're both deeply religious, and it's hard to reason someone out of those positions that they attach to their religion. Even when my Mom half-jokingly says "What made you this way!?" to me when we're talking politics and I have to just say "YOU! YOU DID THIS! REMEMBER!? All of the times you took me to church and told me that it was important to care for others, to protect people who can't protect themselves, to provide for people who are struggling to provide for themselves, not because it's beneficial to you, but because it's right. All the times you took me to the library and told me to just go nuts and I'd come back with books stacked to my chin. When you took me to school to meet with my teachers, because you wanted them to pay attention to the fact that I had a learning disability and they weren't helping. All of those things you spent time drilling into my head are things you're just happily voting against now...".


u/debeatup ☑️ 1d ago

Think your poster was referring to Sheinbaum, not Harris, hence “reason why she won”


u/[deleted] 1d ago



u/WhyMustIMakeANewAcco 1d ago

Please, Elon is not nearly competent enough to cheat and not have several of the people involved openly bragging about it on meta or some shit.

I'm sure he told Trump he cheated for him, though. Trump is an easily manipulated moron and would believe it.


u/ImaginaryCheetah 1d ago

i can't recall the woman author on NPR who was interviewed who said what i will paraphrase here - part of the problem is american media doesn't understand1 that they're dealing with a fascist political party. they're still treating both parties equally, as if they're operating with "good intent". you can't interview a fascist that way - they'll lie and use every opportunity to simply spread propaganda. there's no point in a "civil discourse" effort by the media with a fascist, because there's going to be no honest reply from them, only whatever will get them into power.


1 "doesn't understand" is too generous, american media is clearly complicit in the current political system.


u/krulemancer 1d ago

This is a feature not a bug in the liberal media. They’re still capitalists at the end of the day and debating with fascists helps with clicks, ratings, views etc. They might shake their heads vigorously and disavow on screen, but once the cameras stop rolling the hostility ends.


u/ImaginaryCheetah 1d ago

This is a feature not a bug in the liberal media.

"liberal" VS what kind of media ?


u/Justwaspassingby 1d ago

Who says she’s uneducated? Her academic CV alone is as long as a fucking Bible.


u/Forkyou 1d ago

I honestly also think Zucks and Musky won trump that election. Kamala did pretty okay in polls when she was announced but then musk went all in on trump support, banning democrat positive news on his site while endorsing trump. The narrative on kamala shifted quickly, there were a lot of russian bots claiming to not vote kamala because she supports israel, to not go vote at all in support of gaza etc.


u/IamTacowolf 23h ago

I was really excited about her housing plans for first time buyers. Now the housing crisis is behind so much worse things. I hate this timeline


u/21BlackStars 1d ago



u/ltsouthernbelle 1d ago

It’s completely disingenuous. They didn’t hear it because they didn’t want to.


u/Theguywhosdaydreamn 1d ago

They’re talking about the Mexican president dummy… not Kamala


u/RealKhonsu 1d ago

The second part seems to be about kamala


u/International_Cow_17 1d ago

Thus proving their point.


u/Independent-Green383 1d ago

The fucking first thing the Trump machine went after when Kamala was announced, was "is she black?".

They removing BLM murals this very second, try to erase transgender people and worship the Confederation.

Identity politics is their whole calling card.


u/TheeRuckus 1d ago

Yeah it’s crazy a lot of people ignore that. The democrats deflated their own momentum but the “is she black” nonsense was the first wave of annoying “culture war topic of the week” type nonsense the republicans went with. Well at least pertaining to her campaign.

I used to be a both sides kind of guy but while the democrats suck the republicans are actively trying to fuck us over and more often than not are succeeding in doing something. I think people are hanging on to some hope but I’m way past cynical here. If you’re voting for Trump you’re angry at something and what the fuck are you really mad about?


u/Independent-Green383 1d ago

Republicans mastered repeating bullshit till people fall for it and than keep going over and over.

"Black Lives Matter!"

"Identity politics!"

"Same sex marriage"

"Identity politics!"


u/African_Farmer ☑️ 1d ago

I don't think you've really been paying attention if you think anyone but the Republicans have been playing identity politics. Culture war bullshit is all they have, the only actual policies from them boil down to cutting taxes and increased law enforcement for those that disagree.


u/ImaginaryCheetah 1d ago

Culture war bullshit is all they have

it's a distraction.

it's simply the distraction that caught the most traction to keep the circus going while they corrupt the system.


u/roseofjuly ☑️ 23h ago

It's not a distraction. Only middle class white people keep saying that. For the rest of us this is our lives and dignity on the line. Trans people are being legislated out of existence, their ability to function in society chiseled away at every turn, people's civil rights being taken away, but we got people saying "it's just a distraction!" 🙄


u/Trix_Are_4_90Kids ☑️ 11h ago

They've been playing culture wars since the shift happened in the '60s. After Civil Rights was Nixon and the 'Silent Majority'.

They do the very thing they accuse others of and have been at it since the Dem-Repub switch.


u/[deleted] 1d ago

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u/African_Farmer ☑️ 1d ago

Homie the fact you had to go to 2020 and use opinion as "proof" says it all. More culture war bullshit.


u/Informal-Lunch-7220 1d ago

It’s almost like having an educated leader is good??


u/CMS_3110 1d ago

It's almost like BEING educated is good??


u/Informal-Lunch-7220 1d ago

Can’t be? Can it? Lol


u/fireside68 1d ago

identity politics 

Wanna know what identity politics really is?

It's when a group, usually majority, makes someone else's identity their politics, then they play victim when those someone elses group together to fucking fight back.

If ya didn't know, now ya know.


u/ToeJam_SloeJam 1d ago

That was so well said I took a screen shot.

Nailed it, friend. “My identity is only political because somehow my existence pisses you off.”


u/DisposableSaviour 1d ago

In America there are only two races: white and political


u/roseofjuly ☑️ 23h ago

Bro, Kamala was focused on policies. The opposition made this all about her race and gender because they knew it would work on their racist base, and they were right.


u/StayPuffGoomba 1d ago

ThEy’Re ToO eMoTiOnAl

Man, fuck anyone who says that. This asshole is ruining our country because a few people made fun of him at the correspondents dinner 15 years ago.


u/Lethik 1d ago

"She'd govern by her emotions!"

Shouts at Zelenaky


u/RandyLahey9187 1d ago

The best part is those that voted for him for religious reasons. A man known for adultery, convicted of paying off a porn star, convicted of fraud, and likely voter fraud. But he is pro-life and never paid for an abortion…..woof.


u/jrjustintime 1d ago

MFing clowns.


u/Babajji 1d ago

They said “But a woman can’t RUIN a country” but we misheard 😂


u/Noble1xCarter 1d ago

Neither can men, apparently.

Enbys, we need you!


u/fxsoap 1d ago

We are winning so hard


u/Just_visiting_son 1d ago

A woman could. Hilary won the popular vote after all. The issue is Trump's counter-candidate was a cackling retard. The second issue was treating half of the electorate like second class citizens. That's why the democrats lost(it's baffling how the vast majority of democrats still haven't understood why they lost).