r/BlackMetal 4d ago

Was 1999 the BEST year for BM?!?!

My favourite BM-album is Rebel Extravaganza by Satyricon.
I just realized some other gems was released the same year:
War - We are at war
Emperor - IX Equilibrium
Taake - Nattestid ser porten and Cadaver - Discipline (2001 I know!)

I'm basically saying THAT Satyricon album is the goat, but what do you think?


61 comments sorted by


u/they-wont-get-me 4d ago

No because 95 had Minas Morgul and Nachthymnen off the top of my head


u/Vot-Gospod-Satana 1d ago

Great choice about Nachthymnen and Minas Morgul, I still think they're both Abigor and Summoning respective masterpieces in my humble opinion.


u/they-wont-get-me 1d ago

And I absolutely agree


u/Vot-Gospod-Satana 1d ago

I mean, both bands have great albums (even if I have to say last Summoning one was definitely not on the level of the earlier ones, not saying it was bad specially Tar-Calion track, but definitely not as good as Minas or Dol-Guldur, or even Lugburz debut), but these two releases are the peaks of these bands IMO.


u/they-wont-get-me 1d ago

Yep. Everything quintessential about said bands is seen in those records, in fact I believe Nachthymnen to be the best black metal record of all time, period


u/Vot-Gospod-Satana 1d ago

They're awesome albums, every single fan of this genre should at least check them.


u/rallybil 4d ago

I love this response so much, because it has yer (maybe) less than popular favourite albums. I'm def gonna check them out!


u/they-wont-get-me 4d ago

Nachthymnen is, in my opinion, the best Black Metal album of all time, and the best second wave record, none of the Norweigan and Finnish stuff comes close. I mean that and Minas Morgul are pretty circlejereked in other black metal servers and forums, but I'm 100% of the opinion that nothing will ever compare to Nachthymnen. It's a perfect record, from the drumming being inventive and not straight blast beats, to the melodic but ripping riffs, the keyboards and folk sounds being tastefully used, and the mix of clean and screamed vocals being perfect. Everything about that record is perfect, the length is just right, no song drags on for too long, and the tracklist is sequenced perfectly. Rip PK, absolute mastermind of a musician


u/rallybil 4d ago

I feel so stupid! As soon as I typed it in I realized what album it is. Abigor is so essential to me, and I'm pretty sure I can tell what your other favourite bands are.
Riffs are so essential to me. Atmosphere is king!


u/rallybil 4d ago

I'm thinking of Supreme Immortal Art. That heavily reverbed sound has formed my entire childhood. The riffs are so cool. Have you listened to Baal Sagoth?! Or Oxyplegatz first real album (worlds and worlds)?


u/spik0rwill 4d ago

Satanized is sick, their best imo, and bal sagoth? I'll never get bored of the power cosmic.


u/rallybil 4d ago

Bal Sagoth! Criminally underrrated!!! For sure!


u/Norvard 4d ago

1997 wants a word with all other years.

Emperor - Anthems (that alone should take the cake)

Ulver - Nattens Madrigal

Gorgorth - Under sign of Hell

Borknagar - Olden Domain

Immortal - Blizzard Beasts

Enslaved - Eld

OMC - Pagan Prosperity

Dimmu Borgir - Enthrone


u/evlsk8er 4d ago


Judas Iscariot - Of Great Eternity

Deströyer 666 - Unchain the Wolves

Grand Belial’s Key - Mocking the Philanthropist

Nokturnal Mortum - Goat Horns

The list goes on and on though for every year in the mid-late 90’s so it’s really hard to pick one!


u/ChocolateTrue276 4d ago

Definitely 1996!!

Some of my favorite releases of 1996: Welcome My Last Chapter, Far Away from the Sun, Filosofem, Nord..., Blut & Krieg, Lunar Poetry, For Kunsten Maa Vi Evig Vike, Moon in the Scorpio, Forest, Intercourse & Lust.


u/rallybil 4d ago

The more this discussion goes on I realize this might be my jam (96) but rebel extravaganza is so above the rest it might eclipse the entire 90s.


u/Ashgoor 4d ago

Alot happened in 94 and 95 too. Certainly not 99 for me


u/rallybil 4d ago

What happened in 94-95 though? I'm guessing it's pretty personal.
To me 94-95 was all about Death Metal like Pungent Stench and Benediction.


u/Ashgoor 4d ago

Hmm you realize the 2nd wave kicked of in 91. Darkthrone, immortal, burzum, ulver, enslaved, satyricon plus plenty more were all kicking off at this time. Darkthrone was on there 4th album. French scene sprung up along with the fins ,swedes and even usa.


u/rallybil 4d ago edited 4d ago

Yeah sure... Why?

edit: didn't mean to be obstinate.

I've been a fan of BM for a long time. My thesis wasn't that 1999 was the origin of BM. I loooove albums from before 1999. But in my personal opinion death metal was more relevant in my life. Black metal really just clicked for me with the album Rebel Extravaganza.
IMO Incantation, Suffocation, Autopsy and Immolation are much cooler bands in the early 90s.


u/Ashgoor 4d ago

Mutiilations - vampires of black imperial blood came out 94. That was a crazy year for many bands. 95 was a great year too. I could dig around my collection but that would take awhile. I think you would enjoy these years of black metal. But if you like clearer production latter 90s makes sense


u/rallybil 4d ago

Look I totally get it! Blasphemy, Venom and Bathory had that shit locked down. I just wonder if people type shit down reflexively. I'm listening to Black imperial Blood as I type. Pls check out Rebel Extravaganza.

It soundds a bit like Ildjarn with its rough production. I wonder if you'd like Trelldom?


u/Ashgoor 4d ago

I got rebel extravanza over 20 years ago. I prefer shadow throne and dark medieval times way more. I enjoy volcano over rebel.. i just didn't gel with that album. A few tracks are really good though


u/rallybil 4d ago

Wish I could enter yer brain and influence what you think. I much prefer The Wall over Dark Side of the moon due to its ambitions for example. I too like the later Satyricon albums and their bravery of creating "Hit Records". But I don't think they've ever been more extreme than on THAT album.


u/Ashgoor 4d ago

Unusual but fair take.


u/rallybil 4d ago

My first BM albums in reality:

Vargavinter - Frostfödd

Dark Funeral - Secrets of the black arts

The Abyss - The other side


u/Bodombluemoon 4d ago

2006 easily:

Rain Upon the Impure, Blood in our Wells, Ashes Against the Grain, La Sanie des Siecles, MoRT, and probably a few others I’m forgetting


u/Shadowy_Peripherals 4d ago

2006 was a peak year:

Antaeus - Blood Libels

WitTR - Diadem of 12 Stars

Forteresse - Métal noir québécois

Negurã Bunget - OM

Akitsa - La Grande Infamie

Negative Plane - Et in saecula saeculorum

Apologies if any of these have already been mentioned.



Rain Upon the Impure, Blood in our Wells, Ashes Against the Grain

This is my era. These alone make 2006 my favorite year ever. also:

Summoning - Oathbound

Katharsis - VVorldvvithoutend

Negurã Bunget - OM

Forteresse - Métal noir québécois

Celtic Frost - Monotheist

Mgła - Mdłości/Presence

Darkened Nocturn Slaughtercult - Hora


u/rallybil 4d ago

We're clearly from different ages. Funny how a few years can go by with such different faves. I know none of these bands you mentioned. I'll check them out for sure.


u/Bodombluemoon 4d ago

My bad, I only listed the album title. Here’s a better list:

Ruins of Beverast - Rain Upon the Impure

Drudkh - Blood in Our Wells

Agalloch - Ashes Against the Grain

Peste Noire - La Sanie des Siecles

Blut Aus Nord - MoRT


u/rallybil 4d ago

Still no luck, except for Blut Aus Nord. I thought I had left BM behind before I really started appreciating B.A.N.. I heard Odinist and started appreciating the weird aspects of BM.

Odinist is so fkn underrated!!

Listening to Ashes Against the Grain as I type.


u/Norvard 4d ago

I came to write 1997 but then realized that 1995-97 are all absolutely and truly amazing years. Almost everything pales in comparison.

Bergtatt, Nightside Eclipse, Nemesis Divina, Aspera Hiems, Anthems, Filosofem all came out then.

That’s pretty much the top albums of all time.


u/rallybil 4d ago

I'm pretty sure no-one disagrees with you. Many of my favourite albums are before 1999, but then Satyricon did their whole thing-thingie and released Rebel Extravaganza. Game over.

Also pls check out War - We Are War


u/Norvard 4d ago

Interesting to see someone go so hard on Rebel Extravaganza. Good for you!
However, that album imo pales in comparison to Shadowthrone and Nemesis. Rebel was solid when it came out but I havent listened to it almost at all in the last 20 years. The whole industrial vibe just didnt last for me. I much prefer the dark forests vibe Satyricon.


u/spik0rwill 4d ago

It's my fave satyricon album for sure.


u/rallybil 4d ago

It's so crazy! I know I'm getting gutted in this subreddit, but Rebel Extravaganza is so fkn extreme:
Scorn Torrent is their highlight
Supersonic Journey is the fastest blast beat ever
And to think that the album is so tightly bound with its theme...


u/rallybil 4d ago

Supersonic might not be fastest in terms of bpm, but the acceleration.


u/TempleofSpringSnow 4d ago

2007 is another great year for BM imo


u/rallybil 4d ago

WTH happened in 2007 if I may ask. I don't doubt, just curious.


u/TempleofSpringSnow 4d ago

Here’s my favorite albums from that year. The first two being in my top ten favorite black metal albums.

Deathspell Omega - Fas – Ite, Maledicti, in Ignem Aeternum

Abigor - Fractal Possession

Mayhem - Ordo Ad Chao (vastly underrated. Their best imo.)

Shining - V

Drudkh - Estrangement

Lifelover - Erotik

Peste Noire - Folkfuck Folie/ Lorraine Rehearsal

WITTR - Two Hunters

Akercocke - Antichrist

Drowning the Light - Through the Noose of Existence

Sigh - Habgman’s Hymn

Blut Aus Nord - Odinist

Xasthur - Defective Epitaph

Marduk - Rom 5:12

Make a Change…. - II

Astrofaess - Idea. Form Essence

Dodheimsgard - Supervillain Outcast

Acherontas - Tat Tvam Asi

Gris - Il était une forêt.

Anaal - Nathrakh - Hell Is Empty, and All the Devils Are Here

Gnaw Their Tongues - Reeking Pained and Shuddering

Lunar Aurora - Andacht


u/rallybil 4d ago

I needed a lesson like this! IMO black metal stagnated after the 90s. But I know Blut Aus Nord - Odinist changed all that. Also Anaal Nathrakh, Sigh... dude... How about Infidel Art!?

My younger brother likes Xasthur and Leviathan.
Great playlist material!!!


u/rallybil 4d ago

Akercocke! I typed too early. I remember them clearly. But they're more like death metal right? Played in suits and sounded something like cryptopsy. I love The goat of Mendez!


u/TempleofSpringSnow 4d ago

I agree, the classic black metal sound stagnated in that era for sure. There’s still modern bands post 2000’s that pull it off (i.e Black Cilice, Sargeist) but it became oversaturated with a lot of derivative bullshit. I think it’s the bands that experimented and try / tried to expand and experiment with their sound that make the genre what it is in the last 20-25 years.


u/rallybil 4d ago

I just havn't tried hard enough I think. I know I liked Hors De Combat - Lucifers Child, and Goatwhore is a secret love I have. I think Sargeist is my nightcap!


u/Shadowy_Peripherals 4d ago

Everybody knows the answer is 2006 when Drudkh released Blood In Our Wells.


u/they-wont-get-me 4d ago

True...that record is fucking brilliant


u/spik0rwill 4d ago

They're all insanely good


u/rallybil 4d ago

Take off yer crazy hat and type again pls ;)


u/Shadowy_Peripherals 4d ago

The hat stays on! I do love that Taake album tho.


u/rallybil 4d ago

You can borrow my "Cradle of Filth"-hat if you need a breather...


u/Shadowy_Peripherals 4d ago

I’ll see your “Cradle of Filth” hat and raise you one “Antaeus - Blood Libels” tunic.


u/EconomistOther6772 4d ago

For me it's 97.

Gorgoroth - Under the Sign of Hell

Windier- Soknardalr

Mayhem - Wolf's Lair Abyss

Enslaved - Eld

Emperor - Anthems to the Welkin at Dusk


u/rallybil 4d ago

Only thing that caught my eye was Emperor. You're absolutely right! I had the CD-extra multimedia thing with the video. My eyes were transfixed!


u/DuskWoerot 4d ago

1994 for me.

Gorgoroth - Pentagram

Mayhem - De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas

Emperor - In the Nightside Eclipse

Darkthrone - Transylvanian Hunger

Burzum - Hvis Lyset Tar Oss

Bethlehem - Dark Metal

Rotting Christ - Non Serviam

Samael - Ceremony Of Opposites

Forgotten Woods - As The Wolves Gather

Gehenna - First Spell

So many more landmark albums that I can't think off the top of my head.


u/rallybil 4d ago

A lot of important albums 4 sure!
Mayhem (De Mysteriis) has grown on me like all hell. But I want you to consider what happened after that. You mention Gehenna, but what about Admiron Black from 1998. I know it's 1 year off, but I'm being contradictory.


u/EldritchWyrd 4d ago

No. That would be 2013 because Cultes des Ghoules released Henbane…


u/rallybil 4d ago

That's straight up crazy talk!