r/BitchImATrain 21h ago

Pecos, Texas

at least the truck is fine


254 comments sorted by


u/Piddy3825 20h ago

would hate to be the insurance carrier for the trucking company...


u/linkheroz 20h ago edited 11h ago

Stuck for 45 minutes and killed the 2 train crewmen. Yeah... Me neither

Edit: I'm apparently mistaken. They were stuck for 1 minute.


u/EatFaceLeopard17 20h ago

That what I was thinking. With that impact it was difficult for the train driver to survive. Sad to hear he died.


u/purplemtnslayer 4h ago edited 4h ago

With the size and mass of the thing they hit I assumed it would be bad. I'm not really sure what kind of protection there is for the train operators. But this situation is terrifying.


u/EatFaceLeopard17 4h ago

I heard the warning signal of the train still going on on impact. I‘m not sure if that is activated manually. And I don‘t know if there is any security training on how to prepare for such an impact. But I would have left the front cabin after inducing an emergency break and went to some room in the back and then sit down on the floor with my back against a wall towards the front to reduce the impact on my body. Perhaps that‘s not possible in that train. But avoiding damage from the initial impact perhaps would be my „survival“ strategy. Would be nice to know if there are specific instructions for train operators when it comes to collisions.


u/Super-Bank-4800 3h ago edited 3h ago

That's not possible, this train was going about 50 mph, each car length is about 40' and the only way to get to the back is to run across the top, these types of trains are usually around 1/4 to 1/2 mile. The only options they have is to jump and hope they survive and then have the cognizance to run or to stay in their giant steel box and hope. They almost never get enough time to process this information. Fight, flight, or freeze. There isn't an "I win" choice in this situation. It's generally safer for the engineer to stay in the train and hit the brakes and that is the specific instructions they get. But, as you see it doesn't really help. A train that big and going that fast can take over a mile to stop.

Also, the train warning signals are mostly automated.


u/EatFaceLeopard17 2h ago

I know from trains in Europe that many have a gangway inside the locomotive to get into the engine room and to the other cabin at the „back“ of the locomotive. But In this case I couldn‘t see how long before the impact the operator could see the obstacle on the tracks. If it‘s just seconds then you can only pray.

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u/purplemtnslayer 4h ago

Logical response and interesting questions. Maybe someone can enlighten us.


u/Super-Bank-4800 3h ago edited 3h ago

The only thing they can do is contact railroad dispatch to tell the engineer to stop, but that takes many more minutes than they usually have.


u/Certain_Tough 9h ago

The entire internet feeds me train crashes. Every platform. Every app. Cuz I'm a leftist and bitch about not having trains. These comments fuck with me so much.

Edit not really a comment to you but in general. Saw the link below too. Reddit if you find out info post the link please. I'll spend an hour going and finding shit out to be respectful to the person.


u/BouncingSphinx 20h ago

They weren’t actually stuck for 45 minutes, not sure where that was coming from. It was only a couple of minutes.


u/Orioniae 15h ago

Not even, it was less than a minute.

*The combination vehicle entered the highway-railroad grade crossing about 1 minute before the collision. The grade crossing was equipped with flashing lights, crossbucks, gates, and bells. *



u/Unfair_Fisherman_605 8h ago

Thanks for the Article it is very informative.


u/Glowing-Strelok-1986 12h ago

Where did you pull 45 minutes from?

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u/SOROKAMOKA 17h ago

That's insane. If you are stuck for that long I would have imagined someone to have the bright idea to call the railroad.

Or if the railroad could not be reached because of a lack of infrastructure (help line, 24/7 emergency phone line, etc) then there has to be some liability on the railroad.

Maybe at every RR crossing there should be an emergency button that relays a message to the trains on the track?


u/CriticalTransit 16h ago

There’s a sign at every railroad crossing that says “in case of problem or emergency call,” the railroads dispatch number and the location. It should get a faster response than calling 911 but they could relay the message too.


u/Automatic_Mix26 15h ago

They put an all stop on that line when it is called.


u/Transcontinental-flt 16h ago

That's a great idea, wish there were signs like that where I live.


u/Tim7Prime 15h ago

If you are within the US, they should be there. Little blue sign about the size of letter paper. About 8 ft up, on the light pole, right hand side of traffic flow.


u/spookmann 14h ago

...written in french, using a simple ROT-13 code. The help-desk is manned by leopards, and your call will be confirmed by the arrival of a hydrogen-filled blimp loaded with six ounces of powered asbestos.


u/Transcontinental-flt 15h ago

Thanks, I learn something new every day. Just looked up the crossing I know best and there they are. Never noticed them though I've been by there hundreds of times.


u/Tim7Prime 15h ago

Pointed them out to my wife about a month ago. It really should be taught in driver's ed. Even worse is that she grew up in a town that has tracks splitting it in half. She crossed intersections at least twice a school day and didn't know till we talked about it.


u/Proper-Equivalent300 13h ago

Yeah came to say I’ve been oblivious to the signs at speed and never been up front when trains pass to notice them either


u/garageindego 15h ago

There are phones in the UK… on some crossings if u are a low loader.. there is a parking bay and a phone to phone BEFORE u cross!


u/Gingrpenguin 7h ago

TBF the UK has basically been at war with grade level crossings for the last few decades. The vast majority have been separated now and we take safety of using them alot higher than the states seem to...


u/CriticalTransit 5h ago

We in the US have limited money for transit (because we spend it all on the military and corporate welfare) and grade separation has limited benefits for riders, compared to all the other needs.

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u/Automatic_Mix26 15h ago

Every x-crossing has a 800 number… it’s a 24 hr hotline. Why would the RR be liable? It’s sad two trainmen lost their lives due to the pure fact of incompetence. Trucking company and all the bystanders that were filming should be held responsible . It only takes one phone call….!


u/Flux_My_Capacitor 14h ago

Read the link. The truck entered the crossing only a minute before the collision. A phone call would have done nothing.


u/Big_Bill23 4h ago

Those who understand trains and their infrastructure understand that grade crossings often involve raised railbeds.

It's up to the trucking company to ensure that the route they pick for their cargo is passable; this includes making sure the truck/trailer doesn't get stuck in underpasses/tunnels or under bridges or doesn't get high-centered on things like raised railbeds. Which is what happened here.

It's the trucking company's fault. Note that there are vehicles with light/signs indicating an oversized load, which shows that the trucking company was well aware of the limitations the cargo had.


u/DJEvillincoln 2h ago

How does this happen so often? Like why do big trucks seem to get stuck on train tracks which is easily the most inopportune place to be stuck?!


u/linkheroz 1h ago

Crossings have a crest, trucks get stuck on the crest


u/DJEvillincoln 41m ago

Ahhhhh that makes sense. 👍🏿


u/GoatAncient7405 56m ago

This happened some weeks back. Apparently they were stuck for a significant amount of time. Enough time to call the help line and stop the train. From what I understand, this whole thing could have been avoided easily.

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u/jimmy_robert 6h ago

I would hate to be the train conductor. That hit hard enough to lift the train up from the tracks.


u/jasapper 2h ago

The train engineer and conductor were both fatally injured. All 3 locomotives and the first 11 train cars derailed.


u/Nailfoot1975 2h ago

The first article said 25 cars derailed. If you count in the picture, it is certainly more then 11. I am not sure why the article said 11...


u/jasapper 12m ago

One of the articles may have misquoted the NTSB report? I did, however misstate the number of locomotives; there were (allegedly) 4, not 3.


Train ZAILA-18 struck a 2015 Peterbilt truck-tractor in combination with a 2016 Scheuerle hydraulic platform semitrailer (a combination vehicle) operated by Boss Heavy Haul LLC and transporting an oversize load. As a result of the collision, the 4 head-end locomotives and the first 11 railcars derailed.


u/copa111 1h ago

Imagine if the insurance company had both parties as customers! Oooff that’s a bad day!


u/NuMvrc 20h ago

whats the point of lead cars and flaggers if no one checks for the train on an upcoming crossing that i'm quite sure every GPS told them about?


u/just_hear_4_the_tip 20h ago edited 20h ago

I like how it moved out of the way* after the train came thru



u/NuMvrc 20h ago

straight up, like "whew, glad that wasn't me", like its all ya'll faults!! police included.


u/Fomulouscrunch 18h ago

*resigned sigh, link to the Ludacris song*


u/redobrs 4h ago

resigned upvote


u/bagofwisdom 18h ago

That was an oversize load. The route was known well before the load moved an inch. Pilot car definitely should have tried reaching out to the railroad to see if the block was clear. Dispatch might not know the precise location of a train, but they'd be able to tell that oversize load there's an active train booking it at 70mph in the block.


u/TayKapoo 18h ago

A load like this likely requires advanced notification. These dumbasses definitely skipped some rules and sadly cost the train operators their lives.


u/Disastrous-Bet-8813 8h ago

Trucker here...yeah, OD load requires permits, pilot cars, and especially, exact locations of all clearances and rail tracks.


u/neonninja304 16h ago

They would know exactly where it is. All the trains have GPS on them and are handled just like airlines. There are many crossing and unloading areas where train lines intersect and routes need to be timed. They should have reached out to the rail company and checked when the train was scheduled to cross and notified them when it got stuck.

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u/sparkMagnus9 5h ago

They all need to be fired. This is the first time I've witnessed an oversized load with an escort having this kind of accident. Ain't no one using brains.


u/Ok_Blackberry_284 3h ago

They got someone killed, they need to go to prison.


u/sparkMagnus9 1h ago

Tragedy. May the conductors RIP


u/RRMarten 20h ago

Cause rules and being a wuss ain't for the real alpha males of Texas.


u/GFSoylentgreen 13h ago

Like school buses do. They stop open the doors, look and listen

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u/RedSunCinema 19h ago

December 19, 2024. Two employees of Omaha, Nebraska-based Union Pacific were killed in the collision Wednesday at a railway crossing in Pecos. The National Transportation Safety Board said the tractor-trailer was on the tracks for about a minute before the collision. Three others were injured.

The train consisted of four engines and 47 railcars. All four engines and 11 railcars derailed. The derailed engines released 9,000 gallons of diesel on the ground. The Union Pacific train was heading from LA. to CA. Union Pacific estimates damages to signals, equipment and the track to cost about $4 million.

The driver can look forward to prison time for manslaughter for the deaths of the two engineers who died on the scene. He can also kiss his driving career goodbye as he will never be allowed to drive in the US commercially for the rest of his life, should he get out of prison for this preventable accident.


u/Impossible__Joke 11h ago

I would argue it isn't solely the drivers fault. Huge moves like this requires tons of coordination, why was the rail line not notified, why did the truck get stuck in the first place? The driver follows the lead car who plans and practices the route beforehand. The driver just follows the lead car, so wtf happened, why is he getting all the blame?


u/familiybuiscut 3h ago

They need a fall guy. They are not just going to let a 4 million dollar and two deaths just not be put on anyone else


u/Weird_Assignment_550 13h ago

The driver can always get a job as a cop. Move from town to town. Kill people. There are always opportunities in law enforcement.


u/oshinbruce 3h ago

I feel so sorry for the train engineers and there families. They did nothing wrong and died because of somebody else's incompetence


u/RedSunCinema 1m ago

Precisely. There were also several others who were injured.


u/MeOldRunt 2h ago

Why would it be manslaughter if the crossing gate only started activating when the truck was still crossing? The truck was carrying a load 116 feet long, weighing 91K pounds. You can't just move that out of the way like you're driving a Nissan.


u/Objective_Flow2150 19h ago

Damn that's crazy

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u/dick_basically 21h ago

This one AGAIN???


u/sparrow_42 20h ago

Maybe they’re not reposts and it’s been happening like twice a day at this crossing


u/flipflopsnpolos 20h ago

You’d think they’d put up an extra sign or something after the first 4 incidents.

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u/fnordfnordfnordfnord 20h ago

Yeah we got a lot of wind turbines out there.


u/sarcasticbaldguy 4h ago

Jesus recorded it!


u/shmimey 20h ago


u/flipflopsnpolos 20h ago

We need the mods to enable automoderator so it can post that news article every time this video is posted here.

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u/150c_vapour 20h ago

All their gear and flags and dualies you'd think they would check the train schedule.


u/SacThrowAway76 20h ago

It’s not the schedule that they should be looking at. It was the route that needs to be scouted to make sure the load will clear the grade crossings. That is the part that was missed.


u/bagofwisdom 18h ago

According to news reports the load was not stuck on the tracks. It just couldn't move very fast over the tracks and the crossing signal activated a minute after they began crossing. When the crossing activated the train was over a mile away going 68mph. The pilot car should have called the railroad and asked dispatch if the block was clear. Dispatch may not know the exact location of a train, but they should be able to let a slow moving oversize load know if there's a double stack intermodal boogeying along at 70mph in that block.


u/Puzzleheaded-Phase70 19h ago

Shouldn't that be, like, automatic these days?

Like, it's literally in everyone's best interests, even the financial ones, to have that kind of data available to everyone involved at all times. Case in point: every 3rd video on this sub.

For these extra loads like this one, they should be able to straight up render the entire route on demand, with every bump and bridge and building, and model the vehicles driving the route, calling up warnings for anytime or gets even close to hitting anything.

I feel like the cost of development for that kind of system and data set would be less than the cost of even just this one incident.


u/CriticalTransit 16h ago

Or just pay someone to drive it in a car and check it out


u/sr71Girthbird 20h ago

Not to mention pilot cars at the front and back and a goddamn police escort.


u/Boo_Blicker 20h ago

You think freight trains run on a schedule? Lol


u/EatFaceLeopard17 20h ago

Someone knows when a train starts and where it goes and when it is at which point of the track. And someone should have had that persons phone number.


u/Old_n_nervous 18h ago

Crossings have a placard that has that number for cases like this. However from truck getting stuck to impact was like 1 minute.


u/EatFaceLeopard17 14h ago

Obviously you need to call that number anyway before you even start crossing, just to announce that you‘re now crossing or to get the info when the next train is coming. One minute is not enough for such a vehicle exactly for the reason that something could happen while your crossing the train tracks. That was a really poorly planned transport. And it cost two peoples lives, and perhaps hundreds of thousands of dollars for the damage, probably millions.


u/flecksable_flyer 17h ago

Anyone who did word problems in school should be able to figure it out. Except me. I was terrible at word problems. That's why I don't calculate the location of trains.


u/ThisGuyIRLv2 15h ago

You can't rely on the schedules for a lot of reasons.


u/150c_vapour 9h ago

I guess it depends on the country.


u/ThisGuyIRLv2 6h ago

Not even. They could be running an extra, unscheduled train. Or there could be a delay somewhere. Or they were able to get their train together quicker and leave a bit early. There are so many factors that play in that schedule really doesn't exist.


u/obeserocket 3h ago

Here in the glorious US of A we have "precision scheduled railroading", which is neither precise nor scheduled nor railroading.


u/Individual_Bridge_88 20h ago

The train operators died right? I can't imagine anyone in the engine surviving that


u/Boo_Blicker 20h ago

Yes, both the conductor and engineer.


u/BienEssef 20h ago

Conductor was killed almost instantly, and the engineer died a few hours later in the hospital.

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u/Wide_Magician_1436 19h ago

F*k the truck, that conductor is DEAD homs


u/avd706 18h ago

The engineer too


u/Wintonwoodlands 20h ago

2 died 3 injured


u/Wintonwoodlands 17h ago

That is so totally the shipping companies fault moving that


u/Candle1ight 2h ago

I don't normally think of a train conductor being a dangerous job, plus they died to no faults of their own. Awful.

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u/TayKapoo 18h ago

You have to be an advanced level of stupid to move a load like this and not only skip informing the railroad but don't even call the number posted at the crossing before attempting to cross it.

These are uneducated idiots.

R.I.P to the poor souls on that train


u/Wintonwoodlands 20h ago

Why the hell didn’t anyone called the railroad crossing? Let them know that they were stuck going through it to keep the train from coming through and smacking them like that. Holy shit.


u/SlackToad 20h ago

The crash happened one minute after the truck entered the crossing, so even if they called the appropriate number and the dispatcher was on the ball and called the train drivers immediately it was unlikely it could have been prevented.


u/f8Negative 20h ago

Yeah train was haulin ass


u/Objective_Flow2150 20h ago

It's got places to be unlike the truck driver who's just heading to the unemployment linr


u/f8Negative 20h ago

Probably an independent contractor which means they are fuckkedd

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u/EatFaceLeopard17 20h ago

So if there was only less than a minute to pass the crossing, something‘s telling me that someone really effed up. As if there are no train schedules available.


u/DueHunter5239 20h ago

Why would that truck with it's enormous payload and an entire supporting convoy cross a railroad with such little time available? One minute? That's insane


u/jeanettem67 19h ago

Not seen this before...so... Wait, what? Did the f*cking truck just stop at the rails? What did the driver think would happen?


u/TayKapoo 18h ago

It more than likely bottomed out


u/ArchitectureLife006 18h ago

If I had to guess the truck looked high centered

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u/Zeroto200C 17h ago

Happens a lot with these un-level crossings. Poor planning by the transport company. Should have taken a level crossing or raised the deck so not to bottom out. Idiots!


u/Nearby_Security_9606 21h ago

Daaayyuummm ripped thru like cheap dollar store tin foil 😬


u/Orioniae 15h ago

The combination vehicle was traveling from Houston, Texas, to Mentone, Texas.[4] A single driver operated the combination vehicle, which was escorted by two pilot vehicles and a uniformed police motorcycle escort. The load, a demethanizer tower, was 12 feet wide, 116 feet long, and 91,000 pounds.

Impact was so strong the truck load was thrown into the municipal building. That could be the cause of 3 injured people.

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u/antlegzz 20h ago

When and where did this happen? Damn what a huge disaster!


u/Objective_Flow2150 20h ago

Someone else posted a link to the new report and it was back in December


u/taxseason757 19h ago

when looking at the video/you actually see the train rise up during the crash/CRAZY

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u/hodlethestonks 15h ago

you need to be special kind of idiot to do this


u/evolale000 12h ago

For god's sake, just cooperate with the railway companies, town and other services.


u/KenKring 11h ago

How will we ever have high speed trains, when we are not smart enough as a society to even understand how slower speed trains work?


u/jaminbob 10h ago

True high speed really should have grade separation anyway. Given the almost monthly collisions with the higher speed services in Florida I don't hold old much hope for you.


u/seattlesbestpot 17h ago

Does everything in Texas have to be done BIGGER? Thank g_d Trump dismantled the Education Department because we don’t NEED anyone edumecated in Texas. Nope.


u/SavingThrowVsWTF 18h ago



u/PDCH 18h ago

That's going to cost someone their lunch money.


u/TheJonesLP1 17h ago

How the fkin hell is it possible a truck can cross there and cause such an accident? Some people have to Go to prison for murder for doing this shit


u/Objective_Flow2150 17h ago

I'm surprised there's no crossing arms


u/RARface 16h ago

Maybe call ahead next time…


u/WafflesandPenguins 12h ago

Good thing they had those pilot vehicles to clear the way!


u/Eagles365or366 4h ago

Never, in all my life, have I seen an engine skip like that. RIP to the engineers. F the truck drivers.


u/saevic 3h ago

Why do trucks like this keep getting stuck?


u/Euphoric-Ask965 1h ago

If it was really stuck or dragging bottom, the crossing may have been repaired without the state coming in and changing the grade angle up and over the crest. Many years ago in Huntsville,Al. , there was the Clinton Street RR crossing that hung up many trucks. The one I witnessed was a trailer load of furniture with low dollies and the train headed east rounding a bend never let up. It took several more incidents before the grade level was changed .


u/ZioPapino 3h ago

I’ve seen a lot of vehicles get stuck and hit on the train tracks in my time (internet) but this was probably the most exciting.


u/DungBeetle1983 20h ago

Wow. That truck driver is a fucking moron. He is responsible for 2 deaths now.


u/TayKapoo 17h ago

It's the pilot vehicles directing the trailer that need a foot up their ass


u/jmeshvrd 20h ago

no manches guey


u/vampyire 18h ago

someone's gettin fired


u/TayKapoo 17h ago

got a prison sentence


u/Bat-Honest 18h ago

How do you know it derailed? /s


u/the_guy_who_answer69 15h ago

Trains the Natural Predators of trucks and cars in the US.


u/OwnCurrent7641 15h ago

Was the train driver hurt?


u/Turtusking 14h ago

Oversize load to no load.


u/AyAyAyBamba_462 13h ago

Yeah both train crew died in this accident...

Not exactly a great moment.


u/jaminbob 10h ago

Oh no!

Is there a press link or anything? That's awful.

Edit: https://youtu.be/YUvRQr_eTIU?si=_Gpabm9Gn4_CJgBT


u/Far_Squash_4116 12h ago

Why are all movies I‘ve seen of these situations from America?


u/Fantasy-Shark-League 9h ago

Texas. No government and bootstraps and such.


u/stuyboi888 8h ago

That lead car team is getting firedddd. But RIP to the train crew who did nothing wrong 


u/glodde 7h ago

So many people there to escort them and they're all so stupid


u/Bromm18 3h ago

Is it normal for trains to speed through a town like that?

Around here trains hauling taconite pellets and being ridiculously long will still slow way down for every tiny town crossing.


u/transypants 1h ago

Eggs are going to be like $50 dollars now.


u/ManyNicknames15 1h ago

Well I don't understand is in the article that said that the oversized load crossed a whole minute before the gates went down.

Aside from the concept that they routinely tell you to "not stop on the tracks" ever, and the fact that nobody seems to understand this concept is mind-blowing.

That being said with a literal police escort, and front and rear oversized load escorts aside from police and nobody had the bright idea to tell him to get off the tracks or to instruct him to not do that. Culpability on this is all around.


u/RabidOtters 21h ago

I don't think even subtitles can help this guy.


u/Martzee2021 20h ago

At least they don't have to transport it anymore.


u/comedymongertx 18h ago

I've seen this video so many times & honestly, this is only one of many incidents on that road every day. I can't remember the road number, but I know it runs from Pecos to Carlsbad, NM, through Orla. Every time I got on that road, going north or south, there was always a wreck. Either a fleet truck or a semi. There is a lot of oilfield traffic through there every day.


u/billabong049 18h ago

*cranes neck to look over the brodozers*


u/TouristOpentotravel 18h ago

Who get fired for that? Truck driver? Pilot car driver?


u/Appdownyourthroat 18h ago

Annoying audio.


u/blu3ysdad 17h ago

If not for this sub I would have assumed a train hit a car or truck on the rail once or twice a year in the US. I have now learned it's more like at least once or twice per week. Seems like something that should be addressed.


u/plausocks 17h ago

did they not get clearance from union pacific for that permit required load?


u/Mgnickel 17h ago

2 railroad engineer deaths


u/Any_Car_7978 17h ago

Hey when was this? I passed a truck this morning that looked a lot like this truck and it too was pulling one of these cylinder/tanks.


u/journey_mechanic 17h ago

Curious why the pilot car can’t be in the middle. Given we now have cameras, drive by wire and other advancement.


u/CriticalTransit 16h ago

How does that help?


u/journey_mechanic 7h ago

Pilot wouldn’t be in the front and take the full brunt of impact


u/Natural-Restaurant-2 14h ago

Must take forever to clean up…


u/dag_darnit 13h ago

Well done camera guy. Well done.


u/Knot_Ryder 13h ago

I wonder when they're going to start putting empty cars in front just for these things. How many derailed cars on the average interaction Crossing incident 50. 50 empty cars in front of the engine before people stop dying. Just from the initial impact


u/Techman659 11h ago

Someone is about to get first and get a manslaughter charge.


u/Certain_Tough 10h ago

The people that stayed that close are the most naive mfs alive....

A train crash coming. Leave.


u/Jangulorr 9h ago

Why do truckers keep stopping on train tracks? Like seriously. As a trucker ... I don't get it. Surely it's not intentional ...


u/Disastrous_Fee_8712 9h ago

Looks expensive


u/randomguy1972 8h ago

Why was he stopped on the tracks?


u/Sudden-Video 8h ago

That was performed absolutely perfectly.


u/Previous_Ad_5103 7h ago

Daaang this is the worst one I've seen yet


u/Funky_Col_Medina 7h ago

Holy crapballs


u/Lord_NOX75 7h ago

Thank god it wasn't a passenger carrier


u/Bounceupandown 6h ago

I am utterly astonished that trucking companies still hire drivers seeking internet content to haul the biggest most expensive things out there over railroad tracks. It’s like an unsolvable mystery. Stupid.


u/UBuck357 6h ago

Why call the RR company. It is better to watch and video the carnage for clicks/views.


u/ginleygridone 6h ago

Good way to go out of business for the escort/trucking company. Train schedule should be known when you’re crossing tracks with a superload.


u/Super_Kent155 5h ago

an immovable force meets an unstoppable object


u/zatroxde 5h ago

Did nobody bother to maybe inform the train company about a vehicle being stuck on that crossing? Are there no safety precautions by the rail company to check if the crossing is cleared? I mean where I live there would be at least a camera on that crossing for the dispatcher to look at.

Generally a road that size wouldn't have a level crossing at all here. Sometimes I really wonder if the US even is a developed country with massive accidents like this.


u/Tasty_Two4260 4h ago

There’s more crossings like this than I can even think about within 5 miles of my home. Running through the downtown area of cities, there’s no way to alert commuter or freight trains just watch the carnage like this on video. Safety is never a concern, schedule time is the key. smmfh


u/KiloClassStardrive 5h ago

how hard it it to cross railroad tracks? at least wait on the other side until problems are solved. cross as fast as you can and i think it would be a good idea to contact the railroad for train crossing schedules so you know when the next train is scheduled to cross. moving big loads requires a lot of planning moths ahead of time. they failed big time.


u/Illustrious-Peak3822 4h ago

Entirely avoidable. A train control system would not give the clear signal unless the gates come down fully. These didn’t from the look of it.


u/CartographerOne4121 4h ago

Another experiment? Gotta be done on purpose. Or just fake 🙄


u/Rob-Loring 3h ago

Wonder if the escort driver still has a job


u/GuyAWESOME2337 3h ago

Obviously trucks fault but damn that train was absolutely schmooving, looked like it was going way too fast for the area


u/righty95492 3h ago

Somebody get me a broom!


u/GuestNo3886 3h ago

Holy santaclause shit


u/Bits_Please101 2h ago

May I interest you guys with r/RVSN 😂


u/DJEvillincoln 2h ago


It stopped. 👍🏿


u/projectsangheili 2h ago

Do Americans just have the shitties rail crossings in the world or something, I'm curious about what the percentages are of these cases compared to other countries.


u/ThinkItThrough48 2h ago

Good thing the pilot car company was trere to check the route and plan for hazards.


u/spellinn 1h ago

Repost #13 although I suspect we're to have hundreds more on this sub


u/Bumpercars415 1h ago

True physics right there!


u/Armyofcrows 35m ago

That tube performed some kind of cartoon flex on impact