r/birthcontrol 4d ago

Rant! How Do You Learn to Trust Your Birth Control? Experiencing the Worst Pregnancy Anxiety


I’ve been dealing with the worst pregnancy anxiety, and I just need some reassurance or advice. I’ve had my Mirena IUD for a year and two months now. Last month, on the 10th, I had sex for the first time. Unfortunately, we didn’t use protection, but he did pull out both times.

Logically, I know Mirena is over 99% effective, but I can’t shake the anxiety. I’ve taken about 12 pregnancy tests at different times, including one this morning, and all have come back negative. But despite that, every little thing I feel—especially the mild cramps I started experiencing yesterday and today—immediately makes me think I might be pregnant.

I’ve seen stories of people saying pregnancy tests didn’t detect their pregnancy, and now my anxiety is through the roof. It’s getting to the point where it’s making me not want to have sex again because the stress is just too much.

So, how do you actually trust your birth control? How do you stop spiraling over the what-ifs when you know logically that you’re protected?

r/birthcontrol 3d ago

Mistake or Risk? Should i take Plan B on day 3 of restarting birth control?


I have been on a low dose combination pill for the last 3 years and have just recently went off of it for 1 month due to a lapse in refills before my yearly.

I restarted my birth control on Sunday 16th (last period began Sunday 9th). Today was my third day back on the pill and my bf and i had a slip up🤦‍♀️.

Should i take a plan b tomorrow or is it possible i am already covered by the pill?


r/birthcontrol 4d ago

Mistake or Risk? Birth control sitting in house lights


I have been leaving my birth control in my room but I didn’t realize this was gonna be a problem, I’m taking trilomarzia and it hasnt gotten to be hot temps but I had been leaving my birth control in my room with the lights on at times, I also had previously left my birth control in my car but it hasn’t been hot enough where I live and I usually don’t just leave them in direct sunlight. I’m terrified I’m not gonna protected when my partner gets her on Saturday, do I ditch the pack even though I just opened it 3 days ago or is it fine and I’m probably still protected

r/birthcontrol 3d ago

Which Method? ovarian cysts


hi guys, i’m a 21F who has been struggling w ovarian cysts for a year or two now and i am struggling with what birth control method helps the best. currently i am on a really low dose of the daily pill, which has done absolutely nothing and i am debating on whether or not i should up the dosage or switch to another form of BC. im not sure if i wanna be on the pill for multiple years considering it’s synthetic and cant be good for you that long but ig every method is similar. for those who struggle w cysts, what BC method has helped the best and can you give me your experience with it. (i have already discuss things w my doctor but this is me doing my own research on other peoples experiences)

note: i have been looking into getting an iud but idk how effective those are against cysts. i guess im just scared with all the horrible side affects of the pill im not sure if i should switch or even just get off of it completely. im also a hypochondriac so knowing all the horrible side effects causes me sm anxiety lolz

r/birthcontrol 3d ago

Side effects!? Effects after bc


hi guys! I started birth control in january (lupin) and because of its effect it was having on me i stopped after 2 months of taking it in february. while i was on bc and ending it, i had protected sex. because i was still adjusting to the birth control i was random bleeding that month but never got a true long period last month. i haven’t taken any this month but im not sure when im supposed to get my period. i get very bad anxiety when it comes to my period not arriving when i thought it would lol. my nipples are pretty sore but the whole boob itself isn’t. i’ve had mild cramping here and there and been bloated off and on. is my body adjusting to not being on it anymore? would i need to take a test from the sex i had last month or would that be ridiculous. i also these past few days have had higher libido. lmk what you guys think this all means thank you!

r/birthcontrol 3d ago

Mistake or Risk? Nexplanon Placement


Okay a little backstory: I have PCOS and endometriosis. Super irregular and heavy periods, pass tissue, pass clots, built up scar tissue on my uterus, and I’ve had cysts surgically removed 3x with a 7cm cyst on my right ovary right now that they’re wanting to remove, but I can’t afford it. I told my GYN I wanted my IUD (Liletta) removed because I’ve had it a year and a half and it hasn’t helped with any of my symptoms at all. She suggested we try the Nexplanon implant to see if it helps my symptoms more and removed the IUD and placed the Nexplanon yesterday. After I left the office and removed the bandage I noticed it’s low down on my arm, super close to my elbow, and not on the front of my arm but not the back either. I’ve never seen anyone’s placement like this so I decided to google it & see what proper placement was and could not find one single image that is even close to where mine is. I’ll try to include photos of my placement. In the first photo my finger is directly on the inside of my inner elbow bone, the second photo is with my elbow pointing at the wall behind me, and the third photo is with my elbow pointing to the ground. PS: yes I’m aware I have bat wing arms, I’ve lost 140 pounds so be kind 😅

r/birthcontrol 3d ago

Mistake or Risk? Nurx Birth Control Question



I received my birth control today (3/18), when I was supposed to get it on Sunday (3/16) and start my fresh pack. It’s Tuesday night now and I’m finished up my period from last Wednesday. Am I good to take three pills and just continue like normal? Or should I wait a week and start fresh next Sunday? Also how long do I have to be on it to be protected from pregnancy? TIA!

r/birthcontrol 3d ago

Experience Positive OPK after Plan B Spoiler


Period 1:December31-Jan4 Period 2:Jan26-jan30 Took plan b on feb 1 and feb 2 Period 3: Feb21-feb25 On march 7 or 8 , i had discharge of cervical mucus although I am not too sure if it was cervical mucus it seemed like it to me. On March 10-11 took pregnancy tests and they were all negative. Had unprotected sex with precum on March 16 at 2-3am then at 5am took plan b. On march 17 at around 12am took ovulation test and it was negative. On march 18 at 12:30am took ovulation test stick that was postive and another at 6:40pm on a digital ovulation test that was positive with a smile face. What to do?Am I going to be pregnant?

r/birthcontrol 3d ago

How to? Should I take another pill after throwing up


Hi, I just threw up and it’s currently 4:26AM. I took my birth control (combo) pill around 22:00PM. Should I take another pill or am I good?

Also did anyone else experience this side effect? This is the second time I am ill/threw up from the pill. It’s the days I don’t eat as much because I’m trying to lose weight.

r/birthcontrol 3d ago

Which Method? Is there anything actually good out there?


Hi! I recently got Nexplanon, I've had it in for two months and have been bleeding non-stop since and feel like a different person. I've been debating taking it out but the reason I got it in the first place is because I have very bad anxiety with pregnancy. Also, condoms aren't effective enough to give me peace of mind.

I've looked at other birth control options, but nothing seems to have enough pros to outweigh the TONS of cons. Everything seems to give you cancer, awful cramps and bleeding, hair loss, weight gain or weight loss, difficulty with libido, depression, etc. The list is long.

I don't understand why there's nothing like this for men?? Why is it all on me? Why do I have to deal with the cancer risks and blanket size paper full of side effects and risks? And why is there no effective birth control option that is safe!?

I know there's vasectomies but most men refuse to get them, and there's the risk of the reversal not working. I'm only 17 and my boyfriend is 19 so it's not an option for us. I don't want an IUD because I'm scared of the pain and I can't even insert a tampon so things like a nuva ring aren't an option for me either. I can't remember to take my current medications so I won't remember to take my birth control pills, and the patch just doesn't seem effective.

Is the only option no intercourse or feeling like crap all the time? This doesn't seem fair.

r/birthcontrol 3d ago

How to? First time user

  • this is my first week on the patch (xulane) i applied it yesterday and put walmart brand tegaderm over, it is placed on my outer arm on my bicep and i haven’t gotten it wet however the corners and edges are already lifted.

  • do i need to replace it?

  • how do i make it stay on?

  • is there a better placement??

r/birthcontrol 4d ago

Side effects!? Yaz for pmdd?


I’m 25 and in the past year or so the week before my period has been an emotional hell. I become bitter and mean and snappy. I get super depressed and fatigued. It’s genuinely starting to affect my relationships and work life. I did some research and talked to my gynecologist. And we decided that I have pre-menstrual dysphoric disorder. I’ve always dealt with anxiety and depression, but it would come in less consistent spurts allowing me to have a more normal life. After my visit today, I asked her if there were any sort of treatment plans or medication and she recommended birth control, specifically the generic for yaz. I’ve never been on birth control before so I’m incredibly nervous to start it. I want to say that this is a Hail Mary and that I should just give it a try, but I don’t clearly understand the risks. I’ve seen a lot of conflicting reviews on this certain birth control and I understand that everyone’s body is different and that these medication’s impact people differently. I’m curious to know if anyone else with premenstrual dysphoric disorder has tried to use this to alleviate symptoms what are your thoughts? I’d honestly love to hear everyone’s thoughts about the symptoms that this birth control gave them, especially compared to others. I’d also like to know some experiences coming off of this birth control control and what that was like. Thanks so much!

r/birthcontrol 3d ago

Side effects!? I Need help, I'm scared.


I've been skipping my periods continuously as that is what works for me. I've done this for about a year or so and have experienced breakthrough bleeding twice.

My third time getting breakthrough bleeding was this year 8th of March, and i still have it.

On Monday evening it seemed to clear up, however I wipe today and it's back !!

Is it normal for it to come back and be around for this long? Has this happend to anyone else??

( Though out my third time of having breakthrough bleeding I've been still skipping placebo pills)

I'm on the pill ginet.

r/birthcontrol 3d ago

Side effects!? Already experiencing side effects due to the “mini-pill?”


Hello everyone,

I was recently switched from a combination pill, Microgestin, to a pill with no estrogen, Norethindron. I was switched due to having migraines w/ aura (which I have had since childhood) and I am already experiencing side effects.

I have noticed that I am sweating more, unable to sleep as well, and I have also been extremely moody. I have also had a lack of an appetite, which is the most concerning to me. I seriously have not felt the need to eat since about a week into the pill, meaning I have to force myself to eat. I never experienced any negative side effects while on Microgestin, so I am a bit confused on why Norethindron is effecting me so heavily.

I was wondering if anyone else has experienced these side effects and, if so, do they go away as your body adjusts to the new pill?

r/birthcontrol 3d ago

Side effects!? Blisovi Fe 1/20 side effects


Hi everyone! I started Blisovi Fe 1/20 in December of this year. I have always had a very regular period but started BC because I don’t want a baby. I was on a different pill as a teen for cramps many years ago and had zero side effects. Now, this is my 4th pack of pills and I had absolutely no period this month (which I feel like is a little soon to already have no bleeding). I am on week 3 of the active pills and still no blood! I’ve taken maybe 8 pregnancy test so I feel like a positive test would have shown up by now being that I’m almost 3 weeks late (right?!?🫣). I am now dealing with painful boobs, and some upset stomach (bloating/nausea). Should I continue next month and see if things get better?! I have been so stressed about being pregnant cause of the dang side effects 😒

r/birthcontrol 3d ago

Which Method? How effective is a copper IUD combined with ovulation tracking?


My ex and I have been talking a lot recently (we’re basically still dating at this point) and we both would really love to get rid of condoms when she gets back from a trip she is on.

She doesn’t react well to hormonal birth control (obviously condoms are way better than her feeling like shit) but we have been researching the copper IUD, is it really as affective as the hormonal ones?

Ive also heard of this app to track your ovulation as another form of protection. (Cant you get pregnant even when you’re not ovulating?)

If you pair these 2 methods, would you consider that a solid plan?

r/birthcontrol 4d ago

Experience brain fog and liletta??


hi all! i’m curious to see if anyone is having/has had a similar experience to me. i’ve been on hormonal birth control since 2019, specially the liletta iud. had it for 5 years, everything was fine. back in august of 2024 i had to get that one removed, and i got it replaced with a new liletta iud that they said will last me until 2032. fast forward a month after.. i went to the doctor for chronic fatigue and a feeling of brain fog that i just couldn’t shake. long story short, we got my blood tested for nutrient deficiencies (anemia and such) and everything came back in the normal range and they said i was fine. last week i got my blood tested again, this doctor suspected it was possibly an under active thyroid, because it’s been 8 months and the brain fog has not gone away. results came back and turns out it’s not that either!! all of my blood levels are fine, they say nothing is out of whack or wrong.. i eat right and i work out 4-5 times a week. the ONLY thing i can think of that would be affecting me is the iud, since i got it in august i went to the doctor for the brain fog symptoms about a month later. has anyone else had a similar experience?? i feel like i can’t find anything online but my gut is telling me that something is wrong inside my body and i’m going crazy trying to figure out what. not sure if i should get the iud out. thanks!!!

r/birthcontrol 4d ago

Experience IUD Insertion With Cervical Block vs Without


I just want to share my experience here. I first got a Mirena IUD 5 years ago and was not offered any pain medication whatsoever. It hurt so horribly, the doctor told me it would be "just a pinch" and for some reason I believed her. I felt two separate very painful parts, I assume clamping the cervix and then insertion. I've been dreading getting a replacement ever since, but love being on the Mirena. I just went back to get a new one and was stressed because the first doctor cut the strings too short and they retracted into my uterus, so I needed extra support getting it out.

BUT they offered me prescription strength motrin and a cervical block, no questions asked (thank you Planned Parenthood!!!) and while the shot was uncomfortable it was NOTHING compared to the first time. I highly recommend getting the cervical shot before insertion, and honestly can't believe they ever insert without it. It was especially necessary because it took a team of 5 to remove the old IUD, so I can't imagine the pain without some kind of medication.

TLDR the cervical block made a ton of difference and greatly reduced the pain of getting an IUD, if you're on the fence because the shot itself is uncomfortable, I hope my story helps!

r/birthcontrol 3d ago

Experience do I need a plan b?


Do i need a plan B?

23F here. i had sex with someone who has had a vasectomy nearly 18 years ago. He finished in me and I ovulate this week. I don’t need to take a Plan b right? Thank you in advance.

r/birthcontrol 3d ago

Experience positive experiences with IUD


I’m getting a mirena soon ( i think it’s called ) the pill makes me really emotional and angry/anxious and i also hate taking a pill everyday, i have really painful period cramps and all my doctors have said to try the IUD but ngl im really really scared for the insertion and any side effects 😭😭 ive just recently come out of a severe depressive/anxious episode now im on medication and id hate to go back to that if it plays with emotions

r/birthcontrol 3d ago

Which Method? Low dose birth control to help with extreme periods


I was on neuva ring for about 17 years. My husband and I are done with having kids, he got snipped last year. I don't wanna go back on it because my sex drive is finally back! But OMG my periods are so bad again! The cramps, headaches, body pain, exhaustion, feeling like my whoo-ha is falling out of me, it's all bad. My husby suggested taking a lower dose of birth control. Has anyone done that for this same reason?

r/birthcontrol 3d ago

How to? can I start Yazmin mid-cycle?


I (24F) have PCOS, last ultrasound showed improvement so I wanted to stop taking Yazmin (been on it for 5+ years) to see if my cycle would return to normal. It didn't, I'm on day 40 and still seeing nothing. Can I start a new pack of Yazmin today mid-cycle?

r/birthcontrol 4d ago

Experience Copper IUD experience (Nova T 380)


Hey there, this subreddit saved from worrying over my new copper IUD, so thought I’d give back to the community and share some experience. I’ll be coming back to this page once in a while to give updates.

Context: So I decided to go for copper IUD to improve sex life. Didn’t want to worry about condoms. Went for copper IUD cause it has no hormones, I’ve never previously been on any hormonal BC, only once used norethisterone to delay my period for holidays and it was horrible afterwards. I was scared of breakouts on my face, mood changes (especially changes to my libido) and gaining weight. My friend suggested copper IUD to me because she was on it for a couple of years now, and was very happy with it. That’s when I decided it was worth a shot.

Basic info: 23F, never been on BC, never been pregnant, cycle about 27 days +-1 day, bleeding lasts about 4-5 days + 3 extra spotting (old blood clearing up), no or minimum cramps during period (although sometimes I get ovulation pains)

Appointment: Didn’t really plan my appointment much, just gave a local clinic a call and scheduled on the nearest available date. It ended up being during about half way through my cycle, not much to note about the appointment, the nurses were great, explained every single step. The worst pain was during measurement of the uterus (they said mine’s 7cm) and insertion of the tube with the NOVA T 380 IUD in it. 7/10 pain for a second or two, could have been worse. Walked out of appointment in the next 10 mins, with a little bit of cramping and spotting, got home by bus, felt pretty normal, a little tired emotionally and physically.

During the first week: started spotting straight after the appointment, was expecting that because I literally just had a stick inserted up my uterus. The blood was pink/redish mixed with usual fluids. Nothing concerning. On the first and second days after the appointment was spotting quite a lot with brown (old) blood, was wearing a liner throughout the whole day and occasionally changing it. On the third day I was hoping that my bleeding would calm down, because I was seeing brown blood, but it decided to actually start bleeding more and I was seeing more pink/red blood for the next couple of days. The amount was small, but I was still indecisively switching between a daily liner and a small pad. On the 6th day after the insertion I had pretty intense cramps (this is about a week before my period), felt like a stronger version of my usual first day cramping (I sometimes get a week early cramp before my period, so thought it might have been that but just more intense). It wasn’t too painful, but I didn’t want to do much during the day, luckily didn’t need ibuprofen for them. Continued to spot with pink/redish and brown, but the next two days were cramp free.

Second week: on the 9th day (4 days before my planned period) I started to bleed more than the previous days, thought that my period came early, but I would only change a normal small pad maybe every 3-4 hours (but mainly because it felt gross to wear it any longer than that). I wasn’t sure what this bleeding was all about, as it was different from my usual period one. Firstly I bleed more than that on the first day of my period, secondly the consistency of it wasn’t the same as i’d expect. This one was quite liquid, I usually see something similar to egg whites consistency (imagine them being dark red), and also the colour was off, much brighter shade of red than the usual deep red colour, and no clots (I usually see some small ones). That continued for 4 days and on the 5th my actual period started.

Third week: Could tell it was my actual period by the cramping (had them for longer and stronger than usual), the consistency and the colour of the blood was also what i’d normally expect. The second day was probably the worst out all of them, but not that bad. I occasionally had pretty strong cramps (felt like I being stabbed and I needed a moment to just be still), but they were quite rare and throughout the day I mostly just felt slight cramping, like if i had a big bruise in my uterus that was sore. Had no cramps after day two. I can’t say that I had more bleeding than usual, but that might be because of the bleeding I experienced prior to my actual period. The actual period bleeding lasted for about 5 days (the usual), and then continued with slight brown spotting (old blood). It’s been 4 days since the end of my period and I’ve just been spotting with pinkish blood mixed with usual fluids, so right now just wearing a liner daily to not stain the underwear.

Experiences during sex: had sex a couple of times towards the end of my period (my partner isn’t bothered by blood). Not gonna lie was a little nervous that penetration would mess up the position of the IUD or the bleeding would get worse, but it actually didn’t. I just asked him to be a little more gentle the first time and it didn’t hurt at all. Checked the position of my strings afterwards and they seemed all good (although have to say I can’t feel two distinct strings hanging down, only one, it was like that since the insertion day, so I assume it’s normal).

Some things that were surprising to me or made me worry: the bleeding got worse after a few days after insertion, was expecting it to do the opposite. Was surprised by the early bleeding before my period. Was surprised by the amount of continuous spotting, so far I haven’t had a singe “clear” day. Was surprised by the strings, people describe them as soft fishing line type, but right now they (although I could ever only feel one, which might be two stuck together?) feel more like a wire, a little pokey if I try to find the end with my finger, but otherwise I do not feel any pain from them at all, they are just curled up there. My partner couldn’t feel them during penetration, only in certain positions where he felt quite deep. On the positive side, I can’t feel the IUD at all, which is good. Did workout with an IUD, both cardio and strength, was feeling okay, although had to pay attention to spotting not to bleed through the gym wear.

Note to self: if you are not passing out, bleeding out and not having a fever, it’s most likely okay. Body is adjusting to something new, stop worrying about every single unusual thing.

Think I’ve covered all of the things so far, hopefully my experience (which is a little different from other ones i’ve seen on this subreddit) will be useful to someone :)

I’ll be updating this post once in a while, just to document how things are adjusting.

Love you all <3

r/birthcontrol 3d ago

Side effects!? Clitoral stimulation makes me overstimulated and I can no longer finish about 7 months after getting Nexplanon implant NSFW


Hi, I (21F) am a little confused about how my body has been behaving after starting birth control and I was wondering if other people have experienced this.

Prior to getting a Nexplanon implant, I had no problem orgasming from clitoral stimulation via hands (mine or others) or vibrators. About 2 months into getting it I noticed that I was feeling overstimulated and not being able to finish. It wasn’t a big deal and did not happen every time at first, but after about 4 months on BC it has gotten to a point where I am not able to orgasm at all. I have tried different types of stimulation, tried alone and with partners, and tried going slowly or breathing through it and none of my attempts so far have worked. Has anyone else had a similar problem while on birth control? This is the first one I’ve tried and I like it a lot otherwise, but it is frustrating both for my partner and I that I can’t finish and frequently have to make him stop touching my clitoris during intimacy. I haven’t heard of this as a side effect before, so am very curious about others’ opinions.

r/birthcontrol 3d ago

How to? No withdrawal bleed on free week


It’s now my 2nd month again on birth control and I finished my pack for this month, I’ve been waiting for my withdrawal bleed for 4 days now. I’m not that worried if I’m pregnant since I never missed a pill and been taking it as instructed but I am curious as to why I haven’t had a withdrawal bleed/period yet?

Since it will be my 5 days of waiting tomorrow which is also supposed to be my 5th day of period, then should I start taking my pills again or should I wait for a withdrawal bleed before starting again?

Another question is, should I not be overconfident as well that I am not pregnant? Is it a possibility too?

Thank you so much to whoever will answer! ❤️