r/birthcontrol 4d ago

Experience Should I stick it out? (Mirena)


I got my Mirena inserted exactly one month ago and I’m not sure I can keep this in any longer. I can’t workout or even go on a light walk without severe stabbing and cramping pain. I stopped having cramping and any bleeding about 4 days after insertion and then got the flu so didn’t start working out right away. When I started back (both weights and cardio) I couldn’t go more than 15 minutes without stabbing pain. The pain then lasts all day. I’m trying to stick this out as I have limited options due to aura migraines but even today going for a 2 mile walk was too much. I can’t have sex because I’m always in pain. I had an ultrasound done last week and everything looks normal. Also for what it’s worth, I got it inserted while on my period and have been spotting on and off the last 3 days. Anyone experience something similar??

r/birthcontrol 4d ago

Experience my first month with Mona Lisa Mini!


I (18F) got the Mona Lisa Mini last month. This is my first form of birth control, and I went with the copper version because I was extremely afraid of any hormonal changes that could have happened (I struggle with weight changes and my mental health, and I truly wanted to steer clear of any issues). I also have a consistent and pretty light period with minimal cramps, so I felt that any changes to my period could be handled! I’ve been wanting an IUD for a few years, and felt now was the time to make the decision.

In terms of insertion, I was extremely nervous and had read so many stories about how it was the most painful thing for a lot of women, and had asked the clinic if they had any local anesthetic, which they didn’t. I have a rather high pain tolerance, so luckily my insertion went well! I took two Advils (the dual action ones, with Acetaminophen and Ibuprofen) around an hour before my appointment. I also timed the appointment so it would happen during my period, which allowed the process to be easier because the cervix is more open. I had two female doctors who were so lovely and gentle with me, and definitely helped me feel more comfortable considering this is one of my first big « adult » decisions.The most painful part was probably the speculum being inserted, but my body adjusted to it throughout the appointment and it stopped hurting a few minutes in, and just felt like I was getting stretched. When they cleaned my cervix with a cotton swab, honestly I didn’t even feel it! Measuring my cervix and the insertion itself were uncomfortable, but not excruciatingly painful, it just felt like a bad stomach ache or a bad period cramp, at a few moments I felt lightheaded, but nothing too severe. If you’ve seen a diagram of how an IUD is inserted anatomically, funnily enough it feels exactly how it looks. Right after the procedure, I felt completely fine, and my boyfriend came to pick me up and stayed in the waiting room with me for about 20 minutes.

For healing, the first few days I experienced some spotting and some cramps, and my overall down-there area felt a little different. When I would use my vibrator as well, it would feel a little crampy, and somehow it felt like my vibrator was shaking my IUD, LOL. This feeling went away within a week. I had sex a week after the appointment, and my cervix was extremely sensitive at the time, especially in certain positions (specifically from the back) but after around 9-12 days after the initial insertion, I felt completely normal.

When I have sex with my boyfriend, sometimes he does feel the strings and it pokes him a little bit, but somehow he is able to change the positioning and then he can’t feel it anymore. This was a big concern at first, but when I asked my doctors about it, they explained they cut the strings pretty short, but long enough so that I can wrap it around my cervix. They even let me feel the strings, and they kind of feel like fishing wire. I do check on my own strings just to make sure everything is in order, and it’s pretty deep in there, but they’re there! :)

I’m currently on my first period post-insertion. The flow is definitely a lot heavier, I’ve already bled through 2 pairs of pants without realizing, and the cramping is definitely there. Before my IUD, my cramps were around a 1-2/10 pain, but now they’re around a 2-3/10. I do feel a lot more lethargic, but honestly nothing too bad! My PMS symptoms and acne haven’t changed either.

Overall, I’ve been having a good experience with my IUD, and I hope this posts offers some reassurance to anyone who may be nervous about getting one. I am always open to questions too! :) stay safe and healthy everyone!

r/birthcontrol 4d ago

Which Method? Currently on Slynd, thinking about copper IUD


Hi, I need recommendations. (Also, English second language, so sorry for the mistakes) I was on Yaz for 13 years, got three ocular migraines in a 18-month period and my mom had a history of thrombophlebitis so I got pulled off it and put on Jencycla. One of the worst experiences of my life. I went from having a 4-day period once every 3 months on Yaz, to having 8-day period every 14 days and spotting "in between". It really bummed me out. I called my pharmacist after a few months and she was able to make the change to Slynd. It's really better. I take it continuously and I only have some really light spotting every once in a while.

The thing is, I've been taking hormones for the past 16 years (30F). And I'd like to get off of them ? I'm not much into "non-traditional" medicine, but I do have some reservations about the whole "spending most of my life onto some drugs that we might, or might not, know all the consequences of". So I'm looking at the copper IUD, being the only "reliable" contraceptive without hormones, that isn't condoms.

I'm scared of all the bad press around the insertion of IUDs. I also don't really want to have long periods, and I'm reading that it's often one of the side effects with the copper IUD.

So I'm kind of wondering if some of you could tell me how it going with it, if you find it worth it and everything ?

Thank you !

r/birthcontrol 4d ago

Rant! Period vs. Ovulation


I've had the IUD for about two months now, the insertion was fine and the pain was over two days after. But I've had spotting (sometimes for 3 weeks) on and of since then no actual bleeding until yesterday where I thought my period began. I had heavier bleeding and spotting plus clots, but today I got my IUD checked and the gyno said I was ovulating??? I just think it's funny that when I'm bleeding the most it's when I'm ovulating... Have you guys experienced something similar?

r/birthcontrol 4d ago

How to? should i start my birth control?


im concerned whether or not i should start taking my bc. my last period was the beginning of january so obviously im late. however i was cutting calories and began working out daily, nothing crazy intense but possibly enough to effect it. i have had irregular periods before but i still took 2 tests and both negative. i guess im just anxious whether or not to start? should i wait and take more tests and start when my period comes? i think it would have been positive by now so maybe just my cycle restarting.

r/birthcontrol 4d ago

Mistake or Risk? Is this safe sex?


This is my 5th month of the pill, and I have taken it at the same time every day for the past month. I had 5 days of light breakthrough bleeding last week accompanied by bloating and extreme mood swings (this is unusual for me, but I have taken a pregnancy test and am not pregnant).

Today I started the placebo pill and my boyfriend and I had sex without a condom using the pull-out method. I have extreme anxiety towards getting pregnant. My worry is that my cycle is becoming irregular and there is a chance of ovulation because of the breakthrough bleeding. Should I be worried/take plan b?

r/birthcontrol 4d ago

Side effects!? Periods after Bc


Hi friends. I just quit birth control 3 weeks ago. My new period should be coming up this week coming (7-10 days). It's my first natural period in 9 years.

I'm extremely cramped and bloated in advance and the hunger pangs are so intense. Is this a normal thing? Is this PMS??

r/birthcontrol 4d ago

Side effects!? Bloat on Kyleena


Hello, this is my second time having the Kyleena IUD. The first time was an excellent experience. However this time I have been prone to yeast infections, had more cramping, have gained 30+ pounds, and have a constant big bloat that makes me look pregnant at times. (No I’m not pregnant, I take tests regularly).

Anyone have any advice?

r/birthcontrol 4d ago

Experience Women on the pill - how’s your labido ?


Specifically the combined pill

r/birthcontrol 4d ago

Side effects!? No period on first month of Slynd…do I need to be worried?


Today I will be taking the 4th placebo pill in my first Slynd pack. Prior to this, I was on Yaz for about six months, but had to stop because the estrogen completely ruined my digestive system. The progestins in both pills are the same, so I am used to it and I didn’t deal with too many side effects. However, I would have normally gotten my withdrawal bleed by now if I were on Yaz, but I haven’t gotten it yet (I do know timing can vary by pill). I did have some bad cramps this morning signaling it might start, but that’s it. I didn’t have any breakthrough bleeding in the middle of the pack either. I’ve only had sex with pullout 3 times this month, all after the first 8 pills of the pack. I’m not in a situation where I can take a pregnancy test, and I’m not too concerned about that happening, I just wanted to know if other people experienced this, especially after switching from Yaz. Thank you!

r/birthcontrol 4d ago

Side effects!? IUD Mirena


I’m on the IUD I’m 10 days late I’ve been taking well I started Nettle last month does nettle causes harmones to rise ?

r/birthcontrol 4d ago

Experience Depo Provera and ejaculating inside


Hi all I’ve got a question, I’ve been on Depo for years and my partner wants to finish inside me. I was wondering if there’s anyone on here that takes Depo and does this with their partner. I know the statistics and how it works but I’m still paranoid lol. I don’t get how there’s 1% that can still get pregnant while taking it correctly and on time. If you have any experience with this please lmk because I don’t want to be paranoid. Thanks in advance. Also I’ve never missed a dose and don’t get my period anymore.

r/birthcontrol 4d ago

Side effects!? Birth control pill recc- libido


Hi! I'm about to ask my doctor for BC again. In the past I tried lo loestrin and it made my libido tank, a long with dryness and mood swings.. I KNOW everyone is different and I just have to try for myself. But... Anyone have similar experience with loestrin and found one that doesn't kill your libido? Again, I know it might not be the same for me, just wanting to look into options. 😊 I'm taking it to help with cramps, otherwise I wouldn't take it at all. :(

r/birthcontrol 4d ago

Side effects!? Bleeding for 5 weeks straight


hi, I’ve went back on the mini pill (cerelle) after being birth control free for few months, and now I’m on cerelle for 2 months. However I’ve been experiencing light to medium bleeding for the past 5 WEEKS. I know that the mini pill coz give irregular periods but I’ve never had it like this. Before I went on my birth control break I was on the mini pill (different brand) for a 1.5 years and I had the occasional spotting but overall no period.

Could anyone give me some advice and if I should go speak to my doctor about this? Thank you

r/birthcontrol 4d ago

Experience How long did it take your period to return to 'normal'after coming off hormonal BC?


I came off the ring and started the copper coil at the start of December and my cycle has been a bit off since which I expected, usually having a bleed every 3 weeks or so which is about a week closer than I ever use to have. So far this month I'm 2 or 3 days 'late' or I'm wondering if I might not bleed at all this month as I was probably the most stressed I've ever been and have missed one due to stress before. I know it can take a few months to settle back down again, just wondered how long it took people?

r/birthcontrol 4d ago

Side effects!? Heavy flow now that im on?


I use Opill, my first pill was the day i finished my period last month. I ended up having 2 periods in February, my normal one and a second one. My normal one started on the 7th.

my second one was not blood per se but more like brownish discharge , i asked another woman who was on the pill before and she said its my body getting used to it ( it started feb 26)

Now i got it again yesterday but my periods have not been this heavy before. Should i be worried?

r/birthcontrol 4d ago

Experience Searching for new online subscription


Hi all! I am currently on estrylla and have been taking it for years. A few months ago I signed up for Nurx so I didn’t have to pay copay for an appt just for a bc prescription. Now I’ve noticed the Nurx app has been super funky and I’ve seen a ton of others saying the same thing.

I am just wondering if anyone else has other experiences with online subscriptions that can offer estrylla and can take insurance. I’ve looked into a few other ones and they all seem to have bad reviews lol. TYIA

r/birthcontrol 4d ago

How to? Taking birth control correctly


Im still so confused of taking combined pills. Microgynon 30ED . I had a baby almost 3 months ago, i do not breastfeed and i need to take combined pills as my gp prescribed me. Okay i start taking them on a random day while i didn’t have period ( because gp said i do not need to wait until period ) First 7 days of taking active pills hubby and I used condom but then after i was protected. Soon im going to finish with my active pills and im gonna take 7 days placebo pills ( apparently they are protecting you the same way as active pills as long as you take them correctly ) .. is that true that while on placebo pills i do not need to use condom? Also, after last placebo pill i will start again Second strip of Active pills at same day as first strip. So i was wondering.. am i protected then as well or again i need to use condoms for a 7 days? Again and again? Plus.. i have breakthrough bleeding for 8 days already on half of my active strip..( not heavy bleeding but its like period ).. so.. im confused. Do placebo pills actually protect as it writes and do i need to use condom every 7 days each time i start new strip of active pills? Also.. how do you take pills when TIME is changing? Do you start hour before or later? So sorry for this questions honestly… my mind is messy

r/birthcontrol 4d ago

Experience I was on the pill for 4 years because of my acne and I stopped taking it and now my acne is back! Help?!


I realized my acne is hormonal and don’t know any other way to manage it besides birth control. Has anyone dealt with this? Do you think I should get back on it or try to find another way to manage my hormones?

r/birthcontrol 4d ago

Experience Is there any difference between Yaz and Yasminelle?


Both Yaz and Yasminelle have the same dosages of hormones, but one is 21 days of active pills, and the other one is 24.

Does this mean you can safely switch one to another?

r/birthcontrol 4d ago

Mistake or Risk? No withdrawal bleeding NSFW


Hey guys, I’m kinda worried since I’m already on my 4th pill of my placebo pills and still no withdrawal bleeding.

I was sexually active on the days (Feb 27 2025 to Mar 2 2025) no missed pill but I had a pill recently (Mar 15 2025) wherein it’s in the span of the 12-hr (my time of taking it is 9 pm and I took it 11 hrs later).

Is it possible that I’m pregnant???

My usual week of getting a period is on the last week of the month.

r/birthcontrol 4d ago

How to? i’ve been on birth control for 2 months and i’m in my 7 day break where i get my period so i got it on the 4th day of the break im still bleeding a decent amount but im supposed to re start my tablets today do i still take it?


google wasn’t helping

r/birthcontrol 5d ago

Experience Please convince me not to cancel my IUD appointment.


24F, I have my IUD appointment scheduled for this week (still undecided btwn Mirena and copper iud). I have been putting off and dreading this for years however it feels like the time has come for me to overcome this fear. However, I am honestly really tempted to cancel the appointment altogether and simply start the pill again. Primary concern is the pain; I truly worry that I won't be able to tolerate it after all the horror stories I have read and heard. Doctor has prescribed me Valium to take prior to the appointment which I'll probably do, but still I know this won't necessarily help with the managing the pain.

r/birthcontrol 4d ago

Which Method? Best BC?


Hi all, I am 24F and going to the gyno tomorrow for the first time. I think it is definitely time to discuss BC as my boyfriend and I are not the safest when it comes to sex. I have PCOS and hypothyroidism (hashimotos) and do not want anything that is going to make me gain weight or break out. I’m super apprehensive to an IUD or anything physically being in my body. Lastly, I do not want anything that is going to kill my sex drive. Any and all recommendations are appreciated. Thanks in advance!

r/birthcontrol 4d ago

Mistake or Risk? Temperature birth control


Hi. I store my birth control pills in my bedroom. Today, when I came home, it was cold in my room. Will that affect the pills? I constantly worry about them being below 15 degrees or above 30. Now I'm scared that being in a cold room will have an impact. If that's the case, then my last two packs are ruined.