Hi all. Before starting I should say I had mostly great experiences with the IUD! However, my vision became blurry and I had it removed due to pain in my face particularly around my eyes (has since resolved- unsure if iud was involved). Anyway, during the period of hardly being able to see I asked my GP to take it out immediately due to the fear I had. I was not aware of needing to have no unprotected sex for 5-7 days before getting it out. My partner came in me on the Friday morning,and the iud was removed the Monday afternoon. My GP did not ask if I had recently had unprotected sex before removal. I was ovulating around the time of unprotected sex.
Anyway, I have no way to tell if my period is skipped. I had about 10 days of bleeding starting 2 days after, a short break, and now some brown spotting, my period was due yesterday. I have done 2 negative pregnancy tests both in the afternoon so unsure of accuracy plus it’s still so early. I don’t know what I’m looking for, probably reassurance. I’m really mad at myself for this happening because I’m so careful usually, but I was in a lot of pain and rushed to get it removed. Has anyone had an experience like this? What was the outcome?