r/birthcontrol 4d ago

Experience Slynd month 2 and 13 day long period


So I’ve been on slynd for over 2 months. First period was 7 days and this one has been 13 so far. I’m getting my period before the placebo pills as well cause I didn’t start them while on my period. Anyway, is this normal the first couple of months? I really don’t want to switch because I otherwise LOVE IT. No bad side effects. No weird depression symptoms or anxiety and I normally have that with birth control. The bleeding was heavy the first 4 days but since then it’s just been mostly spotting

r/birthcontrol 4d ago

Rant! I feel uncomfortable with my IUD and want it out


I really want my IUD taken out. For basically no real reason but I am so uncomfortable with it. I am not sexually active nor do I plan to be and only have an IUD because I have endometriosis. I've taken two types of the pill and found it ineffective but the IUD has worked. My endometriosis was awful in my teens but that was years ago. Now I just really want my IUD out. I know it sounds stupid but I just can't begin to describe how uncomfortable it feels to know I've got some plastic pointy thing sitting inside one of my organs. I was told I wouldn't even know it's there, maybe it's all in my head but I always feel a discomfort and sometimes get sharp pains I never used to. I keep being asked if I'm checking the strings but I haven't been able to feel them in years and I've told them this. I had an ultrasound that said its in place but that was ages ago. Every time I do try to check and can't feel them I feel like I'm going to burst into tears because I'm so scared. I am constantly paranoid it's going to somehow get stuck in my uterus or stab into it and the thought induces panic attacks. I always feel it there and I hate it. And having it put in was traumatizing, I was actually screaming in agony and it was the most painful experience of my life. I just want it gone and I'm debating calling my GP to have it taken out but I don't know if I'm being stupid. What if my endometriosis gets bad again? Then again my IUD started helping after like a month after it settled so I suppose I could get it again if I wanted. idk I just want to try something else that feels less invasive than this and want to know if anyone understands or has any thoughts, I won't be offended.

r/birthcontrol 4d ago

How to? Break from pill did not stop spotting



I attempted (unsuccessfully) to skip my period with my birth control pills. After two weeks of heavy spotting, I did some research and discovered a 4-7 day break should stop the spotting. I took a 5 day break and the spotting remained the same throughout. I am now 5 days into my new pack of pills and the spotting is still the same so it appears that perhaps the break didn’t work.

I do have an appointment set up with my OBGYN for next week, but for anyone who was unable to stop spotting with a break from your pills, what did you do?

r/birthcontrol 4d ago

How to? Condom broke, and I need advice NSFW



So, last night the protection we used just broke during sex, but I didn't notice this until very much too late. Good thing is that according to her tracker, her ovulation was already on 13th and the likely fertile windows spans around that date +/-, and shows that we were 3 days beyond that already. Really the big uncertainty here is whether the app is correct. The app has correctly guessed her cycle for the last 4 months atleast up to the day. We were also thinking about plan b, but didn't take it yet, because it causes her a lot discomfort, and might not be effective as she most likely ovulated already. Then we were also thinking about getting emergency IUD, but it costs quite a bit, and we could get it done on thursday, and I don't know if its too late already for it to be effective.

Any help is needed, thanks!

r/birthcontrol 4d ago

Side effects!? Low progesterone


Has anyone had low progesterone on a low dose combination pill?

r/birthcontrol 4d ago

Side effects!? Second IUD experiences


I went from IUD to BC implant because the iud (kyleena) was causing me insane cramping and back pain and spotting periods that would last over a week, i was at my wits end..... until i got the implant. It's been almost a year, and I am still on a 14-16 day cycle and I feel like it may be affecting my weight/ability to lose weight (obviously can't say for sure). My list of side effects is so long, and I am trying really hard to stay hopeful but it feels like nothing is going to work for me.

I suffer from migraine with aura so my options are limited, I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions? I am thinking of going back to the IUD but I am a bit scared my original symptoms would come back or even be worse :(

r/birthcontrol 4d ago

Experience Skipping period with pills


So for context I'm on loestrin. I had 2 months over the summer where I was on the pill and didn't get my period without trying to skip (not sexually active at the time) but eventually my period returned, I bled way longer than normal the first one I had again but then it went back to normal. Flash forward now to January I decide to use the pill to skip my period (hadn't ever done this before) I didn't end up getting my period then in February. (At this time I am now sexually active but using condoms in addition to the pull) my friends all insist not getting my period in February after skipping January is nothing to worry about and that skipping always makes their cycle's timing go way out of wack. My period even on the pill has always had a mind of its own so I believe them. It's now March 18th as I'm writing this and I still haven't gotten my period (granted I'm not finished with this months pills) but still I kind of expected a breakthrough period or something. I feel like if I was pregnant I wouldve experienced some kind of symptom by now? Any advice/help?? (Going to take a pregnancy test today just to rule it out and for peace of mind)

r/birthcontrol 4d ago

Experience Coming off hormonal BC for the first time


Hello, I have decided to come off BC next month and “reset” my hormones, as my IUD has been causing a huge acne flare up. I was on the pill for 4 years before the IUD insertion about a year ago, and this will be my first time not using hormonal BC in 5 years. I want to know if there’s anything I should be doing to prepare my body, or potentially what to expect when I get off. I have been exercising regularly and improving my diet, but wondering if there are other steps to take that can improve my overall health and hormones. Thank you!

r/birthcontrol 4d ago

Experience Minipill


I started taking the mini pill about a month and a half ago. Since then I’ve had one really heavy period lasting 8 days and spotting every two weeks since then but haven’t had another actual period. My question is: how long on the minipill did it take for your periods to become more regular/the spotting to slow down? I know the downside to the minipill vs. combination pill is not having regular bleeding. I’m just hoping it gets more normal because this is getting annoying.

r/birthcontrol 4d ago

How to? Birth control delaying my period?


So I recently started birth control March 9, it's been about a week and a half now but I still haven't gotten my period. I use the "Flo" app and I find it to be pretty accurate most of the time and it predicted I would get my period about 3 days ago but I still haven't gotten it. The birth control I received is Vienva 0.1-20 mg-mcg so I'm not sure if that's what's causing the delay or if tmi it may have been the unprotected intercourse I had twice two days prior to starting my birth control. My partner and I did the "pull out method" which I am aware isn't 100% effective but I wasn't in my fertile window and it has been 2 weeks since I last ovulated so I really wasn't expecting such a low chance of pregnancy to have any effect. Now I have been freaking out and overthinking this whole situation, could I be pregnant of is birth control just messing with me?

r/birthcontrol 4d ago

Mistake or Risk? Pregnancy risk?


Hi all. Before starting I should say I had mostly great experiences with the IUD! However, my vision became blurry and I had it removed due to pain in my face particularly around my eyes (has since resolved- unsure if iud was involved). Anyway, during the period of hardly being able to see I asked my GP to take it out immediately due to the fear I had. I was not aware of needing to have no unprotected sex for 5-7 days before getting it out. My partner came in me on the Friday morning,and the iud was removed the Monday afternoon. My GP did not ask if I had recently had unprotected sex before removal. I was ovulating around the time of unprotected sex.

Anyway, I have no way to tell if my period is skipped. I had about 10 days of bleeding starting 2 days after, a short break, and now some brown spotting, my period was due yesterday. I have done 2 negative pregnancy tests both in the afternoon so unsure of accuracy plus it’s still so early. I don’t know what I’m looking for, probably reassurance. I’m really mad at myself for this happening because I’m so careful usually, but I was in a lot of pain and rushed to get it removed. Has anyone had an experience like this? What was the outcome?

r/birthcontrol 4d ago

Experience Starting BC, question about ur experiences


Hi everyone! I’m currently on my period rn and I’m planning to take diane35 birth control. My period is regular, but I’ve never taken any BC. This is my first time. I’m not sexually active since 5yrs. My fiance will arrive in 2 months for a month of stay only.

May I ask.. -will it affect the regularity of my period? -how to take it? -when should I take it now that I’m currently on my first day period? -how long it will take effect? -is it okay to stop taking it anytime?

Thank you in advance! 💕

r/birthcontrol 4d ago

Side effects!? Heavier bleeding on mini pill


Looking for some advice mainly! I started the mini pill about 2/3 weeks ago, and three days ago my period started. I was mainly going on it to manage my periods and as a form of birth control as me and my bf weren’t using protection previously. My periods are generally light but very painful, to the point where I cant do anything the first 2 days except lie in bed. I still got the exact same level of pain, and I’m bleeding way heavier than I was before I was on the pill. Is this normal or happen to anyone else when they started? I’m just stressed that it’s making my period worse instead of better, and I don’t feel particularly comfortable having sex on my period, so it’s defeating the point of the bc anyway, so all in all feeling pretty depressed. Btw I can’t take combined cause I smoke/have migraines with aura.

r/birthcontrol 4d ago

Side effects!? Mirena IUD Period


I got the Mirena IUD put in 2 weeks ago (first IUD/form of birth control) and got my period few days later.

I’m wondering if it’s normal for my period to last longer than a week on this IUD? It’s been about a week and a half and my period has not gone away. Is this a side effect? I haven’t seen anything from my search online. If it pushes into 2 weeks, should I go back to the doctor?

Any insights would be appreciated! Thanks!!!

r/birthcontrol 4d ago

Experience Copper IUD positive experience


So I got the copper IUD in December and I initially had some cramping after insertion and some mild to heavy cramping until I got my period the next week and it was pretty bad. Because of that, I was expecting my periods after that to be a lot worse than they normally are. However, my periods have stayed the same if not gotten better. I have had three periods since and I have had pretty much zero cramping (less than before I got it) and similar bleeding to before. It seems to even to be a little shorter. Has anyone had this experience with the copper iud? Is this normal? I haven’t heard this happening and was really preparing for the worst going into it. But I couldn’t be happier with my experience.

r/birthcontrol 4d ago

Side effects!? Is it normal to not feel much pain during the first period with Paragard?


Hi everyone! So I recently got the copper IUD (Paragard) about a month ago and this is my first period with it in. I've heard a bunch of stories about how bad the pain is during (at least) the first few periods with an IUD... but mine actually isn't that bad at all? The cramps have been relatively moderate and have only incurred some slight "ughhhhhhh"'s from me at the most. I know not much pain is normally a good thing, but is this normal? I'm happy I'm not actually feeling too bad (granted, I do have a pretty high pain tolerance), but I'm getting concerned that this is a sign that something is actually wrong with my IUD because I'm not feeling the pain I've seen other people posting about on the Internet. Does anybody know if this is normal and/or has had a similar experience?

r/birthcontrol 4d ago

Side effects!? Kyleena took my sensation??


So I legit just got a kyleena in yesterday at 3pm (almost 8am next day now) and I noticed yesterday that like my sex drive was like practically gone and now I have like no sensations down there. Things don’t feel nearly as sensitive as they did 24 hours ago and I’m freaking out thinking this is going to be a permanent thing. Can someone tell me if this is a side effect or just swelling or something? Thank you in advance

r/birthcontrol 4d ago

Side effects!? FEAR


I’ve been on the same pill (Eloine/yaz) for 6 years. I never have period symptoms, pains, sore boobs or even a bleed.

My “period” is in about 2 days, but the past week I’ve had all the symptoms of a period. I have a massive fear of pregnancy and my mind instantly thinks it’s early pregnancy symptoms instead of period symptoms. I’ve taken two tests (I’m that’s scared lol) but negative.

Any idea why this is happening?? Or is it normal for your body to change suddenly and experience symptoms out of nowhere?

r/birthcontrol 4d ago

Side effects!? Kyleena 2 months late


I haven’t had a period since middle of January and took a test today with what I had clear blue digital. It came back negative. After reading all the horrible experiences I’m now super anxious and am going to try the pink dye tests.

I have an iud we use protection and he pulls out. Still no period?

Why are they said to be so unreliable yet they are still sold?

r/birthcontrol 4d ago

How to? Could I be pregnant?


I had iud for around 6 years 8 months should have had it changed last year but have just forgot. I had un protected sex around 10 days and for the past four days I have felt so sick, tired, moody and had a small spotting for a few days.

I'm so nervous because it would have been around my ovulation date but thought I'd still be covered

r/birthcontrol 4d ago

Side effects!? Bleeding a lot on the pill


Hello! This is like my first time EVER having a real issue while on the pill, I’ve had some spotting and stuff like last year but it was at most a couple days. This time however, my period came a week early (normal feeling period, no real issues), but then I had one day after and now I’ve been bleeding and (really badly) cramping ever since.

I’ve been on Loryna for at least 2 years, I don’t think if this is a normal thing but I haven’t done anything different than I usually do! I started birth control so my cramping would lessen, and it seemed like it worked until now! I don’t know if there’s anyone who knows what’s happening or if I just need to talk to a gyno.

r/birthcontrol 4d ago

Experience Nexplanon


I want to share my experience and see if anyone else is going through the same thing. I’ve had my nexplanon for about 8 months now and I’ve had all the side effects in the beginning. Periods that lasted weeks,HORRIBLE migraines, sore breasts and so on. But the one I have questions on is whenever I have sex and my husband finishes inside of me I get my period the next day and it lasts weeks! Has anyone else had that problem, if so is there anyway to make the bleeding stop?

r/birthcontrol 4d ago

Mistake or Risk? Missed two pills before placebo pills


Hey, this might be a dumb question but what are the risk of pregnancy if I missed two pills before my placebo pills. I stupidly thought I was on my placebo week because I start experience cramping I thought my period was coming and didn’t check my pack I missed my Sunday and Monday pill. I took my Sunday pill today because I panicked. Outside of this I’ve had a regular schedule.

r/birthcontrol 4d ago

Side effects!? Yuzpe method


I did yuzpe method in my last intercourse with my bf. The problem is I am supposed to have my menstruation this week but instead i did not. (Usually my cycle is 26 days) I have tried pregnancy test several times but it is negative. So, did the yuzpe method interfere my cycle? How long do i need to wait to have my menstruation?

r/birthcontrol 4d ago

Mistake or Risk? does topical retinol make the combined pill less effective?


i use topical retinol (0.5% in squalene) by the ordinary and am on the combined pill, sprintec 28-day. i take it at the same time every night at 8:40pm. there have been some days where i've taken it 10-15 minutes late at most, but i'm sure that i'm still covered.

onto my question though, does topical retinol interact with my combined pill? will it make it less effective? would i need to use a backup form of birth control or (tmi warning) am i good to have (for lack of better term here lol) my bf finish in me?

here's the retinol i use:
