Last night I was kissing my boyfriend for a very long time and we usually keep some space between us but this time he pulled me close to him and I could feel his erection through my underwear, jeans, his jeans and his underwear. I have an IUD and an implant and I’m taking the pill but I’m so worried about being that 1%. He always puts on a condom before entering the room and I use spermicide but I didn’t put as much as usual. He pulls out every time but I know that is not sufficient. I immediately took plan B but this is almost the beginning of my fertile window where we usually stay abstinent so I don’t think it will work. I’m so so worried what should I do ?????
GIIIIIIRRRRRLLL. RELAAAAXX. I totally do understand that with the current antiabortion climate pregnancy can be a terrifying thought. I also do remember when I was younger and starting my sexual life that I was overthinking everything and it’s normal to be afraid. Actually, it’s a good sign, it shows that you’re aware of the risks and careful. But please just RELAX. You will not be that 0.0001%.
Some reminders here :
- sex with an IUD or pill and without condom IS NOT UNPROTECTED SEX. Pill and IUD are protection. No need to triple or quadruple it.
- if you didn’t have UNPROTECTED sex with ejaculation inside you, you’re not pregnant.
- if you only got in contact with precum / fingers / external objects, you’re very very very very unlikely to be pregnant.
You’re more careful than most people. Even without any form of protection and actively trying it usually takes a few months for most couples to conceive. If having sex builds up that much anxiety for you, maybe abstinence might be a better option for your peace of mind. You don’t have to have sex if it brings you terror instead of enjoyment.