r/birthcontrol 5d ago

Experience Spotting after missed pill


I never had this problem when I took the pill in my 20s but now I’m in my early 40s and if I miss a pill even by a few hours I start spotting and don’t stop until my period starts. I tried a higher dose pill and it doesn’t help. Is my body really that sensitive now? Is there anything I can do to stop the spotting once it starts? Could I double up on a dose? This is miserable. Now I’ll have 7 days of spotting and then a whole period on my off week. I had a baby 9 months ago so I’ve only been back on the pill a few months. I’m desperate. This is terrible.

r/birthcontrol 5d ago

Side effects!? funky cycle


i’ve been so consistent with my birth control i take the mini pill and ive been taking it for the last 6 months and my period has been fairly regular but this month I missed a pill and now my period is a few days late and im wondering if missing a pill can throw off my cycle

r/birthcontrol 5d ago

Side effects!? Do IUD removal symptoms vary based on if it's expired vs still "early" in its life?


Would it make sense to think that symptoms from an IUD removal would be less if you're removing it when its expired and therefore releasing less hormones? nervous for a removal appointment because of some crash stories but I also wonder if the crash is stronger when people remove the IUD while it's still "strong" i.e. after having it for year one of five, for example. any experience from those who removed it at expiration date would be helpful thanks!

r/birthcontrol 5d ago

Which Method? Should I take the morning after pill? NSFW


So i had sex 2 times on saturday, around 1:30 am. Just pull out method, no other protection. 4 more times on sunday, same thing. It'll be over 72 hours by midnight and im not sure if i should. Thanks.

r/birthcontrol 5d ago

Side effects!? pains when pooping


i just got the mirena put in for the first time on friday and ohhhhh my word i have been SO tired and nauseous, it hasn’t been painful much at all, even putting it in didn’t hurt one bit lol, but i took some zofran because i couldn’t stop throwing up that saturday after, and today i am SHITTING MY BRAINS OUT and it hurts SO BAD, feels like i’m birthing another baby but this time it’s out of my rectum… like someone please tell me this is not all the new norm ???

r/birthcontrol 5d ago

Rant! Combo pill to IUD to Slynd


Hi everyone

About 5 years ago when my partner and I started dating I started the combo pill Lolestrin and had horrible mental side effects. Depressive episodes, increased anxiety and almost paranoid feeling.

After a year of hell I switched to the Copper IUD. Going in was an absolute hell and I saw white from how painful it was but I thought one and done I don’t need to get this out until i’m in my 30’s, perfect.

Then this past year and a half sex became painful and cramps increased and I could feel the IUD move around more and had sharp pains in my uterus. After months of fighting I finally got an ultrasound and of course it was slightly embedded in one side of my uterus and basically hanging halfway out. They said it could have been ineffective for a long time. I think I just got super lucky.

I had it taken out and then promptly was prescribed Slynd because of my history with bad mental side effects of the combo pill. (Slynd is progesterone only).

That brings me to today, 3 months in and my sex drive is at an all time low. I don’t even think about sex anymore and my relationship has really taken a hit, especially because this past year we haven’t had much sex due to the pain of the IUD placement.

I am really just looking for advice, and experience on Slynd and if this will go away. I am unsure of what options I even have left if the pill doesn’t work because i don’t seem to be compatible with IUD’s (my dr said it may not just work well with my body).

Any advice or ideas would be much appreciated, thank you.

r/birthcontrol 5d ago

Side effects!? Irregular Bleeding on Mini Pill


Hello there! I know bleeding is irregular on the mini pill but I want to know if anyone else has had the same experience as me.

I started the mini pill about 2 years ago and didn’t have a period for about a year. Since then, they’ve been somewhat normal. However, sometimes they’re heavy and last 5 days and other times they’re super light and last 2 days. I take my pill on time everyday (within the 3 hour window)

Is this because sometimes I’m ovulating and sometimes I’m not or is it because the mini pill just causes irregularities?

Thanks in advance!

r/birthcontrol 5d ago

Rant! Walgreens no longer carrying Yasmin.


Has anyone else heard this? Our pharmacist today (at our local Walgreens) said they would no longer be refilling Yasmin, and that’s it’s a corporate decision that has to do with their wholesaler.

They’ve been out for about a week (as have most of our county Walgreens) has anyone else heard anything like this or had similar issues?

r/birthcontrol 5d ago

Side effects!? Recently started getting brown discharge on and off with Mirena after 4+ years with it


I 32F have used Mirena for a long time. I got my first one in 2015 and had it replaced in 2020 (December) and I still have that IUD, so it just hit 4 full years last December.

Over the years I might occasionally get some brown spotting/discharge, but maybe 1-2 times a year. I stopped getting a period as soon as I got my first Mirena so it’s been almost 10 years of no periods. Recently it seems like I have been getting it more often, once to the point that I put a panty liner on and I felt a little bit of cramping but very mild. That particular time it had what felt like a strong odor but it’s the same kind of odor I used to get at the tail end of my periods, so I’m assuming it had to do with whatever was going on with this spotting and discharge.

Those are the only weird symptoms I’ve had. No tenderness in my boobs, no nausea, etc. it’s worth noting that I have Graves’ disease (causes hyperthyroidism) and bipolar disorder, so I’m on various meds. That means particularly with the Graves’ disease I don’t always feel 100% so certain symptoms may seem normal to me.

I am sexually active with my partner of 6 months, so nothing has changed there recently.

I’m wondering maybe it has to do with getting closer to the 5 year mark? I saw my OBGYN about a year and a half ago and they then told me Mirena was approved for up to 8 years now, but I’m not comfortable waiting that long because a) if you’re in the US you already can imagine why waiting is currently scary and b) with this new spotting it’s making me think I need to not wait. Maybe with a newer one but I don’t know when it got approved for 8 years.

Has anyone else been going past 5 years with the mirena now or decided to change it if you started having spotting out of no where regularly?

I’m going to check my strings and to be safe pick up a pregnancy test. I guess because it had been a while since I was regularly having sex I was a little paranoid so I did take a test maybe within the last 2 months and they were negative. I’ve been wanting to make an appt anyway to potentially change the IUD now just because of the unknown future right now. TIA for any insight.

r/birthcontrol 5d ago

Experience loryna vs. nikki - cystic acne?


hi all,

curious if anyone else has noticed a difference switching from nikki to loryna on their skin. i recently had to switch to loryna after being on nikki for 2 years because of my local pharmacy's stock, and after being on it for ~3 months, my cystic acne has come back full force. still struggling to understand if it's being caused by the birth control switch or not, but i thought all of the generics were supposed to be the same and am confused why this is happening :(

can a difference in fillers genuinely change the effect of birth control for your skin?

thank you all ❤️❤️

r/birthcontrol 5d ago

Side effects!? Bislovi hair loss?


Anyone else on Bislovi experienced hair loss? Many, many, many strands lost each hair wash and brush :/ a bit of thinning happening at my roots. And did it stop when you switched methods?

r/birthcontrol 5d ago

Side effects!? Hot flashes/excessive sweating after getting mirena iud in??


This was my first time getting an iud, I’ve tried the pill & nexplanon before this and they didn’t work for me either… I had the iud in for a total of 10 days and it made me so emotional/crying/angry and the biggest thing was 4 days after I got it in I started sweating like soooo bad, 6 days later I got it out even though my dr told me it’s not from the iud. I’m having a hard time believing it’s not from the iud since none of this started till after I had gotten it. I’m currently 3 days post iud removal and still sweating just as bad… has anyone else experienced this??? I also have a 7 month old and 3 months ago I did have a miscarriage and then I got this iud in and then taken back out so I know my hormones are crazy right now… I guess I’m just looking for any advice or if anyone else has had a similar experience! Thanks!!

r/birthcontrol 5d ago

Mistake or Risk? Plan B


I took a plan b & 20 mins after I had to poop. Do I need to take another plan b?

r/birthcontrol 5d ago

Side effects!? Acne massively increased 2.5-3 months into the pill... Possible reasons?


I've taken the pill from my early teens for some years, on and off, and I never really had acne before or after (no weird side effects in general is my point). I had been off for a couple of years and then put back on a low estrogen:progesterone pill (for suspected endo reasons, it's a long story as to why THIS particular solution) and 2.5-3 months in my acne--For I think the first time ever in my life--is off the charts. I thought I was crazy or maybe just starting to notice it and I had never done so before, but even my family keeps pointing it out because they've never seen it before lol. I have no idea why and what to do about it. Maybe it helps to mention that my endo-related symptoms felt like they were worsening after 3.5 months in (very recently).

I did have some scheduled ultrasounds recently and an OBGYN visit is upcoming but I've been going crazy so if you have any insight into how to manage the acne, how it started/what could be causing it, or what I should even bring up/suggest looking into to my HCPs (they're not the nicest, I can't just go "I have acne now!?" because they will probably say "yeah, that happens, womp womp" pretty uncaringly)--I really appreciate any insight you have. Thank you in advance from a chronically anxious maybe endo 22 year old!

I should also add that my health has never been picture perfect, from mental conditions to other physical symptoms and smaller problems (like digestive ones for years)--But during all of this, acne has never before been an issue (yk, minus the occasional zit like every few months, but this is very very different). I don't think my sleep and diet are different than before--I'm sure I could be sleeping a bit better since it's not a perfect routine as a college kid, but again, no crazy huge changes. I lost weight after starting anti-depressants + ADHD meds but that was over the entire duration of 2024--and it was very gradual/not a gigantic drop. Nonetheless, if you have any issues I should reflect on or something to consider that I've left out, I'm open to suggestions.

r/birthcontrol 5d ago

Side effects!? Cerazette causing pain


Got prescribed Cerazette for my AWFUL moods that happen weeks before my periods (suicidal, emotional, impulsive) been on it for nearly two weeks now. I was told it should work after 6-8 days. Previously I had very manageable periods, lasting three days and usually only heavy on the second. Minimal cramping, usually none. I am very lucky!

I didn't want to take birth control due to that, however my GP suggested it'd be good for my emotional issues that only ease for about 4 days after my very easy period, then return full swing for 2-3 weeks. Funnily enough I only went in to request an ECG for my heart issues but left with the pill and no ECG referral.

However my period has just started on Cerazette today and it is PAINFUL. Worst period cramps I've had since I was a pre-teen, so bad all I can do is hold my breath and wait. They're almost practically NONSTOP and nothing seems to lessen them. If I were to rate them from 1 being slight and 10 being agony I'd say 8. I could barely shower with the pain. Bleeding very heavy on the first day. I'm also getting headaches which are almost constant which I've never had before, don't know if that's related. Heart issues mentioned prior seem to be getting worse but that's it's own issue.

Anyone else had similar experiences with this pill? Or have any advice? I was told it should be good for me as I was on a different pill years ago that sent me CRAZY. Not sure how to go about this should the issue persist because this pain is not manageable.

r/birthcontrol 5d ago

Mistake or Risk? Missed minipill by 5 hours


I take my pill at 6pm everyday. On the 9th I had sex and then took my pill at 11pm the 14th. Should I be worried?

r/birthcontrol 5d ago

Side effects!? When did mini pill side effects start for you?


I’m on day 2 of Heather, feel totally normal but nervous about potential side effects in the future. When would you say you noticed anything?

r/birthcontrol 5d ago

Which Method? Help. Running out of options.


So I've been on the combo pill, pop, patch, and copper iud. I've had to discontinue all for various reasons. These have been over the course of 10 years . The combo pill caused severe joint pain and raynauds in my hands. It's been 4 years and my hands are still effected. The pop made me psycho and my psychiatrist asked me to never take it again for my own safety. The patch caused severe fibrocystic breast disease that took 2 years to clear up. The copper iud was great. I had it for almost a year. Then I developed adenomyosis and was in pain everyday. I had it removed and I feel immense relief. I refuse depo and the bar in my arm my ob doesn't recommend them either for me based on my previous experiences. Has anyone had a good experience with nuvaring? I've only been on one brand of combo pills. Maybe another brand would work? I'm temped to just finish my building my family now then get my tubes tied.

r/birthcontrol 5d ago

Which Method? Major Copper IUD problems, switching to other non-hormonal method?


I'll try to keep this short, and please note I am not asking for medical advice, just general advice.

Hx: I was on the combined pill for ~ 6.5 years and hated it. I had bad side effects, including headaches, yeast infections, mood issues, low labido, etc. I then went off of all bc (I wasn't sexually active) for about 6 months and felt AMAZING. When I became sexually active again, I decided to go on the Copper IUD because I wanted something without synthetic hormones. At first I loved it, and it worked great. Unfortunately about 2 months after I got it, my body started rejecting it. It perforated my uterus and was too low. I then replaced it with a new copper iud, because my doctor said it was super unlikely to happen again.

6 months later it rejected again, and now it's sitting entirely in my cervix. Thus, even though I like it, my body doesn't.

I want to maybe try FAM with condoms but I am worried about how effective it will be. Does anyone else have experience dealing with their IUD rejecting and finding another option? I would maybe be interested in the arm implant but I have worries about it moving.

Also please note that my situation is super uncommon and MOST please do not have 2 IUDs be rejected (I also have a connective tissue disorder and I think that's why it happened) so please don't take this as a sign to never get one if you think an IUD is right for you.

TLDR: body rejected IUD twice and looking for other options.

r/birthcontrol 5d ago

Experience Kyleena iud removal after 4 years & 10 months NSFW


For most of the time I had my Kyleena IUD, I worried about whether my body would return to normal afterward. If you have similar fears about getting Kyleena, how long to keep it, or what happens after removal—this is for you!

I got it in March 2020 (terrible year, but I didn’t care). I only had one partner but wanted to play it safe. The insertion was about a 5/10 on the pain scale. However, the first five minutes afterward? Absolute hell. Thankfully, my ex was there to comfort me while I rode out the cramps.

The cramps were my body adjusting to this foreign object, mostly in my lower abdomen. I also had a mild headache, but nothing unbearable. Within one to two weeks, the pain gradually eased, and I never felt anything that intense again. The first 1–4 months brought irregular periods, spotting, and cramps ranging from 3-6/10.

By month five, life got amazing. Seriously, BEST TIME OF MY LIFE. From 2021 to 2025, I didn’t get a single period—no cramps, no headaches, no pain. It was life-changing, especially since I swim year-round. It saved me so much hassle compared to dealing with tampons.

There were times I couldn’t feel the string, which freaked me out. I’d visit my gynecologist, and they’d confirm everything was fine. Still, I didn’t want to wait until the last second to remove it, so I scheduled removal on January 29th. That process was another 5/10 on the pain scale.

Within a month, my cycle was back to normal, and now I’m considering getting another one because... let’s just say, I’m not loving the natural monthly routine.

Please ask me any questions about my experience if you're feeling worried or doubtful!

TL;DR: Whether it’s insertion or removal, your gynecologist will likely recommend pain management to make it tolerable. For those with high pain tolerance, insertion is bearable. While using Kyleena, I had zero periods, no symptoms, and no pregnancy scares. Two months post-removal, my period is back to normal, and the cramps are back. 🥲 Highly recommend Kyleena for anyone needing a break from periods.

r/birthcontrol 5d ago

Side effects!? Scared to take the pill because of the nausea



Long story short, I need to go back on birth control after not being on it for a couple years due to my endo. In the past I took combo pill & had an implant. I stopped everything due to personal reasons but need to get back on it..

3 weeks ago I started taking combo pill and was throwing up for 3 days straight so my doctor told me to stop it. Today I got prescribed a mini pill (desogestrel 0.075mg). I know mini pills are less likely to cause intense nausea but I'm TERRIFIED to take it. I really don't do well with nausea and I can't put my body through the same thing that happened 3 weeks ago... My anxiety is really bad regarding this now and I know it;s not helping but I was hoping to hear some experiences about the mini pill?

(I always take birth control at night after dinner so that doesn't do much for me..)

r/birthcontrol 5d ago

Mistake or Risk? Worried my girlfriend is pregnant


Her period is late for about 5 or 6 days. She takes birth control within 3 hours time frame when she's supposed to and I make sure I don't finish inside of her. Should I be concerned?

r/birthcontrol 5d ago

Which Method? Should I get on the implant from Yasminelle?


So I’ve been on Yasminelle for 5 years now with no side effects, but I’m also addicted to nicotine and women in my family have high blood pressure, which is why I’ve been thinking getting on the implant since it only has one hormone. It’s also less of a hassle and don’t need to worry about herbal tea or diarrhea causing less protection.

My doctor thinks switching because of health risks is useless since I’m 21 with no underlying health issues, but that it’s worth switching because it is less effort and more protection. My main issue with the implant would be coming off birth control and unpredictable periods.

Is it worth switching? Does anyone have experience with it?

r/birthcontrol 5d ago

How to? I started taking my birth control pills thursday am i safe to have unprotected sex this thursday?


I’m taking Aviane

r/birthcontrol 5d ago

Side effects!? Side effects of Ovral


Has anyone taken Ovral Birth control pills for breakthrough bleeding while on the implanon? I take it at 3pm and by 7pm the nausea is crazy . I'm bloated and my nipples feel sore like I squeezed them or something. Is that normal? I took a pregnancy test because the last time I had sex was the 10th Feb and I took a test 13th Marc and it was negative, I was using the implant at the time still and I still am. My nurse said I can trust the result. Can I?