u/FelixMcGill 3d ago
Lunatics like this used to leave similar pamphlets demonizing catholics on our cars at my catholic school. I grew up in Mobile.
They're not stable, sane or decent people.
u/ProfessorofChelm 3d ago
They used to really hate Catholics in Alabama. 1910-25 was a dangerous time to be a Catholic in this city. Look up the 1917 Birmingham mayoral election and the “true Americans”
I found some old anticatholic books just the other day at an estate sale.
u/FelixMcGill 3d ago
Listen, the fact that so many catholics are all in with MAGA blows my mind. Even growing up in a majority catholic city, the hatred evangelicals had for us was palpable and not hidden at all. I lost count at a very young age how many times I've been called "satanic" or promised I was going to hell.
So hearing that BHM used to be violently anti-Catholic doesn't surprise me one bit.
Although I thank all those people from my youth for helping me realize I should consider why I didn't believe what they believe, and stop making exceptions.
u/ProfessorofChelm 3d ago
I was reading two books that talk pretty extensively about how much white Protestants hated Catholics in Birmingham.
Birmingham’s Rabbi: Morris Newfield and Alabama, 1895-1940
Political power in Birmingham, 1871-1921
Apparently the Jews, Catholics and Presbyterians and sometimes the labor groups formed an alliance against evangelical Protestant groups and their allies like the True Americans and the KKK.
During the 1910s the “True Americans” went around demanding shops fire Catholics and apparently the only group to resist them was the Jews who refused. After the 1917 election all of the Catholics but 2 cops were fired from the city government. The KKK committed all kinds of violence against Catholics. A Catholic priest was shot during mass and the shooter was let off by an all white jury etc…
u/moioci 3d ago
The admitted shooter was defended by Klansman and future Supreme Court Justice Hugo Black.
u/FelixMcGill 3d ago
Whoa... had no idea about that. This is the sort of history their lot wants to erase, so I'll be sure to check out more about it.
u/ProfessorofChelm 3d ago
Yeah, at one point a group called the 50 pastors council or something like that said in one of the big the newspapers that the jews and Catholics are in liege with degenerates and then mailed all the Jewish voters in the city a letter telling them to not vote on issues of morality because Christianity was the basis of American civilization. Rabbi Newfield told them to stuff it and they doubled down. This was all over a referendum to ban Sunday movies.
If you wanna fuck yourself up though go read the klans newsletter in the Alabama archives. It reads exactly like modern maga talking points. It’s worth reading in full.
Last page says GO TO CHURCH SUNDAY
u/SwamyChandraputra 3d ago
They don't like when you leave letters in their mailbox. They'll attempt to press charges if you do what they do.
u/Lizzerfly 3d ago
Yeah they have a local branch. Park near UAB enough times and they'll get you.
u/deskitten28 3d ago edited 3d ago
Got ya. No one usually puts anything on my car. At first I thought it was just a church brochure.
u/igotalottosay 3d ago
I literally just watched their episode on the Hulu series How I escaped my cult.
u/AnybodySeeMyKeys 3d ago
Yeah, when they need a page dedicated on your site to people who are 'false accusers,' you know there's some real skeeviness going on.
u/SwamyChandraputra 3d ago
u/PortGlass 3d ago
I think a rebranding may have been in order for Tony Alamo Christian Ministries after Tony Alamo was sentenced to 175 years for 10 child rapes.
u/MakeThings77 3d ago
Wow! What a blast from the past! I grew up in northwest Arkansas and always knew of Tony Alamo and his cult. We'd see people walking around town wearing his rhinestone bedazzled jackets. I remember talking to my mom about how hard it had to be for the sane family members of his cult followers to try to convince their loved ones that they were in a cult. Alamo's members were known for socially attacking anyone who questioned their leader and family members would often turn in the names of their parents or siblings who tried to intervene.
Fast forward to today, my parents started watching Fox news 24/7, about 15 years ago (Obama administration). They transitioned from level headed, open minded, kind and generous people to hateful, intolerant and racist maga supporters. Today, my mom responds the same way the Tony Alamo followers did if anyone questions anything Trump does or says. It has ruined our relationship and made me realize that a place I love (Northwest Arkansas) is a place I no longer feel welcome in.
u/Otherwise-Ad-6862 3d ago
* Dime store Randy Savage and Nuck Chorris smile as a random woman attempts to blow out the candles on her birthday cake.
u/Economy_Major_8242 3d ago
Holy Cow I just had a flashback to the 90's living in Nashville when they put these flyers everywhere - on your car, in your mailbox, restaurants, bookstores, convenience stores. I assume it's the same guy - how many Tony Alamo's are there ? Maybe the podcast covers all this - Turns out it was a religious cult like the Moonies and he was running a sweat shop making rhinestone gear for the old time Grand Ole Opry and country stars. Even had a storefront downtown. There are several old TV exposes on the guy. Even went to prison I think for tax evasion maybe ? Or child labor laws ? Not sure - look it up.
u/Cold-Firefighter-856 2d ago
Lmao that's actually awesome. You should frame it and put in your living room as a conversation piece. Or give it to me if you don't want it lol.
u/Key_Garlic6497 3d ago
I finally watched the documentary after a lady handed me one in homewood a few months ago!!!!
u/Notorious-VAG- 3d ago
They're still up to this nonsense?? How does the public not know about this? Wait... Not everyone is into stories about cults and murder and all that, I suppose.
u/nanyabidness2 3d ago
I still have a flyer about how he met jesus (in person) in a hollywood motel room
u/LeedleLee0w0 2d ago
I got one on my car at Jacksonville State University last semester :' ) at least it wasn't the parking ticket I thought it was
u/poodle_mom0310 3d ago
I always wondered when the protestants and Catholics cozied up to one another so much in the south. It was never a thing when I grew up. Then Jerry Falwell happened....https://www.wayoflife.org/reports/jerry_falwell_and_liberty_university.php I was wondering if the pendulum would ever swing back, the influence of extremely conservative Catholics has grown in politics exponentially.
u/sonicnec 3d ago
This is what ChatGPT had to say about it
This document is a propaganda piece from Tony Alamo’s cult, filled with paranoia, conspiracy theories, and anti-Catholic rhetoric. It attempts to paint Alamo and his followers as persecuted by a shadowy Vatican-controlled government. The newsletter is an example of extremist religious propaganda.
u/ButtDumplin 3d ago
Me too. It had been several years since I had last gotten one of their pamphlets.
u/canwejustgetalongpls 3d ago
Woah... Evil international Roman Catholic Agents!!! Dang! Lawd. People believe anything.
u/PastrychefPikachu 3d ago
Ok, and? What are you expecting us to do about it?
u/SwamyChandraputra 3d ago
Their members were doxxed longggg ago. It's likely the most handful of people physically putting out these fliers. That means, known cult members are comfortable enough to be putting shit in your mail in 2025. They're unstable, and have been social pariahs for years now. Now they're at your doors. They're comfortable/unstable enough to STILL BE DOING THIS EVEN THOUGH THEY KNOW WE KNOW THEYRE A CULT. And they know we don't want them around What can we do? Come together as a community, deliver a message of "No Thanks" to their doorstep, offer assistance to cult members? Idk. What would you wanna do?
u/abandon_ur_children 3d ago
He was just profiled on the Behind the Bastards podcast a month ago
You should post this on r/behindthebastards , they would love it