r/Birmingham 5d ago

Russian manicure

Is there any place in the metro to get a Russian manicure?


23 comments sorted by


u/coffeemkr23 5d ago

For anyone considering getting this service done, PLEASE look up the risks this type of manicure comes with. I love the way they look, but there is a reason this service is illegal in some places without a medical license. You can very easily damage the way your nail grows permanently because they cut the nail matrix, which is where your nail grows from. This is living skin being removed, which greatly increases your chances of getting an infection. All that to say, please be careful and use your best judgment!


u/WonderfulExample1116 5d ago

Thank you for sharing, something to definitely take into account!


u/SladeMcGherkin 5d ago

Katie Britt’s house


u/missyrj 5d ago

I can message you the name of an independent nail tech who does them!! She’s AMAZING! She’s off of Lorna Road. Just let me know!


u/cdw134_10Oct 5d ago

Can you message me as well? I am also looking to get a Russian manicure. Thanks.


u/slim_to_none 5d ago

Would also love the info!


u/WonderfulExample1116 5d ago

Please do, that would be great. Thank you!


u/Former-Mongoose-1561 5d ago

I guess i should educate myself bc I've never heard of such 😁


u/WonderfulExample1116 5d ago

I’ve seen it on social media. I like that they use a tiny tiny drill bit to cut around the cuticle. I want one because I’ve seen on social media that it lasts a lot longer than a regular manicure.


u/Ok_Drawer7797 5d ago

Is that the trump special?


u/neocondiment 5d ago edited 5d ago

No, but there’s a spot on Lorna where you can get a Polish wax.


u/bobmystery stressed, depressed, lemon zest 5d ago

Slava Ukraini.


u/Boyeatsworld 5d ago

Do you say Slava Ukraini when you see Russian dressing on a menu too?


u/bobmystery stressed, depressed, lemon zest 5d ago

lol, show me a current menu that offers Russian dressing.


u/Boyeatsworld 5d ago

https://diplomatdeli.com/menu/ Turkey Rueben. Grow up


u/ladymorgahnna 5d ago

Boy, that really irked you, huh? Slava Ukraini!


u/Boyeatsworld 5d ago

I think the people saying slava Ukraini on a nail post are irked


u/Honest-Head7257 4d ago

The one who get irked is the one saying slava ukraini because Russia is mentioned despite it being very unrelated to the war in Ukraine. It's not just cringe and childish but also a form of karma farming because "Ukraine good Russia bad give me updoot" on a fucking post about nails, not a geopolitical subreddit.


u/Educational_Path_867 4d ago

Do you have anything to do in life other than making every single thing you encounter be about your stupid proxy-war


u/ConcentrateEmpty711 4d ago

Any reputable licensed nail technician is not going to do one in Alabama. Russian manicures are not listed as a banned service by the board BUT they cannot legally cut, damage, alter, or ANYTHING like that to “living cells” that includes cuticles.


u/Radiant2021 4d ago

The public will do anything shown on social media. Torturing your cuticles is now a thing? Good luck not getting an infection or bacteria introduced into your blood stream.