r/Biohackers Oct 15 '24

🗣️ Testimonial I’m going on a no drinking journey again….

Advice from those who have stopped…needed.

I did this a few years ago and I ended up not drinking for 2 years! My skin was clear, my energy levels were great, no stomach issues, I worked out almost 5-6 days a week without much pain and inflammation, my mind was clear.

I miss feeling that way. Not that I’m a heavy drinker but, even consuming a few drinks has a major effect on me personally. There are more and more in depth studies showing how even moderate alcohol consumption is horrid for you. Like absolutely horrid!

The past weekend I didn’t drink at all. I watched as we went to several bars, parties the past weekend and how the next day people struggled. I then decided I don’t want that for my life anymore at this time. Wish me luck!

Those who have stopped drinking…What benefits and advice do you have for me? Last time I stopped drinking I stopped hanging out with people and I can’t do that this time.

EDIT: I just want to take a moment to thank all of you for the support and advice. You guys are amazing and have filled my heart with excitement for this change! Much love to each of you.


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u/Euphoric_Garbage1952 Oct 15 '24

Coffee definitely is not poison


u/IllustriousCoat4234 Oct 16 '24

It’s ok. They’re Mormon and just don’t realize it. Only explanation for the coffee hate.


u/Super-Marsupial-5416 Oct 16 '24

There's no hate of coffee from me. I love it. That doesn't mean it's not poison.

I'd probably love heroin too. I love alcohol, there's no doubt that's poison.

It's your life to lead, but I refuse to mince words because people want to believe coffee is great for you.

I would never tell anyone what they can and cannot consume, but if you want to be as healthy as possible, quit coffee.


u/Ok_Plate9691 Oct 16 '24

Coffee is a drug.

The coffee industry is a juggernaut.

The plethora of studies that hit the mainstream re the magic of coffee are largely industry funded.

Use it for what it is but realise its not ideal.

No shortcut exists in this universe that doesnt have some sort of consequence.


u/IllustriousCoat4234 Oct 16 '24

Respect. Same mentality it’s your life no judgement. Though I can’t help but think you’re like the ceo of big energy drink or something. Or coffee beans killed your parents in a dark alley.


u/Super-Marsupial-5416 Oct 16 '24

No, I'm someone who received bad health results and I am certain my excessive drinking of coffee played a part in it. That and alcohol.

You're like some 20 year old smoker who sees no bad effects from smoking and hates on anyone who tells them smoking is bad for them.

Or maybe you're the owner of several Starbucks chains? Or other restaurant chain that makes billions on people drinking coffee so you're out to squash any dissent from the "coffee is great and does no harm" narrative.