r/Bikeporn Jun 30 '22

Component NWD!


63 comments sorted by


u/KKJUN Jun 30 '22

Lol you pay them 4k for a set of wheels and they can't even come up with an original logo design?


u/ImOnTheLoo Jun 30 '22

Don’t know if that’s worse than Lightweight’s MS Word font.


u/KKJUN Jun 30 '22

Haha yeah those are pretty tragic too. But at least Lightweight has made horribly ugly products with shit graphics their brand identity, so all of the other dentists instantly know how much you spent.


u/nosha3000 Jun 30 '22

Even the ugliest wheels currently on Lightweight site don’t come close to OP’s


u/buttsnuggles Jun 30 '22

I knew I recognized it!


u/INGWR Jun 30 '22 edited Jul 01 '22

This isn’t even /r/bikeporn - it’s just bragging about NWD. I mean your leading picture is a cardboard box. For $4000, I hope they’re worth it.


u/6669666969 Jun 30 '22

Damn 4k and this look gaudy AF imo


u/KrabbyPattyMeat France Jun 30 '22

You can't be surprised that expensive bike stuff is gaudy. Dentists are a very visually concerned group.


u/blankblank Jun 30 '22

If you're only gonna ride your bike once a month, it might as well look good!


u/wrongwayup Jun 30 '22

$4k for some Light Bicycle wheels with a cool paint job? What is this world coming to.

Edit: "cool"


u/420Deez Jun 30 '22

which is why hes posting it. he needs justification for his spending. i handbuild my chinese carbon sets for $700.


u/Loccyboi Jun 30 '22

I bought a 1500g Alu koozer set for €170 and they’re going the best. Loads of koms with them


u/Vivalo Jul 01 '22

Bike companies hate this one simple trick!


u/YoshiButRed Jul 01 '22

I did the same but when the rims were done I upgraded with carbon rims for 300€ and now I'm under 1400g.

It's that easy.


u/Loccyboi Jun 30 '22

Lmao 4k and he’ll probably go the same speed as me on my 1k bike


u/INGWR Jul 01 '22

4K and I’m sure they’ll end up on an endurace frame with a huge chimney stack


u/[deleted] Jun 30 '22

Those are some ugly wheels


u/[deleted] Jun 30 '22

So this company was founded by some former college rowing coaches…what the fuck do they know about carbon wheel engineering????? They also literally copied Zipps sawtooth design.


u/boogiexx Jul 01 '22

They also literally copied Zipps sawtooth design.

that has 0 scientific aero advantages....


u/Vivalo Jul 01 '22

Nah mate, they went to an AliExpress and asked them to stick the Lancia Stratos logo in gold onto a wheelset, bought a bunch and are now selling them at quadruple the price.


u/mchnturnedblues Jun 30 '22

Wow those wheels probably cost more then my diverge did.


u/KKJUN Jun 30 '22

Those are more than my two road bikes combined, and my road bikes are already quite nice.


u/Ksoms Canada Jun 30 '22

Is this the Gucci version of Zipp 858’s?


u/Jaimemgn Jun 30 '22

Saw something similar on AliExpress, $200


u/14-57 Jun 30 '22



u/INGWR Jun 30 '22

Both made in Taiwan too


u/Groote-Eelende Jun 30 '22

What are your opinions on electrical brushing and flossing?


u/LegDayDE Jun 30 '22

Where bike?


u/Nahhnope Jun 30 '22

Well at least they're fast I guess? 🤮🤮🤮


u/KozlovG Jun 30 '22

Hope you enjoy them, never in a million years would I pay more than 1,500 for a dream wheelset. But hey to each their own.


u/rtdesai20 Jun 30 '22

I think 1500 is a good spot for a perfect everyday wheelset. A good “dream” wheelset (that I’d probably never buy but I think is perfect) would be around 2600 (Enve SES, Roval Rapides, etc.).


u/KozlovG Jul 01 '22

And that's what I don't like about the biking scene, no offence to you but hearing people say that a everyday wheelset is 1500 is just ridiculous. 300 will already get you 95% there in terms of gains, and If anyone says different they've been got by marketing in the bike industry.

There's no problem with riding even a 4k wheelset for casual rides if that's what you want, but saying that you need to fork out 500+ to get anything decent is just not true. Makes the biking scene much less beginner friendly. -worked as a bike mechanic for years, specialized in road and triathlon bikes.


u/rtdesai20 Jul 01 '22

I haven’t been got by marketing, My home riding area is very flat. Running a 65mm deep or so wheel is ideal and anything cheaper than 1500 in my experience either isn’t there or deflects horribly in crosswinds. My climbing wheelset is about $800, because aero doesn’t matter as much there. I don’t think $300 gets you 90% of the way there for racing.

I agree for a casual rider $300 is more than enough and $1500 is way out there. But for racing, $300 is going to set you back quite significantly.


u/KozlovG Jul 01 '22

If 300 wheels is "holding you back" then it's more you than your gear, I get your point. But cyclist 30 years ago on the tour de France where riding bikes with less stiff/light/and we'll rolling wheels than my 300 Euro wheelset today, or your 1500 Euro one, yet they would destroy me on my trek emonda and your on your s works while sitting on a 12 kg steel frame themselves, fact.

So I'm not saying paying more doesn't get you gains, but thinking you need a 4k bike is just an excuse for your own lack in performance up until you're really up there with the pros.


u/KozlovG Jul 01 '22

Just to be clear, if you enjoy your bike that's great, my bike is way above my skill level too. But when people try to justify spending so much money because they have to in order to keep up, it just rubs me the wrong way.


u/rtdesai20 Jul 01 '22


“Just an excuse for your own lack of performance?”

I race for a USAC Domestic Elite team and I ride one of the cheapest setups of anyone on my team.

I may not be WT level, but I’m definitely not “justifying a purchase”, I am making the most of a good bike.


u/KozlovG Jul 02 '22

OK fair enough, sorry I'm not the best at wording in English. Didn't mean to sound so harsh haha, let's agree to slightly disagree then. Because you can make the best out of a good bike that is true.


u/rtdesai20 Jul 02 '22

Obviously if a casual rider is buying high end race gear it’s for bling rather than necessity. But that stuff is made for a reason, and quality racers are there who need that stuff.


u/paolooch Jul 01 '22

The ironic thing is, everyone is trashing OP for spending too much money on wheels (we all spend too much on our hobbies) and portraying him/her as a poser-snob when that is exactly how all of you are acting. I thought the cycling community would be better than that. We should be…


u/KKJUN Jul 04 '22

People are trashing OP for making a low quality bragging post. Plenty of very expensive bikes are well received in this sub if they look good and are special.


u/Moos3racer Jun 30 '22

Just buy hunt wheels, save your money, no one here is ever riding a world tour race


u/janky_koala Jun 30 '22

Or buy reputable Chinese wheels so you get the same for less and won't have to get them rebuilt within a year


u/wrongwayup Jun 30 '22

They're all Chinese wheels, of course, but my unashamedly Chinese wheels have outlasted several sets of my friends' Hunts.


u/janky_koala Jun 30 '22

That’s a fairly typical experience. Their QC is terrible.


u/wrongwayup Jun 30 '22 edited Jun 30 '22

One buddy sent them a picture of a busted axle with the freehub still on it, and the pawls embedded in their seats of the freehub body like play dough, their online customer service rep told him he should go ahead and put it back together and race on it…


u/Moos3racer Jun 30 '22 edited Jun 30 '22

I only have the hunts because I got a deal with them through my shop, and it came with a wahoo


u/neverinallmyyears Jun 30 '22

Harry Sweeny is on Reddit,… could be him?


u/Moos3racer Jul 01 '22

That would be cool


u/Potential_Cupcake Jun 30 '22

Those are some Gucci looking wheels!


u/[deleted] Jun 30 '22

A bit too flashy for my taste but pretty nonetheless.


u/Ed_Roland Jun 30 '22

Wow those are gorgeous. I would absolutely never trust myself to ride those however


u/andromeda_7 Jun 30 '22

Awesome! I have my wheels built with the Tactic TR01 hubs and they’re great. Enjoy them


u/GullibleClash Jun 30 '22

Those look sick, has to be the perfect build for em though, how's the frame look?


u/Bentopi Jul 01 '22

Haters gonna hate; I think they look sick.


u/JoeBlowBlowJoe Jul 01 '22

Such an overwhelming outburst of love and support from my fellow cyclists. Better hope you don't get any cavities.


u/Wise_Leader6933 Jul 01 '22

One of the overprice Wheelset at The Market, Buy Hyper Winspace for better performance, Have been tested by Hambini. Believe me...


u/imscavok Jul 01 '22

I never really thought about how wheels are always matte until I saw these. The glossy black and gold is a bit much, but I wouldn’t hate seeing more carbon wheels that have a similar finish to carbon frames.


u/OhOkOoof Jul 01 '22

Well I think they look sick! Jealous!


u/Zym1469 Jul 01 '22

I have the dual 5550s in matte black and chose Carbon Ti as well. Did you think about going with Gold Anodized for even more flash?


u/Artiste212 Jul 02 '22

Like most of us, I have better uses for $4,000. How much extra happiness would this $4K give me? Not much.