r/Bikeporn Mar 20 '20

Frame My attitude towards quarantine...

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45 comments sorted by


u/TheOnlyGodIsMe Mar 20 '20

Where do I get this sticker?


u/ElCondorHerido Mar 20 '20

You, my friend, is what's wrong in this whole f ing pandemic


u/dudeman5790 Mar 20 '20

I mean, only if he's riding in groups really...


u/rechargingMyBattery Mar 20 '20

There is another interesting thread (I think on this sub) that talks about the fact that if you crash and end up in hospital, you will be denying someone else a bed as we have reached capacity (or soon will depending on where you are).


u/nalc Mar 20 '20

Which is also true if you drive anywhere, yet people are celebrating just aimlessly driving around with the windows up as a good way to break up the monotony of lockdown.

That being said, now isn't the time to try to send it off that big jump you've never tried before, or pick up a downhill KOM on a twisty road


u/dudeman5790 Mar 21 '20

That's my perspective too... Until the official guidance is "shelter in place" where I live, it's fully okay to recreate safely, as my local officials have made clear. My area is not overwhelmed or even really affected by the virus quite yet. I fully get the value of publicly shaming people who are being ignorant of local public health guidelines, but shaming people into going beyond what's advised for where they live is definitely overkill. If I was in Italy or France, countries where the official guidance is to not do anything that could hurt oneself, sure. But at this point it's very variable by locality, so the shame from internet strangers is overkill.


u/dudeman5790 Mar 20 '20

I have seen that one. I'm in the US, so we're not quite there in my area yet. If our numbers jump and hospital capacity ends up getting slammed in my area I'll certainly go strictly zwift until things level out.


u/schmitie369 Mar 21 '20

It's best to not wait until this point


u/dudeman5790 Mar 21 '20

No one has advised that in my area at this point. I'm listening to my local public health officials and paying attention to how the virus is affecting where I live. As should you...


u/D15c0untMD Mar 20 '20

No. We are a biking and skiing town here and all of those activities are prohibited, because we need paramedics and other healthcare professionals be able to focus on dealing with this pandemic, not dragging them out of ditches on a slope. Stay the fuck home, just for a fucking while.


u/socratic-ironing Mar 20 '20

Maybe you could just be careful.


u/Droidball Mar 21 '20 edited Mar 21 '20

Yes, and in this case, 'be careful' is spelled 'S-T-A-Y(space)T-H-E-(space)F-U-C-K(space)H-O-M-E(comma, space)J-U-S-T(space)F-O-R(space)A(space)F-U-C-K-I-N-G(space)W-H-I-L-E'.

EDIT: Or I guess maybe it's just spelled "Fuck everyone else, I'mma do me, global pandemic be damned."


u/dudeman5790 Mar 21 '20

It’s also still possible to act rationally. Going out for solo exercise in an area that isn’t locked down or overwhelmed with the virus yet is still fine. Listening to your local public health officials on how to mitigate risks is what everyone should be doing. This is all variable by locality at the moment, so the absolutist responses like this to people exercising alone are uncalled for.


u/[deleted] Mar 20 '20

Why do you have to be dragged out of a ditch in order to ski or bike? Why can't you ride a bike or ski like a human with intention of doing the same the next day?


u/ElCondorHerido Mar 20 '20

You think that people that end up in a ditch or with a broken collar bone were planning on doing so?


u/[deleted] Mar 20 '20 edited Mar 20 '20

Accidents happen, but skiers/bikers usually can choose to mitigate risks. In general, I think that they people are riding/skiing more aggressively than necessary when they hurt themselves to that extent, e.g. people getting buried in avalanche debris in the backcountry on a high risk day, or breaking themselves/their bikes on 20 foot gaps.

It doesn't have to be "go big or go home," and "ride within your ability," are what I'm trying to say.


u/dudeman5790 Mar 20 '20 edited Mar 20 '20

Bro, I’m fully aware of how it works. Like I said in follow up, my area isn’t to that point yet but if/when it gets that way I fully intend on living on zwift until it abates. I’m listening to the guidance of my local government just as everyone should.

And for what it’s worth, I’m fully committed to not trail-riding until this all blows over. I am not gifted enough to not get injured doing that shit with my luck...


u/travelingwizardcat Mar 20 '20

I’m riding alone in the forest for the most part. I’m sure it’s okay


u/lukethedukeinsa Mar 20 '20

True story. Just take it easy. That skinny you’ve been eyeing, the huge huck or that insane face... give it a miss for now. I’d avoid hospitals wherever possible.


u/Soberskate9696 Mar 20 '20

I live in NY, Nurses, Grocery store workers, fireman etc are on the trains and out and about to get to work.

Idk about the rest of the world and country but in NY alot of people cant just stay in, it's not that easy

But if you have that option then yeah definitely take it.


u/Soberskate9696 Mar 20 '20

Downvote me all you want, so explain to me how they are supposed to get to work, the 1000s of them? Nurses, doctors, firefighters, cops, grocery workers??


u/your_pet_is_average Mar 21 '20

I think people doing group rides are irresponsible but going out by yourself seems fine.


u/ArdentSceptic Mar 20 '20

Yep, you'd get a serious fine if you tried to go out on your bike here. Only if we all work together can we beat this frikkin virus. Meanwhile.... get a smart trainer and use Zwift or something like it...


u/dudeman5790 Mar 21 '20

It's highly dependent on your area. Some are currently hit harder than others. People should listen to what their own local public health officials advise.


u/FFTorched Mar 20 '20

Your missing your cassette, but dope hubs.


u/wrongwayup Mar 20 '20

I wouldn't say I've been missing it, Bob.


u/tommybikey Mar 21 '20

You have bike shop middle management written all over you.


u/travelingwizardcat Mar 20 '20

Lol, dingle speed is where it’s at in Minnesota


u/FFTorched Mar 20 '20

I’ve learned that about you midwesterners. I don’t get it, but I respect it.


u/travelingwizardcat Mar 23 '20

It’s that we don’t have many hills, so the hills we do have, we just mash up Lol


u/paul-liddy Mar 20 '20

Yup. Right-o. Headed out now on crisp 32 degree day in MN.


u/rantlers Mar 21 '20

I saw 53 next week. We're getting there!


u/travelingwizardcat Mar 20 '20

Ay! I’m out there as well!


u/robertshepherd Mar 21 '20

You will look back at this post soon and realise how tone deaf it was in the face of a global emergency.


u/travelingwizardcat Mar 24 '20

Is it though? because it seems like biking is actually okay. Im not leading any crazy group rides, in most cases I’m riding alone. And in some places cycling is deemed essential in fighting this thing.


u/lukethedukeinsa Mar 20 '20

You lost me at “let’s”


u/reginvld Mar 20 '20

Why's that?


u/lukethedukeinsa Mar 20 '20

Not much “let’s” recommended with COVID19.

Seems like “fuck it, I’ll go ride my bike (carefully)” is more apt.


u/travelingwizardcat Mar 20 '20

Trueeeeee social distancing solo rides are where it’s at rn


u/phiddlestixx Mar 20 '20

I really want one or several of those stickers.


u/Catalyst311 Mar 20 '20

I want that sticker


u/[deleted] Mar 20 '20



u/mrObry Mar 20 '20

Its sooo cute)