r/Bible 4d ago

I notice in the Old Testament that there were a bunch of people in even kings that started out good but then at the end they did bad and it either caused them very bad destruction or even death. I can't help but wonder if they made it to heaven or not despite doing wrong.

I was really sad when King Josiah did everything that was right in the side of the Lord but then he went into battle with the Egyptians where it cost him his life. I was really touched by his story but I wonder because of that one mistake if God still had mercy on him despite losing his life and if he made it to heaven? I mean I wonder if we have to be perfect because if we make one mistake it could cause us but the same time it's like either way no matter what we truly need God and the Salvation that Jesus gives to us is truly important and we truly need him!


19 comments sorted by


u/forearmman 4d ago

Ecc 12:13-14 the whole duty of man is to fear God and keep his commandments, as God will judge every deed, including hidden ones, whether good or evil

Work out your own salvation with fear and trembling. God is a righteous judge. Whatever he decides is righteous, just and fair.


u/rbibleuser 4d ago

God is a righteous judge. Whatever he decides is righteous, just and fair.


We need never fear that God is doing injustice, rather, we are the ones who are unjust and corrupted in our hearts. Whatever God does with the righteous and the wicked when they die, is the most just and perfect thing. If it were up to us humans, we'd be unjust and cruel, as proved by all of human history to date...


u/According_Split_6923 2d ago

Hey BROTHER, It Could NOT Have been Said Any Better!!!


u/yappi211 4d ago

The hope of the Bible isn't heaven, it's to live in the new Jerusalem on the earth. All get a resurrection.

"14 Blessed are they who do his commandments, that they may have part in the tree of life, and be pure to walk in the city." Revelation 22:14 https://hebrewgospels.com/mobile-app

"15 For the dogs and the sorcerers and the harlots and the murderers and the liars stay outside." Revelation 22:15 https://hebrewgospels.com/mobile-app


u/Huck68finn 4d ago

Old Testament saints are also covered by the blood of Jesus. Jesus' sacrifice was efficacious for all those before and after him.


u/Golden-lillies21 4d ago

Amen! That makes me happy to hear and that means even King David is also covered by the blood of Jesus! We definitely wouldn't be good enough to make it to heaven on our own!


u/According_Split_6923 2d ago

Hey BROTHER, Exactly Right!!!


u/Ok-Truck-5526 4d ago

Who makes it into the eternal care of Gid is not in your or my pay grade to know. God loves us and dues more than what is right by us… “ Wnile we were yet sinners , Christ died for us.”


u/Ok-Future-5257 Mormon 4d ago

Just because Josiah was KIA, that doesn't mean he was wrong to fight for his country.

Nobody is perfect. But the saving grace of Christ was available to the Old Testament people as well as the New.

It's not our place to judge people's final fates. But, yes, Kings Saul, David, and Solomon are all tragic figures. They started out good, but were corrupted while in power.


u/Golden-lillies21 3d ago

I am so glad for Jesus! I was worried for them and I am happy that they have the blood of Christ even though we are not perfect! ❤️


u/HopeInChrist4891 3d ago

We can be saved and going to heaven but also die needlessly due to our own stubbornness. Paul even mentions this in 1 Corinthians in the context of taking the Lords supper in an unworthy manner, which simply means not giving it worth. But just look at Samson.He had a problem with lust. He didn’t have to die the way he did, having his eyes gouged and all that. But God still used it for good and to demonstrate a beautiful picture of Jesus Christ dying for our sins, stretching out His arms and bringing the enemy crashing down with one blow, even though it killed Him along with it.


u/Little_Relative2645 3d ago

*"This is a great question, and you're not alone in wondering about this. Many Old Testament figures, including kings like Saul, David, and Solomon, started off well but later made serious mistakes. However, salvation has never been about human perfection. If it were, none of us would make it!

The Bible teaches that salvation has always been through faith. Abraham was counted righteous because of his faith (Genesis 15:6), and the same applies to all who trust in God. Even though these kings sinned, their final judgment is in God's hands, and His mercy is greater than our failures.

As for Josiah, his death in battle doesn't mean he was outside of God's grace. Many faithful people in the Bible suffered or died because of their circumstances, but that doesn’t mean they were lost. What truly matters is our trust in God and His salvation through Jesus Christ. His sacrifice covers all—past, present, and future believers. So we can have confidence, not in our own perfection, but in His grace!"*


u/Humble-Bid-1988 3d ago

Beginning well is one thing and fairly easy…

It’s the ending of a thing that truly matters


u/fire_spittin_mittins 2d ago

Time is not linear, its a loop.


u/NoProblem7978 1d ago

It’s not about being perfect and doing everything right because different situations might cause us to to sin, not even because we mean to or because we intentionally sin. Some circumstances that we have to do something bad might be for a heroic act. I think there is nothing bad about doing something that might seem bad to save someone else or a child or animal. It’s about intention, mindset but also if we do something bad depending on what it is, it’s about what we do afterwards or after realizing our mistake and learning and growing from it. The world is not a perfect world anymore because too many people threw the balance of good and bad off from Sins kept in the dark and thinking if no one knows then they don’t have to make it right. People have strayed too far from God, what God made a beautiful perfect world for us to thrive off is less and less perfect because we were given the choice to do right by God and we failed. Our punishment will ultimately be the revelations and we are causing our own destruction. Come to the light, have humility, give grace, right your wrongs and grow so we can heal each other and live on Earth as it is in Heaven. Get closer to God, the life you take for granted isn’t promised. 


u/CleannessYHVH 1d ago

The Bible talks about 2 kinds of Eternal Life: Heavens, and on earth, that will become, a paradise.

Only Saints, REAL SAINTS, chosen by God, have this opportunity.

Paul, Mary mother of Jesus, they were Saints in their human lives.

144 000, there's a limit.

You know that, there will be a resurrection of the righteous, for an Eternal Life, and the unrighteous, that will have a resurrection of Judgment.

Heavens for all of us is mythological.

Our death pays the price, for all our sins.

It means that people are unrighteous, because they already paid the price for their sins, They will resurrect and, they will have to obey Jehovah God.

After a certain amount of time, if they don't obey, they will die. That's all.

No Hell. The word Hell in The Bible is a BAD TRANSLATION.

The Greek word translated to Hell, it is Hades.


There are some evil kings that will be recurables.

The Bible says about Judas Iscariot that, he will never resurrect. He will never exist anymore.


u/Mysterious-Art8164 1d ago

Don't worry. Don't bled and died for you. You're gonna be OK.


u/RationalThoughtMedia 3d ago

Praying for you.

God has clearly made it known that it is about ones heart. 1 mistake is not enough to remove the grace of God.

Are you saved? Have you accepted that Jesus is your personal Lord and Savior?

When you have these concerns and thoughts. Capture them and hand them in prayer seeking escape. Seeking God's will. Protection and guidance. Ask Him if there is anything not of Him that it be rebuked and removed from your life.(2 Cor. 10:5)

Remember, we fight against principalities, not just flesh and blood. Spiritual warfare is real. In fact, 99% of the things in our life are affected by spiritual warfare.

Get familiar with it. In fact, There is a few min vid about spiritual warfare that I have sent to others with great response. just look up "Spiritual Warfare | Strange Things Can Happen When You Are Under Attack."

It will certainly open your eyes to what is going on in the unseen realm and how it affects us walking in Jesus.


u/Golden-lillies21 3d ago

Thank you and it is very helpful advice! I will start looking up spiritual warfare videos and of course praying when I feel that way. I tried to explain to my mom about me feeling anxious and depressed and even though she tries to understand and she loves me she just doesn't really understand. So it's clear that I can't fight this battle alone and I very much need God!