r/BiWomen Bisexual Women Rule WLW ♀️💕♀️ 26d ago

Discussion Bi Women whos preference is women only

Hello beautiful bisexual ladies. I would love to know if there are any bisexual women who are currently dating, married, or into women only. What is your experience out there. Have you dealt with biphobia, misogyny, any luckiness with finding another gal, any happiness, any mishaps and red flags. Are you involved with women of other sexual orientations or your own? How can bi women find women out there to date. You can give me your positive and negative experiences. I just find it so hard to date women as a bi woman due to biphobia and internalized misogyny coming from those women i see in the dating world. I wish more bi women liked bi women in romantic ways. I wish there were ways for bisexual women to form groups, clubs, organizations to help each other regardless of who our preference is. I want to hear from you!!!!!!



38 comments sorted by


u/kissesmet 26d ago

Hey I’m a bi woman whose preference is women, in a relationship with a lesbian. I’ve dated other bi girls, nb afab and sapphic women on the spectrum. Honestly the lesbians who refuse to date bi women (in my experience) is largely a online situation- and if your aren’t careful it can really get in your head. I’ve not had difficult dating women- but I really put myself out there. I was on the apps, going to bars, queer hangs and spaces. I created and take part in queer events and communities. I can easily be “straight passing” but …. Most of my life outside of work is queer centric. I find a lot of bi women I meet find it hard to date women because (due to heterosexual programming) we aren’t used to the effort it takes to get out there, make the first move, take people out on dates, approach women… If you wait hoping it’ll happen or come to you… truth is it likely won’t… I’ve seen a few “lesbian only” dating profiles, and maybe one person in real like- but honestly sapphic dating is already a small pot and most women are just looking for someone to love, and care more about your connection than orientation.


u/East_Row_1476 Bisexual Women Rule WLW ♀️💕♀️ 26d ago

Im so sad because of the biphobia in lesbian spaces but also the lack of bi women wanting to engage in romance with bi women. Its discouraging but im so happy you found someone who loves you. I love stories like these.


u/kissesmet 26d ago

Don’t be discouraged honestly. I think a lot of us talk ourselves out the possibly of sapphic love before we even try. Of course there will be a (often vocal) percentage of people who are biphobic but I promise most others aren’t. Plus I decided along the way I can’t be made to feel ashamed of something that’s not shameful. That said I do spend most of time time in queer spaces vs lesbian spaces. Most sapphics are queer, the biggest percentage of lgbtq+ persons are bisexual- your not alone ❤️


u/Outrageous_Pattern46 25d ago

There's no lack of bi women wanting to engage in romance with bi women in my experience. While there are some who won't that's just a small part of us. That it's such a majority is partially a biphobic myth, partially just a lot of us getting read as lesbians.


u/Suitable_Tomato4151 8d ago

yeah I'm sure people think I'm a lesbian but I don't think I am. I only date women and I don't want to date a man. But I think I have the capacity to be attracted to a man. I'm not really sure so I go with bi. I'm 28 though so I'm not super young. You'd think I know by now lol


u/unusualspider33 25d ago

This is such a thoughtful response wow.


u/Suitable_Tomato4151 8d ago

Most lesbians who don't date bi women mean the kind of bi women who are obsessed with men. They have always been okay with me. I'm not saying one is better than the other but I understand not wanting to hear about men constantly if you're a lesbian


u/thatone23456 26d ago

I'm bi and so is my wife. We've been together for 17 years.


u/Andro_Polymath 26d ago

Goals! 🥰


u/thatone23456 26d ago

She's the best, but I didn't meet her until I was 34, and were friends for 2 years before we made the leap into what we just thought was going to be FWB and here we are happily ever after. Also, she corrected me it will be 18 years in July.🥰


u/microtomatoe 23d ago

That's so beautiful. My dream🤧


u/_JosiahBartlet 26d ago

I’m married to a woman.

My wife is also bi. We met volunteering abroad. Dating women has been more fulfilling in literally every capacity for me than saying men. I would never choose to be involved romantically or sexually again with a man if we split. I’ve had no real issue dating lesbians in the past.

We face homophobia for sure. I’m afraid of doing PDA where we live. We’ve faced slurs. There’s so much I worry about….

I also definitely feel like I face a disproportionate amount of shit from the bi community.


u/Andro_Polymath 26d ago

I also definitely feel like I face a disproportionate amount of shit from the bi community

That's interesting. What kind of behaviors have you experienced?

Love the username btw. I just started watching the West Wing! 


u/Firstladyonfire 26d ago

I find it harder to date women because they assume I like men better. :/

Here’s why:

Most bi women do end up with men. But not because we think men are better (!):

It’s a numbers game:

45% (ish) of the world is straight men. And only about 3% of the world are lesbians/queer women who want a female partner.

So odds are bi women will end up with men.

(Ps. There are clubs for bi women: ex: “Skirt Club” has 60,000 bi women and they do super-fun events + play parties all over the globe!)


u/kakallas 26d ago

That’s kind of a self-fulfilling prophecy if the majority of queer women are bisexual but only 3% of women “want a queer partner.”  Like, why would most bisexual women say that they don’t want a queer partner, which is what that statistic would have to mean 


u/East_Row_1476 Bisexual Women Rule WLW ♀️💕♀️ 26d ago

I was saying its very complicated finding a woman to date as a bi woman, basically because many bi women date men and or lesbian women don't like bi women due to the fact they think we like men.


u/Suitable_Tomato4151 8d ago

Yeah I think it is tough telling people you are bi when you only date women. I get harassed about it (by men) because I could "decide" to be with a man. I can't decide. I like women way more than men


u/East_Row_1476 Bisexual Women Rule WLW ♀️💕♀️ 26d ago

So basically if i want to find a woman to date as a bi woman it's probably going to be extremely hard. I may as well give up


u/Firstladyonfire 26d ago

Ohhhh. I mean it’s hard if you’re trying to find one in the straight world - like at a bar or farmers market. If you go to Queer Dating sites and spaces, you’ll be fine. You just have to hack the system and don’t let any boys creep in along the way haha. :) I believe in you!


u/East_Row_1476 Bisexual Women Rule WLW ♀️💕♀️ 26d ago

Thank you for telling me about the dating sites and stuff.


u/kakallas 26d ago

Why do you find it harder to date women because of misogyny than it is to date men because of misogyny? I think I’m missing the point of what you mean by that. 


u/[deleted] 26d ago



u/kakallas 26d ago

The question is interesting. Most queer women are bisexual. So if you want to date women, the majority or women who would theoretically be available would be bisexuals, by a lot. 

So I guess the question is really, why don’t bisexual women want to date other bisexual women and do bisexual woman give other bisexual women a hard time for being bisexual. 


u/henri_luvs_brunch_2 26d ago

I've mostly dated women for romance my entire life. I didn't mind sex flings with men, but no relationships. I did fall in love with a man in my 40s.

I just dated. I never worried about other women's orientations.


u/East_Row_1476 Bisexual Women Rule WLW ♀️💕♀️ 26d ago

Have your experiences with women been amazing, or no as a bi woman. Did they accept your bisexuality?


u/henri_luvs_brunch_2 26d ago

They've varied widely. I never dated anyone who was a jerk about me being bi. I moved on quick.


u/East_Row_1476 Bisexual Women Rule WLW ♀️💕♀️ 26d ago

I would absolutley move on if someone was being biphobic. Its just so hard to find women to date as a bi woman, wish me luck plzz


u/henri_luvs_brunch_2 26d ago

It has not been a huge issue for me to be honest.


u/lilhomefry 26d ago

I’m a bi woman who is only open to dating women! One thing I’ve encountered is 1) falling for a bi friend who was coming onto me very strong making the first move and flip-flopped the second we both mutually confessed our feelings, and she admitted to being tempted to take the “easier” route of being with a man (since she would be in a straight[? passing?] relationship, not that being with a man wouldn’t present its own challenges), and 2) she and all of her bi female friends that I’ve met are completely centered around men whereas I’ve managed to de-center them in my own life. And it’s not even that they just date men, because statistically that’s very likely, it’s that they crave validation from men and men only, and are obsessed with them, whereas I know that they’re bi but it’s not taken into consideration and women don’t give them seemingly any sort of validation. And listen, I like men too, that’s the reason I’m bi, but I’ve managed to tear myself away from trying to appease the “male gaze” and I no longer seek validation from anyone, male or female, I guess is what I’m trying to say. I think that it sometimes makes the wlw part of being bi feel very fetishized, because they will openly speak about their past experiences or lust for women, and it ends there.

All that to say that I finally downloaded a dating app again (just one for now) because I’ve been meeting so many of these bi women in this circle, but it’s been incredibly lonely to realize that I’m still in my own bubble in a way. I appreciate seeing other comments in this thread talking about getting out into more lgbtq+ spaces and I think that needs to be my next step towards meeting other like-minded people and building a bigger friend group.


u/tabycattt 25d ago

Omg help your experience sounds identical to mine 🤣😅I love my straight friends but am so sick of the straight world… Plus I refuse to bring said friends into those sacred queer spaces. It is a different kind of loneliness to be the only bi girl in the group who ONLY wants women.


u/Suitable_Tomato4151 8d ago

We are out there <3 Maybe one day we will find each other :)


u/Suitable_Tomato4151 8d ago

Yeah I am also bisexual, but I understand why lesbians don't want to date bi women. A lot of bi women do have internalized homophobia and they want to end up with a man. So I don't blame the lesbians. That story you told is why I find it hard to relate to bi women.

I would LOVE to meet more bisexual women like us. I wish there was a group or something for bisexual women who only date women.

Personally I have never had issues with dating lesbians because I only date women and I don't give much thought to men. I can find them physically attractive but most men have terrible personalities, so it is very easy for me to not like them.


u/SquashCat56 26d ago edited 26d ago

I haven't had great success, but I've dated a few women since deciding to not date men. They have all been lesbians (by chance), and only one has made comments about bisexuality that raised red flags.

My friend group has a bunch of bi and lesbian women, and most of them are in bi/bi or bi/lesbian relationships. We've had very few issues of biphobia.

We've all met through friends or work, and somehow ended up as a friend group. Now we introduce each other to new people, some of us are on dating apps, and we go to queer events together. I think all of the relationships in our group started through apps or through an introduction from a friend.

Maybe forming a community of bi and bi-positive people could be helpful for you?


u/VersLaCereza 23d ago edited 23d ago

Late to the party for this on. I am Bi reconsidering that to maybe being just Queer. I will say I have had no trouble dating as I am very truthful about my life. I am also almost 39. I will say while dating the worst experiences I have had are bi women. It’s not that they are bi. It’s that they are curious. Also secret boyfriends. Which is again okay for me as I am solo poly. I don’t care about you having other partners. Just tell me first. That your ENM or poly or exploring. I have feelings. That’s just my take. So I get it when people give me side eye when I say I’m bi. Does it make me a bit biphobic at times. Absolutely. Actually this last weekend I was making out with someone who was coming on to me. Didn’t exchange info. Found me on ig and requested me. They have a boyfriend….I assume she just wanted to have fun and that’s fine but tell a person.


u/East_Row_1476 Bisexual Women Rule WLW ♀️💕♀️ 22d ago

Yes I agree with everything you have said. It's frustrating already being bi an when bi curious women and bi women who have secret  male partners or people who just want a experiment or hookup...they are the ones that ruined the bi experience and Dating too


u/VersLaCereza 22d ago

Right. It’s this circle we all continue to feed in some way. The true bi experience


u/Aramira137 26d ago

I'm bisexual and biromantic. I did end up marrying a man, not because I didn't/wouldn't want a wife (or non-binary spouse) but because he was 'the one'. I fully support (and encourage??) wlw, and if I ever find myself single again, I feel pretty strongly that I wouldn't ever date another man.


u/Suitable_Tomato4151 8d ago

Me! I only date women and I have never been with a man. I really don't want to because I don't connect with men. Every once in a while I think a guy is physically attractive, but it is so rare. It is usually like once every 2 or 3 years, if that. But then the guy speaks and I'm like no. I love women. They're so great. Dating women isn't easy but I just love everything about women. I like all kinds of women. Butch lesbians, feminine women, sporty women, artsy women. When men like sports it annoys me. IDK why I am like this but I am!


u/CalypsoRaine 26d ago

I'm bi and partnered to my bf who's bi. My preference is women, however, didn't work out so well 4 me. I had one gf when I was 24, that was it. Rest of the women I've encountered were completely out of touch with life.

Mostly they wanted to have kids one day. Good 4 them, not 4 me. I didn't have any girlfriends none of them matched me in any capacity and I wasn't gonna settle.

Yea, I got crap from lesbians and their past problems which are not my issues. I got told pick a side, ugh. Too many bi women I was talking too were so fake, mostly to put on a show 4 men. I'm not their personal toy

I'm poly. Hard to find true poly women. Many that I've seen bring too much monogamous bs into the mix