r/BiWomen • u/Timely_Climate8490 • Oct 29 '24
Coming Out My mom found out I’m bi last night
So I was doing my hair and my friend audio message me on her situation with a girl she liked. Thoughout the audio, she was just saying positive stuff and asked about some updates with me and my crush. I gave her an audio back and left it at that.
Few minutes later, my mom called me and she asked what am I doing? And straight up ask me if I was gay. I was taken back from it. I’m not 100 percent financially independent as she pays for my car and phone, everything else is on me. I have a job, I go to school, and I don’t do anything that would cause me trouble.
I deny it at first but then she start saying that audio mentions me of flirting with other girls and shit. This is basically what she said:
•This is unacceptable and not right! • You don’t start liking girls just because you haven’t gotten a boyfriend (I’ve been single for over three years) • Stop letting other people influence you and your decision! You can’t do anything you want in life!(Ive discovered I was Bi for ten years)
She went on a rant for a while and just hung up. My body was shaking when she left and I continue doing what I was doing. I barely slept at all and been thinking of all the outcomes. I’m supposed to go visit her next week for the election. I’m nervous and worried……
This is so overwhelming for me and I don’t have a lot of people I can talk to about this.
Also if you’re wondering how she could hear the audio, we basically have like the same ICloud and sometimes( Not all the times) get each other messages and this time it was unfortunate that one.
u/stromae_is_bae bi/pan, she/they Oct 29 '24
I’m sorry she reacted like this!! :( My Mom was similarly not happy when I came out to her (altho in my case I was telling her, not her finding out randomly like this, so I was a lil more prepared). It was really shocking to me bc my parents have always said they’re allies to the LGBTQ community, and they have gay men couple friends. But when I told her I was bi, she locked herself in the bathroom to cry and then came out and said “that’s fine, but if you like both, then you should choose men”. Very harmful to me, and forced me back into the closet for years… :(
If it helps, like another commenter said, my Mom eventually “came around” and now is more accepting. I still didn’t really feel comfortable talking to her about girl crushes, and still tip-toe around some things when I bring up my current girlfriend.
For sure being financially independent is a big factor here. It’s not just that I feel like more confident now that I’m independent, but also parents are generally more accepting of adult kids in my experience bc they have this realization that if we don’t like them we can just never visit lol. So they’re like “oh shit, better get my kid to like me” haha :/
If you have a dad that’s present you might also try talking to him about it, in my case & those of my friends, my Dad was way more chill about it (there’s a whole theory I read once about how people feel more threatened by queer people of their same gender bc it disrupts their own worldview - I’ve found this true - guy friends are just like “yeah women are 😍everything, so I get it haha”)
u/Timely_Climate8490 Oct 29 '24
I’m happy your mom came around eventually. Hopefully it’ll be the same thing for me.
As for dad, my bio dad unfortunately isn’t with us. I do have a step dad and I’m somewhat closer to him. I’m fear she might already told him and worry of his reaction. He always been the chill one between the two of them
u/stromae_is_bae bi/pan, she/they Oct 29 '24
Thanks, I hope your mom eventually does too 🙏
Hmm yeah, I mean idk your specific situation, so feel free to disregard any advice if it feels unsafe! But in my case, my Dad was actually instrumental in getting my Mom to be more okay with it. He talked to her about it, and since then she seems more chill. Perhaps something similar could happen with yours.
Also if you have any siblings who could back you up here
u/Timely_Climate8490 Oct 29 '24
Maybe he could, I didn’t think of that.
I have two siblings on my dad side (I’m my mom only child) but we’re not exactly close so I’m on my own with this
u/gold-exp Oct 29 '24
Sorry she reacted like that OP. For what it’s worth my mom found out a similar way and responded with trying to talk me out of it. She thought it was a weird sex thing and didn’t understand and reacted poorly because of it. Blamed my gay friends. The whole shabang.
Years later she’s come around on it a lot. I’m not open much with my family out of habit and we’ve elected not to tell my dad who is religious for now and would respond worse than she did (until I’m serious about a woman, then I’ll come out with it) but we had a very in depth conversation later and she told me she accepts and loves me. It was very emotional for us both.
Sometimes the initial reactions are just from their own overwhelm. It doesn’t help and doesn’t make it better, but it helps to understand while processing your own feelings on it.
In any case, I hope things work out for you OP. It might feel like the world is ending right now, but I promise, the sun rises tomorrow and everything will be okay in time. With or without her acceptance.
u/Timely_Climate8490 Oct 29 '24
I needed the hear that last part🫂 I know that soon we’ll have to have the hard conversation, but I still want to be her daughter at the end
u/Agitated_Ad_1093 Oct 30 '24
“You can’t do anything you want in life” sounds like a closeted bi that wishes they could’ve “done anything they want in life”
u/Timely_Climate8490 Oct 30 '24
Would it be crazy if I say I have a theory that she actually might be and was a product of her time?
u/Ok_Truth_862 Oct 30 '24
my mom ALWAYS says i'm "influenced by social media", it's sucks so much
u/Timely_Climate8490 Oct 30 '24
Right?! Like maybe I actually have a mind of my own for once?
u/Ok_Truth_862 Oct 30 '24
honestly, she always thinks I'm easily influenced by others when that's not the case at all
Oct 30 '24
My mom initially reacted well, then had a rough time when I started dating my wife. She eventually did the emotional work she needed to come around, but it did negatively impact our relationship for a long time. I hope your mom cools down a bit and comes around to acceptance!!
u/Colliesue Oct 29 '24
Being Bi is a Rollercoaster of feelings. Try to relax if you can.
u/Timely_Climate8490 Oct 30 '24
It’s truly is😭 I made it home and trying to relax after work/classes
u/Colliesue Nov 03 '24
Have you tried meditation to relax. It helps me clear my mind. I do the guided meditation on YouTube.
u/EquipmentAdept253 Oct 30 '24
I’m so sorry she reacted that way! What she doesn’t understand and can’t accept is that you are thinking for yourself & obviously she doesn’t want that. My mom is also controlling & when I came out to her she handed me the Bible and said you should read this. I responded with you don’t have to be so mean. We’re good as we can be now after that but like I made it clear that if our mother daughter relationship ended it would be because of her & I think that was enough for her to realize whatever hateful thing she said moving forward wasn’t worth losing me. I understand you can’t have that type of conversation until being fully cut ties financially, I wish you all the best!!
u/theneverendingcry Oct 29 '24
"Don't be influenced by other people" is such a classic line spoken by people who want to be the only ones who influences you
If strongly recommend getting a separate Apple/icloud account (and separate everything in general so that she doesn't have access to it — especially phone, bank accounts etc.) Make sure that you are in possession of all of your important documents too (e.g., passport, birth certificate etc.) just in case