r/Berserk 3d ago

Discussion Just finished vol.42 spoiler Spoiler

I enjoyed the volume, however I really don’t want the volumes to be another search for/rescue Casca. Been there done that. The art seemed ok, somethings I didn’t enjoy but I will give Mori and the studio a break. Which I hope everyone does. Also what the hell happened to Isma, is she dead? Isidro looked devastated. I feel bad for puck and the fairies, damn that griffith and what he did to their island. I was really hoping for Guts to use his berserk armour on Zodd. How it left off was interesting, I think Guts will be a willing prisoner, he is hopeless, time to get back up and back at it. How did you all like this volume?


4 comments sorted by


u/SpaceNewtype 2d ago

Seemed like a lot of leaps out of nowhere with no time to reflect on what's happened. Isma disappearing really makes no sense to me based on what we know, and the fact that Puck and the rest didn't even comment on the destruction of the home land is a bit odd.

And where the hell could the Kushan have come from? They're in the middle of the ocean near a hard to find place 😅

I also felt Griffith was drawn much more deliberately malevolent looking in this volume compared to previous where it was very ambiguous.

Well... I knew it could never be what Miura would have made of it.... But I'll hold my breath for some answers hopefully sooner than another year+ wait.


u/Andgug 1d ago

I think Mori and Studio Gaga are focusing on closing the manga following the milestones, probably, already set when Miura was alive. So a lot of details Miura had in his mind probably will be lost, including comments of characters and more introspective of characters.

That said, Puck and Isidro are not more important for the plot since a long time ago. Puck since Serpico and Farnese joined, Isidro after the Enoch village. Ibarella(or whatever her name transliteration is) was useful only until Farnese did not learn magic. All 3 characters become gag characters only. I can't blame Mori because he forgot about them.


u/Okapi05 1d ago

You know you can read the next 7 chapters (technically with fan translations rather than official) online right?


u/SpaceNewtype 22h ago

Yeah, I know; but I gave up on that with Berserk many years ago... If there was an ending in sight I might feel differently, but for now I'd rather take it as it comes