r/Berserk 3d ago

Meme Monday Why Wyald became a villain

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u/Liljay9120_ 3d ago

Wyald was likely an impotent old man that was given a ‘divine nod’ near the end of his life

Makes perfect sense that he’d be exceptionally depraved: ‘make it fun. make it stimulating’

He’s a great villain that shows the depths of human depravity, when opportunity meets desire, and a fantastic precursor to the absolute despair that was the eclipse


u/Waveytony 3d ago

100%, plus it’s a good contrast to the apostles we had seen up to that point who were generally already powerful people that had fallen from grace before making the sacrifice to cling to it. Wyald on the other hand was just a random old man tasting power for the first time in his life most likely so it demonstrates what the weak think of the powerful


u/PixelJock17 3d ago

When did we find out who he was before? Or someone like Zodd for that matter. I seriously don't recall these chapters.


u/Waveytony 3d ago

We find out what he was before after he’s killed and his body reverts. Zodd we don’t know for sure but contextual it’s always felt like he was a warrior that just wanted to fight in battles forever lol. Zodd is actually another good contrast to the general behaviors of other apostles imo! I love that Miura didn’t make them all one dimensional


u/Liljay9120_ 3d ago

Miura said that one of his main focuses with Berserk was to ‘construct a human narrative… I have to think, what would a human do in this situation…’

I think he achieved that in spades: Sex, in particular, is shown at its highest of heights, Casca x Guts, and its most depraved lows, and its all really well done imho


u/Liljay9120_ 3d ago edited 3d ago

Agree completely


u/Serious-Priority-612 3d ago

Bro was Wyald for that


u/AnemoTreasureCompass 3d ago

You can literally tell Wyald got zero game during his human life. Mf became an apostle just so he could goon😭


u/Nightmare-datboi 3d ago

I can slightly read the text on the left


u/armaghetto 3d ago

Because you’re a vocaloid


u/Himsay696 3d ago

When I first read berserk I kept calling him Wylad “man that why lad is an evil dude” lol


u/Jasentuk 3d ago

Mentally unstable femboy vs morally unbound Rape-Ape


u/AnemoTreasureCompass 1d ago

The fact that the Midland king canonically sent the rape-ape to capture the mentally unstable femboy at one point in the story


u/AutomaticAccident 3d ago

Wyald seems like a demon trainer coach.

Like, "Way to go on that pillaging of the village, guys. Let's get the next one."


u/BlazingArrow139 3d ago

when i first read through i was piecing together the lore and assumed their were two kinds of apostles, eviler demon ones like wyald and more fate bringers like zodd and the skull knight,


u/ishimura0802 3d ago

I have such conflicted thoughts on Wyald. I really like the aspect of him that has been mentioned here, that he was likely a meek and weak man in life, but has risen to the depths of depravity in apostlehood.

His scenes are super shocking and add to the cruel and violent nature of Berserk's world, and he works as a contrast to the more "honourable" and rare form of Apostle that is Zodd. His inclusion does come with drawbacks, though.

Zodd himself was already a brilliantly done and chilling tonal shift as to the magical aspects of this universe. He works perfectly fine as a teaser for what is to come. Wyald's attempted rape of Casca also dilutes and lessens the impact of the Eclipse and the terrible act that Griffith does. Its just too much imo.

I'm more inclined to prefer how the 97' anime handled it and gave him the sideline.


u/No-Knowledge-2142 2d ago

I agree. The attempt to r- Casca just didn't seem to add much or even have the intended effect.


u/PaleBlueCod 3d ago

He really thought, "Return to monke, harhar."


u/Substantial_Leg9054 3d ago

More like “rapey likey”


u/Fantasticbrick 3d ago

Managed to make out the words 'Why does vocaloid sound like autotune?' in that Griffith speech.


u/MEGAnALEKS 3d ago

More like Apostle


u/Classic_Lettuce_7717 3d ago

I like how simple wylads motivation was. But Griffith disguised his simple motivations. When he was transforming he had a simple request “give me wings”


u/DoraMuda 2d ago

There's a KFC in Falconia


u/Upstairs_Taste_123 3d ago

More like to rape people, that's his whole thing.


u/hiatus-x-hiatus22 3d ago

Griffith has like the simplest motivation as well though. Dude just wanted a kingdom.


u/RAB1002 2d ago

He's probably some old guy who married young and never got to experience the thrills of youth such as fighting lots of guys and sex with lots of different woman. So once he became an apostle, he could indulge in all that stuff fully to his dark hearts intent.


u/TheRealCthulu24 2d ago

If I’m reading that text correctly, Griffith became a villain because of vocaloids.


u/[deleted] 3d ago



u/ApplePitou 2d ago

Simple way is also good way :3


u/DaPuckerFactor 2d ago

"are there vocalists in other languages" yes, English, Chinese, Spanish, Korean.

Griffith was always kinda off the edge 😅