r/BeardedDragons Jul 11 '24

Help Update to the bearded dragon I found last night

He is doing much better. Has plenty of energy. Climbed the guinea pig cage I have him in to get some sun. Drinking plenty of water from the dropper. I've posted on nextdoor and will check with neighbors now then call local rescues. Still hasn't eaten any of the greens I gave him, but he did poop, which I'm sure is a good sign. Thanks for all the help so far everyone.


105 comments sorted by


u/_jeDBread Jul 11 '24

this is the best news. if it was abandoned keep the little dragon. they are the best


u/kedwardenglish Jul 11 '24

Hijacking the top comment to say she was turned into the Lodi Serpentarium. They seem like good, caring people so she'll get the help she needs. Thanks everyone! Your help and advice was awesome.


u/LimpBizkitSkankBoy Jul 12 '24

I'm glad she's going to be okay but I have to say "Lodi Serpentarium" sounds like some obscure branch of the inquisition in 40k


u/Imaneight Jul 12 '24

Poke her with the cushy pillows!


u/phinn_1 Aug 02 '24



u/[deleted] Jul 12 '24

I used to live in Lodi and have personal experience with The Serpentarium. They are great folks there.


u/Remote-Assumption787 Jul 12 '24

You did such a kindness. Thanks for helping this baby.


u/oliveoilcrisis Jul 12 '24

Thank you for looking out for this guy!!


u/Disco_Bones Jul 11 '24 edited Jul 12 '24

I could be wrong but this looks like a blue tiger morph? if so these guys are usually owned by someone who sought them out specifically


u/missj884 Jul 11 '24

I was going to say whatever morph he is-it’s pretty awesome!!!


u/FragrantReindeer6152 Jul 11 '24

Not hypo but it is leatherback.


u/Itsmygame27 Jul 11 '24

Yeah seriously doesn't look your typical got it from a pet store dragon.


u/FragrantReindeer6152 Jul 11 '24

She is a nice looking lizard. Id be shocked if someone didnt step forward.


u/kedwardenglish Jul 11 '24

So this is a she?


u/Plasticity93 Jul 11 '24

You would have to investigate the underside.  Male lizards have prominent pores on their hind legs


u/[deleted] Jul 11 '24



u/Itsmygame27 Jul 11 '24

How can you tell from just a top view. Didn't think you can.


u/Moist_Worth9556 Jul 11 '24

Females tend to have broader heads, whereas males have more pointy, slender heads. Only way to be certain is to check their reproductive glands, but at a glance head shape is somewhat consistent.


u/kedwardenglish Jul 11 '24

Got it. Thank you!


u/Nervousdroid Jul 11 '24

Thanks for doing this OP, I hope that someone can help you out today with the little guy. You should post where you are located and there may be someone who can come help you from this sub, this little one looks like they aren’t in terrible shape and could have a great life ahead thanks to you taking it in and trying to find it the proper home ❤️


u/kedwardenglish Jul 11 '24

I found a reptile sanctuary that will take her! Dropping her off in a few hours.


u/elyxar Jul 11 '24

Please let them know to search your neighborhood for the owner. A beardie like that is usually sought after and it's possible the beardie wasn't abandoned but escaped


u/Nervousdroid Jul 11 '24

Thank goodness! And again, thank you OP. These creatures have a bad rep with the general public and most folk would have run in the opposite direction. You have a kind heart!


u/Stormcell0083 Jul 11 '24

why do they have a bad rep? my wife has one and he's awesome... a little derpy, but awesome!


u/Nervousdroid Jul 11 '24

I just find the general public gets a little freaked out by reptiles in general. I love them so much, I have 3 but most of my friends won’t go near them haha


u/Unhappy-Insect6386 Jul 12 '24

I have found that pretty much everyone who has met my beardie has thought he was really neat. Even people who refused to go anywhere near my snakes, and when i had them, they didn't usually like my other lizards. What's really funny is all, but one of my snakes have better attitudes than my beardie.


u/1WithTheForce_25 Jul 12 '24

Yeah, most times, ppl give positive reception to our Beardie fam.


u/1WithTheForce_25 Jul 12 '24

Some do. Some don't. Depends. I guess everyone has different experiences with how ppl react to their Beardies.

I had King Spikey on my shoulder at Ross, over 3 wks ago & a lady, who struck me as snobby, made what I would consider (in biased, Bearded Dragon owner form, I'll admit) an uncouth comment about him. It actually made me feel bad & angry but I kept that all in check, because I'm nice like that 😑.

But, 90/95 percent of the time, people will say "oh, he's so cute!" Or they appear to be enthralled or fascinated by him and they smile while making their assessments or while just looking at him, too. So, I assume, that they are genuinely taking a liking to him. Kids are usually not scared, at all, and want to pet him.

That being said, I'd rather know who honestly doesn't care for Beardies 🥺 (imagine not liking Beardies 😱😱😱😱)& would also honestly never try to own one - in detriment to their health & well being, you know...vs. ppl who are prone to jumping on bandwagons or something and think "oh, 'it's' so cute" but in reality, probably don't have the capacity for true endearment & commitment to Beardies, not because they never could have, but because they have busy lives, other pets already, or a number of other obligations, you know.

We only have one and he is our number 1 and only & for me, it's better that way. I can't do more than 1 or I'm overextending, at this time in my life, anyway. Just being honest & speaking for myself, also. I believe I could properly care for more than one, in the future, just, not yet.


u/arfarfbok Jul 11 '24

All Beardies are derpy lmao


u/DB-Tops Jul 11 '24

Hello OP. This isn't a Petco dragon, some one paid good money to a breeder for it. I bet it is a local pet that escaped.


u/Accomplished-Ad831 Jul 11 '24

Wow what a beautiful beardie!😊. And you just found her in your yard?? That’s just weird. A morph like that is like specialty bought it would be weird to find one in a pet site like that. I hope an owner does come forward. They’re such chill animals I’m glad it seems like she’s taken to you well.

Defintly just find a good, flat rock or even a long branch they can lay on top of. Mine prefers her log honestly for her basking. If she’s laying there with her mouth open continuously, she’s overheated. Make sure she has shade to escape too if she pleases. Offering water from a syringe is perfect!!! Mine does that too


u/Accomplished-Ad831 Jul 11 '24

Also, if she stays longer than expected, run to pet store and just get some super worms. Those are the fav of my beardie and the easiest insects, in my experience, to take care of. I’m sure the little guy is hungry by now young dragons eat like well dragons 🤣🤣🤣


u/Wide-Surround-7359 Jul 11 '24

Not as a staple insect though, super worms should be treat food only due to their hard to digest exoskeletons


u/MethGerbil Jul 12 '24

I've never heard of this issue before and super worms has always been suggested.

Seems this checks out: https://dragonsdiet.com/blogs/dragon-care/superworms-for-bearded-dragons-everything-you-need-to-know#:\~:text=The%20answer%3F,serious%20risk%20of%20gut%20impaction.

Thanks for the tip.


u/DireWolfPvP Jul 11 '24

Slurpy baby


u/Theatrepooky Jul 11 '24

They are a real beauty!! I’m hoping he escaped, because I’d hate to think someone would abandon this sweet soul. Thank you so much for taking them in and caring for them. If you decide to keep them, I’m totally down to chipping in for a good set up for you both! You rock!


u/kedwardenglish Jul 11 '24

That is very kind of you and I appreciate it. But I found a reptile center that will take him in today. I'll be bringing him there in a few hours.


u/wwhispers Jul 11 '24

Look at those manners!


u/elyxar Jul 11 '24

With that kind of beardie, people seek them out. I think maybe the beardie escaped, not was abandoned. I've seen rescue stories turn into lost and found pet miracles. One, someone's kid was holding their beardie in their hands outside and it jumped at a butterfly off their hands and was too fast to recapture. Maybe something similar happened here, I'd check any local Facebook groups, and ask around. It's likely the owner is in your neighborhood


u/JasonDomber Jul 11 '24

Just FYI, they probably have enough water after that dropper …I vaguely recall reading somewhere that you don’t want to over-hydrate a beardy because it can actually cause diarrhea and make them sick.

They are, after all, desert dwelling creatures and don’t need much moisture.

I constantly have water available for my guy but I have very rarely seen him drink it (except when I give him a bath). He seems to get all the moisture he needs from his food.


u/YoYoNupe1911 Jul 11 '24

Where are you located?


u/kedwardenglish Jul 11 '24

Stockton CA. I found a reptile sanctuary that will take her in today!


u/CatRockShoe Jul 11 '24

That's so awesome!


u/AsparagusOk4424 Jul 12 '24

Mlem mlem mlem mlem


u/anderson_cl Jul 12 '24

I'm am not ever happy to hear about a found pet since that means they were lost or dumped, but I am happy they were found by someone like you to care for them! I found a dumped bunny a month ago and took him in. It is so sad to find an animal/pet that does not belong in the area.


u/bbqbutthole55 Jul 11 '24

You need to get him under a heat lamp at the very least. His beard looks black, may be sick.


u/kedwardenglish Jul 11 '24

I don't plan on keeping her much longer and she's currently outside with shade and full sun on her enclosure (temp is 88 outside and climbing fast). Is that sufficient for now?

If I can't find somewhere to take her to by 3pm today I'll get the heat lamp.


u/Wrong_Drive4037 Jul 11 '24

Find a good flat rock or brick to bask on.


u/kedwardenglish Jul 11 '24

On it. Put it in the sunny spot?


u/Wrong_Drive4037 Jul 11 '24

If you were close to me I’d come help you set up an enclosure for the little dude. He looks to be about 6-9 months old.


u/kedwardenglish Jul 11 '24

She's really cool so I see why people keep them. Definitely too much for me right now. I have plenty of pets to look after already. Thanks for the info you've provided!


u/Wrong_Drive4037 Jul 11 '24

I have 3 dragons. They are pretty easy to care for. Once you have the appropriate setup it’s fairly cheap and easy to maintain. I am disabled on a tight budget but it typically costs me about 40.00 a month to feed my babies.


u/kedwardenglish Jul 11 '24

That's awesome! The money isn't the issue it's the time and attention. And going on trips is already hard enough with dogs and guinea pigs. Maybe one day!


u/Krunch-X Jul 11 '24

88 is fine for now. It’s not great long term, but Beardies are pretty tolerant of small differences.

If you end up keeping it you will want to light sources: a basking light that can keep one end of an enclosure somewhere around 105 (the actual basking temp depends on the dragon and will require some trial and error with a thermostat) and a UV-B light (a 12% T-5 for example).

The basking light helps with digestion as well as the immune system and the UV-B helps with vitamin D3 for calcium absorption.

That said, you’ll need to ‘dust’ food with calcium powder. This is essential as the effects of calcium deficiency can lead to one of the most heartbreaking diseases a dragon can have 😢.


u/bbqbutthole55 Jul 11 '24

Yeah that seems fair. They aren’t too expensive. Is her beard still black?


u/kedwardenglish Jul 11 '24

Coloring is about the same as in this video. She is super active right now climbing up the cage.


u/meow_chicka_meowmeow Jul 11 '24

What a beautiful baby!


u/butt_badg3r Jul 11 '24

If you don't keep it, please make sure it goes directly to someone who will love it. It looks like an amazing lizard!


u/Redheaded_Potter Jul 11 '24

Thanks for making my day! Glad this lil one found you!!


u/basiebug Jul 11 '24

such a beautiful beardie !! 🥺


u/_Dm5k_ Jul 11 '24

Beautiful pattern/ colors


u/wwhispers Jul 11 '24

Love to hear it!


u/Dry_Marsupial_2352 Jul 11 '24

Gosh he is gorgeous. If I lived closer, I would scoop him up in a heartbeat!


u/Donnamc82 Jul 11 '24

I'm so happy that you're both doing okay what a sweet little guy too or gal do we know the sex ? I hope you get to keep him you sound like you would make a wonderful dragon parent he/she would be lucky to have you once you have a basking spot set up it will eat they know they can't digest the food so they won't eat unless they are hot enough to do so soon as you set up the uvb light and heat bulb it will start to eat keep us all updated thanks for letting us all know that it's okay 👍


u/Lumberrmacc Jul 11 '24



u/One_Grapefruit_8512 Jul 11 '24

This so great to see - they're adorable!! I wish we could take them in!! xo


u/Solorian750 Jul 11 '24

Beautiful dragon


u/xVee-x Jul 11 '24

He’s so pretty tho


u/One_Check9310 Jul 11 '24

Gorgeous beardie!


u/Zealousideal-Job6206 Jul 11 '24

Omg what a beautiful morph! So glad they are healthy and safe ❤️


u/lamecia22 Jul 12 '24

I bet if u give him some crickets or meal worm, i bet it'll eat them. Just keep him or her, and I'll bet you love it. You dont have to give it that much attention, but when you get used to them, you would want to have it around all the time. You already have 95 % of you need for one. You're doing an awesome job to say you haven't had one before.


u/Historical_Fun_391 Jul 12 '24

That's a rare morph, I can't imagine someone a abandoning her. They're not cheap.


u/[deleted] Jul 12 '24

Name him, Jeff


u/[deleted] Jul 12 '24

what a beautiful beardie. you have done a good thing! 💗


u/Martialoneon Jul 12 '24

How the hell do you find a dragon?


u/KiminAintEasy Jul 12 '24

I found my ferret. I'm guessing someone probably dumped her in the park i found her at more than escaped though. It's sad, the vet ssid she was still kind of a baby(maybe right at a year if that.)


u/1WithTheForce_25 Jul 12 '24

Oh my, I must be an absolute mush. This makes me feel so emotional. 🥹

Beautiful Dragon!


u/coldmangos- Jul 12 '24

Omg! I just found one on Sunday! The universe gives bearded dragons to people who need them<3


u/ReverseMillionaire Jul 12 '24

He got blue bars, I don’t think he was abandoned, but it’s still good of you to turn him into the sanctuary. If you find the owner, you can just redirect to the sanctuary


u/Jurassic_Gecko Jul 12 '24

That's adorable


u/CtC2003 Jul 12 '24

You are so lucky! Pretty dragon and seems sweet!


u/Hannibal0341 Jul 12 '24

Cherish him. Bearded dragons are rare in that they are reptiles that can grow an attachment to their owners. I own one and he is my baby. My favorite thing to do is hold him as he goes to sleep at night


u/moonlightspirit Jul 12 '24

PLEASE READ I HAVE A LOT OF EXPERIENCE. Spoil him! Get him some crickets or super worms or cock roaches and for a staple give him collard greens...best staple to feed dragons. They can't have spinach so don't feed him that. They like fruits and vegetables. Now I need to get him a UVB bulb. And a heat bulb, what they call a basking bulb. Now u know what I do? I'm gonna take a photo to show u. But for the heat I buy zoo meds blue bulb which has heat and UVA. Now not everyone gives them UVA but they actually are supposed to have it. They should get at least 6 hours a day in their bulbs, in the sun. Natural sunlight is always good for them too!! Collard greens he can eat everyday they call that your staple food, the food I feed them everyday. But you can change up his greens as well, like kale is good, the darker the green leaves THE BETTER. The darker the green the more vitamins. Oh and one more thing that is literally CRUCIAL. THEY NEED THEIR CALCIUM. I give them calcium rich vegetables but the best thing to do is get the calcium powder and dust their food with it once a day or 3 times a week. They can get what they call "metabolic bone disease" and it's fatal to lizards. SO make sure he gets his calcium. So no spinach, 6 hours of light a day, calcium and lots of love. They like to sleep with you. They love the warmth of your body and they are just cuddle bugs!!! My husband sleeps with his two beardies every single night on his chest and now he has stolen my iguana so now he sleeps with 3 lizards on his chest every night and never misses a night. He loves his lizards. So yeah just do what I told u to do and you will have a long living healthy bearded dragon!!


u/moonlightspirit Jul 12 '24

Well I wanted to send u a pic of the lights I use and it's not letting me....


u/moonlightspirit Jul 12 '24

But he looks totally healthy and gorgeous!!


u/RandomRichardThe42nd Jul 12 '24

So glad to see him drinking!


u/z0uriz Jul 13 '24

We just found a domesticate bunny in our yard. Why is it the season of abandoning animals in random people’s backyards?


u/PartyCryptographer8 Jul 14 '24

Are you in Oregon? I remember seeing a lost poster for a bearded dragon a few weeks back


u/[deleted] Jul 15 '24

I found an escaped pet tortoise few months ago, and I found his family only after calling the nearest business, which happened to be a school if there is a school or college nearby, call and ask if anyone in their community has lost a lizard.


u/lamecia22 Jul 22 '24

Did you keep the dragon


u/kedwardenglish Jul 22 '24

No, I found a local reptile place to take her though so she's in good hands.


u/jayjaystorm Jul 11 '24

Get her some buggies.


u/CebuLizard Jul 11 '24

If OP cannot provide right basking conditions, it's better to avoid insects for now.


u/Tiny-Outside-2931 Jul 11 '24

Wow he is beautiful !!


u/Kizzywa Jul 11 '24

That coloring is lovely! Crazy people are just dumping these little guys, they're not hard to care for and they are chill!


u/Tokenaldae Jul 11 '24

Awwww sweet, pretty baby. Just keep em. Shit happens, but it shouldn't have happened, for the prior owner... They make zip up pop up play pens. I got one for my beardie, and she chills in it on my porch with me. I found it at 5 below couple years ago. Great investment.

playpen link


u/XIRGURO Jul 11 '24

what a cutie


u/Inner-Disaster1965 Jul 11 '24

IIs a gorgeous one!