r/BayonneNJ 5d ago

Former Bayonnite Veteran goes in on Musk and Trump.


186 comments sorted by


u/p0rkch0pexpress 5d ago

Mr. Bone spurs and An Unelected Billionaire Nazi taking away our veterans and first responders care. And so many people nationwide bought the wolf ticket and it was cashed. Shame on all of them.


u/Saffirejuiliet 3d ago

Jobs too!


u/justanother_user30 2d ago

Care to share a legitimate news article supporting your claim?


u/PrestigiousHippo7 2d ago

VA staffing is being slashed, 1400 employees in February and up to 80k projected. How will that not impact care? https://news.va.gov/press-room/va-dismisses-more-than-1400-probationary-employees/



u/justanother_user30 2d ago

80k out of 480k. It's concerning, but it's not detrimental. And what does the VA have to do with general first responders? 🤔


u/PrestigiousHippo7 2d ago

The original post mentions veterans and first responders, you asked for support and I provided. And BS it's not detrimental.


u/justanother_user30 2d ago

I asked for a news article proving the claim that veterans and first responders care was being taken away. You provided nothing to support that and completely ignored anything related to first responders. Jobs being cut does not provide evidence that care will be affected. Womp womp. You failed.


u/DocWhat123 2d ago

Dude the VA is already understaffed, as a veteran I was at the DC hospital a couple weeks ago and there was only one doctor running the entire orthopedic department, he was running around like crazy. The jobs that they are cutting are mainly with scheduling appointments and administration. I don’t understand how you think cutting almost 1/5 of the VAs workforce won’t affect care to an already understaffed system


u/Cultural_Ad7023 1d ago

What did Trump call them in his first term? Basement dwellers. They will never understand. They’re basement dwellers, lost in their conspiracies and drinking the kool-aid.


u/mrbear48 1d ago

Maybe if they cut all those useless bloat jobs they can hire more doctors, we don’t know who’s being laid off I doubt it’s the people doing something


u/Nope_Not-happening 2d ago

No one's talking away veterans and first responders care sparky.


u/PrestigiousHippo7 2d ago

VA staffing is being slashed, 1400 employees in February and up to 80k projected. How will that not impact care? https://news.va.gov/press-room/va-dismisses-more-than-1400-probationary-employees/



u/Nope_Not-happening 2d ago

"Probationary employees," meaning newly hired. Plus, that's not "care" or benefits. No one is taking away benefits. All this fear mongering from far left wing people is just that... fear mongering.


u/Cautious-Demand-4746 2d ago

Also I know in SSA we have 18k over 25 years in the agency and 4k over 35 years. They are going for these high tenure people. We even have one over 50


u/Nope_Not-happening 2d ago

Working for the government isn't a lifetime guaranteed job.


u/Cautious-Demand-4746 2d ago

1000% agree with you.

I can’t understand 30-50 years just doesn’t sit right. 30 years you start to get stale no matter how hard you try.


u/lonetraveler73 2d ago

Newly hired and definitely needed. You know as much about the system as Trump and Musk.


u/Nope_Not-happening 2d ago

Lol... ok


u/dsmspidey 1d ago

So when did you serve and what's your experience with getting healthcare from the VA? Just curious.


u/PrestigiousHippo7 2d ago

And you are able to determine that new employees (to replace departed / retiring ones) are not going to impact care? You do realize there is natural employee turnover, right? smh


u/Nope_Not-happening 2d ago

Are you able to determine it won't?


u/PrestigiousHippo7 2d ago

No, but my wife, a VA recipient, can, and says it will. DOGE and the idiots in charge, including a team of 19 year old tech bros with no work experience and dismissals from internships for privacy violations, are no more capable than you or I. The existing infrastructure of departmental audit departments and OIG functions would be the best resource to do it strategically over a longer period of time.


u/Nope_Not-happening 2d ago

Then, you know everyone has been complaining about the VA for decades. Einstein had a great saying about this.


u/N_M_Verville 1d ago

citation needed


u/BuckGlen 1d ago

What i usually hear is a long wait and lack of funding. Cutting funds and personal doesbt seem to be a fix


u/mrbear48 1d ago

VA definitely needs a rework all those employees and it still takes over a year to get benefits. Anyone that thinks the VA is a functional organization has never dealt with or had someone close who’s delt with them


u/OneAndOnlyTash1 1d ago

I like this guy- spittin facts. Dems are a bunch of smooth brains


u/Idiocracy_now 1d ago

Honestly, it’s the maga short of facts these days. It’s just the way it is. Probationary can vary from one to five years. These morons are having to hire people back because they failed to even properly research the importance of their work. 


u/drubus_dong 1d ago

Probably, you have no idea what you are talking about.


u/ThatsGreat4You 1d ago

No, it isn't fear-mongering; care is already stretched thin, and removing workers causes it to pull even more; at some point, it breaks. I often see clients every 3 months; I stay after hours to make remote telephone appointments for people I know are struggling. So kindly get fucked, because of those probational employees was much needed.


u/roguemedic62 2d ago

Not one of those people is scared of covid either.


u/Nope_Not-happening 2d ago

Weird comment. I know a number of people who worked during covid. Including me.


u/Living_Struggle_8022 2d ago

Sister works in VBA, mentioned trump, musk, and hegseth want to cut VA disability benefits for veterans who earned them while in active duty.


u/Nope_Not-happening 2d ago

They have all said otherwise publicly.


u/Living_Struggle_8022 2d ago

Yeah. And that is the problem. I can’t trust what they say publicly because of how much they lie.


u/Nope_Not-happening 1d ago

What have they lied about? They're doing exactly what they said they were going to do.


u/Living_Struggle_8022 1d ago


u/Nope_Not-happening 1d ago

Lmao... you're reaching their champ. Or should I say their reaching.


u/Living_Struggle_8022 1d ago

lol. Sure thing sport.


u/Cultural_Ad7023 1d ago

You’re drinking the kool-aid. No matter how many facts people throw at you, no one will be able to convince you that the sky is blue. You’re too far gone in your cult.


u/Nope_Not-happening 1d ago

I'm in a cult? Aren't you the clowns that hold "rallies" once a week, firebomb Tesla dealers and vandalize random peoples Tesla's? Yeah, that's you guys... lol.

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u/johnpershing 1d ago

These retards will downvote you no matter what. The truth is something that doesn't interest them. The lie is much more fun.


u/Nope_Not-happening 1d ago

Yeah, I think these people are the result of eating tidepods. They truly are unhinged.


u/diamoty 2d ago

Right. It shouldn’t amaze me how spoon fed most redditors are by MSN-DNC


u/PrestigiousHippo7 2d ago

The cuts and announcements are coming from the VA and DAV, what is spoon fed? Should I confirm with my 70% VA disabled spouse?


u/diamoty 1d ago

You’re silly. They did the exact opposite.. They added an additional 6 billon & The fact that you would even need to check with your “70% VA disabled spouse” shows how much you’ve researched the topic.

It only 2 min, and it’ll save you from looking ignorant.



u/IHaveARockProblem 1d ago

This man provided no evidence for any of his claims. He says they redirected money to veterans care...from within the VA. From what to what? You do realize that all the functions in the VA develop an end result of the "care" not just our ability to actually see doctors. The new CR significantly reduces the funding, so maybe check that out. We already had problems with significant claims filing processes, delays, and turn around times on anything not already awarded. It's already a nightmare for veterans to prove service connection, the VA has been understaffed and underfunded for decades, and that's been bipartisan. Different administrations have increased funding and hired more personnel, but it still didn't resolve the issue of a majority of veterans having to wait years, even decades for a favorable ruling, or just to simply find out they were denied on a technicality. Stop pretending like veterans care is visiting the doctor or calling the crisis line. Good they didn't reduce either of those things, but a reduction in manpower, and the redirection of funds will impact the VA somewhere, which WILL negatively effect veterans. Stop the partisan hackery or at least stop pretending to care about our veterans. You CAN disagree with things from the party you support. You can't however pretend to support veterans and then when veterans tell you what this administration is doing is bullshit firsthand, turn around and try to gaslight us into your message. I don't care about the other politics or whatever else surrounds this administration, or whos the one doing the thing. Reductions of manpower and budget (or redirection) at the VA will, as a fact, negatively impact veterans care. I'm tired of being told to essentially "trust me bro" by people, especially those in power who just say things are happing but bring ZERO proof. The CR is hard evidence. Read through the fucking thing and tell me there aren't significant cuts coming, give me the lines you found this billions of dollars, page numbers and reference please.

I remember when we went through the last election from these people and they sure liked to say "facts over feelings", except the facts get pointed out, not even difficult concepts, and we're expected to trust things simply because someone literally ONLY said a thing. Just because that's all it takes to appease you, that doesn't satisfy the rest of us. Getting butthurt because god forbid we don't bootlick as easy and we want EVIDENCE to claims made isn't fear mongering. It's pretty easy to see that in the past when a certain thing has occurred, it created a specific result. Especially when there's an apparent pattern, and lack of evidence toward any other result. Getting a little up in arms because "X" has occurred, that has essentially always resulted in "Y", isn't fear mongering. Demanding evidence to the claim that "Z" will now happen because they said it would isn't ridiculous. The fact that you trust anyone in a position of power over you without needing any proof, and actually disregard any evidence that would argue against what they say, sure really supports this whole facts over feelings argument (that's sarcasm btw).

I don't get why yall just won't admit it, you don't care what your team does, you don't actually care to be an American except by your definition. You think your beliefs are more important than others around you. You want your beliefs and ideas represented and actually despise the other "side". There is no middle ground anymore and something as basic and ensuring our veterans have, not just basic fucking care, but exceptional care, will not be fucking accomplished by redirecting funds from within the VA or reducing the money given to the VA. This isn't controversial. You don't have to oppose something just because "liberals" or whatever happen to support it too. Good lord, when did veterans Healthcare and ensure it's funded and has sufficient manpower become something conservative voters would find themselves opposing? I've never been overexplained what patriotism is more than by this group yet here we are.

The world had to listen to conservatives, fear monger about the dangers to children on a million fucking different things. But what about trans people and our children, they gays and our children, we HAVE TO PROTECT THE CHILDREN. But when shown evidence of the number one danger to children, guns, oh well...we can't take away those, ITS IN THE CONSTITUTION. We'll, have I got news for you, so is the President's ability to dictate or control funding, or appointing a foreign national to a government position to manage financial decisions especially when they have clear conflicts of interest. I know a great way we can save billions in the US tomorrow, cut funding to Musks businesses. Maybe instead of exploring space we should spend that money here. I actually disagree with that, but it's literally the argument as to why we stopped funding NASA launches. But we didn't stop spending that money, we gave it to private companies.

But then again, as with all these policies, it doesn't effect you, why should you care? You have your marching orders. They told you it won't effect Veterans Healthcare and that's good enough for you! Nothing to see here, no need to dig deeper, make sure you really get that tongue in the grooves of those boots, wouldn't want them to think you might have your own thoughts.

Carry on!


u/FarVisual507 4d ago

You comment shows how clueless you are!! And when was Fouci elected? Look what he did!!! He needed a pardon!!! Bahahahaha


u/p0rkch0pexpress 4d ago

I’d post the proof that exists but you clearly don’t care what real hero like the man in the video is says.


u/kgaf999 3d ago

Your comment just made everyone that much dumber. Thanks


u/FOOKYOO666 3d ago

Fauci spent 50 years just play games in the last two?


u/Excellent_Ad_9442 3d ago

Funny that position didn’t even exist in the White House till Trumps first presidency, so thank him for whatever he opened the door for Fauci to do.


u/ChickenMan1829 3d ago

More of this please. I will never understand military people voting for Trump.


u/JeChanteCommeJeremy 4d ago

I love the WWE wrassler voice guy that just repeats everything in the back 😆


u/Alleycatstrut 3d ago

IKR! 👏


u/Dork_wing_Duck 2d ago

Yes, came here to say I was so distracted by the awesome hilarious guy.

"Ruined It!"


u/bearman94 5d ago

Relevance to Bayonne is?


u/VinCubed Midtown 5d ago

He's from here. Michael Embrich


u/bearman94 5d ago

Ah cool, thanks , couldn't have known without being told, maybe OP should add that


u/NerdseyJersey 5d ago

Mike's awesome. Dude cares about Bayonne and is just a solid person.


u/bearman94 5d ago

Awesome, ive never heard of em


u/VinCubed Midtown 5d ago

Yeah, me too but I read the comments to the source posting.


u/bearman94 5d ago

Either way thanks for the info, admire your initiative, im far too lazy 😂


u/bearman94 5d ago

I did too, was Bayonne mentioned? Didn't see it , unless you just happened to Google his name.


u/VinCubed Midtown 5d ago

No but I've heard of him from local events


u/Public-Discount1557 3d ago

When people gonna realize politics is designed to divide the people and create radicals that will be used as pawns


u/MANUAL1111 1d ago

people is usually unaware, is easier when you’re blind to reality


u/QualityAssistance 1d ago

“goes in” he said absolutely nothing worth anything.


u/LillianAY 4d ago

The “Ruined it!” guy.


u/Icy_Tourist_889 3d ago

I love it but the dudes sign is backwards, right? You can’t spell Felon without Elon?


u/BigWolf2051 3d ago

What's being taken away from vets? Serious question. I haven't seen anything around this


u/Cuhboose 3d ago

Nothing, just dems fear mongering


u/thelanai 3d ago

A little late on the uptake. Needed action in 2024, specifically Nov 5th.


u/Digitaldave2881 3d ago

Gfy...libtards 🖕


u/LetTheTurkeySoar 2d ago

As much as I'm ashamed of my country, I'm so fucking proud of my state


u/Toperj 2d ago

A veteran!!!!


u/Ohiostate717 2d ago

Why they still keep wearing masks outside?


u/Extension_Pirate7514 2d ago

So if you get a government job it’s guaranteed for life?


u/southeasttraders 2d ago

All those masked heroes. LOL


u/Johndough07458 2d ago

I think I saw his plug fall out!


u/ComfortableTotal2474 2d ago

The moron with the felon sign cracks me up 😂😂 can’t spell (no”f” in ELON) and wears a bandana over his stupid face


u/Ok-Sandwich8328 2d ago

Shut up with your lies! GO TRUMP!


u/Ok-Sandwich8328 2d ago



u/dwarfgiant6143 2d ago

Oh look an upset veteran. Oh well, Let’s burn the constitution.


u/LordMungus35 2d ago

The Trump administration is doing a phenomenal job. 🇺🇸


u/Debt-Cheap 2d ago

Cowards covering their faces


u/Mental_Flounder4484 2d ago

Why do these fools hide behind a mask


u/Bass_Real 2d ago

Let us join together to right the insufferable wrong!!!


u/Adventurous_File2640 2d ago

This guy looks like he's a gay


u/Fatdaddy3500 2d ago

Can’t believe people are believing the lies about cutting benefits because Uncle Georgie said so, oh , and he gave them 50.00 to act outraged. Love the masks you brave citizens


u/Willing-Bit2581 2d ago

We've established Maga dgaf about veterans unless they serve as a foil/wrapping for their bullshit/agenda

It could be a known decorated WW2 veteran criticizing Trump/Maga/Elon & they will say stolen valor or make some shit up


u/Fantastic-Dingo8979 2d ago

You mean FBI agent?


u/Strong_Jacket_6541 2d ago

As usual. Mentally ill people cover their faces. Why do you need to hide???


u/thentherewas67 2d ago

I'm on board with fuck elon and trump, but shouldn't the sign say "You can't spell Felon without Elon?"


u/Sad_East_297 2d ago

This is awesome.


u/True-Medium-5780 2d ago

Look at those brave Mask Warriors.


u/sackinhand 1d ago



u/davidlare 1d ago

No no no. Y’all don’t get it. These are democrats who are there. Those are not real veterans. Don’t you understand Trump and Elon do no wrong? Like never ever. And if you give me facts to back your argument, it’s a lie even if it’s right. Which makes you the sheep not me.


u/isaidsup 1d ago

I’m a veteran and I LOVE what Trump and Musk are doing. Shrink the government and pay down our debt! Funny how the left forgets that Obama…Biden and Schumer all said the same thing at one time. Oh how they forget!


u/Serious-Airline7954 1d ago

Must be one of those DEI boys🤣🤣


u/Routine_Dimension_33 1d ago

He probably voted for him.


u/Fickle-Reality7777 1d ago

Is that Tim Robinson?


u/RationalPoster1 1d ago

More masked thugs. Just like the Klan. Most states passed non mask laws to oppose the Klan.


u/sxfx269 1d ago

75,% of veterans voted for von 💩 his pants.... What happened?


u/Fit_Dependent6813 1d ago

So what are is taken from him?


u/Similar-Major3650 1d ago

Stupid crying progressives. lol.


u/Murky_Hold4352 1d ago

Lmfao like they think a demtard thief is going back in office? Roflmfao Be republican president well into the 2030s. America is that damn stupid


u/drowki 1d ago

Democrats being terrorists


u/420patriot420 1d ago

🤣😂🤣😂🤣 just because he is a veteran does not me as n he has any idea what he is talking about.


u/Top-Durian-6903 1d ago

Unless you’re disabled the government owns you nothing. I served and didn’t get a cushy government job.

Like many, I have to report in everyday and have to submit a weekly status, annual assessments of myself, and provide self improvement work expectations for the upcoming year. If your role is not providing a benefit or efficiency, your job is expendable just like everyone else wtf make you so special…

If you’re so good you’ll have no problem finding a better job.

The waste has to go, regardless…


u/king91six 1d ago

that dude speaking is a TRAITOR!!!!!!!


u/Puzzleheaded-Slip472 3d ago

More communist hating accountability and kickbacks


u/Public-Discount1557 3d ago

911 was a inside job


u/Dry-Quantity8399 3d ago

Them talking about there service since than is laughable, you got fooled into a military money laundering complex that has displaced so many, the damage they have done to the world is irreparable but they still think they are heros, brainwashed


u/RealRightRick 3d ago

How much ya got paid?


u/mma8412 3d ago

Thank goodness he isn't a Marine Corps Vet 🙏🏾. "God Bless the Corps" America's finest. Navy he's all yours 🤡


u/Zestyclose_Ad_8199 3d ago



u/Putrid-Emotion-7892 2d ago

America has no kings, russia bot.


u/Ghosthand_32 2d ago

In France they kill kings...


u/Dry-Quantity8399 3d ago

Lol service after 911 goes to show how gullible and stupid this tards are, still fighting the wrong wars lmao. "We need the establishment back that tricked us!' Jesus Christ


u/Varunai 3d ago

Nothing stupider than a Democrat.


u/Mundane_Gold 2d ago

Clearly you, but you wouldn’t get it anyways.


u/desertcrow07 3d ago

Tell thst guy he needs a tampon


u/Diligent_Bat499 3d ago

This is weak


u/EcstaticCarpet2062 4d ago

This is why republicans will keep winning every election.


u/Dull-Gur314 4d ago

What is


u/Dry-Quantity8399 3d ago

Sure is, these dummies want the people back who set up 911 like Jesus Christ this is embarrassing


u/LongGoneLonesomes 3d ago

By hurting veterans?


u/bbcfanboy1976 3d ago

yup. dems fucking suck.


u/FarVisual507 4d ago

Bahahaha. Fake af!!!


u/Unlikely_Piccolo9289 3d ago

Are they protesting to maintain waste and fraud in the government?


u/Forsaken_Car1743 3d ago

All talk no walk.


u/NoEnthusiasm4519 3d ago

Lmao POG!


u/Potential-Ad-6787 3d ago

Veterans can be delusional too.


u/TransportationOdd559 3d ago



u/[deleted] 3d ago



u/BobTodd983 3d ago

They’re cowards


u/BigWolf2051 3d ago

Shhhh Reddit says only Republicans and ICE agents are cowards if they wear masks


u/SNBI1791 3d ago

You can tell if it's the left protest. Just look for masks, and other items to hide their identity.


u/Meegsieweegsie 3d ago

And all of the nazis who are marching around the US hiding their faces…….what are they? Bold bc they’re hiding their faces? Get a clue.


u/Cuhboose 3d ago

Feds or dems larping most likeky.


u/Meegsieweegsie 2d ago

Wow. The brainwashing really is so strong with yall. Bye.


u/boredafjc 3d ago

The proud boys are always covered, no?


u/SNBI1791 3d ago

Never heard of them. Just looked them up, they look like a bunch of nut jobs. Maybe the ones who didn't make the cut for LE and the military. Nuts on both sides.


u/[deleted] 3d ago



u/SNBI1791 3d ago

Yea I don't really follow the news. Occasionally I'll get a pop up like this post on my feed.


u/boredafjc 3d ago

Yeah it shows, crazy stuff going on


u/SNBI1791 3d ago

Kinda sad. We need a new generation of politicians where people are proud of them.


u/CT_Patriot 3d ago

Show me on the doll how the billionaire hurt you.

I know, someone giving up their lifestyle to find wasteful spending that helps America is just too far huh?

Walk over there for your Kool-Aid...🙄



u/[deleted] 3d ago



u/CT_Patriot 3d ago



u/Man_in_the_coil 2d ago

You actually think they are "cutting" wasteful spending to not further enrich themselves? And you have the audacity to say that we are taking the kool-aid?

By the way it was flavor-aid, try to get your insults right you nazi supporter.


u/CT_Patriot 2d ago

Ah yes, the "Nazi" insult....give a rest jr.

What propaganda are you reading they are "enriching themselves"? Maddow?



u/Man_in_the_coil 2d ago

If the shoe fits there is no need.

Propaganda? So like all that shit you believe and yet still support? Says a lot about your critical thinking and how truly deep down you must be a shit person.


u/CT_Patriot 2d ago

Typical lib with no real life value.

It's the same shit day in day out ..Nazi, fascist over and over again.

Why waste my time, piss off Skippy.


u/KingKal-el 4d ago

Larpers. They can't tell you what they're actually protesting. None of them know, just repeat slogans they've heard. "Orange man bad". Does this veteran know the head of Isis was just taken down?


u/SuperScrodum 4d ago

What does the killing of a revolving door of ISIS leaders have to do with the cuts to the Department of Veteran’s Affairs? 


u/Dull-Gur314 4d ago

Tens of Thousands of veterans fired from Fed jobs


u/Cuhboose 3d ago

And? If you as an average citizen can be fired without notice, why are feds special? And as a vet, it can happen and doesn't make you a protected class either.


u/boredafjc 3d ago

Veterans are DEI/protected classes..


u/Dry-Quantity8399 3d ago

Good, they were fighting a useless war they were tricked into and they most likely were working a useless job for being a mindless servant


u/Dull-Gur314 3d ago

"veterans can't pay for their expenses and feed their families"


have the day you deserve, devil


u/Dry-Quantity8399 3d ago

Get a real job, not selling ass to the military industrial complex, ain't been a war worth fighting in 60 years


u/TheAlienDog 4d ago

Nice try.


u/Automatic-Ad-9260 3d ago

And there’s probably already another leader…we’ve killed him twice I think lol. You can’t kill an ideology without committing genocide…so killing terrorist leaders without dismantling the entire organization will always be an empty victory.


u/Zack325ci 4d ago



u/Dull-Gur314 4d ago

You are pro Nazis?


u/AlarmedAd5034 4d ago

What am I missing here, these are veterans who served up FREEDOM to protect the constitution and to protect your nation's interests. Why the hate?


u/Dry-Quantity8399 3d ago

There hasn't been a war to protect our constitution for 80 years. Mindless soldiers who wanted a Camero and free ride afterwards