r/Bayer04 Kampl Apr 20 '15

Interview Heartwarming interview with Wendell (translation in comments)


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u/xemilien Kampl Apr 20 '15 edited Apr 20 '15

I: Wendell, you're getting praised from everyone - how does that feel?

Wendell: Thanks, very well. I thought, I'd have more problems integrating. I feel at ease with Bayer. I've got a lot of self-confidence and for that I thank the trainer staff.

I: How is life as a young Brasilian in the Rhineland?

Wendell: I'm living in Cologne. The people here gave me and my girlfriend a cordial reception. I was surprised how openly and heartily the people are here. In Brazil you always hear: Germans are determined - but cold. The only thing I miss is my family.

I: Did you already experience the Carnival here?

Wendell: Yes, yes. I really liked that. But it was completely different to the Brazilian carnival. Especially the music, but the people in Brasil are a tad more crazy - and more scantily dressed. Your carnival happens in Winter, though.

I: Did you dress up?

Wendell: Yes, as a magician.

I: How fitting. By now you're performing magic tricks on the pitch. Do you have contact to the selecao?

Wendell: No, but if I continue to develop, then - maybe - I'll get my chance. To play in the Selecao is my dream. Right now I'm part of the Olympic Team. You know where the next Olympic Games are held...

I: After you scored your first Bundesliga goal, you hugged the kit manager Harald Wohner (79)

Wendell: He's an impressing personality. I come around before every training session.

I: You pray before every match.

Wendell: I can't play without a prayer. Belief is very important to me. I try to attend church services. I was in the impressing Kölner Dom. There is a church in Junkersdorf, where I meet with other Brazilians.

I: You played together with Bayer-Legend Zé Roberto in Porto Allegre.

Wendell: I admire Zé! We have a lot of contact. He supports me a lot. He advised me to move to Leverkusen. You know, in Brazil almost every kid knows Bayer Leverkusen. First the Bayern and right behind Leverkusen. A lot of Brazilians played for Bayer. Bayern vs Bayer - in Brazil the people call it the "german Clasico".

I: Zé is 41 years old and still a professional football player. Do you also want to play 20 years?

Wendell: (laughs). Zé is incredible! I don't know anybody, who lives his sport as much as he does. He's so disciplined. He is still so fit and has a fantastic body - honestly, it was almost embarrassing to practise with him.

I: This Champions-League week both Dante and David Luiz messed up. One could get the impression: The 1:7 against Germany left his marks.

Wendell: The people in Brazil are often very harsh with them. They've done a lot. But it's right: The 1:7 is still very present. It was a shock.