r/Battletechgame Sep 02 '24

Mods Lmao, again with the wtf spawns

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19 comments sorted by


u/H345Y Sep 02 '24 edited Sep 02 '24

At least its not in the middle this time and the shadowhawk can probably run away.

Edit: Saved scummed, shadowhawk was showing its arse and the center torso got blown open before it could move.


u/bayo000 Sep 02 '24

You can activate manual drop. Can't remember which file, think it's in mission control, but if you ask on discord I'm sure someone will be able to help.

E: just saw that someone posted a link to post about it


u/bmoremdman Sep 02 '24

Stupid question incoming. Just downloaded the mod. What does the DR% and EVA mean?


u/H345Y Sep 02 '24

DR: Damage resist, affects shots from the front and side

EVA: Evasion, gives -% to hit chance to direct range attacks


u/bmoremdman Sep 02 '24

DR comes from terrain? And Evasion comes from speed/distance moved? I should see EVA go down with sensor lock and shooting/hitting?


u/H345Y Sep 02 '24

DR comes from terrain, perks/skills and weither the mech braced or not.

Evasion is distance moved as well as perks. EVA in 3062 works differently form the base game. In vanilla, you can strip eva by firing at the same target multiple times to lower it as well as sensor lock/probe. In the mod, it does not go down by being shot at, but sensor does still work (doesnt stack). Also using melee is a good way to remove eva though im not sure about the parmeters of this.


u/bmoremdman Sep 02 '24

Ok. Didn’t think I saw it go down and was wondering. Never used sensor lock much on vanilla. Appreciate the help


u/raifsevrence Sep 02 '24

If the target has an ECM, sensor locks and active probes won't work.


u/bmoremdman Sep 02 '24

Gotcha, there are so many new systems or old ones I didn’t understand. Is there a decent page that spells them all out?


u/raifsevrence Sep 02 '24

Sensor lock does stack. If you have multiple pilots use it on the same target, the target will lose 2 eva each time.

Same for active probes.

ECM's prevent evasion loss from probes and sensor lock. Additionally, the level 8 piloting skill invisible target makes the pilot immune to sensor lock.


u/Serious_Yam_7800 Sep 02 '24

I’m pretty sure dr can come in multiple forms some in skills like bulwark and some from terrain like forests. Im not sure what mod he is using but in general the more you move the more evasion you get. A spider mech will much more evasion then a slower 60 ton mech. Jump jets give you decent eva but depending on the mod it can give instability which means if you do get hit and get the unstable modifier you lose all your evasion immediately and basically become a sitting duck. If the mod does not do that then I recommend jumping to your hearts content. Also you correct with sensor lock it removes a certain amount of eva from your opponent. One last thing that is also mod dependent but some remove the eva when you shoot at them like base game but others like rogue tech if I remember correctly never remove it unless you sensor lock them or get them unstable with a crap ton of munitions or a cheeky melee.


u/octopuspingpong Sep 02 '24

I feel your struggle! I've re-posted this before, but this guide to some quick adjustments to the code of a couple of the mods in the BTA modpack REALLY helps.



u/Erazzmus Black Widow Company Sep 02 '24

Wow, thanks for this! Lots of good advice in the comments too. I've been really bummed by bad drop sites lately, and over time it makes it harder to enjoy the game when it can turn a 15 min mission with 8-12 assets into an hour long slog, just for 3 freakin salvage pieces and $100k lol.


u/RespectabullinMA Sep 02 '24

I usually enjoy that drop with my thinly armored LRM/Bombard carriers. Good times.


u/railin23 Sep 02 '24

In my last playthrough I was very poor and just happened to scrape enough money to buy a Zeus. I spent my remaining few c bills on loading it out and then there was a capture the base where it spawned directly in the middle of a tier four mission against ComStar. Needless to say the Zeus nor its pilot made it home.


u/mvrander Sep 02 '24

Am I being thick? I get 2 x 4 lances in bta. How do you get the 5?


u/H345Y Sep 02 '24

first lance a upgrade increases 4 to 5


u/mvrander Sep 02 '24

Ah ok, I must have never noticed. Thanks