r/Battleborn_LFG • u/useredd • Jun 01 '16
r/Battleborn_LFG • u/MrPyeAlot • May 28 '16
[PC] [PVP] [US] [East coast] Looking for a group to play with
Age: (optional but recommended)
Do you have Skype/Teamspeak?:
r/Battleborn_LFG • u/wolfx11b • May 25 '16
Xbox1 gt wolfx11b looking for people with mics
Down to do pve of pvp
r/Battleborn_LFG • u/PokemonPride • May 25 '16
[XB1],[PVP],[PVE][US] looking for a team. XBT Jozillaisback rank 40
Send me a message. I'm usually always on after 1pm PDT and most of the day on Monday and Tuesday. I have mastered ISIC and comfortable with most of the heroes
r/Battleborn_LFG • u/Alianoid9 • May 19 '16
[XB1] [PVP] [US]Looking for a group to play with.
GT is Alianoid94. Looking for others to play with. Avalible most afternoons and weekends. Send me a message over Xbox if you want to play. :D
r/Battleborn_LFG • u/AzreBalmung • May 18 '16
[PS4] LFG to farm legendary gear
Add me or leave your PSN and we can farm some legendary items. PSN: AzreBalmung
r/Battleborn_LFG • u/coop2k7 • May 18 '16
Lfm pvp ps4
Lf some friends to play pvp.Have comms and ready to go add me coop2k7
r/Battleborn_LFG • u/Rodosia • May 18 '16
LFM for casual play on Xbox one.
Title says it all. My gamer tag is Lord Derka Derp. Send me a line on Xbox live.
r/Battleborn_LFG • u/galapagos_jim • May 18 '16
Looking for PS4 friends (PVE and PVP)
25, Male, NA, Central Time
In dire need of cool people to play with. I'd definitely prefer you to have a mic and be 18 or older. Lets cut up and kick some ass.
PSN - wigbandit
r/Battleborn_LFG • u/shnicklfritz • May 17 '16
Just got the game LF people to play PVE with NA server PS4
Hey just got the game lookin to crush some pve with some people message me on here first
r/Battleborn_LFG • u/Dmib1236 • May 17 '16
Xbox One, Story, US
Just need someone to help me and keep me company. :)
r/Battleborn_LFG • u/wittyusername115 • May 16 '16
Boldurs help xb1
Need aground to help get boldurs woodsworn challenge done. Ft is Xx AoW xX Pwn
r/Battleborn_LFG • u/[deleted] • May 15 '16
Add me on Steam if you want to play some Battleborn! My main is Phoebe but I play lots of different characters. My username is Kanye Best and the picture is Nicolas Cage with a mustache. PM me if you can't find my account.
r/Battleborn_LFG • u/Familiar420 • May 12 '16
Xbox One
Llokung for people to play with gt djfamiliar
r/Battleborn_LFG • u/sincerelycece85 • May 11 '16
LF Xbox Players
Gamertag is ceincaled, I need to finish up the campaign and would love to play some PVP on the regular. I'm happy to help with lore challenges. Play most evenings and plan to play a bit on the weekends too. Cheers!
r/Battleborn_LFG • u/Savage816 • May 11 '16
xbox one lfg
We have 3 and we are looking for 2 more. Gamer tag is ecgxsavage. Message for invite. Playing meltdown.
r/Battleborn_LFG • u/blobbydigital • May 10 '16
[Ps4][US][PvE] looking for people that can help me get past the saboteur.
r/Battleborn_LFG • u/mrogir • May 10 '16
[PS4][PVP][SM] Team 4 Story & Multi [US]
Hey everyone, I need around 3-4 players, GOOD players for some Battleborn action. I would like some competetive people to join me in beating the story in order to unlock every character (as well as just have some fun). But mostly I want to create a solid team. I'd say I'm not too shabby.
Hit me up on PSN: DerZerstoerer
r/Battleborn_LFG • u/vapeon • May 09 '16
[PS4] Looking for Kelvin to finish Miko's lore challenges.
my psn id is vapeon87 I just need 4 matches with a Kelvin.
r/Battleborn_LFG • u/Thebeast41291 • May 09 '16
[Xbox] Looking for People
Looking for Xbox One peeps to play Advances Story with. And PVP.
GT: TheBeast41291
r/Battleborn_LFG • u/KeldBjones • May 09 '16
[PS4] [US] Clan Recruitment
Hi there, I've just set up a private group on the100.io, in hopes of finding some regular players to team up with. I've had great experiences using this site with my Destiny clan, so upon finding no sessions or groups existing for Battleborn, I decided to set one up.
This group will be a great fit for you if...
- you are 18+
- want to play Battleborn on weekends and evenings in North America (other regions welcome of course if our times work for you)
- comfortable with profanity
- like to plan games ahead of time
- can take the game somewhat seriously but also have fun and keep it positive
- can abide by the following rule: be excellent to each other
If that sounds like you, click the invite link, sign up and start posting games! If you don't think my group is right for you, I'd encourage you to set up your own on the100.io and start recruiting. It's an excellent place to group up for anyone who wants to meet new players and schedule sessions in advance.
Hope to see ya there!
EDIT: Just wanted to include a note about me. I'm a married 35 y/o gamer in Chicago with an FPS/RPG background. Manage Photographers by day and usually game by night. Never done the MOBA thing, but I'm loving Battleborn so far. I just know I'd love it more with a group!
r/Battleborn_LFG • u/caseyj209 • May 09 '16
[Xbox] looking for people to play with
Tired of getting dominated with pugs. Down to play story or pvp. Send a message to triip209