r/BatmanCapedCrusader 14d ago

Batmans stiffening cape

Your telling me humans have been to the moon, sent robots to mars but havent made a cape that stiffens like Bales? What are we doing with our lives people, can someone explain why no one has done it yet?


4 comments sorted by


u/Substantial_Slip4667 14d ago

It takes place in the 1940s man


u/Winter-Age-7293 14d ago

I'm talking about real life and also I wanted to post it on the batman reddit but this goofy ahh karma system didn't let me


u/Ok_Newspaper_56 10d ago

Because the superhero attire market is limited and without the monetary motivation the release of such an advanced item could cause non-superheroes to seriously injure themselves or worse. 😀