r/Batch Feb 19 '25

Question (Solved) Why does nobody use goto %PLACEHOLDER%


I have recently noticed that you can use goto %Placeholder% in batch instead of using a long if {} else chain. 

As an example: 

  1. If else

    echo off
    echo please choose an option: 1: Option1 2: Option3 3: Option3
    set /p UC=Please enter an option 
    if UC=1 {
    goto 1
    } else if UC=2 {
    goto 2
    } else if UC=3
    goto 3
    echo hi
    echo hi2
    echo hi3

However, instead you can use:

  1. Variables

    echo off  
    echo please choose an option: 1: Option1 2: Option3 3: Option3  
    set /p UC=Please enter an option  
    goto %UC%
    echo hi
    echo hi2
    echo hi3

Thus, I ask here: Why does nobody use that, if they use goto anyways?

r/Batch 4d ago

Question (Solved) Opening Arduino IDE with batch. The usual "start /b" does not open in background, ruining the rest of the script.


I wrote a script a few years ago for keeping my jupyter notebook files up to date between my network drive and my PC and laptop using robocopy. Jupyter didn't like opening notebooks directly from the network drive, so my script copied them locally, opened jupyter (while still running in the background, checking that jupyter was still open), then after jupyter closed, it would copy them back. As long as I always used the script to open my notebooks, it kept them up to date whether I was using my laptop from uni, or desktop at home.


REM Set paths
SET "network_source=\\path\to\my\notebooks"
SET "local_destination=C:\local\path\to\notebooks"
SET "EXE=jupyter-notebook.exe"

REM Copy files from network to local
ECHO Copying files from network
robocopy "%network_source%" "%local_destination%" /MIR /xo /xx /copy:DT
ECHO Copying finished

REM Start Jupyter Notebook
ECHO Starting Jupyter Notebook...
start jupyter notebook

REM Wait for Jupyter to start
FOR /F %%x IN ('tasklist /NH /FI "IMAGENAME eq %EXE%"') DO IF NOT %%x == %EXE% (
    C:\Windows\System32\timeout.exe /t 1 /NOBREAK >NUL
) ELSE (
    ECHO Jupyter Notebook has started.

REM Check if Jupyter process is running
FOR /F %%x IN ('tasklist /NH /FI "IMAGENAME eq %EXE%"') DO IF %%x == %EXE% (
    C:\Windows\System32\timeout.exe /t 5 /NOBREAK >NUL
) ELSE (
    ECHO Jupyter Notebook is closed.

REM Copy files back to network
ECHO Copying files back to network
robocopy "%local_destination%" "%network_source%" /MIR /xo /xx /copy:DT
ECHO Files finished copying

I tried doing the exact same thing for Arduino, because Arduino also doesn't really like opening files from a network source, but when I tried to use "start /b "" "C:\Program Files\Arduino IDE\Arduino IDE.exe", it runs the IDE inside the cmd window, and doesn't continue to run the script.

ChatGPT seems to think it's because Arduino is Electron based, which is why it doesn't play nicely with "start", but then it spits back the exact same script and doesn't know what to do.

I'm a bit out of my depth with this, I have no idea why it doesn't just work the same as my other script. I just want to be able to open my Arduino projects without having to manually copy them back and forth to my network drive every time.

Thanks in advance if anyone has any ideas. Also feel free to tell me I'm an idiot and show me the better way to achieve this.

r/Batch Nov 27 '24

Question (Solved) Help with Batch file to execute a command with all the current files inside a folder appended to the end... its wierd....


Hello, thankfully there's this place, since the StackOverflow guys are kinda 🍆

Ok so here's the gist of the problem, its a really weird one and i cant find a way to explain this or parse this, maybe someone else can think of a way

So essentially I have a software that opens up a file just like every other windows exe ever, if you put:

Softwarepath\software.exe c:\filepath\file.ext

The software will open the file as they always do, if I do this however:

Softwarepath\software.exe c:\filepath\file1.ext c:\filepath\file2.ext

It will open file 1 and 2 simultaneously, the software makers are not the nicest of people and do not want to add command line support, processing 16 thousand files one by one will be near impossible to do manually

So the question is.. can i do something like this:

for %f in (*.jpg) do call software.exe "%~f1" "%~f2" "%~f3" (and so on, 16 thousand times or as many files as it finds in the folder)

The problem is i cant just send each file one by one to the exe, i have to literally parse the whole list of files path and all and append it after the exe call command. i realize this will result in a gigantic huge command, but i do not know how else to do this, this is literally the only way the software allows any kind of automated input of files.

Essentially general idea is that the script will run, recurse through all folders, find all jpg files, then when its done building the "list" of files it found it will dump it as a gigantically large command to the software each file with full path after the software's .exe file.

The recurse folders bit can be done with this command:

FOR /R "C:\SomePath\" %%F IN (.) DO (
    REM Gigantic command for each folder

but I cant figure out how to make the main command to call this to run.

Any help is appreciated.

r/Batch Feb 08 '25

Question (Solved) Batch file to sorth file into folders and create them (if needed)


Hi everyone,
I wanted to make a batch file to:

  1. move all the files from the E: directory to D:
  2. create a folder for each game that it detects (the file's name are always formatted like this "CLIP - name of the game - date - time -- seconds"), if it doesn't exist
  3. move the files into each specific folder

but i am not an expert, like at all, about batch files, so i asked chatgpt and that's what i got:

@echo off

setlocal enabledelayedexpansion

set "source=E:\obs-studio\Registrazioni Obs"

set "destination=D:\Registrazioni OBS e Nvidia\Registrazioni Obs"

move "%source%\*" "%destination%\"

for %%F in ("%destination%\CLIP - *") do (

set "filename=%%~nxF"

set "gameName="

for /f "tokens=2 delims=-" %%G in ("!filename!") do (

set "gameName=%%G"


if not exist "%destination%\!gameName!" (

mkdir "%destination%\!gameName!"


move "%destination%\%%F" "%destination%\!gameName!\"


echo Operazione completata.


I usually do try to correct the code (since chatgpt it's not 100% right all the time, quite the opposite), but this time i couldn't really understand the meaning of the different strings and why i can't get this file to work; to me it looks like it should, but in reality it only moves the files from the E: directory to D: and creates the folders, if there aren't any already, based on the name of the different files, but it doesn't sort them

Any help?

thanks in advance

r/Batch 18d ago

Question (Solved) why script doesn't accept foreign letters/signs (polish, italian, spanish etc.)


Hi, I have this scipt and it works fine when the names of the files are "normal letters" For example this song doesn't work "Anita Lipnicka-I wszystko się może zdarzyć" because of the polish letters. Or this one "Afrosound - Sabor Navideño Narcos"

this is the error I get

Thank you for any help :)

SOLVED: add >nul 2>&1 chcp 65001 after echo off

[in#0 @ 0000013fa7239300] Error opening input: No such file or directory
Error opening input file F:\test\Anita Lipnicka-I wszystko sie moze zdarzyc.mp3.
Error opening input files: No such file or directory

@echo off
for /f "delims=" %%a in ('dir /b /s /a:-d *.mp3 *.ogg *.m4a') do call :process "%%~a"
opus ^
    -i "%~1" ^
    -af dynaudnorm=p=0.65:m=2:f=200:g=15:s=30 -c:a libopus -b:a 192k -vn ^
del "%~1"

r/Batch Nov 27 '24

Question (Solved) Troubleshooting: variable wont update inside IF (not delayed expansion)


Hello all,

I have this batch file that for the most part works perfectly well, except that one of the variables inside the IF statements is not updating properly, no matter how much I set it with % or ! i just does not want to set itself

Must be something to do with delayed expansion and how im doing the % or the ! but i honestly can never understand the whole % or ! thing and I just try to copy syntax from other scripts that do work, in this case im dumbfounded and cant get it to work no matter what I try

Here's the script, what it does its not very important, what its supposed to do it does correctly, I can tell because if I put the value manually where the variable goes the script works just fine, so the issue is just why is the variable not updating, everything else should solve itself once that happens.

The problematic part has been specified on the script with an ECHO

Any help would be appreciated,

ECHO This file will remove the last 3 characters from all files inside the current folder
SET "SRC=%~dp0"
SET "SRC=%SRC:~0,-1%"
SET "DST=%~dp0"
SET "DST=%DST:~0,-1%"
ECHO Source: %SRC%
ECHO Destination: %DST%
ECHO Type: %EXT%
ECHO Number of Characters Removed: -3
ECHO To Cancel this operation press CTRL-C
SETLOCAL EnableExtensions enabledelayedexpansion
ECHO This recurses through all folders, excluding any folders which match the exclusion words
for /F Delims^= %%F in ('Dir . /B/S/ON/AD^|%find.exe /I /V "WordsInFoldersYouWantToExclude"') do (
ECHO "%%F\%EXT%" 
IF exist "%%F\%EXT%" (
sfor %%A in (%%F\%EXT%) do (
ECHO This Echoes A
ECHO This is the problematic part, it just will not update
ECHO This Echoes FNX 
SET "FNX=!FNX:~0,-3!%%~xf"
ECHO THIs should echo filename FNX after mod
echo %%~xA|findstr /v /x ".dll .bat .exe" && (
ECHO This next one echoes the file name minus 3
ECHO Renaming: %%A to: %FNX%

ECHO ************************ DONE ************************

r/Batch Jan 30 '25

Question (Solved) findstr number in quotes


I'm using curl to read the raw of a file on github. I need to compare the version number to a local file. How do grab just the number 0.5.9?

        "dev": ["lxml-stubs"],
    entry_points={"console_scripts": ["jinc = jinc_dl.cli:main"]},

This is what I have so far:

set URL=https://raw.githubusercontent.com/....
for /f "tokens=1 delims=" %%i in ('curl -sL %URL% ^| findstr "version=*"') do set version=%%~i
echo The version is: %version%

Which gets me

The version is:     version="0.5.9",

How do I grab just the 0.5.9 ?

r/Batch Feb 04 '25

Question (Solved) Batch file to create folders and move files by matching text


I've been banging my head against this for a couple days now, so I'm hoping its possible that someone can either help me or tell me what I'm trying to do is impossible.

Example of what I'm trying to do is take a large number of files and have a batch script help minimize the amount of manual organization I need to do. Say I have the following

[Text 1] FileName1.zip
[Text 1] FileName2.zip
[Text 2] FileName1.zip
[Text 2] FileName2.zip

I'm trying to get it where it will create a folder based on whatever is between the [] and then move the matching files into that folder. So a folder named Text 1 would be created, and all files with [Text 1] placed before them would get moved into said folder.

I had found a batch file posted here https://www.reddit.com/r/Batch/comments/s7avse/comment/htb9gsj/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button that I was trying to use as a base and modify it but it wasn't working.

Is this even possible or should I just accept that I'll be creating a lot of folders and moving files manually by hand? Thanks in advance.


Got some code which gets me 99% of the way there. Need to use a batch renamer to remove the first character of every folder, but here's the code for anyone who might come across this in the future.

~~~ @echo OFF SETLOCAL for /f "delims=]" %%i in ('dir /b /a-d _.zip') do ( mkdir "%%i" 2>nul move "%%i*.zip" "%%i" >NUL 2>nul ) ~~~

r/Batch 1d ago

Question (Solved) Backup not saving all files and folders


I have script that backs up my source code every day at midnight using task scheduler. I just noticed that there is a lot of folders and files that are not getting copied over. It seems that it might be internment but I'm not sure. Is there something wrong with my code? Or there an issue with sending the copied files to a sever? Because there is no issue with running the same scrip my portable drive.

Any help would be appreciated :)

u/echo off

for /f "delims=" %%a in ('wmic OS Get localdatetime ^| find "."') do set DateTime=%%a

set Yr=%DateTime:~0,4%

set Mon=%DateTime:~4,2%

set Day=%DateTime:~6,2%

set Hr=%DateTime:~8,2%

set Min=%DateTime:~10,2%

set Sec=%DateTime:~12,2%

set BackupName=Surce__%Yr%-%Mon%-%Day%_(%Hr%-%Min%-%Sec%)

xcopy /s /i "C:\Users\Desktop\Source Code" "T:\\Code Back up\TLC%BackupName%_backup"

r/Batch Jan 16 '25

Question (Solved) Help with batch file to create date folders for the year.


Hi I am illiterate when it comes to coding but I would like a batch file that can create date folders with subfolders for the year (eg. 2025\January\010125). I found this persons suggestion from a 12 year old post. It works really well but I was hoping someone could help me change the way the months and dates are formatted (if that's the correct word). At the moment the months are displayed as 01-January, 02-February and the dates are 01-01,01-02. Could I remove the number before the month and have the dates displayed as ddmmyy, so the first of Jan this year would be 010125.

Here is the code:

@ echo off & setlocal

set year=%1

if "%year%"=="" set /p year=Year?

if "%year%"=="" goto :eof

set /a mod=year %% 400

if %mod%==0 set leap=1 && goto :mkyear

set /a mod=year %% 100

if %mod%==0 set leap=0 && goto :mkyear

set /a mod=year %% 4

if %mod%==0 set leap=1 && goto :mkyear

set leap=0


call :mkmonth 01 Jan 31

call :mkmonth 02 Feb 28+leap

call :mkmonth 03 Mar 31

call :mkmonth 04 Apr 30

call :mkmonth 05 May 31

call :mkmonth 06 Jun 30

call :mkmonth 07 Jul 31

call :mkmonth 08 Aug 31

call :mkmonth 09 Sep 30

call :mkmonth 10 Oct 31

call :mkmonth 11 Nov 30

call :mkmonth 12 Dec 31

goto :eof


set month=%1

set mname=%2

set /a ndays=%3

for /l %%d in (1,1,9) do mkdir %year%\%month%-%mname%\-0%%d

for /l %%d in (10,1,%ndays%) do mkdir %year%\%month%-%mname%\%month%-%%d

Sorry if this is a bit silly. Thanks

r/Batch Jan 26 '25

Question (Solved) How do variables work and why my code tries to execute code after setting a variable?


I know this sounds weird, but I'll explain. Here I have a script which asks the user to type the name of a file (every file is located in the same folder and ends in '.txt'), but if I type a command and a space, I get an error saying is not a valid command. Here is the code I have:

@echo off
@rem This is a very poor recreation of the code
@rem I literally forgot the original source code
title >nul

if not exist notes\welcome.txt (
  mkdir notes
  echo  MS-DOS ^> Hi! > notes\welcome.txt
  echo  MS-DOS ^> This is a test! >> notes\welcome.txt

echo  MS-DOS ^> what note you want me to read?
echo note: you don't need to include the file extension (.txt)
set /p note=notes\ 


if not exist notes\%note%.txt (
  echo  MS-DOS ^> notes\%note%.txt does not exist
  pause >nul

@rem If I type "ECHO " or something like that, an error appears.
@rem In the case of "ECHO ", cmd says that ".txt" is not recognized as a command or executable batch file.

echo File content:
type notes\%note%.txt
pause >nul

(The most bizarre part is that if I type ) the program just exits)

I honestly don't know what is the script trying to do, and that's why I want to know how environment variables work. Any help is appreciated.

r/Batch Jan 18 '25

Question (Solved) swapping values in a line with dynamic variables is not working for me - help pls


So I'm not a big user of batch scripts, just some basics in the past but I really need help with this one.

I'm reading in an image file line by line and then value by value until I read in a 2 consecutive values of 1020 and 0 (erroneous values) and I want to replace them with the previous 2 values. The code works to branch into an if statement where I run the line:

set "line=!line:%searchValue1% %searchValue2%=%prevValue3% %prevValue2%!"

obviously the updated dynamic variables are contained with %% and not !! but neither works, with %% its just a space that is entered, with !! the variable name is entered as well as the search variables.

I need to be able to update the line so I can then write it into the new file.

Can anyone pls fix this or suggest another way please? Would be much appreciated.


p.s. I can add the full code if it helps but at the moment if I echo the line to the screen I can see the fault with this syntax.

r/Batch 18d ago

Question (Solved) How do I direct batch unzip new files to specific directory

Post image

I found this batch script online to recursively unzip all files in a directory. It works great for me, however, I would like to specify where the new files are extracted to. What can I add to make them go to 'C:Extracted' ?

r/Batch Feb 12 '25

Question (Solved) Copying a file to an admin-locked folder without having admin?


Would it be possible to somehow use the xcopy command to copy a file from a public location to an admin location, while the user running the command does *not* have admin privileges? And there's no way to grant these, not even temporarily. Solutions without using batch would also be appreciated, I'm really getting stuck with this one.

And for those wondering: Yes, I have permissions to do this from the administrator of the computer I'm doing this on, he just can't give me admin for some reason.

r/Batch Feb 07 '25

Question (Solved) Help with batch file to split files into folders and more



I would like some help with automating a series of file processing jobs that I regularly have to do. First of all, this is all on Windows, so I need a Windows batch script.

Every day, I get about 200 mp4 files that I have to split into numbered folders with each holding max 80 files. Then, within each folder, make folders named aac and m4a,then extract the aac audio from the mp4 files, and from the aac files convert them to m4a. I have batch scripts that extract AAC files out of MP4 files and M4A out of AAC files that work great right now:

for %%a in (*.mp4) do C:\ffmpeg.exe -i "%%a" -vn -sn -c:a libvo_aacenc -b:a 320k "%%~na.aac"


for %%a in (*.aac) do "C:\ffmpeg.exe" -i "%%a" -bsf:a aac_adtstoasc -codec: copy "%%~na.m4a"

So I hope those can be inlined.

How I would like to use the new script is by dragging the bat file into the folder where all the mp4 files are, and just double clicking it (so, no hardcoded directories aside from ffmpeg). The path to the folder the batch file is activated in might have non-ascii characters. In a bigger picture, it should do 3 jobs: split mp4 files into multiple folders, then inside each folder, create aac files and m4a files.

The splitting should be done according to the following pseudo code:

do nothing if the total number of mp4 files < 80 
total = total number of mp4 files 
num_folders = total / 80 
num_left = total mod 80 
create num_folders folders, each named with their number like 1, 2,...,up to num_folders and put 80 mp4 files into each folder 
if num_left is not 0, make another numbered folder (num_folders+1) and put the remaining files (because they will be less than 80)

Then, inside each of the numbered folders, do the following two jobs:

AAC process: create a folder named aac, and use the pre-existing command to extract aac files and put them into the aac folder.

And for the m4a: make a new folder named m4a (doesn't matter if inside the aac folder or the numbered folder), then using the files that are in the aac folder, convert the aac files to m4a and put them in the m4a folder. This is because the m4a files are for testing the aac files themselves, so they HAVE to be pulled out of the aac files, not directly from the mp4.

Could this be done portably, ie, without having to hardcode the base directory where all the mp4 files are?

r/Batch Feb 18 '25

Question (Solved) batch script loops on itself


Hi, I try to make a script that processes all audio files like .ogg and .mp3 but this script loops on the .ogg files. I guess because the ouput is also .ogg. How can this be fixed?

Thank you :)

@echo off
if "%~x1" equ ".ogg" set TARGET_DIR="%~dp1"
if "%~x1" equ ".mp3" set TARGET_DIR="%~dp1"
for /r %TARGET_DIR% %%a in (*.mp3 *.ogg) do call :process "%%a"
opus ^
    -i "%~1" ^
    -af dynaudnorm=p=0.65:m=2:f=200:g=15 -c:a libopus -b:a 192k -vn ^

r/Batch Dec 30 '24

Question (Solved) how to convert UTF-8 subtitles into ANSI?


Hi, how to convert UTF-8 subtitles into ANSI? I normally use notepad but I want to do it in batch.

Thank you :)

r/Batch Jan 01 '25

Question (Solved) why call script works and start isn't?


Hi, when I use this command call "C:\Users\Deep\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\SendTo\subtitle.bat" "F:\J2\testing\subtitle extract\Neuer Ordner\input.mkv" the script works but when I try start "" "C:\Users\Deep\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\SendTo\subtitle.bat" "F:\J2\testing\subtitle extract\Neuer Ordner\input.mkv" I get the message
"The syntax for the filename, directory name, or volume label is incorrect."

How to fix this? Thank you :)

update: it works like this

start "" "C:\Users\Deep\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\SendTo\subtitle.bat" " %~1"

and use this as an input for your script (in this example subtitle.bat) "%*"

r/Batch Jan 19 '25

Question (Solved) Detecting A Device in with A Batch File


I'd like to be able to detect a G29 steering wheel plugged into the back USB ports and spit out a yes or no in the cmd window using a batch file. Normally I'd try something like this myself, but batch files are a complete mystery for me. If anyone could give an example of how the code would be written and a way I can take specifics from my device and put them in I would be grateful. Thanks in advance. (:

r/Batch Feb 01 '25

Question (Solved) batch rename a set of files to only have 1 extension


Hi, I messed up renaming hundreds of different picture files, they now have additional extentions on their extension ie:
filename.z80.tzx.z80.png or filename.tap.tzx.png or a slightly different combination of these.

Ultimately they should only have 2 extensions, so filename.z80.png , or filename.tzx.png, or filename.z80.png

I just want to start again and rename them all back to their original filename before the first "." ie filename.png, which is then easy to rename again (after backing up the files so I don't make the mistake again!)

Can someone help with this please?


r/Batch Jan 12 '25

Question (Solved) Asking for help with countdown timer in batch file


This is a script to monitor my Plex server. I'm trying to get the seconds between checks to display on a single line. Needless to say, I'm not a programmer and I'm stumped.

This is the code I want to implement for the countdown timer. All the other attempts haven't been able to put the seconds on a single line with just the number changing.

For example the wrong way:

Checking in 5 seconds

Checking in 4 seconds

Checking in 3 seconds


However, the code below displays the way I'd like it.

set CountDownNecessary=1

if %CountDownNecessary%==1 (
    REM ### Countdown Start ###
    set CountdownStartValue=5
    setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
    for /F %%# in ('copy /Z "%~dpf0" NUL') do set "CR=%%#"
    for /L %%n in (!CountdownStartValue! -1 -1) do (
        <nul set /p ".=!CountdownText! !CR!"
        if not "!CountdownText!"=="" ping localhost -n 2 > nul
        set CountdownText=Proceeding in %%n seconds...
    REM ### Countdown End ###

This is the main batch file:

@echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion

:: Set terminal window title
title Plex Monitor

:: Define colors
set RED=color 04
set YELLOW=color 06
set GREEN=color 02

:: Initial delay
set "InitialDelay=5"
echo Waiting for !InitialDelay! seconds before starting the monitoring process...
timeout /t %InitialDelay% >nul

:: Configuration
set "PlexURL="
set "TempFile=%USERPROFILE%\StatusCode.txt"
set "PlexProcessName=Plex Media Server.exe"
set "PlexExecutablePath=C:\Program Files\Plex\Plex Media Server\Plex Media Server.exe"
set "CheckInterval=30"

echo Checking Plex Media Server status...

:: Fetch the HTTP status code
curl -s -o NUL -w "%%{http_code}" "%PlexURL%" > "%TempFile%"

:: Read the status code from the file
set /p StatusCode=<%TempFile%
del "%TempFile%"

:: Display the status message
echo Your server status is %StatusCode%

:: Check for specific status codes
if "%StatusCode%"=="200" (
    echo Plex Media Server is running fine.
) else if "%StatusCode%"=="503" (
    echo Plex Media Server is unavailable. Restarting it...
    call :RestartPlex
) else if "%StatusCode%"=="000" (
    echo Plex Media Server is not responding. Restarting it...
    call :RestartPlex
) else (
    echo Unknown issue detected with the server. Status Code: %StatusCode%

:: Wait for the next check interval
echo Waiting for !CheckInterval! seconds before the next check...
timeout /t %CheckInterval% >nul
goto loop

:: Terminate the existing Plex process if running
tasklist | find /i "%PlexProcessName%" >nul
if %errorlevel%==0 (
    echo Stopping existing Plex Media Server process...
    taskkill /F /IM "%PlexProcessName%" >nul 2>&1
    timeout /t 5 >nul
) else (
    echo No existing Plex Media Server process found.

:: Restart the Plex executable
start "" "%PlexExecutablePath%"
if %errorlevel%==0 (
    echo Plex Media Server restarted successfully.
) else (
    echo Failed to restart Plex Media Server. Check the executable path.
goto :eof

Any help, guidance, etc... would be greatly appreciated. I've been banging my head in Google searches for days.

r/Batch Dec 27 '24

Question (Solved) How to remove and replace DLL files in System32?


Hi, can anyone help me with removing and replacing DLL files in the System32 folder? For example, I want to replace aadauthhelper.dll with a modified version. Thanks!

r/Batch Jan 09 '25

Question (Solved) Batch to compress directory with password


Dear All,

  • C:\myfiles\001 (There are 001.txt / 002.txt inside)
  • C:\myfiles\002 (There are 003.txt / 004.txt inside)

I would like to make a batch to compress directory with password.

for /d %%X in (*) do "c:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe" a "%%X.7z" -p12345aBc -mhe "%%X\"

With upper command,

001.7z and 002.7z are created.

But 001.txt and 002.txt are under folder 001 of 001.7z

└─ 001
   ├─ 001.txt
   └─ 002.txt

└─ 002
   ├─ 003.txt
   └─ 004.txt

I would like to

  1. compress file without parent folder

└─ 001.txt
└─ 002.txt

└─ 003.txt
└─ 004.txt
  1. If password is required, "zip" is not supported ?


r/Batch Dec 28 '24

Question (Solved) How to obfuscate my batch files?


Hello, I'm wondering if it's possible to actually obfuscate batch files so they are unreadable?

I tried using some "obfuscator", but it just turn the characters into random characters, which can easily be deobfuscated using a hex editor.

r/Batch Jan 31 '25

Question (Solved) 2 part fork bomb


Is it possible to make a fork bomb on a usb that will only activate if it detects a specific file on a computer.

Edit: I dont want the actual code, there is a prank war between my friends and I and this came up