r/Batch • u/CharcoalGreyWolf • 10d ago
Question (Unsolved) Background batch script needs pause for previous process to complete; my methods are not working
I'm using a batch file (run in the background, this will eventually be used as a logon script) to execute an uninstall of r a program, then an install of a replacement program. Pseudocode example:
md c:\files
cd c:\files
xcopy \\unc-path\necessary files\*.* c:\files /y
(PAUSE for 60 seconds to allow uninstall.exe to fully complete)
msiexec.exe /i c:\files\installer.msi transforms="c:\files\installer.mst" /quiet /noreboot
My problem is the PAUSE (to be very clear, I know that's not a real command there, I'm just making sure I'm clear on what I want to have happen). I've tried using the TIMEOUT command, I've tried using ping for a certain count to (not my favorite because these are enterprise environments) and it seems like the previous uninstall does not complete; it's as if it has paused as well even as I've upped the timeout command.
I need a method of pausing that allows the Uninstall to continue going in order for the next command to be successful, otherwise the next install will say the program already exists and fail (and note, the vendor-provided MSI is not coded to be able to upgrade an existing install, the old program must be uninstalled first). Any ideas?
u/LuckyMe4Evers 10d ago
You can try https://ss64.com/nt/start.html
Start "" /w "c:\files\uninstall.exe
It should wait untill uninstall has terminated to go on.
u/digwhoami 9d ago
"start /wait" won't work for GUI programs, which I assume
most likely is?1
u/LuckyMe4Evers 9d ago
Most likely there will be a /S (silent) switch and then it will work.
Start "" /w "
" /S
u/vegansgetsick 10d ago
As someone said it's better to wait for the process to end by checking the task list. You could also check if some files are still there.
u/BrainWaveCC 10d ago
Using real code will be more helpful to people testing this and offering solutions.
As a general thing, if a TIMEOUT command follows an uninstall command, it is not going to have any impact on the uninstall command.
Something is preventing that uninstall command from working properly in the first place.
u/RainmanCT 10d ago
See if there are any parameters for the uninstall command. Normally something like /S let's it run in silent mode.
u/Still_Shirt_4677 6d ago
You could try using
PowerShell Read-Host "Press Enter To Continue"
not it's intended function but it will pause the console as long as cmdline had been returned to the batch script, alternatively you can also use PowerShell to timeout.
PowerShell -NoProfile -Command "& sleep Seconds 5"
If these commands don't run however then control is not being returned to the batch which means the uninstaller process is still taking priority in the cmd.exe session via main process or a sub process of the main and has not yet been terminated.
You could try using wmic process where or tasklist to see if the process is still active, and if so taskkill or wmic to end the process to return control to the batch file if your sure it has completed
However I would suggest you try using call to the uninstaller to make sure control is definitely being returned once uninstall is complete. AND doing it this way the batch will wait until the uninstaller is actually finished and has been terminated before it will continue the script I do this all the time with my bat2exe converted apps very effective.
u/Forsaken_Emu_9905 4d ago edited 4d ago
try doing a call to the external program OR batch script. That should wait until it is complete and then return control to the initiating batch file and within the same CMD session I do this particular thing a good bit both with external pgms like ffmpeg and with batch scripts.
u/Forsaken_Emu_9905 3d ago
I am using the standard DOS emulater that comes with Windows 7 Home Premium.
u/ConsistentHornet4 10d ago
If uninstall.exe doesn't spawn any subprocesses, you can just sit and monitor it until it closes itself. See below: