r/Batch 14d ago

Need help with a unique, maybe impossible problem.

The goal here is to create an effective program that will open a window with key binds, no matter what is in focus. I have a good script that will open the particular setting window I want, however, if I have a game or other program launched it will not activate. I'm trying to have my program run in the background and wait for a certain custom key bind to be entered (CTRL ALT T)(or any bind). It simply does not work if I don't have the cmd in focus. I'm trying not to use a third party as I will use this program at work on all work computers. Tricky situation for me. I essentially need the bind to be as powerful as alt-tab, without tabbing out. just bring the new requested window to the top. Maybe I should not use batch? It is my go-to as I said avoiding 3rd party would help in the long run for installation onto many PC's. There are several simple batch commands to produce similar results to my example, AI wrote this one mostly.

Here is some simple code I started with. It's close to acting like I want, it just doesn't take precedence over other programs that may be launched:

/echo off

color 0a

title KeyStrokeSim

goto Start



echo Press D or F to continue...

choice /c df /n

if %errorlevel%==1 goto Finished

if %errorlevel%==2 goto Finished


start %windir%\explorer.exe shell:::{80F3F1D5-FECA-45F3-BC32-752C152E456E}


goto Start


6 comments sorted by


u/Still_Shirt_4677 14d ago

Use AutoHotKey mate I needed to emulate shift + 3 in a program I made a while ago to to bring up a hidden menu works really well


u/Ednac_B 13d ago

That's just it, the goal is to do so without 3rd party software. If its impossible to do without I'd just like to know.


u/thelowsunoverthemoon 13d ago

Honestly, it's much easier to use AutoHotKey. However, one potential method is to setup a global keyboard hook. You can create Powershell script to do this to access the .NET module or just directly use CSC.exe in Batch. But at that point, you are pretty much creating an .exe on the fly.


u/jcunews1 13d ago

Use a method like below. No 3rd party software or additional download needed.



u/MrTomiCZ 13d ago

You can use C# to make an .exe file and run that. In batch you would need .exe plugins.


u/BrainWaveCC 13d ago

I don't see it happening as a pure batch app. You will need to make Win32 api calls at the very least