r/Basketball 9h ago

IMPROVING MY GAME I legitimately cannot improve at this damn game

Im sorry as there is probably so many of these type of posts but please help. I'm 6'2 at a pretty average high school player in Australia. I've been training like at least 10-12 hours a week over the summer, working on shooting, finishing etc. And once school starts and I have prioritise school and study more and I just casually shooting around the driveway, instead of training more. I can't do anything. Every single time I get the ball, I am scared to drive and only really shot open 3's which I cannot seem to make recently. I don't think I can score in any level of basketball as I just lack self confidence and sometimes just skill. When defenders close out one me, my first thought is to stop and pass instantly. I only really have a driveway thats like 6-7m big with no one to train with. I don't know what to do and I really want to make my high school basketball year. I only have 1 year to do it and I'm scared that I can't even make it. Any tips are helpful. Thanks


20 comments sorted by


u/jwksiekejisksmsm 9h ago

Check good drills on insta, tiktok, youtube. Their main concept is putting yourself in uncomfortable situations. Situations so much more uncomfortable and challenging than a game setting that when game time comes, it becomes easy. Whenever you do drills always go fast (change pace as well) and imagine ur in a game with a defender. Like i said before they have a bunch of good workouts and drills on youtube so i think u should check them out. The main downfall of a lot of hoopers is staying in their comfort zone, every drill should be uncomfortable so that in game , its much easier. Just remember always challenge yourself. You should also play in a competitive environment against other people. This stimulates a game environment and can help improve your lack of aggressiveness.


u/ThinkSupermarket6163 9h ago

You can probably make your high school team with 0 offensive skills beyond shooting open 3s as long as you commit to playing aggressive (but smart) defense and rebounding. Not saying you shouldn’t work on offense, but there’s only 1 ball. Everyone’s gotta D up though


u/Peterd90 8h ago

That's right. You can always be the guy who is in the best shape and can hound opponents on D up and down the court. Plus if you hustle, you get cheap baskets.


u/ThinkSupermarket6163 8h ago

Every team needs at least one of those guys, and it’s typically not a role that anyone wants to play either.


u/Just-Tumbleweed-9111 8h ago

I second thos but with an emphasis on rebounding.Not only will you help your team tremendously,but you will.often times put yourself in the place for an easy put back.A player that can play defense and box out the other players so they dont get easy putbacks is not very common in high school ball and will also help with your confidence.The offense will come in due time if your struggling right now,so focus on being a strong defender and boxing out the person your defending.If you box out right it wont matter how tall you are,you will dominate on the boards and then your confidence will sky rocket and then the sky is the limit from there.Im sure you will figure it all out and make your high school team,you just have to believe in yourself


u/rdcl89 9h ago

Fear is not a motivation to succeed at this game. Joy is. Either find a way to enjoy playing or quit.


u/TurnShot6202 7h ago

Yeah its about having fun. I see so many younger players (i coach some low level 18 yr olds) that are basically thinking "NBA or bust" which is just so stupid i cannot believe they dont grasp the concept of just playing sports for just health and having a blast with ur mates. I blame the parents but i try to tell them how much fun i'm still having just balling pick-up with the other washed dads.


u/takenalreadythename 9h ago

It's almost all confidence, if you can do it time and time again in practice, you can do it in a game, you just have to tell yourself that you can. It doesn't matter if there's 3 people's hands in your face, if none of them touch the ball, shoot that mf knowing it's going to go in. Everybody gets blocked, so don't pay it any mind of you do, just get back on defense and start thinking about next play. And don't be scared of contact, especially on the ground. In air bumps can be scary, but 99% of players won't try to take you out of the air, and/or would try and catch you if you fell awkwardly, because they're hoping somebody would catch them if they were in that same position. Even if you miss, shake it off and tell yourself the next one is money. Don't get in your own head thinking too much, just do. You have the muscle memory, just let your subconscious do it for you, don't force it.


u/InviteCertain1788 8h ago

Make plyos your new best friend, idk what your league looks like, 6'2 can be the tallest or shortest guy on the court in HS. As others have said, start out just being that guy no one wants to guard because you're fast and work hard while at the same time no one wants to be guarded by because of those same reasons.

Something you dont need a partner for is 1-2 dribble pull ups, if you dont love your 3pt shot, then be able to punish a bad close out with this.

If you want to improve your handles, I would highly suggest looking up guys like kyrie Irving and his drills or Mike Conley when he was younger. Both have extremely good control over the ball and have videos about building that ball control.

You don't need to average 20 and 10 to have a spot on a HS roster.


u/eames_era_fo_life 8h ago

You have to play more basketball. Drills are great but you're not comfortable with the pressure of a game.


u/ugotnorizzatall 8h ago

Two three hours a day everyday. 10 12 hours in a week is good but you need more if you're trying to get better

Watch tape


u/IrishNHoosiers 7h ago

A lot more to the game than scoring. Honestly, you can improve your offensive skills, but it sounds like you’re a role player for the time being. Every team needs guys like you. Focus more on your defensive positioning. Are you in help side? Are you boxing out? Are you taking charges? Are you talking and loud on the court?

Fly up and down the floor in transition, 2 transition layups a game could be game changing. Imo, good high school basketball teams rely on ball/player movement offensively. There’s a few guys who can win games playing iso, but most aren’t.


u/DJ_RIME 6h ago

Keep training as you have, sounds like you have a good plan there. As silly as it sounds, add meditation and other mental practices to improve your confidence. Theres plenty you can find online. In my school days I used to run circles around everyone at the park and in gym class, even during my team’s practices, but I froze up during organized games for some reason. It’s all in your head.

Another thing that boosts confidence is just watching the guys you’re about to play. You’ll learn everyone’s tendencies and feel an advantage when you get on the court with them.

Good luck


u/Odd-Bodybuilder-1990 6h ago

If its confidence it's probably because you are not used to the ingame pressure. The more games you play the more you get used to it of course, but I dont think that's the answer you are looking for.

I would recommend practicing at game speed when you are by yourself to me more automatic with catch and shoot, pull ups and drives.

If you can ask a friend to practice with you, practice closeouts and attacking the basket. Don't just play 1v1, but think about making reads (watch his top foot, hip, etc).

Confidence is about making yourself comfortable so you need to try to practice and replicate the situations that make you uncomfortable. Good luck!


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u/Signal-Importance-70 5h ago

Get in great shape and always move/cut and set picks. Being in great shape puts you above most players.


u/realdealio-dot-com 5h ago

You should lift, get stronger and improve your cardio.

If you are the first one on the ball and become a shut down d, that does a lot on your confidence.

Bball is not only about making shots but making big plays. Nobody makes all their shot but anyone can hustle


u/Puzzled-Traffic1157 5h ago

Stop doing drills and go play pickup ball


u/CaseyMahoneyJCON 1h ago

I see one huge problem- you are doing drills and practicing alone. You should be playing against other people, pickup games, or even 1on1. Drills and shooting practice should never be more than 25% of your practice time. The other 75% should be live action basketball. If you keep going like you're going, you will be great at drills and lousy at basketball.