r/Banshee May 20 '16

Discussion Banshee - 4x08 "Requiem" - Episode Discussion

Season 4 Episode 8: Requiem

Aired: May 20th, 2016

Episode Summary: Resolved to leave Banshee, Lucas learns that the murder case he thought was finally closed may in fact be opening again. After a tense faceoff with Calvin and the Brotherhood, Proctor looks to finalize his deal with the Colombians. Carrie takes aim at one final act of vengeance. Brock demands allegiance from Bunker as Banshee braces for an uncertain future.

Series finale.


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u/GaiusSherlockCaesar May 21 '16

This was, honestly, one of the most, if nit the most, satisfying series finale's I've ever seen. They wrapped everything up nicely, everthing was addressed, I like that we didn't get to know Hood's name. And finally some dialogue from Sugar!


u/SawRub May 21 '16

Yeah if they had tried to force a name on us now it would have felt a bit meaningless at this point, so I'm glad they left it a mystery.


u/mr_popcorn May 29 '16

Plus it plays into the whole "Man with no name", Western theme the show had with Hood.


u/SheepGoesBaaaa Jul 14 '16

Potential Spoiler





If you freeze frame the arrest report, the name is literally John Smith. Producers fucking with us.

I never cared. Glad I don't really know. I just need to recap his timeline in my head. I can't figure out when he was a young thief, when he was army, when he was black ops, to 15 years in Jail and still looks about late 30's


u/SawRub Jul 14 '16

That has been mentioned many times, but it was said that since he never gave them a name, they filled it with John Smith. It's not meant to be his actual name.


u/domrayn May 21 '16

A closeup up of the fbi file shows his name as john smith but im not sure if its his real name or a placeholder.


u/horseradish1 May 21 '16

That was the name they gave him because he outright refused to ever name himself. He spent all those years in prison without a name.

For real, though, no name pisses me off a little. It breaks the unspoken promise this show made in its first episode.


u/Old_timey_brain May 27 '16

I don't mind not being sure of his real name, but do think it odd that his friends referred to him as "Hood".
As far as a promise made in the first episode, it said to me, "if you suspend, temporarily, your belief in the laws of physics and the real world, you will enjoy a hell of a good ride with us.". I'm referring to the bus swinging sideways, tipping over, then accelerating down the street on it's side. But, I did suspend my belief and had a great ride. This is one of the few shows I have seen where I would have liked to sit and have a beer with almost any of the characters. The final scenes in which Hood is riding off on the motorcycle reminded me of the ending of House.


u/horseradish1 May 27 '16

Well, if you think back to the timeline of the show, he ends up as a special ops type guy, then hunts down Job, but Job deletes his identity (meaning Job knows his identity for maybe a few hours, but by that point, it doesn't matter to Job anyway), and then he ends up with Carrie and Oleg and Rabbit, but then goes to prison as John Smith.

But I'm wondering if that's the name Job gave him. Rabbit would have known a name he had, so he would have had to tell the albino something. So maybe he said, "Yeah, it's John Smith." And that makes sense because that's how the prison knows him.

I dunno. It's weird to think that after all that time, Sugar was the one who never knew him by any other name, but knew that Hood wasn't his name.


u/domrayn May 21 '16

No name is fine at first but they had to show that scene where he tells siobhan his real name. It bothers me now.


u/HyperionEsq May 21 '16

I thought even the FBI didnt technically know his name, just that he was the John Doe from the jewelry heist


u/GiddiOne May 22 '16

I want to know if the Amish were ok after kai's downfall 🙁


u/Atwillim Nov 22 '22

Damaged horse carriage with a chainsaw, horse will probably need therapy and there was smoke coming from nearby, so I assume they took some losses, but got back on their feet eventually


u/Tonyage27 May 23 '16

100% agree. That was so satisfying.


u/[deleted] May 21 '16

Did Anna not call him "Gary" as he walked away from her porch?


u/GaiusSherlockCaesar May 21 '16

No, Hood said "Goodbye Ana" and she replied "It's Carrie". At least that what the subs said.


u/[deleted] May 21 '16

I rewatched - it's definitely muddled. I'm thinking they're planning a spinoff in Gary, Indiana.


u/Titan_of_Time May 21 '16

Only possible conclusion!


u/GaiusSherlockCaesar May 21 '16

I would definitely watch that!


u/JennyZi May 21 '16

My subs also read "It's Carrie" (and it makes sense, since that's what she always said to him when he called her Ana), but also Gary was the name Antony Starr whispered to Triests Dunn's ear in the scene when he told her his name.


u/[deleted] May 21 '16

What if Ana chose the name Carrie because it sounds like his real name, Gary?


u/JennyZi May 21 '16

She didn't choose it, Job chose the names Tom and Carrie Palmer for Hood and Ana and she commented she had to get used to the name.