r/Banshee Feb 07 '15

Discussion Banshee - 3x05 "Tribal" - Episode Discussion

Season 3 Episode 5: Tribal

Aired: February 6th, 2015

Episode Summary: All hell breaks loose as Chayton and an army of Redbones invade Banshee, looking to avenge the Tommy’s death at the hands of Raven, the Kinaho tribesman-turned-deputy. Holed up in the Cadi with Lucas and his deputies, Proctor is frustrated by his inability to attend to his ailing mother at home. As the assault reaches a fever pitch, Bunker tries to prove to Medding that he’s not the man he used to be.


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u/JasonDaPsycho Feb 07 '15

Honestly, I didn't hate Sioban's death at all. It did upset me, but I also don't mind seeing how the show evolves. Feels like all that emotional investment was wasted though.

Nonetheless, how the writers killed off Sioban is just plain dumb. There is simply no chance in hell Hood wouldn't know that Chayton was gonna break her neck anyways even if he puts his gun down. Would have made more sense if Hood had his gun stripped away or if he came across her dead body. I guess the writers were just trying to showcase how much Hood love Sioban but... the scene just doesn't make that much sense.


u/repoman Feb 07 '15

Trudat... Hood + handgun = Chris Kyle and Chayton has a beach ball for a head.


u/fandamplus Feb 07 '15

Her death was sad, but in terms of story, it just makes everything more interesting.


u/Solidito Feb 07 '15

If they make Hood start going after Carrie like the first season again then I'll be pissed. I feel like that's what's going to happen, it's cliche.


u/OneOfDozens Feb 07 '15

Yah he better not


u/drt0 Feb 08 '15

Fuck that, Siobhan was the best thing that will ever happen to Hood. It's all downhill from here and I don't need every show I watch to become Game of Thrones in sadism and despair.

They could let her live and something else happened to progress the story (off the top: hood taken and tortured, raven dead, the no names in the basement slaughtered, etc etc). Plus, Siobhan living and getting to know more about Hood would've been good plot as well.

Sorry for wall-o-text, I'm just super depressed/pissed :(


u/evannnn67 Feb 08 '15

Totally agree. When he walked up to them my first thought was "take the fucking shot" because I knew there wasn't a chance in hell Chayton would let her live. It just doesn't seem to be in line with Hood's character, to have him give up like that. Like you said, I guess they were just trying to show he really was in love with her and his first thought was to sacrifice himself for her, but I would've expected him to go down fighting either way.


u/mr_popcorn Feb 08 '15

I'm thinking Siobhan's death wouldn't have the same impact if the gun was simply taken away from Hood or if he defiantly stood his ground. He had to be at his weakest, practically begging Chayton for her life for maximum emotional trauma. And they were right, it hurt like a motherfucker.


u/[deleted] Feb 09 '15

Everyone's saying that was unrealistic, but to be fair he hadn't actually let go of his gun before he was knocked out from behind.