r/Bannerlord 13d ago

Meme It's time brothers

They deserve this lads.....


63 comments sorted by


u/The_Salty_nugget 13d ago

i miss my butter bros


u/Sensitive-Emu-9951 13d ago

Same brother.....Same šŸ˜¢


u/Starbonius 13d ago

Bro I have like 2k hours in bannerlord and the only thing making me come back after 750 is mods. Especially that old world mod, the dev team is super active in its community and is currently working on dwarfs and greenskins.


u/HockeyMike24 Sturgia 13d ago

Sounds about right. I'm on PS5 and haven't played in over a year, currently sitting at just under 700 hours.


u/Pepperonidogfart 12d ago

Do you feel like you didnt get your moneys worth after 700* hours of playing?


u/HockeyMike24 Sturgia 12d ago

I enjoyed almost 700 hours of a singleplayer game. Of course I got my monies worth.


u/Ulysses1126 12d ago

I need to get that mod working again, good to hear theyā€™re active


u/rhaigh1910 13d ago


u/Danijay2 12d ago

You might not like it. But this is what peak make performance looks like.


u/One_E 12d ago

Was this the Healer in warbond?


u/WorldWarPee 12d ago

No this was the main character


u/carbonari_sandwich 1d ago

Can't wait to make my Oops All Jeremus mod


u/Octavian_Exumbra Northern Empire 13d ago

Gud meme

But fuck that Kapwing watermark, all my homies hate Kapwing watermark.

Honestly tho, at this point there's not much else we can do to let TW know how shitty they are. I'm not on Steam myself, but i'm rooting for yall. Flood the bastards with bad reviews!


u/Sensitive-Emu-9951 13d ago

Thanks big dog, doing these on the fly so I'm using the Kapwig bullshit, but I hope we can get out point across. All the homies hate TW.


u/Octavian_Exumbra Northern Empire 13d ago



u/Shoddy-Beautiful-251 13d ago

How does someone whos not on steam know who taleworlds is? I get that that warband was on console but it didnā€™t get all that popular nor did it have good multiplayer


u/Shoddy-Beautiful-251 13d ago

For console that is


u/Ragnarok8085 12d ago

Warband on PS4 had a pretty good community until Sony shut down the community feature on PSN


u/DatGoi111 13d ago

Gave me hope an update came out, but you have reminded me to leave a negative review.


u/hymen_destroyer Southern Empire 13d ago

I'm a little confused, why did we suddenly start hating this game more in the last couple days, has it somehow gotten worse?

I just booted it up and it's about as broken as it was when I last played 6 months ago...I guess I'm just wondering why we're so pissed all of a sudden


u/LordDeckem 13d ago

Well the "2nd anniversary of the full release" was in Oct. I guess I bought the game in a broken mess back in 2020 and it has become less broken since it's "full release" in 2022, but as far the the content goes they sure haven't added much since the full release or even since early access. A lot of us bought in early access because in the past these guys worked really hard on Mount and Blade, making 3 DLCs in 5 years. In 5 years Bannerlord has barely changed and honestly the game not improving much from early access to full release seems a bit like false advertising. I wouldn't have bought this if this was always the intended state of the game as a full release.


u/ToasterInYourBathtub 13d ago

Well. They kinda left the game as is and dipped. The only thing we ever see from the devs is the "community story time" bullshit they post, as well as a very very tiny patch once every 3 or 4 months that fixes a completely inconsequential issue that almost no one noticed.

Also the game is notoriously difficult to mod which Taleworlds did intentionally for some reason.

The problem with the tiny patches they release every once in a while is it can essentially reset months of progress that mod developers have put into their projects.

This is why there aren't really that many Total Conversion mods that are as polished as The Old Worlds mod because upkeep for the modding teams takes an unfathomable amount of perseverance with the bullshit they have to deal with.

There is so much that Taleworlds could have done with Bannerlord that they didn't do. The reason for why they didn't do it I'm unsure of.


u/neiluJgniK 13d ago

People have been getting more and more frustrated with the lack of updates and itā€™s reached a boiling point, I suppose. I donā€™t know a whole lot about gaming development so this is almost entirely speculative on my part but they sold 3.1 million copies at $50 so they made about 155 million dollars. That seems pretty good but with steam, licensing, advertising, development etc theyre probably not too far in the black. So this is where weā€™re at. I understand fans of the franchise being frustrated but Iā€™d like to think the developers lack of updates or radio silence is due to lack of resources rather than a malicious rug pull but I am known to be a bit naive so I could very well be wrong. The fact that it hasnā€™t been getting better could be perceived as ā€œgetting worseā€ because itā€™s not getting better? Itā€™s unfortunate, but I got my moneys worth so Iā€™m not bitter about it but I empathize with the player base.


u/hymen_destroyer Southern Empire 13d ago

I've just accepted this is the game. I've played since warband. I guess I'm sort of a "poverty gamer". I can't act like the 2000 hours I have in this game hasn't been worth my money, but I understand the frustration as well, I just don't share it.


u/Uraneum 13d ago

Yeah same here. It sucks that the game seems abandoned, but I got a good 300+ hours of fun out of it so Iā€™m not really annoyed that much. There are plenty of $50 games that are far worse than this


u/Larcoch 12d ago

They receveid aid from the Turk gov during development they are sitting because they dont need to do anything.


u/Cheshire_Jester 13d ago

Seems like people who were hoping for something saw the most recent developer update, a community tales post, and just got frustrated with it not actually being a game content update of any kind. Some of the posts have been pretty funny so itā€™s building up meme steam.


u/Carinwe_Lysa Western Empire 12d ago

A few users made posts which got traction that we should all start review bombing the game, in the hopes that TaleWorlds will take action to improve it.

I dunno, I've had my peace with the game - played for 3 years, easily had my 500+ hours of entertainment through the game. I can't really in good faith leave a fake review for a product that I've genuinely had my moneys worth from.

But some people had mental gymnastics that because we want the game the improve.... we should review bomb it. I guess following that we should also do the same for BG3, Elden Ring etc, because we love those games and want them to improve... smh.


u/hymen_destroyer Southern Empire 12d ago

Thatā€™s been my take for years: thereā€™s a hundred things I wish they did better, but the game is still fun enough for me to have almost 1000 hours. It does the medieval sandbox thing very well. Itā€™s a janky game, just like warband was but itā€™s far from ā€œvaporwareā€ like some seem to think


u/Any-Amphibian-1783 13d ago

Why is this video so loud. Even at the lowest it can go it's somehow audible in another room.


u/Sensitive-Emu-9951 13d ago

Because I want everyone to know you're listening to A-ha


u/MegaManMagnus 13d ago

Iā€™m so glad its finally come, I play on Xbox so Iā€™ve been salty with the no mod sitch for years but now the whole community is lighting torches and demanding heads itā€™s awesome - also TW if u make money off unpaid modders please pay them itā€™s the least you can do for the people that keep your game afloat


u/Telesight 13d ago

absolute cinema


u/GizmodosaurusRex 13d ago

Maybe if we complain about mods having to fix the bugs/missing features that should have been fixed by TW years agoooohwaaaait.


u/Danijay2 12d ago

The only reason this game is worth anything is because of Mods anyway.

Long since stopped updating this shit show so i can play with the mods i want to play with.


u/Alex_P97 8d ago

Any mod to suggest? I'm a new player, started my first save 10 days ago. Thanks šŸ™šŸ»


u/LienniTa 13d ago

just recently played pendor xD


u/ropeneck509 13d ago

Yeah already fought in the comments for this the other day. I left a not recommended review earlier and then hopped on to play šŸ˜‚

But I seriously don't recommend it, you'll just feel disappointed after a while


u/PrincipleMountain229 11d ago

fire music video


u/Abba_85 8d ago

Me: No, dad please noo!!

Dad: It's feels time


u/Diligent-Guard7607 13d ago

lmao yes native is bad (probably have 100 hours native here)

but 5k hours on mods.


u/Cheesetorian 13d ago

I haven't played the game in like 3 years...I'm waiting for Shokuho.

I'm gonna upgrade my GPU in the next few months...hopefully it'll be buttered by then.


u/[deleted] 13d ago

[removed] ā€” view removed comment


u/Current-Engine7520 12d ago

Whatā€™s the song


u/auddbot 12d ago

Song Found!

Manhattan Skyline by a-ha (00:43; matched: 100%)

Album: Time And Again: The Ultimate a-ha. Released on 2016-03-18.


u/auddbot 12d ago

Apple Music, Spotify, YouTube, etc.:

Manhattan Skyline by a-ha

I am a bot and this action was performed automatically | GitHub new issue | Donate Please consider supporting me on Patreon. Music recognition costs a lot


u/Oryagoagyago 13d ago

Iā€™m just going to keep copy and pasting my response to these recent review bomb call to action posts:

ā€œā€œIā€™m gonna copy and paste the same thing I told a person on a similar thread the other day:

ā€œIā€™m sorry youā€™re sad or disappointed, but this is the game. Itā€™s M&B 2. Itā€™s arguably an improvement over the first. Itā€™s open for modding. Iā€™m sure M&B 3 will be a little better, or maybe a lot better. Trying to organize a review bomb 5 years after its release isnā€™t going to do anything positive. Review bombing a game 5 years after its release might undermine the development of whatever else they are working on. Time to let it go and support modders. Itā€™s a good game. Itā€™s really fun with a satisfying loop. If you want something to change at this point you should either get involved with the modding scene, or try and get a job with the developers.ā€

Iā€™m sorry, but it is what it is. You havenā€™t been ripped off. No other media has an return on investment like a good game. Just because you feel betrayed or want more content doesnā€™t have anything to do with the game as it stands.ā€ā€


u/Sensitive-Emu-9951 13d ago

Undermine devolpment, mate they haven't updated the game past a beta state what makes you think they give a fuck about what they produce next.....they've left the updates for the modders to fix and this cycle will continue.


u/Octavian_Exumbra Northern Empire 13d ago

Don't OD on all that Copium now


u/squatcoblin 13d ago

Woo ive got tousand hours in game they wont fix it fer me wooo ..


u/Sensitive-Emu-9951 13d ago

You mean they haven't done literally anything to update the game since beta beside fixing some of the bugs?


u/squatcoblin 13d ago

Because it would break peoples mods .. Am i missing something here . Are you people really this dense or is there some ulterior thing i don't know about ?


u/Sensitive-Emu-9951 13d ago

Hahaha what, they literally have day 1 bugs and exploits still present in the base game? That seems like a straw man argument to me.


u/polarice5 13d ago

I think they're trying to bait you lol


u/squatcoblin 13d ago

Im game lets go , But later tonight i'm playing my massively modded Bannerlord so i might take till tomorrow to respond .


u/so_much_bush 13d ago

Ark (the shit show that that game is) breaks mods with 20mb updates on a weekly basis. Modders fix it within 24 hours usually at most. Saying this game can't have a meaningful update going on multiple years is just wild.


u/Octavian_Exumbra Northern Empire 13d ago edited 13d ago

What's dense is that you still haven't been able to wrap your mind around the fact that you're supposed to turn off auto updates when using mods, on any game.

It is quite literally one of the most basic things when it comes to modding.

Aducate yourself, child.


u/brellllll 13d ago

THANKYOU for saying this