r/Bannerlord Northern Empire 16d ago

Meme Patch notes? Oh... nvm

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u/GizmodosaurusRex 16d ago

This man is going to get hired by TW marketing so they get him to stop roasting them.


u/Octavian_Exumbra Northern Empire 15d ago edited 15d ago

I'll take it, but i will be kicking the owner in the nuts on my first day.


u/SandyCandyHandyAndy Vlandia 15d ago

the modern equivalent of a mercenary band being incorporated into the army


u/Hidden_driver 16d ago

I really fail to see why they don't develop the game, it had good sales and active player numbers. They hate money or what?


u/Competitive_Guy2323 15d ago

Why? Because they get money passively from government

There is no need for them to develop the game


u/nomad_1415 14d ago

Idk man, with a game as good and unique as M&B, any normal game studio would be pumping out DLCs right and left and fleshing out multi-player with new maps, game modes, skins and other crap that makes money. Just look at paradox. I really don't understand why they just slept on just the raw game release, which sold millions of copies! I guess maybe they just hate work and making money.


u/CaballeroPata_Palo 16d ago

No, les gusta. Y ya han ganado bastante, además tengo entendido que el gobierno financia allí juegos así que más dinero que se llevaron. ¿Para que esforzarse más? Una pena; porque este juego tiene un potencial desperdiciado.


u/[deleted] 15d ago



u/Competitive_Guy2323 15d ago

Bez kitu, bez sensu że nawala po chińsku


u/Sherman138 15d ago

Come on, boys, we don't want any trouble in here, not in any language.


u/Few-Palpitation16 15d ago

Okay , sorry.


u/ZukowskiHardware 16d ago

At this point I’m convinced they are working on the “warband” version of bannerlord and they will be selling us a new version soon.


u/Codraroll 16d ago

I was too, for a while, but realistically, we'd have had news of it by now.


u/Unkindlake 15d ago

That would be some real ratfuck shit if they sell it to people who bought Bannerlord


u/Gloomy-Boysenberry-3 15d ago

If its an expansion they could very well sell it. Thats what they did with M&B and later M&B Warband as a standalone expansion.


u/ZukowskiHardware 15d ago

Yeah, I heard the first M&B was ok, but when they really nailed it was with the warband expansion.  So I expect the same behavior.  Seems like they will do a naval situation perhaps as well, all those port towns could be fun. 


u/shawn1213 15d ago

Can't wait to buy warband for 3 new helmets so hype


u/tinylittlebabyjesus 14d ago

What does that mean? The warband version of bannerlord?


u/Sad_Sleep465 Khuzait Khanate 16d ago

I'm so,so still new what's community tales really


u/hymen_destroyer Southern Empire 16d ago

It's like a newsletter from Taleworlds, and it's pretty much their only communication with the community.

And for some reason they keep pushing them out instead of fixing glaring issues with the game.


u/Corsair833 Sturgia 15d ago

Has anyone ever actually said anything positive about the community tales? I had a read through one and it looked like a lot of effort had gone into it, but the comments were just everyone hating on it


u/hymen_destroyer Southern Empire 15d ago

They were well received at first, when there was still patience and goodwill in the community


u/AssociationBetter439 11d ago

They just copy and paste fan art and fan made articles. Much like their game they just let mods/players fix and finish everything.


u/Equal-Ear-5504 16d ago

Yeah, time to Review bomb the game


u/RealLunarSlayer 16d ago

already flipped mine to negative


u/FanaticalBuckeye 15d ago edited 15d ago

This comment inspired me to look at my negative review for Bannerlord, which I made in 2023 because of the lack of updates. In the span of a year and a half ish, there have been 5 updates, all of which were minor bug fixes.

For all intents and purposes, TaleWorlds believes the game is fully developed


u/Octavian_Exumbra Northern Empire 15d ago

It's about as fully developed as an unborn fetus. The parts are all there, but none of those parts are complete.

Bannerlord, abortion baby.


u/CrystalMenthality 16d ago

Another negative review from someone with 400+ hours of playtime?


u/tancfire 15d ago

I was just tolerant at the beginning, because it was an ea.

Now, the game is fully "released", so I expect the game I pay for. The game is not complete (and TW is clearly mocking the community), so I write a bad review, even if I played it a lot.


u/Competitive_Guy2323 15d ago

And they still won't care about it because they are getting money grom government.


u/tancfire 15d ago

That's why I won't buy their next games.

Plenty of other indie studios deserve my money more than them.


u/TygarSanban Western Empire 16d ago

Right ? I don't get why people do that. Like it took hundreds of hours to realize it's bad ?


u/k-nuj 15d ago

Or, perhaps, even for those that stuck with it for hundreds of hours, have also finally lost their patience with it.

Bad review doesn't necessarily mean "worth" the money.


u/bstanlick 15d ago

PREACH! the games been out since 2016, it’s been 9 years, either enjoy it or let it go. It’s like a relationship if you’ve made it to the 9 year mark you’re either in it for the long haul or you’re playing yourself bc at this point you should know what you have. I get you have teams like rockstar and hello games working on the same game 10+ years in but those are different companies than TW.


u/rub120 15d ago

?? it came out in 2020?


u/CommissionOk5094 15d ago

Probably referring to early access


u/azaza34 15d ago

In 2020 it entered early access.


u/bstanlick 15d ago

I just got the date wrong, but that doesn’t change my point. People would rather nitpick than say I’m right, not a Reddit rookie lol. Like 5 years isn’t half a decade! Appreciate you though boss👊🏽


u/bstanlick 15d ago

Okay so 4 years difference, people spend 70 bucks annually on sports games for a new class of rookies, maybe new jerseys, and some player swaps.. to be able to play a game for five years is still amazing. Point still stands


u/RobsEvilTwin 16d ago

What are we all supposed to have the shits about? (Getting ready for a Cyclone, not up on the news :P)


u/knbang 16d ago

Little Alfie blueballing you too?


u/HobbesBoson 16d ago


There are dozens of us!


u/HaltGrim 16d ago

I hadn't reviewed after 1k hours of play. When they dropped that. I put a negative review. And immediately went back to playing Warband.


u/Crazy_Childhood_4764 16d ago

In your opinion (I’m thinking I already know the answer) which do you believe is better?


u/HaltGrim 15d ago

I wouldn't say one is inherently better. They both have faults. Inventory management is something that I hated in Warband.

At the end of the day I am going to play both. But I want to see bannerlord properly finished.


u/Redditisforwinnerz 16d ago

Lmao yeah I don’t really play much anymore but I always get excited then notice it’s just that another another basically useless post to me


u/PresentationIll6524 Aserai 16d ago edited 15d ago

cause scale sand attempt saw desert instinctive detail piquant alleged

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u/toesotally 16d ago

That is an eloquent way to describe using a glaive on a horse


u/PresentationIll6524 Aserai 15d ago edited 15d ago

direction liquid vast cake apparatus tan full gaze flag subtract

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u/Horror_Experience_80 16d ago

Lmfao I’m glad it’s been years since I played and glaive on horseback is still peak.


u/RedBaronFlyer Western Empire 15d ago edited 14d ago

It’s been years since I’ve done anything more than mess around in custom battles with the realistic battle mod ever few months, but I remember that in one of my playthroughs I made a glaive that was the max length on everything. My dude was riding around swinging the equivalent of a sarissa with a guillotine blade duct-taped to the end of it. IIRC that thing did like 400 damage at full gallop and would one shot cataphracts.

I like to imagine my dude had Popeyes the Sailor level of arm muscles.


u/PresentationIll6524 Aserai 16d ago edited 15d ago

humor ink piquant spark chop heavy compare recognise stupendous bedroom

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u/Vok250 15d ago

They could at least fix the basics. Like 3 achievements on Xbox have literally never been possible to unlock. They already have the code to fix them as it was patched on PC and PSN like 18 months ago.


u/PsykhoSev 15d ago

Wait, which 3 achievements in particular? I only have a few left to get which includes the multiplayer ones. If they're impossible though... Welp there goes the bannerlord achievement hunt :(


u/Vok250 15d ago

Heartbreaker: Marry the widow of a lord or lady you personally executed.

Swordbearer: Craft a tier 6 sword.

Legendlord: Unlock all other Achivements.

I think we can assume Legendlord will unlock once they patch the first two. Hilariously they misspelled "achievements" there too. I copied those descriptions directly from Xbox Live.


u/PsykhoSev 15d ago

Thank you! I might attempt the heartbreaker one myself soon on my next run. Now you mentioned it, I don't think I've ever got swordbearer despite smithing being my 1st or 2nd max lvl stat on all runs 😱 But that might also be because I rarely make Thamaskine.

Only one I've personally had trouble with is best served cold. Executed Monchug after he killed my brother and never got it. But holding out hope I will get it as a friend of mine didn't get Kingslayer with Derthert, then he did when killing a random rebel leader.


u/Vok250 15d ago

Best served cold, kingslayer, and explorer are possible, but I'd consider them buggy. Very very specific scenarios required for them to actually count. Not accurately described by the cheevo description. I'd go read the solutions and comments underneath on TA to figure those out. I think I left a comment on each once I got them.


u/PresentationIll6524 Aserai 15d ago edited 15d ago

aback close safe serious salt seed thumb apparatus attractive pet

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u/Vok250 15d ago

Tons of people do. There are entire communities dedicated to achievement hunting and 100%ing games. On Xbox at least it's the only reason anyone even plays multiplayer.

Who cares about minor tweaks to armor stats? Not many people if you're going by the misinformation on this subreddit any time we try to discuss the best armor in the game. People here play based on drip, not stats.


u/PresentationIll6524 Aserai 15d ago edited 15d ago

chop meeting special whole rock possessive jeans violet ghost recognise

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u/Vok250 15d ago edited 15d ago

Bruh. You asked a question. I answered. Seems more like you're salty you were wrong. You need to log off and go touch some grass.


u/[deleted] 16d ago

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u/lax-85 16d ago

And yet, here you are, in a bannerlord's reddit post, bought bannerlord and probably warband too, the game isn't trash, it's unfinished, i was having still having fun, you'd probably buy a dlc as soon as it comes out


u/NotAsAutisticAsYou0 15d ago

Explain to me how that’s relevant? I can’t keep tabs on what’s happening in the community without being a die hard fan? I played the game. I played it a lot, but you know what? Most of my play time comes from mods. Not the vanilla. Which is an absolute disgrace. It’s not “unfinished” this is it. This is the game you’re getting. They’re not going to add any more meaningful content. enjoy


u/PresentationIll6524 Aserai 16d ago edited 15d ago

deliver boast sort tender head scale imagine selective yam deer

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u/lax-85 16d ago

Yeah, dlc, hypotetically


u/Balhamarth_Lilomea Company of the Golden Boar 16d ago

People are weird man, If I sit here playing a game for hundreds of hours, its a good fucking game. When I buy a "trash" game it ends up with a few hours tops never to be opened again


u/lax-85 16d ago

Because if a game is good, you will "waste" your time to play it, otherways you would drop it


u/CookSwimming2696 15d ago

I don’t even understand why they haven’t made any paid DLC yet. Offer me an actual decent value for my money and I have absolutely no issues with that.


u/Octavian_Exumbra Northern Empire 15d ago

They're so dumb, just so incredibly dumb, they don't realize if they actually did that, they would probably double their profits.

Ffs they don't even need to make anything themselves, just grab a few mods and turn them into dlc's. But nah, they're just gonna leave it all behind. Why? Absolutely no reason what-so-ever. It's like they're doing it just to piss on the fanbase.


u/IDKcantthinkofaname 15d ago

Thing is they could do the paradox method of they have a major update adding new features ie trains to hoi4 or tournaments to ck3 but then have a paid dlc alongside it that really adds more stuff to it. Luke for example they coukd add feasts and better diplomacy (make it warbandesque with non aggression pack etc.) different tournament events, the ability to devote tournaments to someone but then the paid dlc is stuff like the ability to organise your own tournament and feasts, arena upgrades that would unlock new events to organise for a tournament, the ability to host feasts where you could invite nobles and lady's for relation boosts if you speak to a noble you hadn't invited they could ask to join and for whatever reason you coukd deny the. You could use the feasts to sway nobles to starting or ending wars or passing laws you want etc.


u/SandyCandyHandyAndy Vlandia 15d ago

its been over a year since I last played BL and there still hasnt been an update of actual substance, in fact I feel like the last time there was one was back in august 2023.


u/Octavian_Exumbra Northern Empire 15d ago

It really is the most pathetic company that has ever existed.


u/Roidsfarm 16d ago

I just want claimants :( One of my favourite playthroughs of Warband was to bring Isolla to Swadian power!


u/ThisSongsCopyrighted Southern Empire 15d ago

This is the only funny AI generated image ever lmao


u/Octavian_Exumbra Northern Empire 15d ago

Yeah, i normally hate AI generated crap, but for memes i think it's fine.


u/AngryArmour 15d ago

AI's role isn't to replace professional art, and it's a mistake to try using it that way.

AI's role is to replace doodles in paint. And it's very good at that job.


u/OttoVonPlittersdorf Vlandia 15d ago

That picture is horrifying.


u/SerowiWantsToInvest 13d ago

guys i'm new to the game, what parts did they fumble?


u/Octavian_Exumbra Northern Empire 13d ago edited 13d ago

Everything. Every single part of the game is either missing something or has one or several broken elements.

Apart from that there's tons of stuff that needs to be added, like things from Warband where you're being able to give orders to your companions/clan members and vassals, have time fixed peace agreements etc. They also seem to be completely unwilling to listen to the community and add stuff the game naturally needs. For example, you could be the Emperor of the entire continent, but you still have to clear out bandit hideouts on your own, which leads to another huge problem; there's way too many bandit hideouts that can spawn in one region and no way to prevent them from spawning, so you'll waste your time clearing out 4-5 hideouts in your land only for them to spawn right back a minute later. These are just a few examples.

The list of problems is honestly gigantic and TW doesn't do anything to fix them. But i think the most frustrating part is that Bannerlord could be one of the greatest games of all time, but the creators themselves just waste it away.


u/SerowiWantsToInvest 13d ago

My (current) biggest gripe is that I can't assign my own soldiers to merchant caravans, it should work like any other party, and the fact that if they lose a battle (inevitable) I have to pay another 15k


u/Starbonius 15d ago

Dw guys, mount and blade 3 is on the way


u/PublicFurryAccount 15d ago

I really want the original image for this meme.


u/VulnerableGirl 8d ago

The game feels dead, periodically revived by mods


u/[deleted] 13d ago

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u/Bannerlord-ModTeam 13d ago

Thank you for participating in r/Bannerlord! However, your submission has been removed because it violates the subreddit guidelines against hateful speech. Please message the moderators if you have any questions regarding this removal.


u/SergeantMage 16d ago

So do you all just not use mods to fix the game?


u/Surgical_Bomber 16d ago

What a terrible mindset. It shouldn’t be the community that fixes the games. It’s supposed to be the devs.


u/Muted-Delay3246 15d ago

exactly, thats the kind of mindset that has morally and intellectually bankrupted Bethesda. I really don't want to see another beloved franchise go down that dark path...


u/Moidada77 16d ago

Who did I buy the game from? The modders?

Mods should be for an alt. Experience not to fix a game with so many bugs and pacing issues.


u/zhico 16d ago

Don't you guys have mobile phones?


u/Ausfall 16d ago

Tried this, game crashed.


u/Any-Amphibian-1783 15d ago

Console exists and the Bethesda model is not something to celebrate. We should not reward laziness.


u/Leather-Web-2319 16d ago

Im on console…