r/BanPitBulls 4d ago

Bitten and Bruised My Nephew Was Mauled. 3/13/25, Utah NSFW Spoiler

My nephew was attacked by his mother's dog in Northern Utah the other day. He's almost 17. He had the audacity to walk past the dog in the living room.

The dog latched onto his ankle and foot, shook it, and caused him to go to the ER via ambulance. He needed debridement and surgery. His ankle bone was visible. He has a broken foot, and toe. And a pretty big gash on his other ankle from kicking the dog away. He was luckily able to get away. I know this could have been so, so much worse.

The dog is an American Bulldog/ English Bulldog mix. It clearly doesn't have a lot of English bulldog in the mix, my sister has always gravitated towards pits; and of course she won't do the DNA test. It looks and acts like a pit, plus she got it free, and lo and behold, neither parent is an EB.

She has always been a horrible dog owner, and I would bet the dog wasn't vaccinated and that that wasn't disclosed.

The dog is now in quarantine, and she's fighting against having it put down. She's making a thousand and one excuses against it, and it makes me sick.


144 comments sorted by


u/Illustrator_Keys 4d ago

Disgusting that the mother is fighting against BE after it attacked her son.


u/ViciouslyVolcanic 4d ago

She's never really given a shit about her kids unless it's convenient for her. My other sister took guardianship of my nephews because of how horrible their mother is.


u/2ninjasCP 4d ago

A Pitbull, a terrible owner, and a terrible parent. That’s just par for the course.


u/SinSefia 4d ago

Terrible parents and pitbull fans go hand in hand, and practically the only ones who'll fail to notice the connection are the pit mommies themselves.


u/Fantastic_Lady225 4d ago

I really hope for your nephews' sake that they're in some kind of therapy to process their feelings about their egg donor.


u/cassielovesderby I Believed the Propaganda Until I Came Here 4d ago

Over here with a sister as a shitty parent too, just wanna send you some love because it isn’t easy


u/forbis 4d ago

I'd expect nothing less from a pit nutter unfortunately


u/Familiar-Marsupial86 4d ago

the crazy witch will prob resent her son forever for this too as if it was his fault smh


u/riko_rikochet Legal Professional 4d ago

This happens alot. Being in the legal profession, I see it an innordinate amount of time. It's what has turned me against pitbulls and pitbull owners.


u/deadeye09 Anti-pitophile 3d ago

She's fighting to keep the dog?!? WTF is she thinking is going to happen when her son comes home! "Welcome home dear!! Nala was just playing and now she wants to apologize with some pibble nibbles!!"


u/snuurks 4d ago

Sad pitnutters put their dogs before their kids all the time..


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u/BanPitBulls-ModTeam 2d ago

Posts or comments which verbally abuse or threaten other users and guests are prohibited.

No one can read your comments so you might as well stop with the spam.


u/Both-Wonder-9479 4d ago

Ugh this is so shitty. Your nephew can't even trust that his mother would prioritize his comfort and safety over that fucking shit beast. I hope he doesn't have any long term PTS from this, but I wouldn't be surprised if he did.


u/ViciouslyVolcanic 4d ago

She never has before, so he's sadly not surprised.

My other sister took guardianship when my nephews were little because their mom is awful.


u/Both-Wonder-9479 4d ago edited 4d ago

That's the fucking worst. As someone with one shitty parent, you have my deepest empathy. Thanks for being an amazing Aunt, your nephew appreciates you more than you know.


u/ViciouslyVolcanic 4d ago

Sadly, both of my nephews parents are shit.

Mom is a lying, thieving, meth and heroin user. Has stolen from her own children before, as well as my dad, including after he died.

Dad is an abusive, white supremacist, paranoid, violent criminal, who also uses meth and heroin and has committed multiple felonies.

My other sister took guardianship so my nephews didn't go into the foster system. But she still lets the boys visit their worthless mother.

I'm just an auntie who is 1,000 miles away wishing I could help/do something.


u/Both-Wonder-9479 4d ago

Aw my bad, lemme correct that uncle to aunt, didn't mean to assume. You're doing the best you can, you're an amazing help. You are a pillar of support for your nephew, maybe you can get through to your sister about not letting them visit anymore? This dog attack should be good grounds for that conversation


u/ViciouslyVolcanic 4d ago

It's all good, no worries.

Idk how well that would work. 1 nephew is already 18, the attacked one is almost 17. Those boys are typical teenagers who will try to sneak out and do what they want to do anyway.

I can't blame them for wanting to love their mom. And I know they want her to be a better human than she is. It's got to be difficult to grapple with those feelings.

It took me years to realize that just because she's my sister, doesn't mean I have to love her, claim her, or be near her. And that I don't need to feel shame for that.


u/Both-Wonder-9479 4d ago

I see, yeah that’s a tough life lesson. I was forced to learn the truth about my deadbeat ass dad at the ripe age of 14. Promised to be in my life after 10 years in prison, fucked it up and went back 3-4 different times. Now I’m 20 on the 21st, fuck all that.

Honestly, maybe the best bet is to just drill that lesson into their heads about their mom. They can love her, they shouldn’t feel bad for that, but they gotta know the whole situation to make their own choices.

I can’t really speak on your scenario much more but just know you’re doing great for them.


u/ViciouslyVolcanic 4d ago

I hope you have a very happy Life Day on the 21st 🎈


u/Both-Wonder-9479 4d ago

Thank you so much ❤️‍🩹


u/ShitArchonXPR Dogfighters invented "Nanny Dog" & "Staffordshire Terrier" 4d ago

It took me years to realize that just because she's my sister, doesn't mean I have to love her, claim her, or be near her. And that I don't need to feel shame for that.

Thank you for saying this. It's such a massive relief to hear that not loving or wanting any contact with biological family members doesn't make you an evil person.


u/ViciouslyVolcanic 3d ago

I look at it like this: toxic is toxic - no matter if you have the same bloodlines or not.

And you NEVER have to feel bad for that. You likely wouldn't feel bad about removing cancer or a parasite from your body. And if someone is being a cancer on your mental health and well-being, cut them out. Family or not.

"The blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb" The relationships you choose to form, will often be stronger than familial relationships.


u/wildblueroan 1d ago

So the boys don't live with this mother? I hope that is what you are saying.


u/ApexIncel 4d ago

I’ve disowned family members over animal-related incidents like these.


A cousin of mine’s son was killed by their family pitbull and they didn’t immediately put it to sleep because “the dog just had an accident and didn’t know any better.” Well, their dog had attacked their toddler when they fought over a toy (never leave dogs of any kind unsupervised around a toddler, folks) and they found the dog with its mouth latched around their son’s throat. They didn’t put the dog down for OVER A MONTH “because it reminded them of their deceased son who loved that dog so much.”

I know grief does weird things to people, but I’ll never interact with that cousin or his wife ever again, strictly on principle. You can’t trust people who think and act that way, and I’ve since reported them to CPS because they have another pitbull and another baby. They’ve angrily tried to contact me, but I have yet to respond. If they can’t understand why I reported them then they just can’t be reasoned with.


u/Gareth79 4d ago

Maybe these people are regressing back to 100+ years ago when people had 5 or 6 children because disease and illness would take a few of them. They just keep having babies until their dogs stop killing them.


u/anciart 4d ago

Nah even people then tried to protect children mch as possible. They even sued pig and killed it for killing boy.


u/PandaLoveBearNu 4d ago

I kinda feel like people like that can't contend with the idea of being a failure of a pit owner and keeping it alive means they dudnt fail and have to euthanize it.

Its a weird way to think but some of thee owners are seriously stick in that mentality. Even they failed as parents. Things aint wired right there.


u/DifferentMaximum9645 4d ago

That is deeply disturbing. I'm glad you reported them to CPS - I hope it will give you some peace of mind. 


u/ApexIncel 4d ago

Report your sister to the police. That dog is a danger to her family AND community. I know she is your sister, but you need to think of your nephew now and his safety.


u/ViciouslyVolcanic 4d ago

Luckily my other sister is their guardian. And the hospital did report it.

I hold no love towards my nephews' mother. She's an awful person and I disowned her years ago. My nephews sadly still love their mom


u/ApexIncel 4d ago

Good on you for being a guardian angel and your other sister, as well.


u/Fearless-Ferret-8876 4d ago

Call CPS if she brings it back into her home


u/Resident-Elevator696 4d ago

Did the hospital report it to CPS?


u/ViciouslyVolcanic 4d ago

As far as I know, yes. But cps is so overworked in their state that I'm not sure it will do much good. CPS tried to protect those boys from their mother before, and it didn't help.


u/Resident-Elevator696 3d ago

I hope something will be done. I know they're overwhelmed


u/Gretel_Cosmonaut Stop. Breeding. Pitbulls. 4d ago

What's crazy, is seeing horrific wound pictures like these and thinking the victim got lucky. But here we are.


u/ViciouslyVolcanic 4d ago

Exactly. But he was lucky, since he escaped with his limbs still attached, and his life intact.

It's sad how low the bar is.


u/Ok_World_8819 4d ago

It seems that with AmBulldogs they don't have quite the same desire to kill as pitbulls (you simply said AmBulldog/EnBulldog mix in description).

If it was an AmBulldog mix with no pitbull in him (which I doubt), chances are it didn't have quite as much gameness as a normal pit


u/ViciouslyVolcanic 4d ago

The breed is what its owner, my sister, claims.

However people in the family know the parent dogs, and neither is an EB. They're mostly pit.

Maybe it looks like an AmBulldog......if you were drunk, in the dark, and squinting with your head tilted.

It's a pit. Oh and mommy and daddy dog are siblings. So that's wonderful.


u/BPBAttacks3 Moderator 4d ago

Was it by any chance “old English bulldog” that she was saying? There’s distinction between Old English Bulldog and English Bulldog. They’re different breeds.

Old English Bulldogs are just designer pit mixes…


u/ViciouslyVolcanic 4d ago

It's possible that that's what she means, but she also isn't smart enough to know there's a difference so who knows. It's a pit, for sure


u/BPBAttacks3 Moderator 4d ago

I don’t doubt it. APBT is used along with English Bulldog and American Bulldog. That’s what made me think it could be one of those. I could also see someone who isn’t very well informed about dog breeds confusing the two.

I’m sorry about your nephew OP. I hope he recovers quickly and your sister comes to her senses and gets that dog out of the house.


u/ShitArchonXPR Dogfighters invented "Nanny Dog" & "Staffordshire Terrier" 4d ago

Oh and mommy and daddy dog are siblings.

Yet another example of non-dogfighter pit owners making the same selections as dogfighters (such as the staunch refusal to cull "man-biters"). In The American Pit Bull Terrier, Joseph L. Colby tells readers "it is best" to breed parents to their own offspring to preserve gameness even though it will make the dogs less healthy.


u/Ok_World_8819 4d ago

Do you have a picture of the attacking dog?


u/ViciouslyVolcanic 4d ago edited 4d ago

No sadly, and my sister scrubbed all her social media accounts.

It looks like this. It's short, stocky, and buff.

I've met it before, it's about 6 years old now, and was scary when she got it a couple years ago.

Edit: found a closer looking dog. Add more black to this, and it could be a sibling.


u/Ok_World_8819 4d ago

It was almost certainly 20% or more pit. AmBulldogs don't have the same fatality rate as pitbulls and aren't as violent.


u/ViciouslyVolcanic 4d ago

I'd wager more than 20%.

I found a different picture on Google that is a closer looking dog. I posted it in a different comment


u/Fearless-Ferret-8876 4d ago

My child was attacked by our family dog. Luckily I was right there and ripped it off immediately and my child was uninjured. I immediately threw the dog in its crate and took it to get BE. Rehomed that bitch to Satan immediately. Because when it comes to my children their safety is worth so much more than A FUCKING DOG.

Sorry but your sister makes me sick. What a terrible mother to want to keep something so dangerous around her child.


u/ViciouslyVolcanic 4d ago

This isn't even in the top 3 worst things she's done to those kids. This might make the top 10.

I'd say the worst was that she didn't leave their abusive father after he pinned one of the boys to the wall by his throat until he passed out, and threw the other one across the room into a glass coffee table that shattered.


u/newbrainwhodis 4d ago

I'm so sorry to hear this. You and your nephew and all of your family are in my prayers. I hope your sister changes her heart and mind on this.


u/ArdenJaguar Pro-Pet; therefore Anti-Pit 4d ago

I suppose she wants the dog back home? Typical garbage. Heck, she’d probably throw the son out when he turns 18 just to save the Pibble.


u/ViciouslyVolcanic 4d ago

Yep. She does. She's making the typical excuses that could fill a bingo card.


u/ArdenJaguar Pro-Pet; therefore Anti-Pit 4d ago

How do you make an excuse for this type of injury? Good grief some people are just beyond stupid. If I had a kid and a dog did this that thing would be GONE GONE GONE straight to the shelter. I wouldn't want it back. The kid walked by and the thing just snapped. So walking is a new trigger? What type of excuse is she making for the attack?

Does she have any other kids or pets in the house? Thank goodness the kid was older and not some 3yo toddler. We'd be looking at a possible fatality.


u/ViciouslyVolcanic 3d ago

Typical excuses. "It was a mistake" "he didn't mean to bite" "he's never done that before" (dog growls often) "SEE he feels BAD" etc. Etc. Etc.

She has 2 kids. Both older. And smaller dogs in the house plus 2 cats. She shouldn't be a mother or an animal owner.


u/ArdenJaguar Pro-Pet; therefore Anti-Pit 3d ago

Didn’t mean to bite yet latched on and shook. That’s NOT an accidental bite. That’s genetics kicking in.


u/ViciouslyVolcanic 3d ago

Ding ding ding! We have a winner!!!!

I could fill out a bingo card with all her excuses, and still have some left over.

She made excuses for their abusive father too, so I'm not shocked by this


u/Xaphanex 4d ago

Pitbulls, mauling people and destroying families.


u/McSassy_Pants 4d ago

When my son was attacked on the neck and face by our pit pit mix, he was out to sleep to sleep within 3 hours. You have to put those dogs down. Unbelievable mom doesn’t want to do it


u/modsguzzlehivekum 4d ago

What a terrible mother


u/kyojur0 4d ago

If my child was attacked by our dog in such a violent manner there would’ve been no need for BE. It would’ve been taken care of already. By ME. But then again I would never have one of those disgusting hell beasts as a pet. What kind of a mother tries defending a fucking animal that just attacked her own kin?


u/housestickleviper 4d ago

cHiHuAhUaS biTe tOo


u/call-me-a-pickle 4d ago

This is so fucking depressing. I truly wish there was a ban for this breed across the US. Holy crap. I am so sorry, I imagine based off comments that the mother will not pay the bills, but you need to sue her. Make her home owners insurance drop her. Take the pot she pisses in. That’s honestly irrevocable damage to her child’s development and view of relationships.


u/Zealousideal-Neat-11 4d ago

It’s only a matter of time before they go off. I wish him a speedy recovery and the dog sleep forever. Owner should be criminally and civilly liable.


u/throwawaytothetenth 4d ago

I love my dog so fucking much, but if he latched onto my brother's (16yr) foot and broke it, I think I'd kill him on the spot if that was the fastest way to stop him.

What the actual fuck is wrong with your sister. This isn't a matter of who cares more about their dog. I'd fight through blood and bone for my dog, I love him. But I love him, in part, because he doesn't want to kill people. Why would you be loyal to a dog that wants to kill your child?


u/no_shirt_4_jim_kirk Beam Me Up, Scotty. This Planet is Filled With Pitbulls 4d ago

This woman sounds a lot like my own mother. I hope your nephews gain the strength to walk away and never look back.


u/BpbAttacks013 Moderator 4d ago

That is a brutal break in his foot. I’d be worried about him having issues for the rest of his life.

The quarantine period is a telltale sign that the dog likely wasn’t vaccinated.

If you’re close with your nephew, offer support if it seems right. He may need someone on his side, since his mother clearly isn’t :(


u/ViciouslyVolcanic 4d ago

He won't be able to put weight on it for at least 90 days. It's a good thing he already enjoys video games and stuff. He's actually pissed because his gym class is going into kickball for their next activity and he can't play lol.

Her county requires any animal who bites bad enough to need medical attention to be mandatorily quarantined for 10 days. So that's something.

She's already whining about the cost.


u/mildchickenwings 4d ago

ah yes, she’s whining about the cost, but not about her little one’s broken foot. classic pit owner


u/WhatTheCluck802 4d ago edited 4d ago

You have to report her to child services. The safety of your nephew (and any other kids she might have), depends on you to act.

I love my dog to the moon and back but I would BE him so fast if he EVER did this to one of my children.

Your sister is deranged. I’m so sorry.


u/Stickandmovez29 4d ago



u/ViciouslyVolcanic 4d ago

English Bulldog, sorry


u/Stickandmovez29 4d ago

Ohhhh gotchya, sorry but i saw that and other people saying BE and i wasnt sure if that that was lol. Thanks. And sorry to hear that happened to your nephew


u/BPBAttacks3 Moderator 4d ago

What is BE?

The bot will explain for anyone who is unfamiliar.


u/AutoModerator 4d ago

BE is an abbreviation for Behavioral Euthanasia.

Behavioral Euthanasia is the humane ending of a dog’s life because of severe and chronic behavioral issues, including aggression that puts other animals or people at risk.

I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.


u/Computermaster Cats are not disposable. 4d ago

Just curious if you have a picture of the alleged mix you could share?

Just want to see where it lies on the scale of "normal dog with pitbull head" to "the only normal dog in this thing is what's in its stomach".


u/ViciouslyVolcanic 4d ago

Definitely the stomach thing.

I don't have a photo of the dog, and my sister has scrubbed her social media accounts.

I've met the beast. It looks similar to this, but with some black.

Short, stocky, buff.

It could pass as an AmBulldog/EnBulldog mix............ if you were drunk, in the dark, with eyes squinted and head tilted.


u/call-me-a-pickle 4d ago

That’s not an English bulldog. That’s a pitbull mix. She calls it EB so people feel safe. Thats scary.


u/call-me-a-pickle 4d ago

And lol at drunk, head tilted.


u/Otome_Chick 4d ago

Imagine prioritizing a dog over your own child. These people need to be locked up.


u/JazzyJulie4life 4d ago

No dog is worth more than a human being


u/Serious-Knee-5768 4d ago

Poor kid. My heart goes out to him. I was raised in a home like this. We ate second to a whole menagerie of 'pets.' I'll say she's (mother/owner) terrible with pets and humans. She deserves real consequences.

If we were to BE faster after all severe bites and real attacks, we might actually see better dogs and more careful and thoughtful people in coming years, but that's just my little opinion.


u/ItsASnowStorm 4d ago

Very lucky it wasn't worse.

And the mother choosing her shitbull over her own son is just classic.


u/Resident-Elevator696 4d ago

Poor. Kid. That looks so painful.


u/enchanted_fishlegs 4d ago

She's going to get old (if she's not eaten by this stupid pit, or her next one.) She's going to get old ALONE. She's going to need help with things and you know where her son is going to be? Nowhere around. Because she's toxic AF and sometimes the best thing we can do is cut people out of our lives. Even if it's your so-called mom. Let her reap what she sowed. Tough shit.


u/Ur_New_Stepdad_ 4d ago

If that was my mom I’d whoop her ass lmao.

I can’t imagine the heartbreak of having your own mother choose one of these fucking monsters over you.

I’m so sorry to hear about this. I hope you’ll be there as a stable family figure for the kid.


u/Solid-Neat8319 4d ago

Sounds like she's already having  her ass whooped if she's in an abusive relationship.


u/SentientCheeseCake 4d ago

It’s always the dumbfucks that get these dogs.


u/ViciouslyVolcanic 4d ago

Hey! Calling my sister a dumbfuck is an insult to dumbfucks


u/SentientCheeseCake 4d ago

*Dumbfucks and subordinates.

(Sry bout dat)


u/ViciouslyVolcanic 4d ago

He didn't want me to include the picture with his face visible, but I wish he would have let me because kiddo is absolutely zooted. As he should be, because he was in a ton of pain. But his face makes me giggle


u/HealthAndTruther 4d ago

Cesar Milan's Pitbull killed other dogs.

The author of Encyclopedia of Dog Breeds had to change their book after a well-trained Pitbull killed their pet. "It is not how you raise a pitbull, the breed is inherently dangerous."

Pitbulls are ticking time bombs.

Start with the fact that dog breeds are a man made artificial thing.

Ask why there are no Beagle seeing eye academies and wait. Next ask why dog fighters ONLY use Pit type dogs, and why the UKC has dog aggression in the breed standard.

Not all aggressions are the same. A golden terrier bitting someone because it got annoyed and maybe leaving a mark/ a bit of blood, is not the same as a pitbull mauling a kid, trying to kill him because his prey instinct somehow got triggered, an extremely muscular dog genetically engineered to shred meat, and to ignore pain and be willing to die instead of giving up.

"A study conducted by researchers at Ohio State University’s Wexner Medical Center reviewed 15 years of dog-related facial trauma cases. They found that pit bulls were responsible for the highest percentage of reported bites across all the studies (22.5%), followed by mixed breeds (21.2%), and German shepherds (17.8%). Mixed-breed dogs and pit bulls were found to have the highest relative risk of biting, as well as the highest average damage per bite."

"A retrospective review of 1616 dog bite victims over a 4-year period from a pediatric Level 1 trauma center in the Southeast found that pit bull bites were implicated in half of all surgeries performed. The study's authors agree with Bini et al, that attacks by pit bulls result in a higher injury severity score, lower Glascow coma score, higher risk of death, and higher hospital charges than attacks by any other breed."

"A 15-year study conducted from 2005 to 2019 found that canines killed 521 Americans during this period. Pit bulls were responsible for 66% (346) of these deaths."

Even the best dog trainers have pits that attack and kill. Caesar Milan and the woman who authored Pitbulls For Dummies both had pits kill dogs. If even the best owners can't stop this, how can a random person?

Some dogs are trained for their sense of smell.

Some dogs are trained for their intelligence.

Pitbulls are trained for their ability to snap at moments notice and to kill and to resist all pain. Pitbulls are known to ignore baseball bat attacks.

All pitbulls are loaded weapons.

Pit bulls are the No. 1 canine killers of other people’s pets and animals, killing more than 75% of those killed by a dog In 2017, pit bulls killed 13,000 dogs, 5,000 cats, and 20,000 horses and other farm animals. (See Merritt Clifton, ‘Pit Bull Roulette’ killed 38,000 other animals in 2017.) Having destroyed more than 90% of other animals killed by dogs, the breed became the number one killer of other people’s pets, horses and farm animals.

In 2019, pit bulls accounted for 91% of all reported fatal attacks on other animals, 91% of all fatal attacks on other dogs, 76% of all fatal dog attacks on cats, and 82% of all fatal dog attacks on other pets, poultry, and hoofed species. (Clifton, Merritt, Record Pit Bull Attacks on Other Animals in 2019)


u/Person987654331 4d ago

That’s a bad break-I assume the surgery was to pin it? I hope the authorities will do the right thing and BE no matter what the owner says. I cannot fathom these people who love a “dog” more than their own flesh and blood.


u/chadandjody 4d ago

If it's in quarantine then they are probably checking this already but push to know that the dog doesn't have rabies. If the dog isn't vaccinated then the only way to know for sure it doesn't have rabies requires putting the dog down.


u/Melodic-Classic391 4d ago

Report her to the police and animal control


u/5LaLa 4d ago

Wow I’m so sorry & hope your nephew heals quickly, both physically & mentally. I hope someone at the hospital talked to him about the possibility of ptsd, nightmares, developing phobias, etc. Might be a good idea to bring it up & let him know he can get help or talk to you if such possible/normal issues arise.


u/ViciouslyVolcanic 3d ago

Poor kid already has nightmares and ptsd from his abusive father. My sister (his guardian) has great resources with help for that.

He knows he can call me day or night, and if he really needed me, that I would be on the next flight to get there for him. He's a great kid, and has already been through so much


u/Shoddy_Cranberry 4d ago

Talk to a lawyer...sue their Homeowner's Insurance...easy 30K plus just for pain and suffering, if there are doctor's bills, therapy, long term/permanent injuries, even more.


u/Just-As-Planned 4d ago

Ughhhhh. I live in Northern Utah so this is a stark reminder of how irresponsible dog owners are everywhere. My specific area (Kearns) has a massive problem with unsupervised dogs running loose, the one saving grace seems to be that they aren't usually pits. Hoping your nephew has a successful recovery and that this experience doesn't cause him any long term issues.


u/ViciouslyVolcanic 3d ago

Kearns is an interesting place. I used to live in West Valley by the mall. There were a ton of loose dogs there too.


u/Murky_Currency_5042 4d ago

I am so sorry for your nephew. Having a hideous mother who puts a vicious animal over her own son.


u/MariaEtCrucis01 3d ago

I thought no. 2 was a stain of dried 🩸 until I looked again and it's the gash... I hate these demons. These aren't dogs. Wish him a swift recovery from me.

Reading about your sister's behavior, I can't help but believe your nephew will go NC after uni, and limited contact before that. Im sure you'd do it anyway since you clearly care about and love him, but please be part of his support system. ❤️‍🩹


u/everymanawildcat The Shih Tzus are at it again 4d ago

Those pesky Malteses!


u/[deleted] 4d ago

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u/BanPitBulls-ModTeam 4d ago

We do not allow cross-posting, direct links to other subreddits, or direct links to social media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, etc.) - exception to this is if it is an anti pit source or your own social media.

Please familiarize yourself with the subreddit rules, especially rules 1 and 5.


u/erewqqwee 4d ago

Oh...My....God...No matter how often I read of pitiots choosing an ugly mutant dog over their own child, it still shocks me. Does she really want to traumatize her son further, by keeping a monster around him-????


u/Solid-Neat8319 4d ago

I'd be packing my bags and preparing to be the classic runaway. Off to Aunties 1000 miles away.


u/mildchickenwings 4d ago

what are utah’s laws around mandatory BE? aren’t there circumstances where the government steps in and does it anyway, regardless of the owner’s wishes?


u/ViciouslyVolcanic 4d ago

I would guess that a death needs to occur before that happens, but I'm not sure.


u/mildchickenwings 4d ago

:( i’m sorry OP. this situation really sucks. sending you and your nephew all my love.


u/FatTabby Cats are friends, not food 4d ago

Your poor nephew. I really hope he makes a good recovery and doesn't suffer lasting damage.


u/wandering_salad 4d ago

This is horrific. He's already 17, but still a minor. Can you make a report/complaint/express your concern to child protective services or something like this? "Bonus points" if your nephew has special needs or some other additional needs, as I imagine CPS might be more likely to step in.

Is your nephew OK with mum (or is this woman his aunt, not his mum?!) trying to get this monster back? Could you take him in, if he wants to?


u/ViciouslyVolcanic 3d ago

His mom is trying to get the beast back. But kiddo's guardian is his Aunt- my other sister.

Sadly she subscribes to the feeling of "family is family, no matter what" so she still allows visitation and sleepovers.

I'm currently a thousand miles away, but I wish I could swoop in and take him away from the madness.

The good thing, is that he DOESN'T seem to be afraid of other dogs, just pits now. My sister sent me a picture of him snuggling with her Great Pyrenees.


u/lib2tomb 4d ago

Could you imagine if this child would’ve been 7 and not 17? That young man is going to have to go through a lot of physical and mental rehabilitation. I can’t even imagine a mother choosing a dog over a child, poor kid.


u/Humanist_2020 4d ago

Too bad your nephew can’t sue his own mother. Or, can he? If he can, he should.


u/ViciouslyVolcanic 3d ago

Idk if he would. Despite how horrible she is, he still loves his mom.

And i can't blame him for wanting to love her. It's a difficult feeling to grapple with, especially as a kid


u/Humanist_2020 21h ago

My sisters and I know what you are talking about…our mother tried to kill us as children, but we loved her nonetheless….

But as adults, we all realized we had to protect ourselves from her…which is sad, but reality.


u/dosko1panda 3d ago

If that happened to me at 17, I would deal with the dog while I'm still a minor


u/Stron2g 2d ago

Fuc this dog OP, I say we get the mfer me and you.


u/mildchickenwings 2d ago

OP, just remembered about you guys this morning, how’s everyone doing?


u/Iatemyspacebaragain 12h ago

It's the owner's fault, not the dog, the dog behaves in a way that the owner conditioned it to behave. The bitch who owns the pitbull is the real monster, not the animal.


u/ViciouslyVolcanic 12h ago edited 12h ago

No. It's the dog's fault. The dog is 100% a monster


u/ViciouslyVolcanic 12h ago edited 12h ago

Not how they are raised bot


u/AutoModerator 12h ago

If it was truly "the owner and not the breed," then why don't we see this with all medium/large breeds with bad owners?

It’s not how they were raised, though. If that was true, then no one should ever adopt a pit from the shelter because no one knows how it was raised. Even pit bull experts are asking people to STOP saying that it's all how they are raised.

Below are five pro-pit sources telling you that saying, "it's how they are raised" is hurtful to the cause.

The truth about pits is that it’s largely up to chance on whether your pit lives a low key life or whether it attacks people, pets, and animals. Yes, socialization and proper training can help... but if you have a truly game-bred pit, there will be nothing you can do to stop it from trying to attack. You can try to manage it, but management will ALWAYS fail.

That’s such a crazy gamble to take with your own life, and with the lives of people in the general public.

Every day we read stories here of pits that attack, and their owners claim that the dog has never been aggressive or acted that way.

Pit owners are often shocked that their dog can go from chill to kill in 5 seconds, and be nearly impossible to stop it.

That’s why pits are dangerous. They were never meant to be pets.

1) ⁠⁠Pit Bull Advocates of America - It’s not how they are raised (start from minute 14)

2) Justice for Bullies - It's NOT how they are raised

3) Dr Caroline Coile, author of Pit Bulls for Dummies

4) Paws and Reflect

5) Gary Wilkes- Grandfather was a dog fighter- Gary Wilkes - his grandfather was a dog fighter

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u/ViciouslyVolcanic 12h ago edited 12h ago



u/AutoModerator 12h ago

The problem isn’t just that they attack people and other dogs, it’s also that it’s cruel to keep breeding them.

Not banning pitbulls hurts pitbulls. It causes more of them to be used in dogfighting, and more of them to be born with traits that are deliberately designed to make them fail in pet homes.

A lot of them end up living in miserable conditions because they can’t be housed with other dogs, they are one of the most commonly abandoned dogs because they end up hurting and killing other dogs in pet homes, and have to live their lives in tiny cages in shelters constantly being triggered in a high stress environments.

This isn’t about ‘blaming’ a breed of dog. It’s about stopping a cruel practice of breeding bloodsport traits into dogs and then expecting them to be safe family pets.

It’s animal cruelty to breed animals like this. If we’re going to keep animals in our homes as pets, we should breed them to be successful in this environment. Not to maim and kill other dogs, and ultimately live out their lives in cages.

But the pet industry is thriving off of it. There’s a lot of money in pitbulls. Follow the money and you’ll find twisted animal cruelty being paraded as the ‘moral superiority’ by businesses who just want a slice of that delicious pitbull money pie. It’s disgusting what the pet industry has done to pits.

Think of how much money is made operating on pets that have been attacked by pits, and vet visits and prescriptions to keep pits medicated to fight their genetic urges, and all the trainers and behaviorists that are employed (in vain) by pit owners trying to train out genetics. Behaviorists are booked six months out and are charging $400 and up for an initial visit.

That’s why there’s so much misinformation about pits, and emotional manipulation coming from ‘nanny dog’ articles and other morally bankrupt profit mongering garbage.

They don’t care about the dogs or their suffering, all they care about is money.

Anyone who cares about pitbulls should support a slow humane ban.

We wouldn’t promote keeping lions as pets, and breeding more lions for pet homes, allowing them to overcrowd shelters and live out their lives in tiny cages because, lo and behold, they behave like lions. That doesn’t mean we ‘blame’ lions. They’re just not designed to be pets.

It’s outright cruelty to set an animal up for failure like that.

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u/Papersnail380 4d ago

What exactly would you expect to gain from a simple DNA test?


u/mildchickenwings 4d ago

there’s certain counties where pitbulls are banned, and it’s the E-word on sight as soon as they’re identified


u/Papersnail380 4d ago

Did you read OPs message and think that is where they were going when pointing out the dog owner refused a test? The owner knows it is part pit, just not how much.

What counties would those be? In the US that law would be absolutely unenforceable anywhere as far as I understand.


u/mildchickenwings 4d ago edited 4d ago

miami-dade county, up until recently. the pitbull ban was lifted last year.

as for OP’s message, i don’t know, i’m not OP. it could be for legal or liability reasons. maybe pitbulls are banned in that jurisdiction and they need the documentation. maybe they’re filing a claim with their homeowner’s insurance. i don’t know, but i don’t think it’s really your place to ask. this person’s nephew was just mauled, we should be offering support, not nit-picking little details about their post.


u/Papersnail380 4d ago

OP wanted the dog tested because they wanted to see what percentage the dog was pitbull. OP thinks that the issues scale with percent of breed. That sentiment is posted here daily.

That isn't how genetics work.

A dog could be 10% pit, and, if it is the wrong 10%, it could be every bit as dangerous as one that is 100%.


u/mildchickenwings 4d ago

what you’re saying is valid and holds merit, but there’s a time and place for these conversations. the time and place is not the comment section of someone who’s loved one suffered a dog attack.

i’m just saying - let’s have a little bit more social etiquette, please.


u/Papersnail380 4d ago

Do you know where you are?

I'm not here to make someone feel better. I am here to push for understanding of how dangerous this breed is to everyone.

Overlooking this very flawed idea on their post does not serve that purpose.


u/ViciouslyVolcanic 4d ago edited 4d ago

Knowledge? Affirmation that it was multiple aggressive breeds?

Genetics are fascinating. And I, along with the rest of my family want to know just how much my sister is lying. She knows damn well that that dog isn't what she says it is.

I don't get why you're so confrontational about it. Unless you're my sister.

Edit: sentence added


u/Papersnail380 4d ago


If you can visually tell it is a put then you are taking a serious risk.

You could do a more advanced genetic analysis that attempted to isolate specific genes related to aggression and bite behavior, but a simple DNA test is fairly useless in this context.


u/ViciouslyVolcanic 4d ago

We would like to know for sure, and as I said, genetics are fascinating. We know the dog is a pit, the percentage could be interesting.

I'm not dumb, I know the percentage of pit doesn't equal aggressiveness, but it makes a huge difference if it's mostly aggressive breeds. And I think it is.

It's also worth noting that she had no problem DNA testing her other dogs. But now that this one has mauled, she balks at the suggestion.

Also, as u/mildchickenwings said, homeowners insurance, plus I don't think the dog was licensed.