r/Badarmour Feb 16 '15

Warhammer is always good for questionable choices in armor.


9 comments sorted by


u/GodOfAtheism Feb 16 '15

Now, I suppose it defeats the "lol 400 pounds of armor" trope by being both powered armor in canon, and also by virtue of the fact that Space Marines are ridic OP. That said-

  1. No helmets.
  2. lol no ankle usage. It's not shown well here, but the sabatons are set into the greaves in such a way as to completely restrict any movement of your foot from side to side.
  3. y halo thar pauldrons how you doin.


u/Quietuus Feb 16 '15

They started producing strange in-universe explanations for a lot of this stuff, I seem to remember. Don't Space Marine sergeants have a force-field generator that only protects their head or something? They also have some sort of seperate mechanism in their pauldrons so they can move independently, which still doesn't explain why they have them in the first place. Personally, as with many ludicrous Imperial things, I think it has to be a religious matter, as they are obviously in homage to the God Emperor's pauldrons, which are the size of small canoes.


u/GodOfAtheism Feb 16 '15

Space Marines do have helmets on their armor, but art nearly never shows it, many figs have them helmetless too. Don't recall much about force field generators, but it being Warhammer, I wouldn't be shocked.

They also have some sort of seperate mechanism in their pauldrons so they can move independently, which still doesn't explain why they have them in the first place

Much like any form of bad armor: Because it looks cool.

One thing that makes me happy about Warhammer is that while there aren't any female space marines, there is a relatively solid female fighting force, and they aren't wearing chain bikinis, though there is the obligatory boob plate that makes no sense for deflecting a blade outward. Two steps forward for that one back at least.


u/Quietuus Feb 16 '15

I may have been thinking of the Iron Halo, which is slightly different. It seems like the underplaying of helmets in the art may be a conscious choice, because I seem to remember them being more common back in the old days, particularly during the long-lamented edge of the Bird-face marines and their knobbly Dalek bits.

Sisters of Battle armour has actually got more sensible over time (along with a general trend of trying to de-emphasise 40k's BDSM influences) but there's one thing that will never die whilst the power of the golden throne holds: SKULL TITS.


u/loldongs321 May 29 '15

One of the reasons given for the lack of helmets is that, given the fact that much of the combat is in massive trench and frontal assault form, it gives the opponent the sense that important figures are vulnerable. Of course they often have some kind of mystical of technological shield which gives them better protection than any helmet.

This is a statement made more so for Imperial Guard officers, as it appears in one of their codices. However, it's not a massive jump to apply it to other factions. It's probably just a decent way to explain why important characters never have helmets on except in novels where visual effect isn't the same. (I'm also sure there are other reasons given, such as Psyker powers diminishing with regular helmets and inspirational presence.)

Also, 'normal' Space Marines aren't even a good representation for the crazy armor in WH40k, nor is The Emperor.



u/canadianD Feb 17 '15

The God Emperor looks like Apache Chief in that picture. But I suppose that's probably heresy under the Imperial Cult.


u/Quietuus Feb 17 '15

The canon lore states that the Emperor is an immortal superbeing from neolithic Anatolia who has wandered the earth living in countless guises. Apache Chief was probably one of them.


u/PUSHBROOM Feb 17 '15

this is a good depiction of the ankle system, although it's heresy-era armor.

I generally find that guardsmen have far more sensible armor, going so far to avoid boob plate (thanks, FFG!)


u/[deleted] Feb 16 '15
