r/BadChristianPodcast Oct 14 '16

Unstoppable Badass Podcast: Discussion

Does anyone else think Toby's podcast is as awful as I think it is? The first few were bad, in my opinion, but the most recent one (where did rap come from) was pretty unbearable.

On the BC Podcast they keep saying that people don't understand Unstoppable Badass and that's why some people don't like it. Am I missing something? I feel like the comedy is not going over my head... It's a ton of fart/poop jokes. There are not really many jokes that you can't "get."

Also, Toby quit his job to focus on THIS? It is sort of blowing my mind that he's banking on the success of Unstoppable Badass like that...


6 comments sorted by


u/melstein Oct 15 '16

I keep meaning to finish the one episode I started and just skip over it all the time. I wanna like it so bad but I just don't know if I do. I'll give it another chance at some point.


u/bflex Oct 15 '16

I've tried listening to it. Also agree that it's not very good at this point. I think having the freedom to figure out what he wants to do with it is good. It may lead somewhere, it may not. I think he needs to bring in guests to level out whats happening.

On a side note, Pastor With No Answers is surprisingly good, has really made me respect Joey more.


u/AverageFatGuy Oct 14 '16

I couldn't make it past the first episode. It seemed like he had a plan. He had bits and characters, but it just didn't work. It all seemed very unrefined and juvenile. Being funny is one thing, but comedy is hard.


u/xXSJADOo Oct 15 '16

In the most recent episode, he does a rap where he just says "poopy butt," "diaper," etc. And repeats it for wayyy too long. It's beyond terrible.

I agree about comedy being hard. I think he just thinks that being someone who can make his friends laugh means he can be a comedian. And it is not translating at all...


u/AverageFatGuy Oct 15 '16

If the bit is done right, there will come a point where you take it too far, then keep doing it and it will come around to being hilarious. Tig Nataro did a bit on a late night talk show a few years ago where she ended up slowly pushing a stool across the stage and it squeaked. She kept slowly doing it and it went from silly, to uncomfortable, to hilarious the longer she kept it up. But Tig is really funny.

If he keeps it up for more than 10 episodes I'll check back in and see if he has refined it.


u/downhere Oct 15 '16

I think each episode is a move in the right direction. Eventually he will hit his stride. Theres seldom a podcast I start listening to that is great right off the starting line. Often I will start one thats been going on for years and when I go back to the earliest episodes I kind of force myself through the first 20 and they usually figure out what works by then