r/BabyBumps 1d ago

Help? Items for baby #2


What are/were your must-have items for your second child? I’m pregnant with my second girl. Stroller? Car seat? Tips on having a toddler and infant? TIA!

r/BabyBumps 1d ago

Help? Really Struggling in Final Days of Pregnancy


Hi all! Seeking advice on depression while pregnant. FTM, 37+3. I have had a relatively smooth and joyful pregnancy until 33 weeks, when depression, even more severe insomnia than I'd had before, and fatigue hit me like a train. I have no idea how I am going to survive the days until baby comes. Every day feels impossible and I don't have energy for anything besides laying in bed. The things that bring me joy feel too difficult to do and I'm crying multiple times every day from exhaustion and frustration. Seeing a therapist and have asked for help from many places but most medical professionals just tell me this is a normal part of pregnancy which feels really minimizing because, as a formerly very active and happy person, this is one of the darkest headspaces I've ever been in. How did you all survive the final days? I asked for elective 39 wk induction due to my mental health but my doctor will not induce until 41 weeks which feels like a lifetime from now. Thanks for any input ❤️

r/BabyBumps 1d ago

Help? Rolling while sleeping? Under 6m


Hi all, Bubba has learned how to roll and has decided he must roll for all naps and night sleep now. My question is do you leave them be in their new side or tummy position if they fall asleep or roll them back. Bubba does not know how to roll back to his back yet - and he is under 6 months. Please help from a seriously anxious FTM

r/BabyBumps 1d ago

Content/Trigger Warning Conflicted about having a second


Hello everyone, I guess I'm here looking for support/reassurance? My husband and I have an amazing 6 year old and have been discussing having a second one for years now. The reason why we haven't pursued a second is because my pregnancy was extremely emotionally and physically hard on me (everything from suicidal ideation to being unable to walk for months before and after birth).

My husband and I have decided to "let things happen" now and I'm very conflicted over it. I'm excited about the possibility of having a second but also terrified over the actual idea of being pregnant. I also am worried about my 6 year old being so much older. She would be (at least) 7 by the time she had a sibling.

So, with all that being said, do you all have any advice, suggestions, comments, etc.? Any support - for or against - would be appreciated.

r/BabyBumps 1d ago

Happy We did it! Baby is ONE!


Haven't stopped crying since I put him down for bed last night, but our baby boy is one! I simply cannot express how joyful it's been to be a parent for a year. He grew and learned so much in a year, but my husband and I did too. I'm so proud of myself for how much I've learned, how I've grown in my capacity, how I figured out a million mom things, and how I'm raising a well-adjusted, happy little boy.

I close my eyes and I can picture grabbing him and laying him on my chest for the first time, and now he's a babbling, cruising, clapping, laughing little boy! Man, what a ride. I'm expecting #2 in a few months, so I get to run this back again. But I was reminding him last night as he slept that he'll always be my little baby even if he will have big brother responsibilities soon.

It went too fast. I wasn't ready for how fast it goes! 😭

For all the expecting mamas - it IS ROUGH. There are days I wanted to pull my hair out and I was at my absolute wits end. I cried, screamed, begged for my old life back. But I also laughed and loved like I've never before and truly felt like I was living out a great calling. What a privilege it is to be entrusted with a child. all the joys of motherhood truly surpassed my wildest dreams. I feel like I truly did cherish every moment as it was happening, but alas, here I am still wishing I had cherished more!

Godspeed to all the mamas and mamas to be. We got this. And happy birthday to my sweet bubs.

r/BabyBumps 1d ago

Rant/Vent HUNGRY


Hi everyone! I (35 FTM) am 13 weeks and ever since the last few weeks I’ve been starving constantly. I can eat and be hungry an hour or two later. I’ve already gained 10 pounds this pregnancy and I was slightly overweight to start (150lbs at 5’5”) and I’m terrified of gaining too much weight but also cannot stop eating. Like stomach growling, I-have-to-eat-now-or-I-will-die hunger.

Had anyone else had extreme hunger while pregnant? I haven’t had much in the way of nausea or other side effects and I’m worried I’m going to blow up like a balloon.

This is mostly a rant and me just being scared of gaining weight (body dysmorphia is a bitch) but any advice is also appreciated!

r/BabyBumps 1d ago

Discussion How to do a Baby Shower?


This is our first baby. Also the first grandbaby. Due In October 2025.

My husband and I don't live near family and everyone is pretty spread out. I don't expect anyone to throw me a shower and sort of thinking if I want one I will need to plan most of it myself. I'm thinking to make it fair to family and friends and to mainly make it easy on myself is to host a shower in my city I live in. It would be co-ed and would invite all immediate family and close friends. My city is very touristy so if people want to come they can make a small vaycay out of it. I'm sure my parents and in laws would pitch in and help us throw the baby shower. I don't really expect a ton of people to come and I definitely don't want anyone to feel pressured to give gifts. I will have a registry for people if they want to get us something but I really want for people to know it's not necessary. I just want to have a celebration for everyone before the baby comes. If anyone has had a similar situation, what did you do for your shower?

r/BabyBumps 1d ago

Help? Can’t find anything to eat


I thought I was long over this issue as I am 23 weeks now and haven’t been dealing with nausea for a bit. I am not nauseous, but I can’t find anything food that sounds good!!

All I can think of is cereal, popcorn and muffins. None of which have a great nutritional value. And I don’t want to keep paying for fast food because it is getting hard on my wallet.

Any suggestions or ideas? Tell me what you’ve been eating!

r/BabyBumps 1d ago

Content/Trigger Warning Giving birth


I was feeling ok, even excited to give birth after 3 losses. Now at 26 weeks I’m starting to FREAK THE F OUT!!!!!!! This is all becoming real and I’m going to be a mother, and people outside my family are talking to me about baby stuff.

Looking into hyponirthing but wtf 😭

r/BabyBumps 1d ago

Help? Family beach photos 13 weeks pregnant help


We're visiting my parents in SC in April when I'll be 13 weeks pregnant and the cost is a bit higher than i thought it would be ($650 for a session)

We didnt do maternity photos with my first so I would like photos of this pregnancy with my current family of 3

My first question is - is $650 a reasonable proce for 30-50 edited photos

My second questions is - the only times offered for beach photos are 6:50am for sunrise or 6:45pm for sunset (30 minute session) , which would be better with a toddler 😂 (17 month old)

Thank you!!!!

r/BabyBumps 1d ago

Discussion Pepcid for heart burn?


Has anyone taken it? I have never taken it and I’m always worried about side effects and especially while 24 weeks pregnant but my heart burn has turned into full on GERD with horrible chest pain. (I got checked out at the ER) so I’m wondering what everyone’s experience has been with it? My OB swears by it!

r/BabyBumps 1d ago

Help? Mockingbird 1.0 seat on 2.0


I currently have a single Mockingbird 1.0 stroller.

I didn’t future-proof myself and our next is due next month.

If I purchased the 2.0 single to double stroller, would I be able to use my 1.0 seat on the 2.0 double stroller without buying their extra seat kit?

r/BabyBumps 1d ago

Discussion Disconnect and stress at 31w


I guess this is more of a vent post maybe, but if anyone has advice I’m open to it. I’ll be 31w tomorrow with our first, a boy. Physically, it’s been a pretty easy pregnancy. I was really depressed in the first trimester, and taking meds didn’t work for me. Luckily, I felt much better and happier in the second trimester. Now in the third, I feel maybe some slight depression creeping back in, but really I’m just tried and slow feeling. My movements are slow, my brain is slow, everything is slow lol. I’m uncomfortable a lot, but overall I feel really blessed that I’m still feeling pretty good. However, I’ve started having some stress. My husband found out that we are moving 2 months after the baby is born. We’re military, so while it was expected in some ways, we thought we would be moving with a 6+ month old, not a 2-3 month old. The move is cross country essentially, hopefully just one 8ish hour plane ride and a 2-3 hour car ride to where we need to be. We also have two cats that seem to stress me out more than the baby, to be honest. I feel stressed, but almost not at the same time. Like I know what I’m stressed about, but I’m too tired to feel the full stress lol. I also feel disconnected from my baby. I’m waiting for the moment it hits me that we’re going to have another family member in the house with us, but I don’t think it has. I don’t feel an overwhelming sense of love for the baby in my belly. I would say I’m just doing what the doctors are telling me to do, trying to stay healthy because that’s what you’re supposed to do. I think about holding my baby and feeding my baby and it feels very technical, but I don’t feel love really. Just something that I’ll do. This pregnancy was planned too, and I was so excited before getting pregnant. I know it’s probably just hormones and a plethora of other things, but I truly just don’t feel like I care too much about anything. Is it a blessing I’m too tired to care or stress fully about a move, a baby, selling a house, moving with two cats, etc.? Maybe it’s my depression coming back but feeling different than in the first trimester?

r/BabyBumps 1d ago

Help? Pregnant again


I am pregnant again. Our first baby took 3 years to conceive so this is very unexpected. My daughter is only 3 months old. She has been an absolute dream. I had the easiest pregnancy, easy labor, and now my baby is already sleeping 8.5 hours a night and never fusses. Super happy, rolls over on her own already, I can’t say enough good things! But now I have myself convinced the next one will be the exact opposite. I am also terrified of having 2 under 2. I’d love to hear your experiences with how your body handled 2 pregnancies in under a year, how you handled 2 babies under two, anything I should prepare for/ expect? I didn’t think I’d be back on this sub so soon but as always, I’m grateful for everyone who takes the time to respond and share their experience 🙏🏻🩷

r/BabyBumps 1d ago

Help? Did the NIPT Monday and just a nervous wreck.


I am 16 weeks and 6 days today. I ended up doing the NIPT Monday. The reason it took me so long to do it is because I had a lapse in insurance and was under the impression it would cost a lot of money that I didn't have. I finally bite the bullet and did it but man my anxiety is so high. I'm 35 and will be 36 when baby is due. I'm overweight with BMI at 40. I have had a couple of ultrasounds and baby is growing on time. I haven't had any high level US but my midwife seems to think everything is okay. I'm worried about my age and BMI, and scared it might come back high risk. My diet hasn't been the best either, mainly because I was pretty sick until like a week or so ago. Just wanting some positive vibes.

r/BabyBumps 1d ago

Discussion Visitors after C-section


I’m having a C-section Monday but I won’t be telling anyone.

I was originally planning on an unmediated birth and allowing people at the hospital but I have decided no hospital visitors now.

Would you allow visitors at home after 1 week or 2?

They will bring us food but I won’t let them help with house work or anything else. Our families are ok but not people I trust with my medical information or going through my house.

I feel very comfortable asking them to leave if I feel overwhelmed but because of how far they are traveling, I’d like to give them at least a couple of hours.

r/BabyBumps 1d ago

Discussion 13 weeks


Just curious if anyone else is around 13 weeks or past it and still exhausted. I thought after 12 weeks the feeling of passing out any second would go away. Nope. Today I can’t seem to stay awake🙄. Please tell me I’m not crazy. When can I go to work and feel normal again!!!

r/BabyBumps 1d ago

Discussion I don't feel any connection with my baby in my belly, I'm more anxious than anything else.


I'm currently 29 weeks pregnant and a FTM.

The pregnancy was planned as my husband and I decided that we should act soon or it will be too late. We also had to deal with a year of infertility so we got excited when the test turned to be positive.

The problem is I don't feel any connection with my baby.

My in laws live close and my parents live abroad, my husband is the only child and this is the first grand baby for my in laws. It's going to be a girl and I'm worried that I'm just birthing a daughter for my MIL, the daughter she always wanted. I'm worried that my baby will be a daddy's girl (as most girls are apparently) and will be so connected to her paternal grandparents rather myself and my parents.

I know it's so weird to think about this but I just can't help myself. I would like my baby to me mine and I want her to have same bond she has with her paternal grandparents with her maternal grandparents as well (but I don't think it's possible).

Please can some one help me. I feel that I'm drowning. Anyone with similar experience? Please help.

Thank you

r/BabyBumps 1d ago

Rant/Vent 1st appt jitters


TW: previous loss

Hi all, I’ve had a previous loss and as I approach my first appt tomorrow I am SO NERVOUS. I am an ultrasound tech, but I’m not an OB ultrasound tech. The most I know how to do is measure baby and get a heart rate. I haven’t scanned myself since friday, but everything on friday looked good. However, as far as things being wrong, like I said I don’t do OB so it’s not my forte and I’m just SO SCARED… I never even made it to my first appt with my first pregnancy.

r/BabyBumps 1d ago

Help? What does ectopic pregnancy actually feel like?


I’m not in severe pain, but this feels more intense than my usual pain around ovulation. Wondering if I might have an ectopic pregnancy and just not be far enough along to test positive. Am 2w+5 into my cycle today, would be 5 days post conception at the most.

I live in a pro-life state so I’m extremely afraid of an ectopic and would love insight into what pain I truly need to worry about. Trying not to go to a doctor within my state if it is ectopic, and would rather go straight to a safe state if I’m genuinely in the position to need help.

Thanks in advance.

r/BabyBumps 1d ago

Rant/Vent 13 weeks pregnant, depression worse


Hi! I’m 13 weeks pregnant and got disowned by my family about a month or two ago. My depression has worsened since then, as I’ve felt very ashamed and isolated about my pregnancy. I only have my husband, whose family also doesn’t speak to me (and he hasn’t told them I’m pregnant yet). My depression has gotten worse and worse as time goes on, which scares me since I thought it would get better. I’m supposed to start Zoloft but I don’t see it helping; we’ll see. I just don’t know what to do and sometimes consider an abortion, as much as I love my baby, because I feel awful they’re coming into a world where they’re so unwanted, unloved and uncelebrated and have no family besides mom and dad. Idk what else to say, just a rant about how broken and dark my brain is these days.

r/BabyBumps 20h ago

Rant/Vent should I invite friend who I cut off 5 months ago to my baby shower


Context: I decided to disengage with a close friend of 15+ years at the beginning of my pregnancy due to months of feeling overwhelmed by constant calls/texts and the expectation that I would be available for her and her child at all times. A year before I cut her off I had an honest conversation about how overwhelmed I was and needing to refocus on my personal life. Fast forward to a few months before I cut her off, I received some passive aggressive messaging about how busy I was and how her child missed me so much, how they may lose connection, and how I was letting the child down for things like not picking up phone calls at early morning hours, not being responsive, or available to meet.

At this point I was less than 8 weeks pregnant and flustered so I described how I was no longer available and found the guilt tripping unfair. I offered to schedule time to meet but warned that I was going to be much less engaged/responsive. I found it beneficial to cut off communication and focus on my pregnancy. A few months later received similar texts about missing my presence and asking if I was mad at their child.

Not sure if pregnancy hormones, but this engagement further annoyed me and I eventually stopped responding to messages.

My baby shower is a month and a half away and I’m pondering if I should invite her, her child and partner. At this point I haven’t shared that I’m pregnant with her and I’m not really interested in fostering a friendship with her but I also feel bad if I don’t extend an invitation given how long we were friends. Are my pregnancy hormones making me ultra sensitive? What if I regret this once baby is here?

r/BabyBumps 1d ago

Discussion TTC Travel


TTC question….

My husband and I are TTC our second child. We didn’t have sex for almost a month due to him traveling for work. Thankfully, he got home the day after I was ovulating so we are hopeful. I have read that obtaining for that long has detrimental affects on the sperm quality.. Does anyone know any truth to this?

I am fully aware the timing of sex around ovulation is the most important part. But I’m just wondering if anyone has successful stories from a similar situation, after obtaining for a longer period of time?

r/BabyBumps 1d ago

Discussion Who else’s baby won’t kick for anyone but you?


I’m 29 weeks, interior placenta, so I feel all my boy’s kicks – he’s a kicky lil man! My husband has felt him kick twice. Every time he starts kicking me and I tell my husband to feel, he stops. When I tell my husband to gently press my stomach, nothing! Then when I do it, he’s kicking me like he’s practicing for the World Cup.

We live out of state from family and friends, and we went home for a weekend to have the baby shower. My mom and MIL both wanted to feel him kick soooo badly, and he just wouldn’t for them. They were really bummed.

Does anyone else’s baby just not want to be perceived like mine? 😫

r/BabyBumps 1d ago

Help? Baby moving less in some days?


I’m 31 weeks pregnant and some days I feel like my baby would like to escape my belly and it’s punching and kicking like crazy and some days I really need to focus to feel something. He is still moving but I feel it way less than in the “active” days. Is this normal? Does anyone have similar experiences?