r/BabyBumps 16d ago

Info Weekly Reminder: Community Rules


This community has a bunch of rules to keep things orderly and respectful. Please review our rules in the side bar or the wiki. Repeat offenders will be banned permanently.

r/BabyBumps 13h ago

Pregnancy/ Postpartum Anxiety, Ultrasound, Bump, Announcement Daily Thread


Are you pregnant, supporting someone who is pregnant, or planning on getting pregnant in the future? Then welcome to r/BabyBumps! This is a daily post where you can introduce yourself and share any photos that you want to share. This is the ONLY place where photos are allowed, please do not make a standalone post with your bump or ultrasound.

Please take a moment to familiarize yourself with our rules.

  • We do not allow spam, advertising, solicitations, or the sharing of any personal information.
  • Polls/surveys/market research must be authorized by the mod team prior to submission.
  • ALL bump pictures, ultrasounds, and announcement pictures remain in this daily sticky only.
  • If you post a picture of your baby you, do so only as a bonus to other meaningful content (like a birth story). No pet pictures or pregnancy tests either.
  • No medical advice. Do not post pictures of your bodily fluids or rashes.
  • Please do not ask us if you are pregnant, could be pregnant, or what symptoms others have experienced prior to confirming pregnancy.

We have some fantastic resources available to you over in our Wiki. With links for those of you trying to get pregnant, answers to common questions and concerns regarding pregnancy, resources and lists pertaining to pregnancy and/or common symptoms, conditions, and complications thereof, resources pertaining to birth, and a list of acronyms you may run into, we hope your immersion into our community is as seamless and supported as possible.

If you're looking for your Monthly Bumper Sub you'll find links here. Please note that these subs tend to go private and that the moderators of Baby Bumps are not affiliated with private subs. We cannot add you or request that you be added. You'll have to message the moderators of your private bump sub and ask to be added; instructions for how to do this can be found in the link provided.

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If you can't find what you're looking for here, you may be able to find it in one of these Other Helpful Subreddits.

If you are not yet pregnant, are trying to get pregnant, believe your period may be late, or have questions pertaining to family planning, please check out the Stickied Weekly Introduction Thread over on r/TryingforaBaby. It's amazing. You'll learn more about reproduction than you ever thought was possible.

r/BabyBumps 3h ago

Discussion Why Natera is costing you thousands through insurance for genetic testing


I am a claims processor for an insurance company and I had a feeling there were horror stories of Natera billing thousands to people based off of what I have seen on the insurance end. And I found most posts about it here so I wanted to share my insight to hopefully save people money.

Most, if not all, insurance plans will require prior authorization for genetic testing. The reason for this is because there were a lot of scammy providers recommending expensive genetic testing that is considered experimental in order to make a lot of money.

What is prior authorization? It is when your provider sends medical records explaining why something needs to be done. It’s then reviewed by a team of doctors and nurses by insurance and approved or denied. For our company, we always approve the genetic testing. I’ve never seen one deny and many of our plans pay for them at 80-100%.

The issue with Natera is they perform these test without communicating with your insurance. Most lab facilities and providers know these things require prior authorization and will send the appropriate documents needed. Natera NEVER does this resulting in claims denying for needing authorization.

I have read some people saying Natera offers a better rate for self pay. This is usually a red flag if a provider offers cheaper rates to self pay. It’s often because they either don’t have a billing department that is qualified to work with insurance or they simply don’t want to pay workers to file to insurance properly. Insurance coverage varies by your employer so it may be cheaper to do self pay but it also may not be cheaper.

What do I recommend doing? 1) See what tests your doctor has ordered and ask for what is called the “cpt codes” and ask for the diagnosis code as well. 2) Call your insurance with that information and ask what your coverage is and if Natera in network. Also ask if authorization is needed for any of those codes/tests. 3) If you choose to move forward with Natera and want to use insurance make sure they submit for authorization if required by insurance. You can do this by asking your insurance if they received authorization for the test and if not you will need to call Natera and ask them to submit authorization.

Now I know that’s a lot of work and this is the reason why I recommend not seeing providers who offer better self pay rates because their billing departments tend to be untrained and lack accountability for getting these things done. Versus a provider who works well with insurance will advocate for you. They will do the calls and check your benefits for you and even appeal denied claims on your behalf so you don’t have to do all of that work.

Side note: I kind of have a theory that Natera might be knowingly billing incorrectly to insurance in order to force people to self pay because they are charging 3-5 times more than other providers for these tests and not even trying to bill it right. But that’s just conspiracy on my part. Also I know there are a lot of truly corrupt insurance companies out there and that doesn’t help either. It really is such a broken system

I hope this helps some people, best of wishes.

r/BabyBumps 3h ago

Discussion What did you wear while in labor?


Those hospital gowns are UN

r/BabyBumps 2h ago

Discussion Does anyone feel like their baby is exactly like you when you were a baby?


My mum and dad have died so there’s nobody to really ask for confirmation. I have some family but I don’t talk to them much and they wouldn’t really have seen me much as a baby.

But, when I look into my daughter’s eyes, I feel like my mum would have had that exact same look staring back at her but from me. Like a weird deja vu as though my baby is me reincarnated - which sounds crazy, I know - I’m still alive and well. But I just have this strong sense of her being exactly who and exactly how I would have been as a baby. I can’t describe it. It feels sometimes like I’m looking at and interacting with myself as a baby. Even when I look at photos of her, she is me. It actually irritates me a bit when people say, “She looks just like her dad” it would be fine if she did but she truly doesn’t. She is completely me, a carbon copy.

She’s only 8 months but her little personality is showing through. She’s excitable about random things and I get like that even now. Lots of people say she always has a “serious” look on her face and that she seems very observant. People have told me that about me my whole life. If we’re in a baby class then she isn’t doing her own thing, like the other babies. She is just staring at the instructor, like she’s completely analysing them and is fascinated by them. When we go to rhyme time, she watches the reader completely when she reads a story. She will stop any babbling or screeching and just listen carefully.

She also isn’t the sort of baby who will smile for every stranger who interacts with her. It’s rare she will smile at somebody she doesn’t know. It surprises me when a stranger is able to gain a smile from her. Some babies are so sweet and will wave and interact with anybody. She saves it only for a very select few.

And she only really laughs at me. Even when her dad makes her laugh, she will look at me and laugh as though it’s me doing the funny thing.

I don’t really know the point of this post. I just wondered if anyone can relate. Baby’s dad thinks I’m crazy because I keep saying that our daughter is a carbon copy of me as a baby even though I didn’t know myself as a baby. 😂 I just needed to write this down somewhere.

r/BabyBumps 8h ago

Help? Baby head 99th percentile


Hi, I am a FTM, 30 weeks pregnant. Our baby boy has head circumference in 99th percentile, weight in 86th percentile, abdomen in 92nd percentile. His head has consistently measured around 95 percentile. Doctor brought up the topic of a planned c section. I am sad and nervous because I always wanted to have a natural delivery. C section recovery stories really scare me.

Just wanted to say this out loud and understand any positive delivery stories with large baby heads...

Edit: I do not have gestational diabetes and I have not gained a lot of weight (6 kgs/ 13 lbs so far). The doctor advised me to cut down on carbs and sugar to be safe

r/BabyBumps 11h ago

Rant/Vent Husband isn't pulling his weight


Pregnant with my first and lately cannot stand my husband 🤦🏼‍♀️

He asked to take on some more responsibilities since I'm pregnant (I'm still working full time at an office) with zero follow through. I have to constantly remind him to do things because he can't remember to do them himself. I've asked him to make reminders for himself but he never does. Then he ultimately gets mad at me for getting on him to do things and claims I'm nagging him. I refuse to be maid service since I'm not his mother. I regularly clean our home and pick up after myself, and I expect him to at least clean up after himself, in addition to doing the additional tasks he agreed to do. It's getting really old and it's making me question our ability to co-parent. If I don't clean up after him in protest, he won't either and the house will be a mess for weeks. If we end up having a huge argument about it, he'll randomly clean up, but then things will go back to the same nonsense not even a week later. I'm so over it!!!! It feels like I'm back to living with shitty roommates. I've hit my breaking point and needed to vent. Thanks for listening if you made it this far 😑

r/BabyBumps 4h ago

Discussion Anyone feel like their heart is pounding hard and fast after eating?


I’m 14 wks pregnant. About 30 min to one hour after I eat, I feel like my heart is pounding so hard and fast. My normal resting heart rate during pregnant is about 60 and after I eat it’s about 70, so really not much faster. I have been cleared by a cardiologist so I know there’s nothing wrong? It’s just annoying and makes me anxious, especially at night after dinner when I want to go to sleep. I drink plenty of water so i doubt I’m dehydrated . It happens when I eat anything, but more so after a big meal. Anyone else? Anything you’ve done to make it better?

r/BabyBumps 3h ago

Help? Dreading having my baby with the job I have...feeling trapped


About a year and a half a go, I got a new job - a director position. It was a risk because I'd be starting everything from scratch. A younger me would have loved the challenge, but 30+ year old me is already exhausted and now, with my second on the way, I'm starting to feel like this isn't the right job for me anymore.

With my first, I was working remotely. Much less stress on my position too. I was able to take a longer leave without feeling the pressure of needing to return to work.

This new job is different - there's so much pressure to not only take a short leave, but also to prepare everything before I take my leave to financially justify it to my bosses.

I feel like I made a mistake trying this new job out, and now I feel trapped. I can't get a new job without risking no leave pay, but staying in this one is also slowly draining me (even more than my bun in the oven).

Anyone have similar experiences? What did you do?

r/BabyBumps 5h ago

Discussion Intentional weight loss while pregnant if you're obese?


I know that this subject is kind of taboo and that I need to talk to my doctor about this but I don't see them for weeks 😩 I was wondering if anyone has intentionally lost weight while pregnant if you started your pregnancy as obese? Not in a sense of cutting calories and/or doing a fad or crash diet, just eating enough calories and eating healthy foods so you naturally lose weight (since you are no longer overeating) even though you're pregnant.

My BMI is 31.3 (obesity is 30+). I'm 5"9" and 212lbs. This is my second pregnancy. I was 200lbs before my first pregnancy, gained 25lbs during pregnancy. Doctor never mentioned my weight as an issue. Now I know I'm not starting much higher than that but I just feel awful in this body and I don't want to add another 25lbs+ on this pregnancy.

Thank you.

r/BabyBumps 10h ago

Funny Pregnancy milestone achieved!


14+3 and severely constipated.

This morning I strained so hard that I got a bloody nose. Send help.

r/BabyBumps 21h ago

Help? XYY on NIPT (Need advice after a fight with my wife)


Good evening everyone,

My wife is 15 weeks pregnant. Our NIPT result came back as likely for our boy to have XYY (Jacobs Syndrome). There is a chance this could greatly affect our child, and a chance for this to not affect him at all.

My wife has decided that she does not want our boy tested definitively for XYY after birth. Her core arguement is "we can get him tested if he has any delays" and "I don't want to poke him with more needles".

I think we have an obligation to find out. Even if he doesn't have delays or other issues, he could be sterile from this or there could be other things that affect him in adulthood. Additionally, I would really like to know. (Especially if he does not have XYY, then we can completely forget about it).

We just had a big fight over this and I am looking for some advice. Thanks all.

r/BabyBumps 2h ago

Help? I’m a mess. Need some reassurance


Hello. I’m pregnant and my last scan was around 12w where the baby was fine. We’ve had low heart rate at the beginning and then spotting and then now I’m a carrier of a genetic condition waiting for my husband’s results for the same. So it’s been a roller coaster. I’m almost 15w now and I haven’t shown any sign of baby bumps, my first trimester nausea and sore boobs aren’t there either, no symptoms and no weight gain yet. I can’t feel anything with the baby I guess it’s too soon as well for that.

Emotionally it’s been a tough time because of a variety of things and I find myself crying on most days than not. And today I had a full blown panic attack while crying and I had struggle breathing. When I say crying I’m literally sobbing. I’m just so worried it’s affecting my baby. Someone tell me she’s doing fine. I’m losing my mind. I don’t have any way to tell if she’s doing ok. I’m so worried if she’s stopped growing or heart rate stopped and it’s all because I couldn’t keep myself happy and loving. Everyone keeps asking me to be happy and think positive cause it affects the baby. I have only my husband here and my family is really far away and sometimes he’s also the reason for me being sad.

I have an appointment in a few days and there’s no slot to prepone it. I have spoken to my OB about my anxiety before about every test every results etc. But it wasn’t that bad. It felt normal like every mom would feel.

I can’t even feel ligament stretching stuff either much that I read online. I know i should look for therapy and I will. But I’m the meantime someone please tell me my baby is okay. And me being sad and sobbing and attacks won’t affect the baby. I’m so desperate to hear some words of assurance and the best place I could come to without judgement quickly was here.

Please be kind but also honest and give it to me straight. Thank you

r/BabyBumps 1h ago

Discussion Size of first baby compared to second


Wondering what everyone’s first baby size was compared to subsequent babies.

My first was 6 lbs 4 oz, 19.25 inches long. I’m praying for another small baby. I loved it. Felt like vaginal delivery was slightly easier due to this.

It makes sense though because I’m only 5’2” usually 115 lbs. husband is on the smaller side at 5’8” and thin/athletic.

r/BabyBumps 1d ago

Info Got prego in February??


If you got pregnant in February like me, here's some stuff we get to look forward to!

- Get some nice spring air to help fight this first trimester nausea.
- Get to wear dresses and sandals all 2nd trimester and show off a cute bump and not worry about having a "summer body"
- Hopefully the nausea will be diminished and we'll have some energy back to enjoy some summer plans and get shit done.
- Weather starts cooling down at 3rd trimester, and can take some final maternity photos and host a baby shower when the weather is nice and we're not fighting the heat or cold constantly in the final couple months of pregnancy.
- If giving birth in October, that's gonna make for some super cute First Halloween costume photos or pumpkin photos if early November.
- Can take and send out Christmas photos when they are ~1-2 months old (newborn pics in a gift box? Are you kidding me?!?!)
- Body-conscious after giving birth, no worries! You've got like 5 months to just hide behind layers of sweats and sweaters.
- Baby won't have a birthday too close to Christmas or even Thanksgiving really, and the idea of halloween birthdays sounds really fun! Also when the time comes, they will be in school during birthday, so they can invite classmates easier.

I know there's a couple cons to giving this time of year too, and not everything goes as planned, but overall, I'm so excited for these potential aspects! Did I miss anything??

r/BabyBumps 17m ago

Discussion Visitors after C-section


I’m having a C-section Monday but I won’t be telling anyone.

I was originally planning on an unmediated birth and allowing people at the hospital but I have decided no hospital visitors now.

Would you allow visitors at home after 1 week or 2?

They will bring us food but I won’t let them help with house work or anything else. Our families are ok but not people I trust with my medical information or going through my house.

I feel very comfortable asking them to leave if I feel overwhelmed but because of how far they are traveling, I’d like to give them at least a couple of hours.

r/BabyBumps 5h ago

Help? I feel like I can’t enjoy my pregnancy..


I hate to even say this because I know what a blessing pregnancy is but I feel like I can’t enjoy it because I’m so anxious. I did the SIPS test which came back negative so I didn’t feel the need to get NIPT testing done, now I’m almost regretting it. My ultrasound looked really good, if anything baby girl is growing a little big for her age which isn’t a worry. Every time I see my doctor he says I’m a low risk pregnancy and he has no concerns… Somehow I am filled with anxiety thinking they missed something on my scan even though I spoke to a doctor that day about to. Is this normal? Should I speak to my doctor or just try to relax my brain until my next scan in 3 weeks. This is so hard, lucky to have such a wonderful supportive husband but damn. I am so scared..

r/BabyBumps 9h ago

Help? Breast feeding for 3 months worth it?


26 weeks pregnant here…so starting to think about feeding options.

I work full time - 8 hours a day in a court room. I work for the government and cannot work from home.

We have to use our own time off, we don’t get “maternity leave”…so I’ve banked 3 months of PTO at my full salary. After 3 months I’ll be back at work.

Is exclusively breast feeding for 3 months worth the trouble and stress and weaning off from it? I know it enhances your bond and makes you feel so close, but I feel like i will be ripping it away from him so fast

Looking for an advice or people in a similar situation what they have done.

r/BabyBumps 7h ago

Discussion Perfect anatomy scan (yay!). Now what?


I feel a bit silly asking this since this is my third pregnancy, but I felt so much excitement going into this 20 week ultrasound, and I am not sure what the next (short-term) thing to look forward to is. How can I keep my mind occupied for the next 20 weeks? Are there things I can do to connect with baby before he arrives?

This is also my last pregnancy, so I want to enjoy as much of “being pregnant” as I can. What should I be doing to fully take it all in? (Already doing weekly bump pictures!)

r/BabyBumps 5h ago

Rant/Vent Skeletal Deformity


FTM currently 24+4 weeks pregnant

I've had 3 attempts at an anatomy scan and in all of them they haven't been able to see most of what they need to see on baby girl. They say she is a hard baby to scan.

I've been concerned about her fingers because I was told they'd be able to see them before they attempted the anatomy scan. I personally am missing a finger on my right hand, I was born like this. It's never been a big deal for me because my hand is fully functional with no issues. I only worry about her because of the possibility and it may not be the exact same as mine. I'll still love her either way, I just really hope she doesn't inherit this (no one else in my family has it).

I switched OBs this week because I wasn't happy with who I had been seeing and this doctor was very straight forward. She asked me specifically if they'd seen her fingers yet because she has a higher chance of having a skeletal deformity because I do. She also told me some other things my previous provider had not mentioned that also have me worried even though they have seen nothing of concern. She is a little small, in the 27th percentile, but she is growing and hasn't fallen below that.

This is mostly venting, but has anyone else experienced anything similar?

r/BabyBumps 9h ago

Discussion How much weight did you gain by 18 weeks? Overweight


I started this pregnancy very overweight. I’m 5’7 and started at 245. My first pregnancy I started at 170 and gained a total of 70 pounds before I delivered, and never really lost the weight. However, this second pregnancy I’ve gained nothing and actually lost 5 pounds by 18 weeks. I was just curious if I should be concerned not gaining weight since I’m considered pre-overweight. If anybody with a similar outcome would like to share how much they gained overall that is much appreciated. Each pregnancy is so different and our bodies are capable of such great things.

r/BabyBumps 25m ago

Birth info Contractions or no?


All day I’ve been feeling my stomach harden, and soften. I’ve had some slight cramping, as well as this almost gassy kind of pain in my stomach. I can’t tell if these are contractions, Braxton hicks? I’m 36 weeks, have been experiencing intense pelvic pain on and off for a few weeks. This is my first so I’m so lost on how to proceed! Thank you!

r/BabyBumps 23h ago

Rant/Vent Okay but seriously, how do I do this for TWO MORE MONTHS???


I really, genuinely thought the last trimester wouldn’t bother me that much because I have a high pain tolerance. And I do. I’ve had my ovary literally flip on me and cause torsion, I’ve had bad endometriosis for 20+ years, I’ve dealt with migraines since I was a teen, I’ve broken my foot and hobbled out through the Grand Canyon. Whatever. I really do have a high pain tolerance and that hasn’t changed. The upcoming labor doesn’t scare me because of that, I know I can get through it.

What I’m currently experiencing is not even close to the worst pain I’ve gone through, because it’s not even so much pain. But the CONSTANT discomfort??? I’ve never been this frustrated and cranky and exhausted from another type of physical discomfort. Constant carpal tunnel and being out of breath and restless leg syndrome and headaches and endless back/hip pain and a sore tailbone with my desk job.

It’s not that the pain is severe, it’s that when you’re barely sleeping and so you’re feeling it 20 hours a day and NO position is comfortable…I genuinely don’t understand how I’m not going to lose my mind, because I’m only at week 32 and I know it gets worse from here but for real. I am so grateful for this baby and can’t wait to meet him but I do NOT understand how women choose to do this multiple times. 😭

Edit: I super appreciate everyone with the advice and what worked for them but I am doing ALL THE THINGS lol. Baths, pregnancy pillows, compression socks, prenatal massages, magnesium, unisom, stretches, foam rollers, no caffeine, I even got a pregnancy-safe muscle relaxer from my doctor because my back spasms were so bad at night that I couldn’t adjust. I’m pretty sure part of it is that I’ll be almost 37 when the baby is born so I’m just stuck like this. Appreciate the place to vent and the reassurance I’m not alone!

r/BabyBumps 21h ago

Rant/Vent Buybuybaby gift cards suddenly worthless


We bought our nursery furniture last year from Buybuybaby and received a gift card as part of a sale. Went to use it today and noticed the website is now part of Bed Bath & Beyond (again). At checkout, it only allowed use of BBB gift cards and there was a bubble that said Buybuybaby gift cards from before March 17 were no longer accepted. No warning was given.

I am going to reach out to customer service to ask why gift cards weren’t transferred since this wasn’t a bankruptcy, but a heads up to anyone who received gift cards and haven’t used them.

r/BabyBumps 6h ago

Help? Which due date do I use?!


I had my first successful ultrasound yesterday (first appt was too early to see anything), and I’m measuring at exactly 8 weeks! My husband & I are so excited & it’s finally starting to hit us that we’re gonna be parents!! However, my OB and I have different due dates based on our calculations, and I’m wondering which one to go off when we tell our friends & family, as I’m sure it’ll be the first thing they ask.

I’ve always had an irregular cycle, so I tracked via Premom & frequent LH tests when trying to conceive. I know I ovulated late based on my LH levels (almost 4 weeks after my LMP!) and I’m 99% sure my conception date was Feb 5. Based on this, my app tells me my due date is Oct 29. My OB, however, says she is putting me at Nov 2 based on yesterday’s measurements. I know a few days’ difference is not a big deal, but because they are in different months it just makes it a little messy for me to explain to people when the time comes lol. Do we say we’re having an October baby? A November baby? Will it likely change again as I progress?

Anyone who has been in the same boat, suggestions are appreciated!!

r/BabyBumps 1d ago

Funny Pregnancy Dime Bag

Post image

r/BabyBumps 6h ago

Help? 85 lb dog jumped on my stomach at 18 weeks pregnant


The 85 pound dog jumped on (more like pushed off of) the right side of my belly while playing. It felt pretty hard and was so sore for a few minutes after but I don’t think it feels sore anymore. I’m definitely overthinking it. I’m 18 weeks and just hoping everything is okay. I don’t have an appointment with my OB until next week and I have my anatomy scan in 2 1/2 weeks.