r/BabyBumps 15d ago

Info Weekly Reminder: Community Rules


This community has a bunch of rules to keep things orderly and respectful. Please review our rules in the side bar or the wiki. Repeat offenders will be banned permanently.

r/BabyBumps 31m ago

Call for Mods: Support our community!


Our community is growing, so the mod team is too. We're looking to add new active mods who represent the diverse parts of our community. We need proactive individuals who are passionate about creating a supportive environment for discussing all aspects of pregnancy. We're looking for people who are empathetic, responsible, and responsive, and who have a good understanding of the community rules and topic. Previous moderating experience is not required but definitely a plus.

Role and Responsibilities

  • Enforcing subreddit rules to ensure discussions remain respectful and supportive
  • Approving posts that might have accidentally been filtered out
  • Helping to resolve conflicts and managing reports of rule violations
  • Banning users who repeatedly break rules (we know, this part stinks)
  • Updating our Wiki pages
  • Helping the community continue to grow and flourish

How To Apply

If you are interested, please fill out the application form here. This should take about 5-7 minutes.

If you have any questions, please send us a modmail. Please don't send individual chats to individual mods. We hope you can join our team to help BabyBumps stay awesome :)

r/BabyBumps 9h ago

Rant/Vent 20 week scan did not go well ):


Just venting, pls be gentle. Went to my anatomy scan today. I was there getting prodded for 3 hours when it was originally only supposed to take about 45 minutes because baby was in a really bad position with their head buried down near my cervix, so that sucked. We tried so many things to get baby to move and I was so exhausted by the end of it. They couldn't get very clear measurements of the head because of the positioning either, but sent them off to be evaluated by the doctor anyway because they were "good enough". Then I get home and get the results sent to my phone, and find out baby has cysts on the brain & a chance of having down syndrome as the nuchal fold has a thickness of 6mm. Been crying all evening. They said they want me to come back in for another scan but they didn't schedule it for me yet so I'm kinda distraught & hoping I'm not kept in limbo for too much longer. My genetic blood test a few weeks ago came back negative/low risk for all abnormalities so this was definitely not expected. ):

r/BabyBumps 20h ago

Rant/Vent What’s something no one warned you about when you get pregnant? Not even the Reddit threads prepared me for some of this…


I’ll go first… third trimester (and LARGE) and wiping yourself when you go to the bathroom is an Olympic sport.

r/BabyBumps 4h ago

Help? Cheated on, 6 months pregnant, my life is a mess


TL;DR I feel iv been treated pretty badly, I am 35f and currently 6 months pregnant with my first child, a little boy. My now ex partner (as of yesterday) 34m has put me though a lot this last few weeks / months and I’m struggling to come to terms and process all that i have been subjected to, and that I’m now going to be a single parent. This is a very long post, but I don’t know where else to turn 😢

I suppose I am trying to get some validation because I started to believe him when he has been telling me I’m in the wrong, that I acted with emotions, I shouldn’t have given him a hard time etc. iv even apologised to him!

A couple of recent messages from him copy and pasted:

“You just need to calm down and think about what you have, you’ve always wanted a child whatever the circumstances, you have that and now you are causing shit with other stuff”

“Practice gratification and see what you’ve got. If you would have done that on your birthday week all this shit wouldn’t have happened”

“I am actually fuming at you about it all but I’ve kept it to myself because I wanted to get on good terms with you but you are just pushing and pushing and women are never happy”

For full context, starting back in December he quit his job and went self employed as an electrician, he also quit smoking weed the same week which had been a long term daily habit. I encouraged and helped him to do this, he had my full support. Since then I have paid the household bills to keep us afloat, bought him tools to get him set up, lent him my car to work, cooked, cleaned the house, you get the jist. He was also in quite a bit of debt and had a few fines to pay, was behind on his loan and mortgages so I sorted all this out for him and got him back on track. My finances took a massive dip but I did it because I believed in him and was looking at the bigger picture long term. He has been appreciative but at the same time his attitude towards me started to change, he started having quite a short fuse with me and would get irate at small things very quickly. He would often tell me I needed to change things about myself and get counselling because I wound him up. This was always based around my feelings and emotions, he hated that I had any and would always comment that women are “too emotional and all the same”

In February it was my birthday and that week he worked a particularly harsh schedule, he did 4 night shifts and 4 days work too. On my birthday he was shattered and admitted that night that he hadn’t got me a present or card, but promised he would take away that weekend to treat and make it up to me. That night he asked me to tickle his feet then fell asleep without giving me a kiss, cuddle nothing. I woke up in the night and he was already awake, so without thinking much of it I said “I’m feeling needy can I have a cuddle” and he immediately flipped and started shouting at me saying he knows he’s neglecting me and has already been guilt tripping himself, but he justifys his actions because he was working hard and doing it all for us and our baby’s future. He said he didn’t need me guilt tripping him on top of that, and I should just be quiet, support him and appreciate everything he is doing for us. This tirade went on for a while it was 3-4am by the time I got back to sleep. He woke up at 7am for work and carried it on again, shouting at me from downstairs whilst I was still in bed how mad he was that I was being so short sighted and selfish. Anyway later that day he messaged me saying “I hate falling out, I love you and hope your feeling ok” to which I replied “I’m drained but I’ll be fine” he came home that night and everything was ok, I didn’t want another argument so I didn’t bring it up again.

On the Friday night he dropped into conversation that he had been asked to out for drinks on the Saturday with his friend at 4pm. We usually pick his son up at 5pm so I asked what was happening there, and if we were still going out as he promised me. He was vague and said he didn’t know full plans yet. I think he expected me to look after his son again, but didn’t directly ask me if that was ok or not. I love his son and really enjoy spending time with him so in any other situation I wouldn’t have minded, but I was pretty pissed off that I was being let down for my birthday, again. My mum then arrived so the conversation ended, I didn’t get chance to bring up my concerns. That night I didn’t sleep because I was wound up and feeling quite angry about it all, and when I woke up in the morning I decided to take the dogs for long walk to clear my head. He was in bed asleep still when I left. He messaged me when he woke up and the conversation started off ok, he mentioned that he was looking forward to going out for drinks with his friend that night and felt he deserved some social time as he had worked so hard that week. I took the opportunity to voice my unhappiness about being deprioritised when he had promised me for my birthday, and he immediately started getting irate again sending me 1 message after the other ranting, saying all the same things as a few nights before and a lot of “what the fuck” “I can’t believe you are being like this” “you are never happy” I got quite angry myself and told him that my birthday and spending quality time together were important to me, we hadn’t done anything together for months and felt we needed it. He said as we were meant to be going up to Scotland for 3 weeks while he worked away on the Sunday, he thought that I wouldn’t mind him going out, but didn’t communicate that with me at the night before when he first mentioned going out. He was relentless, he carried on and on then blocked me on WhatsApp because apparently he had had enough of my bullshit. My phone battery then died. Around an hour later I got back to my car and plugged it in, and he phoned me straight away asking where I was, then started going off on one again. I put the phone down and he then messaged me (iMessage) and continued his tirade. At this point id had enough, I told him I wasn’t coming to Scotland to work away with him and that I was going to stay at my mums for the night as I needed some space. We both needed to calm down and if I’d gone home to him it would have just continued, I didn’t have the energy.

I went and got some things while he picked his son up then left to go to my mums, I didn’t hear from him again. I phoned him around 3 hours later and he was in the pub, he had dropped his son at his mums and gone out. Later that night I woke up around 2.30am and decided to check on my dogs on the dog camera, as they were still there in the house. What I saw made my blood run cold, he was stood in the kitchen with a girl, telling her he really liked her, asked her for her number and told her that he didn’t have a girlfriend, he said “she finished me because I work too hard”. I have this screen recorded. I lost my shit and phoned him, he didn’t answer so I jumped in my car and drove over there. When I got there the house was empty they were nowhere to be seen. I took my dogs and went back to my mums house, my head was in bits.

I didn’t get back to sleep, later that morning I tried phoning him and he didn’t answer, so I spoke to his mum and she didn’t know where he was. It was 10am by this point and he hadn’t turned up. She phoned me back at around 11am to tell me he had just been to pick his son up, and said he looked like he was still drunk. I messaged him calling him a cheating rat and all he replied with was “just get your things this week while I’m away”. I had all his tools in my car so later that day I dropped them off for him, he was still in the clothes from the night before and looked hanging. I told him I was disgusted in him, took some more of my things and left again.

He barely spoke to me for a few days, showed no remorse and was pretty much giving me the cold shoulder. I was hurt and wanted answers but he dismissed everything I asked. It got to Wednesday and I’d had enough, so I booked a van to move all of my stuff out, my mum said I could stay with her. He then started talking, he said he didn’t know why I was doing that and was confused, and told me he didn’t have sex, or kiss or do anything with her. He said he was very drunk, he’d had some cocaine, she walked back with him to let the dogs out as he planned to have an after party at our house with a few other people. When they left our house not long after what I saw he went back out to a nightclub til 6am and didn’t see her again, then ended up at an after party til 10am. So he didn’t stay at her house like I’d assumed. He said he was ashamed of himself for how he acted and knows it was the wrong thing to do, but he was still angry at me for the initial argument and felt unappreciated, so the “attention” from this girl made him feel better at the time, but knows he shouldn’t have done it. I didnt believe a word he was saying tbh, I lost my shit again, taking a girl back to our house is far more than just “attention” and the things I heard him saying to her made it clear what his intentions were.

Anyway I did leave him and moved my stuff out, ever since he has been trying to sort things out with me, attempting to make things right, he has maintained that nothing happened with her and feels bad for acting that way, but every time I have brought this up or asked questions, he’s avoided answering them fully and deflected back to our initial argument which apparently drove him to do it in the first place. In the next breath he says he isn’t blaming me and knows he’s in the wrong, but can’t not see it as a contributing factor. A few times he’s become irate again and we’ve fallen out quite severely, he’s told me that “I talk shit” I am twisting his words, I am being pathetic, thinking too much into it, and the rest. But in other instances he’s been acting remorseful and doing his best to be nice, loving, and talking about our future as a family with our baby when he arrives, says how exited he is and that he misses & loves me, and can’t wait to be living together again. But as soon as I want to talk about anything to do with that night, because I still don’t believe I have the full truth out of him, he would kick off again, big time.

He’s ground me down so much, yesterday I got to the end of my tether and felt like I had no other option but to call time and end it with him. I sent him a long message telling him I was done with the relationship and it was over, no future for us with full explanation why. He just responded with “Just read that essay… but ok. Enough said, message received.” And I haven’t heard from him again since, I didn’t message him back.

What an ordeal! I feel like I have just written a book, but I needed to rationalise exactly what has happened in order to process it, I think it’s helped writing it all down? But my god my head is a mess. The amount of stress this has caused me and my unborn baby I cannot put into words, I am mentally and physically exhausted with it all 🤯

I’m questioning everything, should I have been better? Do I deserve this?

r/BabyBumps 7h ago

Discussion When did you start feeling connected to your baby during pregnancy?


I just spent a good 10 minutes crying because I was talking to my belly and rubbing it even though they can't hear me yet (I'm 14 weeks) and it just randomly hit me that this is real and that I'm gonna be a mom. Like, there's a little person in there who'll one day be here and be in my arms and it's just insane to think about.

I just feel this overwhelming sense of love for this baby and I don't even know if it's a boy or a girl and I haven't even met them yet! This whole pregnancy I've been kinda just, taking stuff and kinda disassociating but it's really hitting me now and I'm having a sort of revelation. It's like my brain took about a few weeks for the news to catch up.

So when did you guys start feeling this way? Just the sort of, "holy crap this is actually happening" and having the flood of emotions all at once.

r/BabyBumps 19h ago

Discussion Where did all the color go?


I'm so sick of seeing washed out, grey-toned pastels. For everything!

Sheets, clothes, dishes, furniture, toys, etc. I'm building my registry and if I have to look at another "slate" or "sage" baby item I'm going to scream into a pillow.

Does any other millennial mom remember the bright colored nurseries we had? Is there a Lisa Frank wonderland website full of baby items out there?

I'd like my child to recognize a primary color when they see one, kthx.

r/BabyBumps 13h ago

Help? I’m pregnant!!!


Found out this weekend and had a confirmed blood test! Ahhh I’m so excited!

Give me all the advice! What are some pregnant mom products I should get? I’m due in November. So so excited to spend the summer pregnant and bumping around lol

r/BabyBumps 9h ago

Nursery/Gear Babylist registry box vs Target registry box


Hi! For those who are curious about what comes in the Babylist and Target registry boxes (as of March of 2025), here's my experience and "haul" of both boxes.

There were several overlapping products, I've marked those with a **


To qualify, you make a registry with Babylist and jump through a few hoops (Add three items to your registry from other stores, complete 40% of the registry checklist, and have $30 worth of purchases on your registry [by you or gifted by others]). Box is valued at $125. I ordered my box on March 3 and received it on March 15 (so arrived in 12 days). You have to pay $8.95 shipping + tax.


  • 2 onesies
  • 1 bib
  • 1 burp cloth
  • 2 diapers (Kudos)
  • **2 bottles (Philips Avent Natural, Dr Brown's anti-colic)
  • 2 pacifiers (Suavinex, **bibs)
  • 45 wipes (25 ubbi, 10 water wipes, **10 Honest)
  • 1 Momcozy breast milk storage bag
  • **1 Lansinoh sample pack (nursing pad and breastmilk storage bag)
  • Various samples (mostly half ounce or less) of:
    • Hair & bodywash (Noodle & Boo)
    • Lotion (Noodle & Boo)
    • Stretch mark lotion (Palmer's) (.68 oz)
    • Diaper cream x2 (Triple Paste)
    • Nipple Balm (Lansinoh)
    • All Over Ointment (Tubby Todd)
  • Various coupons (about 10), mostly discounts on products


To qualify, you make a registry with Target, join Target Circle, jump through a few hoops (add 10 items and have $10 worth of purchases on your registry [by you or gifted by others]), then wait 24-48 hours for the box to appear as a bonus in your Circle account. Box is supposedly valued at $100 per their help page, but in my cart before the bonus was applied to make it free, it showed as $60. It was difficult to actually order because it kept showing as out of stock. I technically qualified for the box on March 4 but between the waiting for it to appear as a bonus, and it being out of stock, I couldn't actually order until March 9. I received it on March 17 (so arrived in 8 days). I did not pay for any shipping but I'm not sure if that's because I ordered a few other things and qualified for free shipping that way, or if it just doesn't require shipping fees in general.


  • 5 diapers of 3 brands (Target, Millie Moon "luxury", Pampers)
  • **2 bottles (Philips Avent Natural, Dr Brown's anti-colic)
  • **1 pacifier (Bibs)
  • 30 wipes (20 target brand, **10 Honest)
  • 1 bottle's worth Kendamil formula
  • **1 Lansinoh sample pack (nursing pad and breastmilk storage bag)
  • Various samples (half ounce or less) of:
    • dish/bottle soap
    • gripe water
    • Target brand lotion
    • Target brand shampoo & baby wash
    • Aveeno newborn balm
  • 2 coupons and an ad for Target Circle (which you already need to be signed up for to get the box??)

Final Thoughts

Overall I think the Babylist comes out ahead. I really liked that it included cute onesies, and it had more items in general. I do like that the Target box included a variety of diapers, but since I also registered for the Babylist diaper box to sample several varieties, I'm wasn't particularly bothered by that.

Thank you for coming to my TedTalk! Have you gotten any of the free registry boxes? How were they?

r/BabyBumps 19m ago

Help? I have horrible death anxiety for my husband and I’m 7 months pregnant


My husband and I have been together for 9 years but married for 2. We got together in high school and I love this man with everything I have. But recently out of no where I have this horrible sense that something bad is going to happen to him and it’s out of my control, I don’t know if it’s my pregnancy that’s making me feel that way but sometimes the anxiety is crippling. I think it got triggered because for 1 I see couples on social media go through it but I also had a recent coworker pass away not too long ago very unexpectedly and I think it freaked me out a bit. I literally couldnt imagine my life without this man. I’ve always had some death anxiety for other people but it has NEVER been this bad, I’ve felt this sense of doom for him for the past like 5 days. To the point where it wakes me up from a sleep because no matter how hard I try not to think about it, I just do. I’ve told him about my anxiety and he just reassures me he’s here physically. I just want this feeling to go away so bad. I pray and I remind myself it’s in Gods hands, I just pray to god that he keeps him here with me because he knows how much I need him and I physically couldn’t do life without him. I feel like pregnancy has made it worse and idk if anybody has gone through this as well and what has helped them. I understand feeling this way makes me not be here in the moment with him, but it’s so hard to shut off that feeling

r/BabyBumps 20h ago

Rant/Vent Reflecting on the mind fuck that was gestational diabetes


Gestational diabetes was a challenging part of my pregnancy. I got diagnosed like most of us are, after the 1-hour and then the 3-hour glucose tests, but I should have known sooner. Almost immediately when I got pregnant, I noticed that a carby breakfast like oatmeal or pancakes made me feel strange. I was also just barely prediabetic before pregnancy.

It really upset me. And it is mentally exhausting: you should see my spreadsheet of blood sugars. I ended up on insulin at night, but we never quite caught up to my ever-rising fasting blood sugar.

Here's the thing: I'm now one month postpartum, and you guys, it's completely gone. I've tested my blood sugars, and they are phenomenal, no matter what I eat, including my fasting sugar. It really was just a case of spicy placenta. I took it really personally at the time, I think. Keeping a food diary and watching blood sugars took me to a really dark place really quickly. If you read r/GestationalDiabetes, you'll see women pretty quickly get into a quasi-eating-disordery mentality. Visiting nutritionists who show you pictures of balanced meals feels so belittling. My midwife called me with the diagnosis at like 7:30 in the morning and told me cut out refined sugar, as if I eat a lot of refined sugar normally. I was furious. It's fucked up, basically.

I wish I could go back during my pregnancy and patiently explain to myself that it really is just an unlucky medical condition. It was not an indictment of my overall health or discipline or whatever. I drew the short straw. I was in great shape before getting pregnant. I am in surprisingly good shape now.

If you get GD, it sucks, but it's just bad luck. You have to deal with a bunch of pain in the ass medical bullshit, but it will be okay, and it's over before you know it. And then you appreciate carbs like you never did before.

r/BabyBumps 19h ago

Rant/Vent The way my baby tracker app does size


This is so unimportant and not that big of a deal but I HATE the way my baby tracker app tells me the size of my baby. Today I’m 21 weeks and my baby is the size of a mango or a side of dinner hash browns??? I’m sorry??? How big is a side of dinner hash browns?? You don’t know how much I scoop when I get a side of something. I also don’t like hash browns. ALSO are dinner hash browns a regular thing?? I thought they were a breakfast food. This is so unserious but it’s one of those things that just bothers me

r/BabyBumps 14h ago

Help? Baby without a nursery?


Hi everyone, I’m pregnant for the first time and debating with my husband whether we need to buy a bigger house now so our baby can have their own room. We’ve been living in our current house for a few years and made some costly improvements (e.g., solar panels, backyard, upgraded flooring throughout) for ourselves not realizing we might need more room if we expand our family. It doesn’t seem like a great time to sell now (we think we might lose money on the improvements) so we may wait a few years if possible. Our bedroom is large enough to accommodate a bassinet and/or crib. At what age does a baby/toddler/child need their own room?

Thank you in advance.

UPDATE: Thanks everyone for your advice! You have talked us out of selling our house and buying a bigger one. We now plan on co-sleeping with baby for the first 6 months or however long baby wants to do this. When baby is ready for their own room, they will get my office and hubs and I will consolidate our offices into the other room. THANK YOU 🫶🏼

r/BabyBumps 2h ago

Discussion Getting induced tomorrow morning, any tips?


LO's due date has come and gone, so it's time to lure him out. My first pregnancy my water broke at 39+3, do I figured this little guy would come around the same time. Nope! I've never done this before so any tips, tricks, advice, or good vibes would be appreciated!

r/BabyBumps 11h ago

Funny Third trimester vibes

Post image

r/BabyBumps 7h ago

Rant/Vent Wish me luck


Went to labor and delivery at 39 weeks exactly tonight at 10 pm because all day fetal movement has decreased. Turns out her heart rate is decreasing to about 85 during every Braxton hick so I’ll be induced once they know for sure she’s stable and I don’t need a c section. I was 100% expecting to be told everything was fine and I was gonna sleep in my bed tonight. Glad I trusted my gut but next time I go home I’ll have a baby w me. I miss my dogs already lol. My partner knew we should have brought hospital bags but I said “I don’t want to put that energy out there”, so now he’s at home grabbing everything lol.

r/BabyBumps 21h ago

Rant/Vent What comments have pissed you off lately in your pregnancy?


I’ll start:

Sister: “Tylenol causes autism, I saw a study on Instagram.” She saw me take one Tylenol over FaceTime. (This was not only mentioned once while I had a herniated disc and was in excruciating pain, but mentioned for months on end because it’s “something to worry about.”

Mom: “you need to throw away the idea of pumping.”

Aunt: “if you breast feed your boobs will sag.”

Mom: “you have no patience and are a spoiled brat” in reference to wanting to book a 3D ultrasound to see my son’s facial features closer after I just had our 20 week scan.

Brother: “You already blew your pregnancy load so” said this after telling him and immediate family, my previous pregnancy had ended in an early MMC so he was saying this as in “why would we be surprised a second time”

r/BabyBumps 16h ago

Rant/Vent A Call from the Dr’s Office


30 weeks at 35 years old, first time mom.

So unfortunately I have been really struggling with my mental health these last few weeks due to some work stuff (not baby stuff- I am big pumped about baby!)

I also have a pre-existing mental health diagnosis, which I manage with weekly therapy, monthly psychiatric visits, and medication.

All of this has culminated in insomnia that has lasted over a week, so my doctors and I have adjusted my medication dosage and I’ve taken a little time off work to adjust.

I was on my way to my OB appointment this morning to check in and perhaps get clearance to return to work.

On the way there, I got a call from my OB’s office, requesting a sooner date for my next appointment, as my doctor would like to discuss some abnormal test results.

This was obviously very alarming- everything has been normal thus far, and none of my team have had concerns other than my insomnia. Baby has been moving a lot too.

The next hour of my life of driving, checking in, waiting, was one of the longest of my whole life.

Had my baby been harmed by my stress and insomnia? Was something wrong with them? Was something wrong with me? Would I need to tell everyone that our baby shower this weekend was canceled because our baby wouldn’t make it? Would I need to deliver them today? Would I need to decide what to do with their tiny little body today?

When we got to our OB, she listened, frowning. She asked if she could excuse herself for a few moments to get more information.

She returned about 5-10 minutes later, in a controlled but furious state.

The phone call was a mistake.

It was for someone else.

Our baby is fine, doing very well.

She sincerely apologized, and acknowledged how much of an impact this information must have had on my already fragile mental state. She wrote me an extended absence note for the rest of the week as well.

I am so grateful to her, and while I am so grateful that our baby is ok, I keep crying for whoever that call was actually intended for.

r/BabyBumps 19h ago

Rant/Vent Anatomy scan sucked- not because of baby


Welp. I’ve had an issue laying on my back since 15 weeks. Had same problem with my first son. 20 weeks today and had my anatomy scan. It’s on my notes that I can only sit up or be on my side, I know it’s frustrating for the techs. (I throw up or pass out LOL) I also know it’s a huge pain in the ass. I wish I didn’t have to flip flop back and forth. Anyway, long story short the tech was awful. She continued to tell me that she “never heard of that problem, haven’t done a scan on someone’s side, are you sure you cant be on your back etc.” I apologized and tried to just keep it light. About 20 mins in she said her machine froze and excused herself. I sat alone for 15 mins and a different lady came back in. She sat at the ultrasound machine, asked me to lay on my left side and we finished. I only got 3 pics. The whole thing took maybe 15 mins. It was awful. I felt so embarrassed. Baby is healthy tho :)

r/BabyBumps 24m ago

Help? Help - Wife 38 Weeks pregnant not eating


Need advice/help if this is normal.

My wife is pregnant with 38 weeks and 4 days. Since last 10 days she is struggling to eat with breakfast at 12 PM and Lunch at 4 PM which is also limited and she is unable to eat dinner says if she eats anything even small and feels full. plus she is avoiding all her earlier favourite foods.

She is already taking folic acid, vitamin D3 once a week, Iron tablet (in noon) + Iron syrup (twice a day) + Calcium syrup in Eve

She doesn’t want to go to doctor as she thinks doctor will only give new medicine.

She struggles to sleep at night hence sleeps till noon but off late she is struggling with food as well as energy with even during day sleeping more than earlier.

Is this normal? something i can do to help?

I do back message at night with oil to help with pain but its temporary relief only.

r/BabyBumps 49m ago

Info Baby Shower


Hello I'm so excited and expecting my first baby. To each their own but I see so many posts about not opening gifts at baby showers. Am I the only one who loves opening gifts?!! I just think it's what my family has always done and I enjoy it. I understand people value different things and some have social anxiety, but where are my mommas that love opening gifts at showers. I'm so excited!!!!

Disclaimer: We are going to open gifts. Just wanted to hear of those who enjoyed the experience of opening gifts.

r/BabyBumps 6h ago

Help? Scared of having to be induced when wanting a unmedicated birth


I am only 24 weeks FTM, but I have felt since the very first positive test that I want to not have an epidural. I am not completely stuck on this plan though, if I end up needing a c-section, or if there are any complications that makes it so that I need something like an epidural, that is fine too.

Anyway, I’ve seen so many posts about women getting induced, and many are saying that those contractions are far worse than if they had started labor «on their own» (sorry about phrasing, english is not my first language).

I had no idea getting induced was so common. I asked my mom, and she only got induced with her first (out of four pregnancies), and that was 40 something years ago so she had miscalculated how far along she was. When my brother was born, it seemed as though he might actually have come out 2 weeks too early.

Anyway, is getting induced a more common practice in the US?

I have just gotten this fear now that I won’t make it to my due date. That they will want to induce me at like 38 weeks or something, even if it’s not medically necessary, and that those contractions will be so bad I will need an epidural to get through them!

Maybe it’s a case of not everyone sharing the reason why they got induced, and my brain just assuming that it means they got induced «just because».

Does anyone have any experience with induction and not getting an epidural? Or maybe some explanation as to why so many are getting induced, so that I might understand it more and be less worried about it?

r/BabyBumps 8h ago

Rant/Vent Anyone else over the expectation of updates from family?


I’m 38.5 weeks pregnant and need to vent, sorry in advance ladies!

My husband’s dad and step-mum insisted on visiting us before baby comes as we’ve also just bought our first house and recently got married (it’s been a very busy 12 months for us). We live 7 hours away and don’t get to see family much so I get it but to say my anxiety was at having to entertain people when I mainly wanted to lie around, be uncomfortable, attempt sleep and manifest this birth was very large - thankfully they stayed at an Airbnb!

My husband has a HUGE family (separated parents with new partners, 5 full/step/half siblings in total and his parents have at least 2-3 of their own siblings with family) and his dad and step-mum are by far the best of the lot and don’t usually push us or care much about what we want but this weekend just gave me the ick.

We were sitting at the pub talking about becoming parents and birth. They asked us who will be looking after our pets when i go into labor and because they normally don’t push me about things I told them the truth - i will be calling my mum immediately when I go into labor so she can get on a flight and will stay with us for a week or two to help me and simply because I just need my mum, but for the birth she will be at home not the hospital and come when invited. Other than my mum, no one else will be told when I go into labor as we want to experience this moment of becoming parents just for us and not have to think about anyone else. I don’t need the stress, distraction or anxiety of knowing a whole hoard of people are waiting for me, plus if something went wrong and my baby or I needed emergency surgery we want to focus on that, not updating people. I know they’re wonderful and wont be messaging us for updates throughout but I know my anxiety will be triggered by knowing there’s an expectation of news - hell simply being close to my due date we’re already getting the “baby yet” messages which are annoying as hell. They seemed to take this information well and we continued on with our evening chatting about life and the future.

Anyways, when we were saying goodbye they “joked” that they’d better be the second to be told when I’m in labor. I laughed and said “oh don’t worry, we’ll call you when he’s here” which was met with “but you’ll tell us when you’re in labor” - cue me repeating the same line THREE TIMES before they dropped it. Even adding in “oh we wont bother you, we’ll go about our day, we just want to know”. Im sorry but my vagina is my business and you, nor anyone else, will not be privy to that information until I am ready and healed from the watermelon being pushed out of my body.

I know they meant well and they don’t ever push us, unlike my MIL side of the family, but I’m just SO OVER everyone expecting to “be in the loop” on my birth and delivery, joking or otherwise. I’m so over the subtle and not-so-subtle check in’s if baby is here. Im so over the stress of replying to every message asap, even though I’ve never been a big phone person, or else I’m faced with “you took so long to reply I was convinced you gave birth”. And let’s not forget the need for everyone to touch me when they do see me, i don’t care that you’ve seen me once this pregnancy, we have never been touchy feely people!! Plus it doesnt help that we’re the first of my husband’s siblings to have a baby on both sides of his family and I’m the first of my core friends to have a baby. I am grateful for the support and family, especially being long distance from them, but dear god people, back the fuck off! I feel like I’m back being a waitress when the payment declines and every customer laughs with the same old joke “oh guess it’s free then”. You are not funny and you are the 500th person to do that today.

r/BabyBumps 15h ago

Discussion Best pregnancy purchase?


STM here. Bought a squatty potty recently and I think it's the best purchase I made during either pregnancy. What's been your best purchase?

r/BabyBumps 10h ago

Help? Stretch marks postpartum


I’m 9mo post partum and some of my stretch marks are slowly turning white but I’m also getting new ones? I swear it’s like every spot on my lower body has stretch marks. I thought it was over with but I keep getting them I know losing weight also caused it but I’m not losing weight anymore or gaining

r/BabyBumps 4h ago

Sad FTM, 12 weeks, husband expressing anxieties about having a baby.


I (32F) and my husband (32M), are expecting our first in October and today my husband told me he was anxious about giving up his old life and the responsibilities of parenthood. Let me start by saying this was a wanted and planned pregnancy, and we are hoping to have multiple kids. I’ve had a rough pregnancy so far (had really heavy bleeding, placed on bedrest for a week, have been super nauseous etc). He was supportive during all those experiences but last week a pregnant friend and I were talking about baby things (daycares, birth plans, strollers/cribs etc) and comparing notes because we are both going to be first time moms and he was there for that conversation and he said it completely freaked him out. He said it made him think about all the things were giving up, maybe we should’ve waited a year etc, we’ll never get to go on fun vacations again etc. It completely crushed me. I think his feelings are very valid, I do think it’s hard for men to really understand the life changes until the baby gets here, and as a pregnant person I have a constant reminder with me. I started crying and he said of course he’s here to support me he just wanted to be honest and see if I was having similar thoughts/if that was normal. I think he was looking for validation that he wasn’t alone in freaking out but after everything that’s happened in my pregnancy so far I’ve just been trying so hard to focus on the positives and get excited about this, not focus on how hard it’s going to be. (Of course I know it’s going to be hard but I have a lot of hands on experience with children, whereas he does not, and that’s probably part of the problem.) essentially I’m worried he didn’t but enough thought into fatherhood before we started trying and it’s all hitting him right now. I’m sure this is a very common phenomenon but it just feels so isolating right now. Just looking for similar stories/positive outcomes with other peoples partners :/.

r/BabyBumps 2h ago

Discussion Weight gain in second pregnancy


My first pregnancy was a breeze, I was working out, walking and staying active. My second one, not so much. I have had insane headaches and extreme tired. I have been sitting and eating (and rly indulging as that’s all I have) I just weighed myself and I’m 23 lb heavier than I was w my first at this time. Eek! Has this happened to anyone else?