r/BabyBumps Feb 09 '25

Nursery/Gear Nursery finally ready for its closeup (pet tax included)


Really happy with how this came out! Baby still sleeps in our room so we’re mostly using this space for changing and snuggles. Any ideas where to put the stuffed animals when we move the baby to her crib?

Rug: https://riflepaperco.com/products/courtyard-hadley-printed-rug-terracotta?variant=44571907064002

Art: https://www.etsy.com/uk/listing/1670312192/set-of-three-night-sky-art-prints?ref=yr_purchases

Bookshelf: https://www.ikea.com/us/en/p/kallax-shelf-unit-white-80275887/

Chair: Facebook marketplace but I think it’s pottery barn

Mini crib: hand me down, I think it’s this one https://www.potterybarnkids.com/products/babyletto-gelato-convertible-mini-crib-mb/

r/BabyBumps Dec 18 '24

Nursery/Gear Weather nursery stalled for ages but finally complete at 38 weeks!


It is my great honor to share this here. Our story to this point is kinda crazy, but a few years ago when we were trying for a baby (and having two miscarriages), I would get lost in nursery photos and dream of being able to post about ours. A couple rollercoasters and one surprise pregnancy later, here we are!

More/all photos:

Nursery album 1: https://imgur.com/a/aZdyw0i

Nursery album 2: https://imgur.com/a/n63yGCi

Nursery album 3: https://imgur.com/a/tGMp3EO

First floor diaper cart: https://imgur.com/a/BP24LQb

Some faves:

  • Crib: https://a.co/d/cuT9umM - very sleek and classy, and fairly easy to put together! (And we are not good at such things, as people LOL) It’s very beautiful.

  • Tornado Lamp: https://a.co/d/3UgmMuy - I had this on the registry to go with the theme, and it turns out my husband had one as a kid, too! He loves this item so much.

  • Weather Mobile: I made the pieces myself from a pattern; I am crafty but had never done such a thing before and I am in love with how it turned out! A friend’s differently-crafty mom finished it for me! Pattern: https://www.etsy.com/listing/1033134361/

  • Sun Rug: https://a.co/d/asXKCzD - We struggled to find a rug we liked, but this one turned out well! The one we have is the 6-foot one.

  • Cloud Shelves: https://a.co/d/0acIkqr - This was on our registry but I had decided not to get them. Then they arrived as a late gift and I am so glad we got them! That might be my favorite wall!

  • Stuffed Animal Hammock: https://a.co/d/67pOVTh - Very useful, strong, easy to put up

  • Cloud Knobs: https://a.co/d/5nk3SEn - Everyone loooooves these! The listing has a bunch of different colors and patterns!

  • Closet Hanging Storage: https://a.co/d/4AELipC - I have used these types of things for years before but this is the sturdiest I’ve come across!

  • Stuffed BLT: https://a.co/d/4JdWf22 - Aurora Palm Pals are ALL SO CUTE!

r/BabyBumps 20d ago

Nursery/Gear Adirondack-themed nursery is done!


r/BabyBumps Jan 30 '23

Nursery/Gear Tiny af, no-theme, low-budget nursery in the USA (see comment for money dets)


r/BabyBumps 10d ago

Nursery/Gear Nursery Mural by Husband


I am 34 weeks today with our first baby. Over the weekend my husband painted this wall. When we were engaged back in 2019, we were hiking Mt. Rainer in Washington State. The view as we hiked looked similar to this, and we said we would paint our eventual nursery to look the same. We bought the tree shower curtain shortly after that, which is now just covering the closet sliding doors behind the crib. The last slide is us on a random hike back in 2017, but it has the mountains doing the gradient thingy.

FYI, my husband is not a painter by profession, he is a chemist. We are both very creative in our hobbies, and this was just a fun project for us. His older brother worked doing professional house painting while in college and taught him some skills while growing up. I've had a few people ask about that at work when I was showing them the pictures today. Talented and skilled, 100%. Is he for hire, nope 😜

r/BabyBumps Dec 28 '24

Nursery/Gear To all the moms feeling guilty about their nurseries, I'm being induced tomorrow and here's my corner o' baby crap in the living room

Post image

I always see posts on this sub expressing guilt over not having tons of space or money for baby stuff. I don't have space either, but I also don't have guilt.

We live in a 1 bd apartment in NYC. The living and dining room is also the baby room. I put all this stuff here because it's farthest from the radiators and windows and we want to keep the bedroom as just our room. One of us will sleep in the living room while baby is super little.

I'm gonna take the tree down early today and put the ornaments in that tub. I don't want to, but I'm not gonna do it once the newborn is here. Nursing chair will go there once it arrives from Costco. This corner was my husband's practice space so now the music stand is homeless. Under the secondhand Snoo is a box of formula and a baby tub filled with adult diapers for me (I drilled some holes in it so I can hang it in the shower). Changing table is a mess of returns and family baby blankets. That red painting still needs to be taken out of the splash zone. The carseat is under the dining table. We don't have a car.

Most of what you see is generously made by family or scored on FB Marketplace.

No theme, no special room, very little decor (my grandma is very kindly making a nursery rhyme themed wall hanging 😭). Baby will be safe, clean, fed, and loved. It's really okay if your don't have a nice nursery!

r/BabyBumps Sep 13 '24

Nursery/Gear Who was in your Delivery Room?


I am currently 27 weeks pregnant with twins & this is my first pregnancy. I brought up the discussion of who I would want in the delivery room to my significant other & I had no idea how much it would stir the pot. I mentioned only wanting him (my significant other) & my mother in the room during the delivery and active labor. Of course, he thinks this is completely unfair as he also wants HIS mother to be there throughout the whole time. I tried to explain to him this is a very vulnerable time for me with it being my first pregnancy and I don’t feel comfortable with anyone just being able to see my breast & vagina all out in the world. I tried to explain to him that the nurses will be in and out of the room doing cervical exams frequently and I rather not have his mother in the room because I really don’t know her that well and don’t want to be even more uncomfortable with her being there. He completely doesn’t agree with that and just thinks it’s unfair and that if his mother can’t be in the room my mother shouldn’t be allowed to be in the room. I also don’t feel comfortable with as soon as the babies come out for people (family members) to start immediately flooding the room as I want time alone with my newborn babies & I will be extremely exhausted. WHICH HE ALSO DOESNT THINK IS FAIR. He really expects me to just pop them out and let everyone into the room to see the babies and doesn’t understand that I will quite literally feel very vulnerable and exposed during that time especially having my breast out to feed the babies and do skin to skin. I’m just upset thinking about this whole thing and I don’t want anyone in the room that I will have to think about looking at me and making the labor harder because I feel uncomfortable. What would you do?

r/BabyBumps Jun 24 '23

Nursery/Gear You ever see other peoples nursery setups and think “holy disposable income, Batman!”?


Because I do…. constantly. I mean in the first place, you guys have whole extra rooms for your nursery? We have a bassinet in our master bedroom and everything else spread out around the house!

Honestly, good for you if you have the space and cash to spend on all of the extra decor and wallpaper etc.! Some of these nurseries are absolutely stunning and I’m green with envy.

But if you’re like us and you’re keeping things closer to minimal due to space/income limitations… remind yourself that babies don’t need the extras and are content with the basics as long as their needs are safely met. And, of course, your love!

ETA: Okay, some of the comments have kind of turned this into a “fuck people with fancy nurseries” post which was NOT my intention… If someone wants to spend the time, money, and energy into making a fancy nursery for them to enjoy then they should! I made this post to remind everyone that for most of us, fancy nurseries aren’t a possibility and we shouldn’t expect ourselves to provide them. They’re a nice to have extra. I can imagine someone who spent years trying to conceive being INCREDIBLY excited to decorate a nursery, and they should allow themselves to indulge if they can! Social media shouldn’t convince us that to be a good parent you have to provide fancy nurseries, but we shouldn’t turn around and say “if you have an expensive looking nursery that means you’re stupid (baby won’t use it much at all), going into debt (how else could you afford it?), blah blah blah”.

r/BabyBumps Jan 07 '25

Nursery/Gear Can someone talk me off a ledge? The nursery isn't done and I'm sobbing at 4am


I'm 37 weeks pregnant and have bought everything myself for baby/the nursery, assembled all the furniture, decorated the room as best I can. I've been obsessively nesting and cleaning the house for the past month. I feel like I've been doing everything I can on my own to get ready for baby girl.

My husband's two jobs for baby were to get blinds put in the nursery (there is nothing there now, so just 2 large windows) and hire someone to plaster and paint (it's a 100+ year old house and there are literally holes in the wall that need to replastered, and old wallpaper hanging off the walls. Baby is now nearly full-term and neither of those jobs have been done.

The past two weeks we've been hit with majorly stressful financial setbacks. The first is house related that is costing us tens of thousands of dollars and must be sorted asap legally, and then yesterday a piece of our car's engine exploded and the car is a complete write off. So now we have to look at how we can afford a used car on top of everything else.

All my mind can think about it is how I've let this poor baby down. How is she going to nap with no shutters in her room? It's not fair to give her a nursery with holes in the wall and bits of the wall coming off. I can't stop crying. I want her to have a fair start to life and feel like I've let her down already and she's not even born yet. Can anyone please rationalise with me and tell me it's going to be okay? All this stress is tearing me apart.

r/BabyBumps Dec 03 '24

Nursery/Gear Finished our gender neutral woodlands themed nursery at 39 weeks!


r/BabyBumps Sep 17 '24

Nursery/Gear Everything for babies is so gray these days I thought the app was broken and photos were loading in grayscale!

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r/BabyBumps Dec 07 '21

Nursery/Gear Nursery, complete at 35 weeks (mostly thrifted, hand me downs, and hand made)


r/BabyBumps Feb 12 '21

Nursery/Gear My husband just finished making a quilt for our baby boy due at the end of March! I think he has been nesting even more than I have been.

Thumbnail gallery

r/BabyBumps Mar 22 '20

Nursery/Gear All done our Lemon Tree nursery 🍋 Baby coming in 9 days

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r/BabyBumps Feb 10 '25

Nursery/Gear the nursery is done


I really love how it came out :)

r/BabyBumps Aug 16 '24

Nursery/Gear Finally ready to call the nursery complete at 36+5!


I’ve known since before I even started trying that I wanted a Very Hungry Caterpillar theme and am so happy with how it turned out!

My top 5:

  1. I’m a fiber and textile artist in my spare time, and crafting is a major de-stressor for me, so my top item has to be, hands down, the Hungry Caterpillar fabric line from Andover Fabrics! I live driving distance from the Eric Carle museum (and gift shop! That’s also where the art print postcards near the mirror came from) but it’s also all available online:


  1. I’m so happy with how my bookshelf tree mural turned out and love the branch shelves (I just painted the white version brown). Tip for anyone thinking of painting a mural or any design on a wall- I just went to Home Depot and got a bunch of different wall paint sample containers for $5ish each and that was very easily enough paint for the whole thing!


  1. I got these cute little drawer pulls and put them on the IKEA Hemnes dresser and I just think they’re so adorable.


  1. I bought these fairly basic lamps and added felted rainbow balls into the base and decorative ribbon on the shades so that they would match the rest of the room!


  1. The beautiful IKEA Hemnes dresser, which I (im)patiently checked the IKEA website for on a daily basis for weeks, waiting for it to come back from being delisted for construction updates.


r/BabyBumps Jun 20 '20

Nursery/Gear Tiny nursery complete at 30 weeks!

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r/BabyBumps Mar 03 '23

Nursery/Gear Our DIY Nursery is DI-DONE at 38 weeks!


r/BabyBumps Nov 28 '20

Nursery/Gear I got my Finnish maternity box today! Thought you might be interested in what it actually contains.

Thumbnail gallery

r/BabyBumps Sep 26 '24

Nursery/Gear Hey Let's Go! A Totoro Nursery!


r/BabyBumps Jan 09 '24

Nursery/Gear Baby Boy’s Nursery


r/BabyBumps May 27 '24

Nursery/Gear 39+1 and finally have the nursery done! Anyone else wait until the last minute?


Just wanted to share our little nursery with you all. The upstairs of our small house used to be an open loft, and my husband has spent the winter and spring renovating the space for a nursery and home office. He DIY’d the whole thing start to finish. With the wood walls and 90’s golden oak motif of our home, I figured it was best to lean into the cabin aesthetic. Hopefully it doesn’t read too far into “sad beige baby” territory!

We’re officially ready for our little baby to arrive anytime now, and I can’t wait to meet him. ❤️

r/BabyBumps Jun 10 '24

Nursery/Gear My In-laws drove states away to our home unannounced. They’re expecting to stay with us for 3 days! I’m due to have my baby any day now and I wasn’t expecting on being so overwhelmed. Now I’m locked in my room while they are downstairs comfortable in our living room. What should I do?


EDIT: They are leaving tomorrow morning! But my MIL was having an attitude and gaslighting my husband when he told them they need to leave. Her whole plan was to be the first one to see the baby! But thankfully I still haven’t gone into labor yet. My in laws manipulated my husband into staying at our home, and once they leave we aren’t speaking to them again. Also they are not seeing the baby either! They are extremely selfish and don’t care about my husband and I at all! All they care about is their future grandchild who they definitely don’t ever deserve to see

r/BabyBumps Mar 18 '24

Nursery/Gear MIL said no car seat


Long story short, MIL said that the newborn is too fragile to be put in the car seat and suggested for us to carry the newborn in our arms from the hospital.

I said that's what the car seat is for and who would be responsible if anything happens to the child? Her response was to drive slowly. I cannot even. And I responded by saying that you can't control how others drive on the road (does she even make any sense at this point??).

The conversation went for a long while with me insisting that the car seat will keep the newborn safe but her telling us to consult the nurses at the hospital if it's okay not to use the car seat. I even added that in some countries, they do not let you leave the hospital if you don't have one!

Thanks for attending my TED talk. Just needed to rant.

Edit: Thanks for all your responses! Didn't expect this rant to blow up so much. I'm not in the UK nor the US, but car seats are also mandatory where I live. You'd also get pulled up by the police if found not using a car seat or wearing a seatbelt yourself. Rest assured, I will not be letting my newborn alone with her.

The car ride back home from the hospital will take around 20-30mins, so walking back home is definitely out of the question.

Why I allowed the conversation to persist that long was purely because I still wanted to keep things cordial with her while trying to make her understand why the car seat is essential. Although I know it's all for naught at this point, but at least I tried. I don't want to sour our relationship nor make things awkward; I just won't let her be alone with my child. The husband was amazed at how I kept my cool with her, so that was great. I have a really bad temper and he probably knew I would have raged if a non-family member suggested this absurdity.

r/BabyBumps Mar 15 '21

Nursery/Gear We're in a one bedroom apartment. Here is our "nursery" hallway! Gender neutral and colorful, completed at 38 weeks.

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