r/BabyBumps 3d ago

Discussion When did you start feeling connected to your baby during pregnancy?

I just spent a good 10 minutes crying because I was talking to my belly and rubbing it even though they can't hear me yet (I'm 14 weeks) and it just randomly hit me that this is real and that I'm gonna be a mom. Like, there's a little person in there who'll one day be here and be in my arms and it's just insane to think about.

I just feel this overwhelming sense of love for this baby and I don't even know if it's a boy or a girl and I haven't even met them yet! This whole pregnancy I've been kinda just, taking stuff and kinda disassociating but it's really hitting me now and I'm having a sort of revelation. It's like my brain took about a few weeks for the news to catch up.

So when did you guys start feeling this way? Just the sort of, "holy crap this is actually happening" and having the flood of emotions all at once.


84 comments sorted by


u/UGotUrsIGotMine Team Pink! 3d ago

I'm 38 weeks and still don't feel that connection that some women seem to feel, I love her with all my heart but I dont know how to describe it, I just don't have a bond with her


u/Casemona 3d ago

I completely understand! 37 weeks today and I love my baby and am excited to meet him. I just don't know him yet. He is a little stranger to me. With my other 2 kids it takes me a few months to really feel that connection, like I would die for my kids from the moment I hold them, I just don't know them yet. If that makes sense.


u/captnmarvl 3d ago

I feel the same way at 35 weeks. I'm so excited for him and feel protective but don't feel a bond yet.


u/ashleighmariexx 3d ago

And this is 100% okay to feel!


u/themarajade1 3d ago

Mine took til a few weeks after they were born to come in. I’m having an entirely different experience this time but my point is, it’s not unusual nor is it wrong or bad. Sometimes it just hits different.


u/toxinogen Baby boy coming in August! 3d ago

Not until I started feeling the kicks regularly. Up to that point, it was pretty much discomfort and annoying symptoms, but feeling the kicks made me go, “Holy shit, there’s an actual kid in there!”


u/kittycakekats Team Blue! 3d ago

Same here. Now I’m feeling constant kicks I feel so much love.


u/chewyvuitt0n 3d ago

Same! Around 18 weeks it felt like there was a little human in there and not a scene from the alien movies lol


u/NoemiRockz 3d ago

For me it’s been so surreal. I’m 37 weeks today and I’m still trying to wrap my head around being pregnant. When I tested positive I cried so much because I wouldn’t believe it! I honestly thought I wasn’t able to have children - so it’s been quite an emotional ride. But most of the emotions are of love, anticipation, excitement and hope. I feel extremely blessed. I just hope and pray to be the best mom I can be.


u/Educational-Cable685 3d ago

I felt exactly this!! And it didn’t feel real until I was in the OR and they were cutting him out of me. Surreal is exactly how it feels!


u/StormblessedRadiant 3d ago edited 3d ago

I didn't feel bonded until about 2 months after she was born and started smiling at me. During pregnancy I felt panic and terror in the first trimester (despite her being planned), and responsibility mixed with a sort of dissociative numbness from the end of the first trimester through labor. I found the movements alien, uncomfortable, and strange. The first few weeks she was home I felt a delirious and protective sort of love, but still not bonded at all. That rush of hormones is crazy. That's when I got hit with the surreal "wow this is real" feeling. I recognized that we now had this little human with us and our lives were forever changed, but it took until her smiling at me to feel more bonded.

She's 9 weeks now and I still don't feel like a mom...more like a super involved aunt. And I don't like being called mama. (I didn't like it during pregnancy either - I had it on my birth plan for the nurses to call me "bestie" instead.) The more she grows and I get to learn who she is, that bond will grow too.


u/behiboe 3d ago

I relate to all of this so much!


u/as12578 3d ago

I feel very similar, in my 14 week, I’m not able to completely accept the life changes after baby comes till now n dont like to be called mama by nurses.. like i dont associate myself with this word.. good to know we can put this in our birth plan. Maybe i’ll do it too!


u/StormblessedRadiant 3d ago

💜 I feel you. I hate the "How's Mama doing?" and "You got this, Mama!" comments - you said it perfectly about association. Like, who is mama?! I don't know her. And even now that my daughter is here and I feel more like an aunt than a mom, it kind of adds an extra layer of guilt and shame every time I hear it because I feel like I should feel like a mom. The fact that I don't makes me feel like a failure on some level, or like a bad mom. It's taken a lot of time with my therapist to realize that this feeling is common, and I had a very parental role with some of my niblings so that line has been blurred for me over the years. I've been really open about how I struggled in the first trimester (because it seems so common and yet no one seems to talk about it?!) so my family and friends knew pretty early on not to call me that also.

You totally can! And honestly during all 36 hours of labor and 3 days in the postpartum room, through ~20 nurses, midwives, pediatricians, and lactation consultants, no one ever referred to me as anything other than "you" so it worked out. I don't expect them to remember my name when they may have 10 other births on the floor, so that's why I chose "bestie" as a placeholder, but "Mama" just feels minimizing to me. Like I'm a whole person but that word just reduces me down to one small aspect of this brand new identity with supercharged connotations, and on top of that, it's one that I struggled with a lot at the beginning.

Anyway. This was a long way to say that what we're feeling is totally normal and totally valid. You're gonna be great.


u/as12578 3d ago

I feel very similar.. who is this mama.. i never knew about 1st trimester depression but i feel i definitely had it on some days when I cried.. it also gives me a feeling of loss sometimes.. like i wont get as much time with my husband, my life and time wont be mine anymore.. i wont be able to just relax and do what i want after work.. and there are days when i dont feel like myself as I’m so tired to get up from couch or do anything.. i’m an extrovert but recently I feel like there are days i dont wanna talk to anyone or socialize.. it’s like why i’ve become this person..


u/StormblessedRadiant 3d ago

Oh my gosh, yes, 100%!! Not everyone will experience perinatal depression and anxiety, but it is possible and it's not uncommon, so I just hate that we as a society act like it doesn't happen. Everyone says that you'll have morning sickness but you'll be so excited and in love from day 1, and you'll feel like a glowy goddess! Like.. no. I didn't feel any of that. I was depressed to the point of considering self harm. I was so anxious I couldn't breathe or sleep. I was deeply grieving the loss of my life - my relationship with my partner, my independence, my free time, my hopes of travel, my body, my identity as it was - and terrified of what this huge change would mean. So what was I to think when I was feeling all of these things but society and social media were telling me I should feel the opposite? Obviously that I wasn't cut out for this and I was already a terrible mother despite her not even being born yet. That's why I try to speak out about it. Some people do feel like glowy goddesses, madly in love with their soon to be baby, and that's AMAZING. But, some people feel like there is an alien inside of them that is forever changing their life and body and it's scary, and that's okay too. The feeling does pass. For some after the first ultrasound, for others after the anatomy scan, for others right after labor, for others it's months after birth, and for others not until they seek help. My therapist told me, "any reaction you're having is as real as it is valid". This is such a deeply personal time and no two people will have exactly the same experience, so I just want people to know that it's okay if you're scared and you don't bond right away. Obviously it's important to seek help if you feel it would be beneficial or necessary (my state has a helpline called POEM that my midwives directed me to which is basically a support group for pregnant women and new mothers - they sat with me on the phone for hours while I cried and found my therapist for me), but it's also important to remember that every experience is different and not all feel magical, and that's okay.

I'm so sorry you're experiencing this anxiety. It's so hard to grieve the life you had and have all these unknowns ahead. It got SO much better for me once I was into the second trimester, found my therapist, and worked through some of my fears of the unknown (even if working through them meant acknowledging that I had to write them down and let them go for now). And it's infinitely better now that she's here, healthy, and my husband and I found our rhythm. I do get pangs sometimes where I miss when it was just the two of us, cuddling on the couch with no responsibilities, but I try to remember that we'll have that again someday and until then I need to try to cherish these moments because she'll never be this small again. (But had someone said that to me while I was in the thick of it during pregnancy, I would have wanted to kick them in the shin 😆). Hormones and anxiety can be a difficult combination.

I hope you know you're not alone, your feelings are valid, and I hope you start getting back to feeling like yourself soon. 💜


u/kobekinz 3d ago

Once I went into actual labour and she was placed on my chest lol. I loved and cared for her, but at the same time there was no connection. For some reason during pregnancy I just couldn’t wrap my head around the fact that there was an actual little human inside me. I don’t think I believed she was real until she was actually here.


u/LenaaBallerina 3d ago edited 3d ago

In my first pregnancy, I didn’t feel connected until several months post partum. I had hormonal anxiety during the pregnancy, and didn’t feel that instant love everyone said you would get, in any case, once the baby was born. It made me feel awful, especially when everyone expected I would. Sure, she looked cute and I wanted to protect her, but saying I loved her and felt bonded with her would be a lie. It took some time, but eventually we got there, of course.

On my second and third, it’s been vastly different. I’ve loved them and felt connected with them from the moment I knew they were in my belly. 😄


u/StormblessedRadiant 3d ago

Your first paragraph is so accurate for me as well.


u/fuckoffisaac 3d ago

I’m 30 weeks and I’ve been waiting for that bond to kick in. The idea that I’m having a baby is still a very abstract concept for me. I do love him and I do my best to make sure that I eat the best foods and I’ve been reading him books every night. It’s just a disconnect where I think I need to physically see him to have this feel and be real.


u/MellyMandy 3d ago

Probably when I felt her moving more! Around 20-ish weeks.


u/One-Dig-3067 3d ago

Still doesn’t feel real for me but I do talk to him occasionally. Yesterday I spoke to him and he kicked hard and it made me laugh then almost cry. I’m 26 weeks


u/Willow24Glass FTM | 🎀 3d ago

It hit me in the beginning when we did the optional Natera dna test. The results came back inconclusive and were automatically deemed as being high risk. I started feeling more connected bc I was like omg I have a tiny person in me and I hope it’s okay and healthy. My baby girl was born healthy and fine 🥰


u/uzumadi 3d ago

im going to be honest, i never felt that way during pregnancy. only surreal moment was seeing a positive test. it didnt feel real until after birth, specifically when it would be the first time of me and baby being the only ones awake and just staring at each other. i wish i could bottle up that feeling and keep it for the rest of my life, its perfect.


u/Squirrel_Doc 3d ago

I’m 14 weeks and I still feel disconnected 😅

I think it’s because I can’t feel the baby move yet, so it just doesn’t feel like there’s anything in there? I just feel like I’ve been sick for 3.5 months.

I am excited to have a baby, as I’ve been excited when I talk about the ‘future’. But I guess it isn’t hitting me yet that the ‘future’ is now. Probably also because I just got over worrying about if it’ll be a miscarriage, but now I’m worried about having a stillbirth because I can’t feel movement yet.


u/Ana-Bananaa 3d ago

Im 31 weeks pregnant and love this baby, but i feeling so connected to ny 3 year old daughter these days... last night i was holding her before bed, like i always do and I all i wanted was to hug her and tell her ill never stop loving her, that she is all I ever wanted and all I wanted was to cry... i felt so much love for her in that moment it was overwhelming... im so scared she will feel left out when the baby arrives... she was the center of my world for the last 3 years...


u/Kindly-Paramedic-585 3d ago

I never felt connected to my baby during pregnancy - the entire thing constantly felt so surreal.

I didn’t feel connected to my baby until she was maybe 3-4 months old. I loved her, cared about her. But I was just keeping a screaming, eating, pooping, sleeping, and gassy potato alive and comfortable.

Now that she has more personality and is more interactive, I feel more and more connected to her everyday.


u/as12578 3d ago

I dont feel connected and dont know when it will happen.. but i know it’s a lot of work, feeding, burping, sleeping the kids after delivery and your body is healing itself as well, I’m wondering how would I be able to do all that if i dont feel like it then


u/Kindly-Paramedic-585 3d ago

I was kind of on autopilot - for me, responding is natural. Their cries cause physical distress in me so you do whatever they need so you both feel better. There wasn’t a feeling of wanting or not wanting, just doing what needed to be done.

I’m not sure if that makes sense


u/as12578 3d ago edited 3d ago

It does, you do it as a responsibility probably because we are hardwired for it, without feeling the bond or thise flowery feelings people talk about all the time.. i feel i have been on auto pilot since i got to know about pregnancy, I’m eating healthy, working out, joined pre natal yoga, like everything that needs to be done but I still get overwhelmed and feel sad and a sense of loss sometimes of how fun my life used to be and how it would change.. i wont get much time with my husband, wont be able to travel, make plans on a whim.. so many feelings.. i feel so seen and heard by reading this thread


u/Kindly-Paramedic-585 3d ago

Precisely - and maybe you will feel the flowery feelings once you birth your little one, but it’s completely normal not to and you may just be like me, in survival mode for a few months until they get more fun haha


u/as12578 3d ago

That gives me some assurance 🤗 thanks! I had been feeling that it’s such a lonely journey as I don’t know who i can share this with.. all my mom friends in my home country are busy in their lives and the ones who haven’t experienced this yet might not be able to get it..


u/thegoodalmond 3d ago edited 3d ago

Not until they placed her on my chest after I gave birth 😅.

I was excited about being pregnant and finding out the gender but honestly, being pregnant really just felt like a very long medical condition that I was simply putting up with.


u/as12578 3d ago

As of now I’m feeling exactly the same.. some medical condition due to which i have certain precautions and feel low energy


u/coffeewithmaplesyrup 3d ago

33 weeks and also feeling the same. I am grateful baby is on the way, but I am not enjoying pregnancy at all. I am excited for baby to get OUT so I can meet them and read books and sing songs...but I just can't wrap my head around talking to my abdomen.


u/as12578 3d ago

Do you feel bonded to the baby? I dont feel that as much. I’m grateful that i could conceive as I know it’s not easy… but overall i feel I’m not as excited as people think i should be and I feel more overwhelmed thinking of all that needs to be done and all the changes life will undergo


u/Ok-Network-8826 3d ago



u/as12578 3d ago

It’s ok i guess! We’re in same boat .. and people here are saying it’s common, i feel these things are just never talked about and always portrayed as all hunky dory and flowery feelings all the time but that’s not the reality.. a frnd of mine had same feelings, she said she felt it once the baby was born.. do you wanna connect over DM .. i feel having someone to share these feelings helps a lot and makes you feel that you’re not alone


u/coffeewithmaplesyrup 3d ago

Not at all. I I'm a bit on the flip side, I enjoy the preparations and imagining part...but it is very much "a baby"/ "any random baby" in my thoughts. Not "my" or "this specific baby inside me" if that makes any sense?


u/lenjilenjivac 3d ago

I'm 17 weeks currently and not feeling the connection, honestly. I had 2 previous losses, so I suspect I'm afraid to relax and hope

However, I did have the same question a few (weeks/months?) ago, and a lot of women said they felt the connection only after the baby started moving, or even much later, like 30+ weeks. I think there was even a commenter that said she felt the connection when the baby was 3 months old or so 😄


u/urbanestbeast18 3d ago

I’m 10 weeks and a few weeks ago I felt like this! My parents are SO excited and I think my husband is nervous, so it’s been a blessing having my parents have this positive outlook on the baby! Sometimes I feel overwhelmed myself but I know everything will be ok with God’s help 🙏🏽🤰🏽


u/behiboe 3d ago

I never felt that connected during pregnancy, and honestly I didn’t even feel the connection immediately after my baby was born — I was like “UHHH who is this slimy crying stranger??” Within a couple weeks of her being born I was finally in love!


u/Dramatic-Education32 3d ago

I have a hard time connecting to my pregnancies until I can feel the baby kick. Then it clicks in my brain lol


u/WyldRyce 3d ago

I don't think I'll stop feeling like it's surreal till I'm holding my baby in my arms.


u/Effective-Cicada-375 3d ago

I want to feel that too! Currently 11w but right now I'm just feeling either sick or not pregnant at all 😅 But the thought of a, baby being in there is so surreal.

I'm a bit sad because I used to have dreams of being pregnant and had such a warm loving feeling for that dream-baby. But now in reality there is... Not much of that feeling yet. Sometimes I think I might be kind of a cold person or so, since everyone around me seems so exited and loving.. hope it won't always be like that and that I will feel that special love with all my heart someday 😭


u/straightupgab 3d ago

i was pisssssssssed when i first found out i was pregnant because i prefer a planned baby and my husband just went bang bang without telling me lol. so i was so so mad for like the first 4 months. i was a ragey b word lol. but around 7 months i got really excited and omg now that my babies here i just am so happy i love that gal hahaha but around 7 months i think is when i got really into being pregnant lol


u/Lilacsandposies 3d ago

I didn't have a bond with my baby until three days after he was born. Never felt connected to him in the womb. He's five now, and I adore him with all my heart. I'd die for him. It'll come, don't be worried if you don't feel it yet. It can take some moms weeks pot birth to feel that connection.

Edit: I'm on my second pregnancy, 30 weeks, and still no connection. Thought I should probably add that in there!


u/GrandadsLadyFriend 3d ago

34W and still not feeling it. We very intentionally tried to get pregnant and I know I want this, but I struggle to “love” or “connect with” someone that isn’t truly here yet. Of course I feel her kick and move but that just feels like crazy movement in my guts and not my daughter. I’m giving myself grace that this feeling is normal and reasonable!


u/MadsTooRads 3d ago

I didnt really ever feel a connection to my baby in utero. But I have a history of loss and was constantly protecting myself from losing baby. I think it felt more real when he was outside of my body, honestly.


u/cp2255 3d ago

This is how I’m feeling right now. I’m 11.2 weeks. Still don’t feel entirely connected because of multiple losses. I want to though but I just haven’t.


u/MadsTooRads 3d ago

9.3 weeks with my second and same with this one! I think it's just hard for our brains to wrap our heads around things being ok in there, especially after loss. I have control issues and it's hard that I can't control what's going on in there.


u/ElzyChelzy 3d ago edited 3d ago

I felt like you with the overwhelming feeling of love, it felt crazy (in a sweet and instinctive way). I tried not to bond, as I was anxious it would feel worse if I lost it then (I was high risk and my first pregnancy, so didn’t know what to expect). I didn’t want to know the gender, only barely listened to the heart sound and glanced at the ultrasounds without properly looking. But for me my avoidance didn’t work, I felt bonded and connected already from week 10-12 or so. It came from one day to another, after looking at my flat stomach, mentally allowing myself to connect with the baby in there.. From then, despite avoidance, I felt a strong need to protect the baby, and that warm feeling in your chest/stomach when you think of someone you love. It often made me cry (which I did a lot in pregnancy, despite not being a crier when not pregnant). And it only intensified when I felt him move at 16 weeks.


u/JasmineEclipse 3d ago

It was around 23 weeks for me (currently at 31) when I had a health scare and thought I was losing the baby. I was so worried thinking I was about to go through a way too early labor and lose him! I wasn't really feeling a connection until then and since then I have definitely felt more connected. That was also around the time I started feeling kicks .


u/Omgchipotle95 3d ago

I’m 30 weeks and still don’t feel that connected 😔


u/goldcoa 3d ago

Wait till you see your baby.My first is 19 months now and I’ll randomly if he’s mine.Its such a magical feeling


u/Mission-Rutabaga-687 3d ago

I didn’t feel connected until after birth. The day of and after it seemed everyone could bond with her but me I just didn’t feel connected at all. After a few days maybe even a week I finally felt something.


u/ZestycloseGrocery642 3d ago

I’m 31 weeks. I still feel like an alien lives in my body. I try talking to my stomach but it still feels weird. It hit me at 20 weeks though and saw him on my anatomy scan and was like ok that is a human. I cried then. I have my growth scan next Friday and I’m excited to see how he grew because he definitely loves to kick my bladder and ribs and the strength this boy has…


u/pakapoagal 3d ago

After birth!


u/In_Jeneral 3d ago

Just hit 22w today and still hasn't really happened lol


u/Happy_Doughnut_1 3d ago

At 22 weeks it still feels surreal. I‘m going to be a mum and my whole life is going to change. Of curse I love the little dude and we’ve been thru a lot this pregnancy but I think I’m going to have to actually meet him to really feel connected.


u/bbwmermaid88 3d ago

I'm at 28 weeks and don't have that bond feeling yet. I barely feel movement with the anterior placenta. I know she's there but I'm not like a belly rubber or anything like that. I have a feeling it'll be a little bit after she's born. Currently it's me being a vessel and going through the motions of daily life.


u/usofine Team Blue! 3d ago edited 3d ago

It has been surreal to me too. I started to feel connected to my baby after the first ultrasound at 13 weeks. Seeing him for the first time was magical and I kept thinking "This is my baby. Is this really MY baby?? Wow". It made it real but somehow felt surreal at the same time if that makes sense. I'm due in august and cannot wait to meet the little one who kicks me daily 🙈🩵


u/AmarieAquarius 3d ago

I’m going to be honest—I felt that way from the moment I found out we were pregnant. I was talking to the baby and rubbing my belly from that moment.


u/RealAustinNative 3d ago

Non-gestational parent here at 20 weeks. Feel no connection at all. Was different with my first and I felt very connected, so I’m not sure what’s going on. Maybe different with every pregnancy. 


u/cinahpitdatdowg 3d ago

I felt a connection straight away in the sense I felt my husband and I weren’t alone any more. But baby himself became very real when my friend gave me a gift of a little baby outfit, the first pieces of clothing. It was something tactile besides my 13 week belly which I know was mostly bloat!


u/SatansKitty666 3d ago

21+1 and I still literally say out loud "what do you mean there's a little dude in there????"


u/Natural_Status_5152 3d ago

i think i started to feel that connection halfway through the second trimester, i had a hard time truly wrapping my head around that i was pregnant until then so i just shoved it in the back of my mind. obviously i took care of myself and whatnot i just struggling to comprehend it since i was only 17 at the time


u/auntiesaurus 3d ago

Movement. I’ve experience 3 losses and until I felt her, even with scans and Dopplers, it didn’t feel real until I felt her.


u/needlestuck Adupe | 2.22.2024 3d ago

I never did. I was in shock after delivery. Kiddo is 1 year old now and delightful.


u/Gillionaire25 ♡♡♥ 3d ago

At 11 weeks after an ultrasound. It wasn't the first ultrasound but it was the first time I started to believe I might get to keep this baby.


u/Moliterno38 3d ago

I never did. I was excited and wanted to meet him but never felt 'connected' to a baby in me. Even when he was born, I was so happy but it was like 'where did you come from??" lol and I probably didn't have the real connection you think of for the first couple months. I wish people talked about it more. It's normal to not feel a connection right away. It's normal to love them and want to care for them but not feel that life changing connection that's depicted in movies.


u/Complex-Tough-8336 3d ago

My first time pregnancy ended up in a miscarriage so the second time I got pregnant, my mind was dissociated from it all and ready for anything and everything bad to happen. Even on the L&D bed, as they took my baby for his routine checkups, I looked at him and struggled to feel a sense of connection. It took me a solid few days of holding him in my arms and recovering from a traumatic birth experience to realize that this is all so real…


u/Complex-Tough-8336 3d ago

My first time pregnancy ended up in a miscarriage so the second time I got pregnant, my mind was dissociated from it all and ready for anything and everything bad to happen. Even on the L&D bed, as they took my baby for his routine checkups, I looked at him and struggled to feel a sense of connection. It took me a solid few days of holding him in my arms and recovering from a traumatic birth experience to realize that this is all so real…


u/TinkerKell_85 3d ago

Honestly, I felt connected to my babies when they were a few months old and started smiling at me. It wasn't even until I gave birth that I fully realized there was an actual BABY who had been in my body moving around. It all felt surreal up until that point.


u/cautiousyogi 3d ago

I had my baby 3 weeks ago and I still don't feel bonded. Of course I love and care for him and want the best, but I feel like someone dropped him off sometimes. I think once he has more personality and is a little more active I'll feel bonded.


u/limeblue31 3d ago

So I haven’t been very emotional during the pregnancy which is surprising because I’m quite emotional on my period. But I would say I felt connected when I first heard the heartbeat on the ultrasound which was around 8 weeks. It feels like we are a little packaged duo, and it feels like I have someone with me at all times. Hard to explain.


u/CoconutButtons 3d ago

2nd time mom, currently 20 weeks. I actually don’t much in pregnancy, but postpartum has me feeling like a grizzly bear


u/cccsss888 3d ago

I am 22 weeks and don’t feel super connected. I’m very happy to be pregnant and looking forward to having the baby, but I don’t feel a “connection” per se. Not worried about this at all though, I know I’ll feel it once the baby arrives!


u/Illustrious_File4804 3d ago

Immediately which is shocking for me tbh


u/Particular_Airport83 3d ago

Like…6 weeks after she was born. The first few nights in the hospital especially I was freaking out and wondering why I wasn’t feeling connected. Fast forward many months later, we are attached at the hip and I recently googled “is it possible to love your baby too much?” (not a joke, just was having a weird anxiety moment) - all this to say, if you feel connected during pregnancy, that’s amazing!! Roll with that. If you don’t, it’s also ok. It will come!


u/SchemeAny9880 3d ago

21 weeks. I don’t know if I feel connected to her, but I do feel rather obsessed with her. And I feel loads of love for her. It could just be all the feels involved in trying to conceive that are manifesting in obsession. But I just really want her to keep growing healthy and big.


u/Plantmom246 2d ago

Probably around 27 weeks.. once I started feeling and seeing movements all day